This is the histopathological image of LIVER AND INTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
The detailed information about the patient, sample, and diagnosis are as follows:
Age: 52
Clinical description: Liver cirrhosis.
Gender: Female
Diagnosis:Classification: ICD-10_10-20
Classification code: Chapter XI - Diseases of the digestive system
Diagnosis: Hepatic fibrosis
Result of the histopathological examination: (Liver oligobiopsy in 2 sections, including 1 partially fragmented.) More than half of the portal spaces are significantly or very significantly dilated, contain an abundant and very abundant number of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytic, with an admixture of not very numerous eosinophils, separating fairly well from the lobule borderline; the remaining portal spaces were usually slightly widened. Within the most dilated portal spaces, lymph nodes forming, quite numerous HPCs-line cells differentiating into hepatocytes, and bile duct proliferation (well shown in IHC staining for CK7 and CK19) are visible; the basement membrane of some bile ducts is focally crossed by individual lymphocytic cells. In the examined biopsy there are features of marked intensified periportal fibrosis with formation of incomplete fibrous bridges, and not too numerous but quite thick fibrous bridges of the portal-portal type and a single portal-central type bridge; there are also minor foci of intramedullary fibrosis. In fever, not too many hepatocytes are found, showing the features of: cytoplasmic degeneration or intracellular bile stagnation, or glycogenic degeneration of the testes. The microscopic image of the examined biopsy shows progressive fibrosis of the organ (without cirrhosis). However, taking into account the morphological and clinical picture and the results of laboratory tests [positive anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) in the blood serum], the onset of primary cirrhosis (PBC) cannot be ruled out. IHC: SMA - numerous activated hepatic stellate cells; Turnbull's blue (for the presence of Fe ++) - negative.
Sample:Material: FFPE
Collecting method: Surgical specimen
Tissue: Liver
Type of staining: positive/IHC
Staining: Not applicable
Antibody: CK 7
Technology:Equipment: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech
Lens: 20x
Organization:Source: Medical University Gdańsk
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- Licencja:
otwiera się w nowej karcie
CC BY-NC-SAUżycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkach - Dane surowe:
- Dane zawarte w datasecie nie zostały w żaden sposób przetworzone.
- Oprogramowanie:
- CaseViewer 2.3
Informacje szczegółowe
- Rok publikacji:
- 2022
- Data zatwierdzenia:
- 2022-05-10
- Data wytworzenia:
- 2022
- Język danych badawczych:
- angielski
- Dyscypliny:
- nauki medyczne (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu)
- DOI:
- Identyfikator DOI 10.34808/je6e-7s76 otwiera się w nowej karcie
- Ethical papers:
- NKBBN/421-306/2020
- Weryfikacja:
- Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
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