dr hab. inż. Przemysław Łopato
- Dyrektor Centrum Inżynierii Pól Elektromagnetycznych i Technik Wysokich Częstotliwości w Wydział Elektryczny
- Kierownik Katedry Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Stosowanej w Wydział Elektryczny
- w Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
wszystkich: 59
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Rok 2024
Near-field wave interactions with defects and their implications on sub-wavelength acoustic imaging
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Proposal for an Artificial Neural Network Tool for the Process of Generating Metasurface Unit Cell Geometries
Rok 2023
Influence of a thin dielectric layer on resonance frequencies of square SRR metasurface operating in THz band
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Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Fabrication Process Uncertainty on Terahertz Metasurface Quality
Rok 2022
Application of Selected Fractal Geometry Resonators in Microstrip Strain Sensors
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Qualitative evaluation of 3D printed materials’ structure using active infrared thermography and signal analysis based on LSTM neural networks
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Thin Dielectric Layers Evaluation Using Tunable Split-Ring Resonator Based Metasurface in THz Frequency Range
Rok 2021
A System for Monitoring of Broadband FMR Phenomenon in Low-Carbon Steel Films Subjected to Deformations
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Application of a Single Cell Electric-SRR Metamaterial for Strain Evaluation
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Detection and Identification of Defects in 3D-Printed Dielectric Structures via Thermographic Inspection and Deep Neural Networks
Rok 2020
Glass–Adhesive–Steel Joint Inspection Using Mechanic and High Frequency Electromagnetic Waves
Rok 2019
Double patch sensor for identification of stress level and direction
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Evaluation of Selected Metasurfaces’ Sensitivity to Planar Geometry Distortions
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Microstrip Patch Strain Sensor Miniaturization Using Sierpinski Curve Fractal Geometry
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State-of-the art non-destructive techniques for defects detection in nanocomposites foam-core sandwich panels containing carbon nanotubes: IR thermography and microwave imaging
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X-ray and terahertz imaging as non-destructive techniques for defects detection in nanocomposites foam-core sandwich panels containing carbon nanotubes
Rok 2018
A Circular Microstrip Antenna Sensor for Direction Sensitive Strain Evaluation
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Influence of microstrip line deformation on scattering matrix parameters in strain sensing applications
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Pulsed excitation terahertz tomography – multiparametric approach
Rok 2017
Analiza mikropaskowego czujnika naprężeń z prostokątnym promiennikiem
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Direction sensitive deformation measurement by circular microstrip sensor
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Double-Sided Terahertz Imaging of Multilayered Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
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Microwave Structural Health Monitoring Sensor for Deformation Measurement of Bended Steel Structures: Influence of Curvature Effect
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Terahertz computed tomography with pulsed excitation and multi-parametric reconstruction
Rok 2016
Wind Turbine Blades Inspection Techniques
Rok 2015
Rok 2014
Advances of THz NDE
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Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Nondestructive Evaluation
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Identification of Defects in Composite Materials Using Terahertz Inspection and Self-Organizing Maps
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Low Level Data Fusion of NDT Methods Results for Inspection of Stress Subjected Composite Materials
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Terahertz examination of fatigue loaded composite materials
Rok 2013
Detection and classification of weld defects in industrial radiography with use of advanced AI methods
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Estimation of layered materials dielectric parameters using pulsed terahertz technique
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Full wave numerical modelling of terahertz systems for nondestructive evaluation of dielectric structures
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Pulsed terahertz inspection of non-conducting sandwich composites
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Terahertz detection and identification of defects in layered polymer composites and composite coatings
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The software application and classification algorithms for welds radiograms analysis
Rok 2012
Terahertz and Thermal Testing of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Composites with Impact Damages
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Terahertz Inspection of Composite Materials Reinforced with Basalt Fibers
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THz imaging based catalog of composite materials defects
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Time reversal pulsed terahertz inspection of dielectric structures
Rok 2011
Conceptual Design of an Industrial System for Automatic Radiogram Analysis
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Intelligent System for Radiogram Analysis — Software application
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Numerical modelling of terahertz systems for nondestructive evaluation of dielectric materials
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Terahertz Time Domain Inspection of Composite Coatings for Corrosion Protection
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Testing of composite materials using advanced NDT methods
Rok 2010
wyświetlono 145 razy