International architectural - urban - landscape design workshops to strengthen students’ education, capabilities and mobility - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


International architectural - urban - landscape design workshops to strengthen students’ education, capabilities and mobility


Five international architectural/urban/landscape workshops in Poland and Portugal between 2011 and 2015 are discussed in this article. The general aims of the workshops were to plan to connect divided city spaces, to harmonise them and make them attractive for different uses. The main task was to create in multicultural groups of students the vision of sustainable development in the context of architecture, urban and landscape design, with special attention to the environmental, social, spatial and transportation issues. The case studies could be good examples of academic co-operation that supports the mobility of students and academic teachers. Both groups benefited from the exchange of views, new ideas and trends, co-operation and the building of professional and personal relationships.

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Accepted albo Published Version
Copyright (2020 WIETE)

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Publikacja w czasopiśmie
artykuły w czasopismach
Opublikowano w:
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education nr 18, strony 190 - 196,
ISSN: 1446-2257
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Sas-Bojarska A., Rembeza M.: International architectural - urban - landscape design workshops to strengthen students’ education, capabilities and mobility// World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education -Vol. 18,iss. 2 (2020), s.190-196
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 100 razy

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