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Filtry wybranego katalogu
Quality Management 2024/2025 summer semester
Kursy OnlineSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
Human Resources Management - International Management
Kursy Online -
Lean Management 2023
Kursy OnlineKurs Lean Management to 15h materiał teoretyczny on-line z mini zadaniami, którego istotnym rozwinięciem jest 30h ćwiczeń realizowanych w trybie stacjonarnym, czyli podczas naszych wspólnych zajęć. Celem materiału teoretycznego jest przybliżenie Wam tzw. WHY?, czyli przyczyn, dla których wiedza, którą będziemy Wam przekazywać i umiejętności, które zdobywać będziecie podczas ćwiczeń stanowią wartość dla przedsiębiorstw i jej...
Lean Management 2022
Kursy OnlineKurs Lean Management to 15h materiał teoretyczny on-line z mini zadaniami, którego istotnym rozwinięciem jest 30h ćwiczeń realizowanych w trybie stacjonarnym, czyli podczas naszych wspólnych zajęć. Celem materiału teoretycznego jest przybliżenie Wam tzw. WHY?, czyli przyczyn, dla których wiedza, którą będziemy Wam przekazywać i umiejętności, które zdobywać będziecie podczas ćwiczeń stanowią wartość dla przedsiębiorstw i jej...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines - Nowy kopiuj 1
Kursy OnlineThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Water Resources Management - Winter Semester 2021-2022
Kursy OnlineWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
Smart city and data management foundations
Kursy OnlineThis e-learning course, specifically designed for individuals aiming to establish startups, those proficient in technology yet unsure of how to leverage and market it, and students aspiring to further their studies in data analysis, transportation, IT management, or data engineering. This course serves as an entry point for roles such as Smart City Specialist and Chief Data Officer in municipal settings. Participants will gain...
Database management systems - lecture 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineKurs dedykowany do wykładów prowadzonych wspólnie dla przedmiotu Zarządzanie Systemami Baz Danych na kierunku Informatyka oraz Database management systems na kierunku inżynieria danych.
Mathematics Energy tech
Kursy Online -
Kursy Online -
Nuclear energy (WChem)
Kursy OnlineThe course is created for the Green Technologies field of study
Kursy Online -
Renewable Energy Sources
Kursy Online -
Essentials of computer science for Bachelor in Management students
Kursy OnlineVarious resources accompanying "Essentials of computer science" classes for Bachelor in Management 1st year students.
The theory of organization and management
Kursy OnlineDear Students, I invite you to our classes of Theory of Organization and Management and Systems Theory, each Wednesday since 10:20 till 11:50 at this link. E.Sycz
[ZiJ] Management theories I
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Nauki o Zarządzaniu i Jakości Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Czakon Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Management and Quality Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd year PhD students Academic teacher: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Czakon Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
Renewable Energy Sources - W/C/L, E+MiBM, sem.05, (PG_00042100) - Nowy
Kursy OnlinePresentation of the modern achievements and tendencies in the area of renewable energy resources utilization. Classification of renewable energy resources. Possibilities of renewable energy resources utilization. Discussion of theoretical backgrounds of selected technologies.
Kursy Online -
Knowledge Management
Kursy OnlineBrand knowledge, customer knowledge, relations knowledge, market knowledge, „know how” etc., are intangible assets with great value to the organization today, and to leave these assets unmanaged would seem to be foolish in the extreme. The aim of the course is to explain: who/ why/ how to manage knowledge effectively. Welcome & GOOD LUCK :) Wioleta Kucharska
Kursy Online -
Kursy Online -
Kursy Online -
Project management
Kursy Online -
Management concepts
Kursy Online -
Kursy Online -
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2023/2024 - winter
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2024/2025 - winter
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Markets of Energy (Dezhou)
Kursy Online -
[ZiJ] Empirical research in Management
Kursy OnlineDyscyplina: nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku Prowadzący: dr inż. Wioleta Kucharska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: laboratoria Discipline: management and quality Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr inż. Wioleta Kucharska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: laboratories
Statistics for Management
Kursy OnlineStatistics for IM, 2020
Manufacturing Techniques 2, WL, Energy Technologies, sem. 3, zimowy, 2024/25
Kursy OnlineManufacturing Techniques 2, WL, Energy Technologies, sem. 3, zimowy, 2024/25
Management and Environmental Monitoring - EE 2024/2025 winter
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Baltic Smart Asset Management - Training Module
Kursy OnlineBaltic Smart Asset Management is an international project co-financed by the funds from Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The aim of the project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge about Smart Asset Management (SAM) for District Heating (DH) sector. The training module will help to spread the professional knowledge on new solutions and applications of SAM methods to promote data-driven...
Energy Systems [2021/22]
Kursy OnlineStudia stacjonarne, kierunek Energetyka, stopień I, semestr 1
Nuclear Energy [2021/22]
Kursy OnlineThe course is dedicated to students of the Green Technologies and Monitoring - Faculty of Chemistry
Energy Systems Stations, PG_00042106, W, PE-ET, sem.7, winter 2023/24
Kursy OnlineConstruction and operation of energy systems, based on the example of the ship power plant.
Energy Systems Stations, W, ET, sem.7, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00042106)
Kursy OnlineInternal combustion engines - principle of operation and classification. Heat balance of the engine. Uniform and combined propulsion systems.The main comonents of the propulsion system. Power plant efficiency and waste heat utilization. Cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil systeml, gaseos fuel system (LNG), compressed air system, exhaust gas system. Fittings and accessories of pipeline systems in the power plant....
Renewable Energy Sources, WIMiO, Energetyka, I st., sem. 03, stacjonarne, (PG_00042100), semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Kursy OnlinePresentation of the modern achievements and tendencies in the area of renewable energy resources utilization. Classification of renewable energy resources. Possibilities of renewable energy resources utilization. Discussion of theoretical backgrounds of selected technologies.
[Soft Skills] Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku, Prowadzący: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Liczba godzin: 10 Forma zajęć: {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Total hours of training: 10 teaching hours Course type: {mlang}
Materials for energy storage devices
Kursy OnlineKurs dotyczy zagadnień inżynierii materiałowej, elektrochemii, fizykochemii nanotechnologii materiałów stosowanych w budowaniu urządzeń elektrochemicznych do magazynowania i konwersji energii w urządzeniach. Prowadzony jest w języku angielskim.
Markets of Energy 21/22
Kursy Online -
Markets of Energy 2021/22
Kursy Online -
Advanced design of energy installations
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie studentów z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Advanced design of energy installations
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Logistics Management - Bachelor in management, I degree, 6th semester
Kursy Online -
Logistics Management - Bachelor in management, I degree, 2nd semester
Kursy Online -
Knowledge Management (FK)
Kursy Online