mgr inż. Patryk Błaszczak
- Doktorant w Szkoła Doktorska
- Doktorant w Instytut Nanotechnologii i Inżynierii Materiałowej
- Doktorant w Laboratorium Materiałów Funkcjonalnych ETI
wszystkich: 17
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 – RE2O3 (RE=Y, Gd) bilayers as protective interconnect coatings for Solid Oxide Cells
PublikacjaEfficient replacement of materials based on critical elements such as cobalt is one of the greatest challenges facing the field of solid oxide cells. New generation materials, free of cobalt show potential to replace conventional materials. However, these materials are characterized by poor ability to block chromium diffusion. This article described the study of CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 (CMFO) spinel combined with single metal oxide (Y2O3...
Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of MnCo1.5Fe0.5O4Spinel for Oxygen Evolution Reaction through Heat Treatment
PublikacjaMnCo1.5Fe0.5O4 spinel oxide was synthesized using the sol−gel technique, followed by heat treatment at various temperatures (400, 600, 800, and 1000 °C). The prepared materials were examined as anode electrocatalysts for watersplitting systems in alkaline environments. Solid-state characterization methods, such as powder X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), were used to analyze the materials’ crystallographic...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ oxygen electrode materials for low-temperature solid oxide cells operating at 400 °C
PublikacjaThis work evaluates partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ (LSC) as a potential oxygen electrode for lowtemperature solid oxide cells. LSC was deposited using the spin-coating technique onto Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (CGO) substrates. The optimal oxygen electrode thickness was determined as 500 nm. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study showed a significant improvement in oxygen reduction/oxidation reaction kinetics when annealing...
Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide
PublikacjaNanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxides doped with transition metals have gained significant interest recently, mostly in the field of catalysis. Herein, we present the comprehensive studies on ceria doped with 10 mol.% of transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) synthesized by the reverse microemulsion method. The aim of this work is to study the properties of those materials with the use of different complementary methods like XRD,...
Rok 2023
Fabrication of wormhole-like YSZ and Ni-YSZ by the novel soft-hard template CTAB/NaCl-assisted route. Suppressing Ni coalescence in SOFC
PublikacjaA novel one-pot synthesis route leading to the formation of a wormhole-like structure was developed for the successful fabrication of porous YSZ and Ni-YSZ systems. This method involved co-precipitation in the presence of the micelle-forming agents CTAB/Pluronic P123 and crystallising NaCl. The obtained skeletons were mechanically stable and presented almost 50% uniform, open porosity without using any additional pore-formers....
Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ on structural, electrical, and electrochemical properties for potential oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells
PublikacjaThis work presents the results of a comprehensive study on the impact of the A-site non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (x = 0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.05) ceramics on their physicochemical properties. The materials were fabricated by the conventional solid-state reaction method and their structure was determined by X-ray diffractometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Their sintering and thermal expansion...
Tailoring a low-energy ball milled MnCo2O4 spinel catalyst to boost oxygen evolution reaction performance
PublikacjaThe development of cost-efficient oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts is one of the most important tasks facing modern techniques for hydrogen production. In this work, for the first time, a low-energy ball milling process of MnCo2O4 (MCO) spinel powders, with a mechanical modification time exceeding 1 day was used. After 6 days of ball-milling, the obtained overpotential of the electrocatalyst reached the value of 375 mV...
Tuning of eg electron occupancy of MnCo2O4 spinel for oxygen evolution reaction by partial substitution of Co by Fe at octahedral sites
PublikacjaTo study the effect of partial Co substitution by Fe in the B site of MnCo2O4 spinel on its physicochemical and electrochemical properties, a series of MnCo2-xFexO4 powders (x=0.125; 0.250; 0.500; 0.750; 1.000) were synthesized by means of the sol-gel method. The produced powders were characterized by powder X ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM & TEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy...
Rok 2022
Cu supported on various oxides as a candidate catalyst for dry methane reforming in DIR-SOFCs systems
PublikacjaA series of Cu-support systems were tested as potential candidates for DIR-SOFC (Direct Internal Reforming SOFC) catalysts towards a dry reforming of methane (DRM). The various supports (-Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, SrTiO3) with comparable specific surface area (SSA), and additionally -Al2O3 with SSA an order of magnitude larger than that of the other supports has been applied. The obtained Cu-support systems were characterized in terms...
High-temperature Co-electrolysis of CO2/H2O and direct methanation over Co-impregnated SOEC. Bimetallic synergy between Co and Ni
PublikacjaTo study the synergy between the transition metals for enhancing the electrochemical and chemical activity, a series of SOECs were modified with a small amount of Co ions, namely 1.8, 3.6, and 5.4 wt% in the reduced state. The addition of βCD into the precursor solution allowed for extremely fine dispersion of Co species across the Ni-YSZ cermet structure. The sample containing 3.6 wt% Co reached an outstanding over 2.5-times-higher...
Preparation of methanation catalysts for high temperature SOEC by β-cyclodextrin-assisted impregnation of nano-CeO2 with transition metal oxides
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to prepare and examine the catalytic activity of nanometric CeO2 decorated with transition metal oxides – Ni, Co, Cu, Fe and Mn – towards a high-temperature methanation process under SOEC CO2/H2O simulated co-electrolysis conditions. Samples were prepared using the wet impregnation method via the conventional process and with the addition of native cyclodextrin. The influence of β-cyclodextrin (βCD) onto...
Rok 2021
Glass-ceramic sealants and steel interconnects: accelerated interfacial stability and reactivity tests at high temperature
PublikacjaHigh-temperature reactions between glass-ceramic sealants and Fe-Cr alloy interconnects may lead to the formation of undesirable phases, and consequently degradation of solid oxide fuel/electrolyser devices. In this work, three different glass-ceramic sealants (Na-containing, Ba-containing, Sr-containing compositions) and Fe22Cr stainless steel powders (raw and pre-oxidised) are considered in order to test their chemical reactivity...
The effect of Fe on chemical stability and oxygen evolution performance of high surface area SrTix-1FexO3-δ mixed ionic-electronic conductors in alkaline media
PublikacjaDevelopment of environmentally friendly, high performing oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts is an important research challenge. In this work, iron doped strontium titanates with a general formula SrTi1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.35, 0.50, 0.70, 0.90, and 1.00) denoted as STFx, were synthesized via a solid state reaction technique and characterized in terms of oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysis in an alkaline electrolyte (0.1...
Rok 2020
Exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on the surface of cerium and nickel co-doped lanthanum strontium titanate as a new anodic layer for DIR-SOFC. Anti-coking potential and H2S poisoning resistance of the prepared material
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to evaluate a new catalytic material for biogas fueled DIR-SOFC. This material was a perovskite-type SrTiO3 doped with La, Ce and Ni of a general formula La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-σ (LSCNT). Additional preparation steps were undertaken to promote a nickel exsolution process. Heat post-treatment of powders in a humidified H2 resulted in an intensive growth of nickel nanoparticles (NPs) while the temperature...
Structural and catalytic properties of ceria layers doped with transition metals for SOFCs fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper was to investigate an influence of the nanocrystalline Ce0.8A0.2O2-δ (A = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) materials on the direct internal reforming of biogas in SOFC. Structural analysis of fabricated compounds has been done. An in-situ analysis of a composition of outlet gases from operating SOFC was performed using FTIR spectroscopy with simultaneous electrical tests. It was found out, that type of dopant strongly...
Rok 2019
In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
PublikacjaTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe (z ang. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, SOFCs) zasilane paliwami innymi niż czysty wodór podlegają procesom szybszego niszczenia i utraty zdolności do generowania prądu. Głównymi przyczynami takiego zachowania jest osadzanie się węgla na powierzchni anody oraz zatruwanie materiałów ceramicznych śladowymi ilościami siarki, fosforu lub chloru w paliwach węglowodorowych. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu przez...
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