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Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Ultra-Compact Quintuple-Band Terahertz Metamaterial Biosensor for Enhanced Blood Cancer Diagnostics
PublikacjaCancer and its diverse variations pose one of the most significant threats to human health and well-being. One of the most aggressive forms is blood cancer, originating from bone marrow cells and disrupting the production of normal blood cells. The incidence of blood cancer is steadily increasing, driven by both genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, early detection is crucial as it enhances treatment outcomes and improves...
Understanding Parental Satisfaction in Caring for Children with Cerebral Palsy
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Unlocking the electrochemical performance of glassy carbon electrodes by surface engineered, sustainable chitosan membranes
PublikacjaChitosan coatings, derived from crustacean shell waste, possess inherent biocompatibility and biodegradability, rendering them suitable for various biomedical and environmental applications, including electrochemical biosensing. Its amine and hydroxyl functional groups offer abundant sites for chemical modifications to boost the charge transfer kinetics and provide excellent adhesion, enabling the construction of robust electrode-coating...
Unraveling Effects of miRNAs Associated with APR Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in Hybrid Forms of Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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UNRES web server: Extensions to nucleic acids, prediction of peptide aggregation, and new types of restrained calculations
PublikacjaThe third version of the UNRES web server is described, in which the range of biological macromolecules treated and calculation types has been extended significantly. DNA and RNA molecules have been added to enable the user to run simulations of their folding/hybridization and dynamics. To increase the accuracy of the simulated proteins models, the restraints on secondary structure have been enhanced to include the probabilities...
Unveiling per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in e-cigarette refill liquids: A comprehensive analytical assessment
PublikacjaA robust analytical method was developed for the determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in e-cigarette refill liquids using solid-phase extraction (SPE) with weak anion-exchange sorbent, followed by detection with high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The design of experiment approach was employed to optimize sample preparation, leading to the validation of the method...
Upcycling of medium-density fiberboard and polyurethane foam wastes into novel composite materials
PublikacjaWhile plastic and e-waste dominate public discourse, municipal waste, particularly bulky wastes pose a significant challenge due to their large-scale generation aligning with the enrichment of society. Their efficient collection and keeping in a loop should be considered among the priorities of municipal waste management. Herein, the presented work presents novel composite materials obtained from flexible polyurethane foams used...
User Well-Being as a Paramount Challenge in Contemporary Built Environment Design: The Architecture of Psychiatric Hospitals and Its Influence on Treatment Processes and the Health, Safety, and Comfort of Patients and Medical Staff—A Systematic Literature Review and Insights from the New European Bauhaus Initiative
PublikacjaThe natural environment, urban systems, and the buildings in which we live, study, work, or undergo treatment affect our mental health. The aim of this literature review was to verify the state of knowledge on the impact of the forms of psychiatric hospital buildings and the architectural solutions used inside these facilities on their comfort and safety of use, more effective forms of therapy, and the health of patients, as well...
Utilizing Cement Kiln Dust as an Efficient Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Removal in Wastewater Treatment
PublikacjaCement kiln dust (CKD), a by-product of cement manufacturing, has been largely underutilized despite its potential as an eco-friendly adsorbent for wastewater treatment. This study addresses the knowledge gap regarding CKD’s effectiveness in removing heavy metals from wastewater residuals. A comprehensive experimental program was conducted to optimize key parameters such as the pH (6–9), contact time, sorbent dosage, and initial heavy...
Utilizing UAV and orthophoto data with bathymetric LiDAR in google earth engine for coastal cliff degradation assessment
PublikacjaThis study introduces a novel methodology for estimating and analysing coastal cliff degradation, using machine learning and remote sensing data. Degradation refers to both natural abrasive processes and damage to coastal reinforcement structures caused by natural events. We utilized orthophotos and LiDAR data in green and near-infrared wavelengths to identify zones impacted by storms and extreme weather events that initiated mass...
UV light-activated gas mixture sensing by ink-printed WS2 layer
PublikacjaWe fabricated a sensing layer from ink-printed WS2 flakes and utilized it for UV-activated gas sensing. The optical imaging of the structure made by repeated printing revealed the continuous layer comprising sub-µm flakes, confirmed independently by small-area AFM images (1×1 µm2). The activity of the sensing surface was investigated locally via AFM scanning of the surface with a polarized probing tip. The results indicated that...
Rok 2024
UAV measurements and AI-driven algorithms fusion for real estate good governance principles support
PublikacjaThe paper introduces an original method for effective spatial data processing, particularly important for land administration and real estate governance. This approach integrates Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data acquisition and processing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geometric Transformation algorithms. The results reveal that: (1) while the separate applications of YOLO and Hough Transform algorithms achieve building detection...
UAV-Based Hyperspectral Ultraviolet-Visible Interpolated Reflectance Images for Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index
PublikacjaDespite its relation to a number of environmental parameters, ultraviolet (UV) reflectance is rarely used in remote sensing. In this study, we investigate the applicability of UV-vis reflectance for vegetation monitoring with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). We measure point reflectance over the study area using a UAV-borne spectrometer, project the points onto the Earth's surface, and interpolate them to obtain continuous reflectance...
UE ETS: an in-depth descriptive analysis.
PublikacjaThe European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) plays a pivotal role in the EU’s strategy to address climate change, serving as a fundamental instrument for cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, it inaugurated the word’s first major carbon market and it continues to the largest one. Chapter 1 provides an in-depth examination of the EU ETS, spanning from its inception in 2005 to 2020. After providing a descriptive...
Ulgi podatkowe w sektorze MŚP - wyniki badań
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka powstała na podstawie rozprawy doktorskiej autora, której podstawowe cele obejmowały zbadanie i określenie, czy i w jakim stopniu preferencje podatkowe w postaci ulg i zwolnień są wykorzystywane przez przedsiębiorców należących do sektora MŚP. Celem poznawczym niniejszej pracy jest uporządkowanie wiedzy na temat stymulacyjnej funkcji podatków realizowanej poprzez system ulg i zwolnień. Badanie składało się z czterech...
Ultra-Compact Self-Quadruplexing Microfluidically Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Using Half-Mode SIW
PublikacjaIn this brief, the design of an ultra-compact self-quadruplexing frequency reconfigurable antenna (SQFRA) utilizing a half-mode substrate-integrated waveguide (HMSIW) and microfluidic channels is discussed. Four HMSIW cavities fed by four microstrip lines and slots are used to construct a highly compact antenna. The microstrip feedings to the HMSIW cavities are applied in such a way that the proposed antenna exhibits self-quadruplexing...
Ultrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of cerium oxide-based compound
PublikacjaUltrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) is an innovative sintering technique that can densify ceramics in a few seconds, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint and firing costs. In this work, the feasibility of applying UHS in Gd-doped ceria (GDC) and GDC-Er-stabilized bismuth oxide (ESB) composite powders was investigated. At high UHS currents (22-24 A), a fully dense GDC sample with a large grain size was obtained. Nonetheless,...
Ultrahigh Quantum Efficiency Near-Infrared-II Emission Achieved by Cr3+ Clusters to Ni2+ Energy Transfer
PublikacjaIncreasing demand for near-infrared-II (NIR-II) light sources requires improved NIR-II phosphors. We present a series of phosphors codoped with Cr3+ and Ni2+ that possess NIRII emission with an unprecedented internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of 97.4%. Our study reveals an energy transfer mechanism involving clusters of Cr3+ where luminescent centers are closely matched in energy and where the Ni2+ emission intensity can be tuned...
Ultra-Miniaturized HMSIW Cavity-Backed Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Dielectric Fluids with Wide Frequency Tuning Range
PublikacjaThis communication presents an ultra-miniaturized two-way frequency tunable antenna diplexer based on cavity-backed slots and dielectric fluids. The proposed antenna utilizes two half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular cavities loaded with slots and fluidic pockets. The conventional size reduction is achieved by employing half-mode cavities, whereas ultra-miniaturization is obtained by applying the slots, which provides additional...
Ultra-rare ultra-care: Assessing the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases
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Ultrastructure of the Bovine Testis in Cattle (Bos taurus): New View
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Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna with an Integrated Noise-Rejecting Parasitic Notch Filter for Online Partial Discharge Detection
PublikacjaPower transformers and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) play crucial roles in electrical power grids. However, they may suffer from degradation of insulation material due to wear and tear, leading to their imminent failure. Partial discharges (PDs) are an initial sign of insulation materials degradation which emit signals spanning various physical domains, including electromagnetic. PDs are temporally narrow, high-frequency, stochastic...
Umbilical and Placental Derivatives in Temporomandibular Joint Treatment: A Systematic Review
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Unbounded quantum advantage in communication complexity measured by distinguishability
PublikacjaCommunication complexity is a fundamental aspect of information science, concerned with the amount of communication required to solve a problem distributed among multiple parties. The standard quantification of one-way communication complexity relies on the minimal dimension of the communicated systems. In this paper, we measure the communication complexity of a task by the minimal distinguishability required to accomplish it,...
Under the Fire of Disinformation. Attitudes Towards Fake News in the Ukrainian Frozen War
PublikacjaIn this article, we examine individual attitudes towards fake news in the extreme conditions of a propaganda war, taking into account the complex regional social and historical conditions. For this purpose, within the mobile boundary zone during frozen war in Ukraine, we conducted qualitative research among representatives of generations X and Z (high school teachers and students). Being accustomed to fake news turned out to be...
Understanding the Dominant Physics Mechanisms on the p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated by Scalable Slot-Die Coating Process in Ambient Air
PublikacjaPerovskite solar cells (PSC) are emerging technologies that have shown continuous improvement in power conversion efficiency (PCE) and stability. However, a very important aspect that has been seldom considered is the reproducibility of PCE of PSC devices. It is possible to achieve PCE from 10.21% to 17.05% using scalable slot-die-coating technique. However, a spatial distribution of performance is clearly observed for device samples...
Understanding the joint evolution of dispersal and host specialisation using phytophagous arthropods as a model group
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Understanding the Ukrainian Migrants Challenges in the EU: A Topic Modeling Approach
PublikacjaConfronted with the aggression against Ukraine in 2022, Europe faces one of the most important humanitarian challenges - the migration of war refugees from Ukraine, most of them women with children and the elderly. Both international institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations, but also national governments and, above all, local governments, which are the main providers of services and resources for refugees,...
Underwater Electrochemical Offshore Tests of a Paint Coating Applied in Water on the Legs of an Oil Production Platform
PublikacjaThis paper presents the methodology developed for underwater measurements using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique, aimed at determining the resistance of an epoxy coating applied in seawater to the legs of an oil production platform. Performing such underwater tests in an offshore environment was technically challenging. The results of measurements obtained on the platform were confronted with comparative results...
Unequally-Spaced Slot Strategy for Radiation Null Reduction in Single SIW-Embedded Antenna Element
PublikacjaThe incorporation of higher-order modes (HOMs) can substantially augment the antenna gain and bandwidth, but this improvement is typically accompanied by compromised radiation performance including radiation nulls and higher side lobe levels. In this study, an inventive strategy is introduced to reduce the radiation nulls and the side lobe levels of a single antenna element by positioning multiple slots of the radiating element...
Uniwersalne uchwyty obróbkowe wykorzystujące siły magnetyczne
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono współczesne konstrukcje uniwersalnych uchwytów przedmiotowych wykorzystujące do zamocowania przedmiotów obrabianych siły magnetyczne. Analizowano uchwyty magnetyczne i elektromagnetyczne w technologia obróbki wiórowej i ściernej oraz w technikach spawalniczych.
Unraveling Energy Transfer and Fluorescence Quenching Dynamics in Biomolecular Complexes: A Comprehensive Study of Imiquimod-Rifampicin Interaction.
PublikacjaIn nature, numerous biomolecules are implicated in charge transfer (CT) and energy transfer (ET) mechanisms crucial for fundamental processes such as photosynthesis. Unveiling these mechanisms is pertinent to multiple disciplines including chemistry, engineering and biochemistry. This letter presents a study involving two molecules forming a model system with efficient ET properties. Specifically, their complex exhibits dark quenching...
Unraveling the role of boron dimers in the electrical anisotropy and superconductivity in boron-doped diamond
PublikacjaWe use quantum mechanics (QM) to determine the states formed by B dopants in diamond. We find that isolated B sites prefer to form BB dimers and that the dimers pair up to form tetramers (BBCBB) that prefer to aggregate parallel to the (111) surface in the <110> direction, one double layer below the H-terminated surface double layer. These tetramers lead to metallic character (Mott metal Insulator Transition) with holes in the...
Unraveling the solar and visible light-induced deactivation mechanism of Pt-decorated carbon/TiO2 nanocomposite in photocatalytic hydrogen production
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Unresectable malignant obstructive jaundice: a 2-year experience of EUS-guided biliary drainage
PublikacjaObjectives: Endoscopic biliary drainage is a first-line treatment in patients with unresectable malignant biliary obstruction. In most cases the drainage is conducted using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage or endosonography-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD) represents therapeutic options after unsuccessful ERCP. Here we report on 2 years experience in the management...
Unsupervised Learning for Biomechanical Data Using Self-organising Maps, an Approach for Temporomandibular Joint Analysis
PublikacjaWe proposed to apply a specific machine learning technique called Self-Organising Maps (SOM) to identify similarities in the performance of muscles around human temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The performance was assessed by measuring muscle activation with the use of surface electromyography (sEMG). SOM algorithm used in the study was able to find clusters of data in sEMG test results. The SOM analysis was based on processed sEMG...
Unsymmetrical Bisacridines’ Interactions with ABC Transporters and Their Cellular Impact on Colon LS 174T and Prostate DU 145 Cancer Cells
PublikacjaMultidrug resistance (MDR) is a process that constitutes a significant obstacle to effective anticancer therapy. Here, we examined whether unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) are substrates for ABC transporters and can influence their expression in human colon LS 174T and prostate DU 145 cancer cells. Moreover, we investigated the cytotoxicity and the cellular response induced by UAs in these cells. The ATPase activities of MDR1,...
Untargeted metabolomics coupled with genomics in the study of sucrose and xylose metabolism in Pectobacterium betavasculorum
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Untargeted metabolomics in gastric and colorectal cancer patients – preliminary results
PublikacjaIntroduction: Recent years, microbiota-associated aspects have been analysed in multiple disorders regarding cancers. Existing evidence pints that gut microorganisms might take part in tumour origin and therapy efficacy. Nevertheless, to date, data on faecal metabolomics in cancer patients is still strongly limited. Therefore, we aimed to analyse gut untargeted metabolome in gastrointestinal cancer patients (i.e., gastric and colorectal...
Unusual dynamics and nonlinear thermal self-focusing of initially focused magnetoacoustic beams in a plasma
PublikacjaUnusual thermal self-focusing of two-dimensional beams in plasma which axis is parallel to the equilibrium straight magnetic field is considered. The equi- librium parameters of plasma determine scenario of a beam divergence (usual or unusual) which is stronger as compared with a flow without magnetic field. Nonlinear thermal self-action of a magnetosonic beam behaves differently in the ordinary and unusual cases. Damping of wave...
Unveiling Safety Practices and Safety Performance Measurement in Construction: A Bibliometric Analysis
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Unveiling the electron-induced ionization cross sections and fragmentation mechanisms of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran
PublikacjaThe interactions of electrons with molecular systems under various conditions are essential to interdisciplinary research fields extending over the fundamental and applied sciences. In particular, investigating electron-induced ionization and dissociation of molecules may shed light on the radiation damage to living cells, the physicochemical processes in interstellar environments, and reaction mechanisms occurring in combustion...
Update on Evidence and Directions in Temporomandibular Joint Injection Techniques: A Rapid Review of Primary Research
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Upscaling biomass production of rosmarinic acid-rich hairy root cultures of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Kuntze
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Upward convergence patterns in chosen environmental-related SDGs
PublikacjaSustainable development is a challenge facing humanity. EU countries not only strive to reach their specific objectives, but they also work collaboratively towards shared goals. There is a need to balance synergies and compromises to address these objectives effectively. When discussing countries' development and people's well-being, one often focuses on socio-economic development. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental...
Urban Food Self-Production in the Perspective of Social Learning Theory: Empowering Self-Sustainability
PublikacjaUrban food production is becoming an increasingly significant topic in the context of climate change and food security. Conducting research on this subject is becoming an essential element of urban development, deepening knowledge regarding the benefits, challenges, and potential for the development of urban agriculture as an alternative form of food production. Responding to this need, this monograph presents the results of...
Urolithin A Ameliorates the TGF Beta-Dependent Impairment of Podocytes Exposed to High Glucose
PublikacjaIncreased activity of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) is a key factor mediating kidney impairment in diabetes. Glomerular podocytes, the crucial component of the renal filter, are a direct target of TGF-β action, resulting in irreversible cell loss and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urolithin A (UA) is a member of the family of polyphenol metabolites produced by gut microbiota from ellagitannins and ellagic...
Usability of Mobile Applications: A Consolidated Model
PublikacjaMobile devices have become an integral part of the digital ecosystem, connecting people, businesses, and information around the world in ways never before possible. In particular, smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices equipped with mobile applications have changed every aspect of our lives. Today, a user can choose from nearly five million applications available for both Android and iOS operating systems. However, only...
Usability Testing of Mobile Applications: A Methodological Framework
PublikacjaLess than five percent of all mobile applications have become successful throughout 2023. The success of a new mobile application depends on a variety of factors ranging from business understanding, customer value, and perceived quality of use. In this sense, the topic of usability testing of mobile applications is relevant from the point of view of user satisfaction and acceptance. However, the current knowledge seems to be fragmented,...
Use of innovative digital laboratories to train a new generation of architects: integration of education, practice and research for digital cultural heritage
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors outline the potential of using innovative digital laboratories to train a new generation of architects. The evolving built environment and technology continuously challenge architectural educators to take an innovative approach to better understand, preserve and protect the architectural heritage, and ensure development toward a sustainable and green economy. One of those approaches is a methodology...