Dane Badawcze - Katalog Danych Badawczych - MOST Wiedzy


Katalog Danych Badawczych - LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

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wszystkich: 29

Katalog Danych Badawczych

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 3.0 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.16 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.15

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.14

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.13

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.12

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.11

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.10

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.9

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.8

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.7

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.6

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.5

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.4

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.3

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.2

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.1

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.0 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.10 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.9 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.8 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.7 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.6 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.5 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.4 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.3 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.2 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.1 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...

  • LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.0 - seria: LEGO

    The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...