wszystkich: 7836
wybranych: 322
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- Kursy Online 322 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
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- Dane Badawcze 869 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
Filtry wybranego katalogu
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: context-aware systems
Real Time Operating Systems - Seminar 2021/22L
Kursy Online -
Energy Systems (GdańskTech, Energy Technologies) [2022/23]
Kursy OnlineStudia stacjonarne, kierunek Energetyka, stopień I, semestr 1
Real time operating systems Seminars 2020-2021
Kursy OnlineRTOS seminary classes.
Programowanie Systemów Wbudowanych (Embedded Systems Programming) 2024
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z budową i działaniem systemów operacyjnych oraz programów układowych i rozruchowych dla systemów wbudowanych, możliwościami ich modyfikacji dla poprawy wydajności oraz rozszerzenia funkcjonalności o nowe usługi i sterowniki.
Next generation radio communication systems (October 2023)
Kursy Online -
Energy Systems Stations (WOiO), EE-60/1
Kursy OnlineSpecjalność: Energy Technologies (WOiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2017/2018 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 6)
Programowanie Systemów Wbudowanych (Embedded Systems Programming) 2022
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z budową i działaniem systemów operacyjnych oraz programów układowych i rozruchowych dla systemów wbudowanych, możliwościami ich modyfikacji dla poprawy wydajności oraz rozszerzenia funkcjonalności o nowe usługi i sterowniki.
Information Systems in Manufacturing; group 2; 12.15-13.45; Mechanical Engineering, W, sem. 03, letni 24/25 (PG_00066752)
Kursy OnlineThe course will provide the students with advanced knowledge in production manufacturing systems, which every company implements today, and they will understand modern block chain technology.
Information Systems in Manufacturing; group 1; 09.15-10.45; Mechanical Engineering, W, sem. 03, letni 24/25 (PG_00066752)
Kursy OnlineThe course will provide the students with advanced knowledge in production manufacturing systems, which every company implements today, and they will understand modern block chain technology.
Systemy z Uczeniem Maszynowym / Systems with Machine Learning
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Kursy Online -
Critical systems software testing and QA - Spring'24
Kursy OnlineCourse objectives: Present software development standards in the European space industry and techniques of their implementation. Learn how to assess and manage critical system software quality in an IT project. Gain basic hands-on experience in bug tracking and reporting in a software project.
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Electrical and Software Systems Engineering [WIMiO][2023/24]
Kursy Online -
Electrical and Software Systems Engineering [WIMiO][2022/23]
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Kursy Online -
Topology and Dynamical Systems in Action - Summer school 2023
Kursy OnlineThe course is designed for participants in the Spinnaker summer school in mathematics.
Modelling and Simulation of Control Systems Applied in Energy Technologies, W,L, Energetyka, sem.05, zimowy 2024/2025 (PG_00042105)
Kursy OnlineThis course is titled Modelling and Simulation of Control Systems Applied in Energy Technologies intended for seventh-semester students in the BSc program in Power Engineering, specializing in Energy Technologies.
Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use (10h, 2 ECTS credits)
Kursy OnlineThe main aim of the course is to introduce students to the socio-political aspects of the decentralization of energy systems. The motivation behind these changes is not only due to technological developments or economic issues. The main driving force are wider social and political trends. Many energy supply projects that are being developed and implemented today assume an active role for consumers in energy production, who become...
Real-time Operating Systems - Seminar 2022/2023 Summer
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Metrology and Measurement Systems , DaPE, sem01, summer 22/23
Kursy Online -
Metrology and Measurement Systems , DaPE, sem01, summer 23/24
Kursy Online -
Numerical Modelling in flow systems design_W/S_Energetyka_sem6_lato 23/24_PG_00042087
Kursy OnlinePrzedstawienie podstaw modelowania komputerowego procesów mających zastosowanie w technice cieplnej tak aby słuchacz był w stanie zrozumieć i zinterpretować wyniki otrzymane przy pomocy kodów obliczeniowych
Safety and risk in transportation systems - summer semester 2023/2024
Kursy OnlinePodstawy teorii bezpieczeństwa i ryzyka w kontekście aplikacji w systemach transportowych.
Source and Channel Coding in Radio Communication Systems 2023/2024
Kursy OnlineKurs służy jako narzędzie pomocnicze do realizacji przedmiotu.
Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems, PG_00054486, Summer semester 2021/2022
Kursy OnlineGetting acquainted with the subject of computer-aided manufacturing as well as with the tendencies inmodern manufacturing
Real Time Operating Systems - Lecture & exercises 2021/22L
Kursy OnlineSupporting course for RTOS seminr classes.
'Integrated enterprise information systems (l/lab)_winter 2020/21'
Kursy Online -
Systemy z Uczeniem Maszynowym / Systems with Machine Learning 2022/2023
Kursy Online -
Gravity-related research (Engineering and Management of Space Systems) 21/22
Kursy OnlineThe goal of the subject is to extend of the knowledge gained in the framework of general mechanics (statics, kinematics, dynamics). Students will be familiarized with the description of the kinematics and dynamics of motion in typical gravity-related research conditions (microgravity in parabolic flights, drop towers, sounding rockets) as well as gravity-related research platforms, its opportunities and limitations. Additionally,...
High Performance Computing Systems Lab / Systemy Obliczeniowe Wysokiej Wydajności - laboratorium
Kursy OnlineSystemy Obliczeniowe Wysokiej Wydajności (SOWW) - Laboratorium
[Soft Skills] Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku, Prowadzący: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Liczba godzin: 10 Forma zajęć: {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Total hours of training: 10 teaching hours Course type: {mlang}
Energy Systems Stations, L, ET, sem. 7, zima 22/23 (PG_00042106)
Kursy Online -
Systemy obliczeniowe wysokiej wydajności/High performance computing systems / L-22/23
Kursy Online -
Energy Systems Stations, L, ET, sem.7, zima 23/24 (PG_00042106)
Kursy Online -
Systemy obliczeniowe wysokiej wydajności/High performance computing systems / L-24/25
Kursy Online -
Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0) (PG_00063000) 2023-24 Summer Semester
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Systemy obliczeniowe wysokiej wydajności/High performance computing systems / L-23/24
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Systemy obliczeniowe wysokiej wydajności/High performance computing >> systems - Nowy - Nowy
Kursy Online -
Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0) Mechatronika sem. 1, 2022/2023 lato
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Metrology and Measurement Systems, DaPE, I degree, 2 semester, summer 2024/2025, PG_00040171
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[Soft Skills] Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use (2023/2024)
Kursy Online -
[Soft Skills] Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use [2022/23]
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku, Prowadzący: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Liczba godzin: 10 Forma zajęć: {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Total hours of training: 10 teaching hours Course type: {mlang}
Safety and risk in transportation systems (PG_00057094), W, TiL, 1 sem., letni 22/23
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Zintegrowane systemy informatyczne w przedsiębiorstwie / Enterprise Information Systems (w/lab)_STACJ._zima 2023/24
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Numerical Modelling in flow systems design , W/L ,Energetyka. sem 6, lato 22/23 PG_00042087
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Kursy OnlineThe main goal of the course is to make students aware of the different aspects of integrated planning processes in relation to the local scale
Integrated Manufacturing Systems, w/l/p; MiBM, IDE, st. 2, sem. 01; letni 2024/2025 (PG_00064823)
Kursy Online -
Integrated Manufacturing Systems, w/l/p; MiBM, IDE+AT, st. 2, sem. 01; letni 2022/2023 (PG_00057375)
Kursy Online -
Integrated Manufacturing Systems, w/l/p; MiBM, IDE+AT, st. 2, sem. 01; letni 2022/2023 (PG_00057375)
Kursy Online