


  • International Trade - winter 2023

    Kursy Online
    • Z. H. Zarach
    • A. Parteka

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.

  • Negocjacje i komunikacja wewnętrzna

    Kursy Online
    • E. Zimnowłocka-Łozyk

    Sposób zaliczenia- 50% zaliczenia -aktywność na zajęciach zdobywana za realizację zadań domowych, zadań w grupie, symulacji, case study; 50% zaliczenia prezentacja tematów.

  • Global Trends 2024-25

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

    The course will discuss the main trands of the global economy in the 21st century. It will focus on the most relevant dynamics of the world econoy considering both the most important countries (USA, EU, China, Russia, etc.) and the key economic actors, the big firms as well as the multinationals. Tis approach should permit to consider different points of vew, including the world of workers in the advanced economies as well as in...

  • Physics I for GT 2024/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. Franz

    The course is designed for Students of the Faculty of Chemistry, field of study Green Technologies sem. 1, academic year 2024/25. It contains materials for tutorials and the laboratory in physics.

  • History of Architecture and Urbanism I_2024/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. Sołtysik
    • S. Kowalski
    • A. Orchowska
    • B. Macikowski
    • B. Niedziela

    The course covers the study of European Architecture in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, focusing on different styles, architectural creations, and the architects who contributed to the history of architecture. The course also aims to develop students' drawing and analytical skills to prepare them for a career in architecture.

  • History of Architecture and Urbanism II_2024/25

    Kursy Online
    • P. Samól
    • M. Sołtysik
    • S. Kowalski
    • A. Orchowska
    • B. Macikowski
    • B. Niedziela

    The course covers the study of European Architecture in early modern period , focusing on different styles, architectural creations, and the architects who contributed to the history of architecture. The course also aims to develop students' drawing and analytical skills to prepare them for a career in architecture.

  • Projektowanie układów VLSI

    Kursy Online
    • A. Bekasiewicz
    • A. Pietrenko-Dąbrowska

    The lecture tackles the problem of VLSI circuits design. In particular, emphasis is put on the physical design stage and more in-depth discussion of its sub-components. The lecture also focus on detailed explanation of selected numerical algorithms that are utilized in the course of physical design. Specialization: Microelectronic Systems

  • Architectural Project Sem. II 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Krenz
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG mgr inż. arch. Marta Golińska   Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the course is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space....

  • Architectural Project II 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • J. Krenz
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG mgr inż. arch. Marta Golińska   Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the course is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space....

  • Spectroscopy Methods in Nanotechnology 2023

    Kursy Online
    • A. Witkowska

    Course for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, specialization Nanostructures and computer simulations in materials science, sem. 2. The aim of the course is to discuss the basic theoretical and practical issues of spectroscopy and presentation of the various types of spectroscopic methods and ways to interpret spectra, with particular attention paid to the possibility of their use in the study of nanostructured systems.

  • Spectroscopy Methods in Nanotechnology 2022

    Kursy Online
    • A. Witkowska

    Course for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, specialization Nanostructures and computer simulations in materials science, sem. 2. The aim of the course is to discuss the basic theoretical and practical issues of spectroscopy and presentation of the various types of spectroscopic methods and ways to interpret spectra, with particular attention paid to the possibility of their use in the study of nanostructured systems.

  • Process engineering in circular economy

    Kursy Online
    • J. Mąkinia

    Definition and principles of the circular economy (CE). The transition from a linear model to a circular model. Business models for the CE. Circular design and innovation. CE assessment carbon footprint, life cycle assessment. Case studies of the cities implementing the CE concept. CE policy and legislation (EU and Poland). Wastewater treatment plants as an element of the CE. Energy and nutrient recovery technologies in wastewater...

  • Geometria wykreślna I, 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • J. M. Kowalewska
    • M. Malewczyk
    • B. A. Chomicka
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Wancław

    {mlang pl}Kurs „Geometria wykreślna I” łączy w sobie elementy kształcenia tradycyjnego z e-nauczaniem. Przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunku Architektura, sem. 1, studia inżynierskie I stopnia. Tematyka dotyczy graficznej prezentacji obiektów 3D na płaszczyźnie, ich restytucji na podstawie rzutów oraz rozwiązywania prostych problemów przestrzennych. Treść nauczania obejmuje założenia metody rzutów prostokątnych na dwie rzutnie...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design MScArch (2024-25)

    Kursy Online

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • European Economic Development 2023

    Kursy Online
    • A. Parteka
    • R. Ślosarski

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of economic development in Europe.  Key topics: •concepts of economic development, alternative measures of development •factors of economic growth and development (‘determinants of growth’) •history of economic development in Europe •cross-country and cross-regional comparisons •sources: where to find information and data needed for empirical...

  • Arch./Urban Project II

    Kursy Online
    • J. Cudzik
    • M. Gawdzik

    A design studio focused on issues related to the creation of sustainable and climate-responsible facilities. The design task is related to the concept of development of the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. The implemented project will be both a task related to urban and architectural design. A very important element of the design process will be a smooth transition between various scales and problems that architects and...

  • Physical Chemistry_GTM_20_21_winter

    Kursy Online
    • A. Kloskowski
    • Ł. Nierzwicki
    • M. Śmiechowski
    • W. Chrzanowski
    • Ł. Marcinkowski

    The aim of the subject is to familarize the student with fundamental physico-chemical laws in chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria together with ability of solving relevant text problems involving calculations, as well as teachnig him/her effective and safe carrying out simple experiments/measurements of physico-chemical quantities and proper presentation and interpretation of their results. LECTURES Chemical...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2023/24)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • Management and economic of engineer projects

    Kursy Online
    • A. Ossowska

    Lectures  - 05 October-30 November, 2023 1. Project management: Engineers, projects, management, planning and scheduling, personnel and organizational, team building, project control, estimating and ordering. 2. Team building: personality types, team effectiveness. 3. Project management: WBS, Gantt, Earned Value Method, critical path, risk management. 4. Economic Engineering: Establishing economic equivalence, Interest: cost...

  • Art Workshop III

    Kursy Online
    • E. Urwanowicz

    The influence of light on form and space. Drawing and painting studies of light and shadow based on the observation of a single object and interior (or architectural space) are a pretext to show the variability of light and its influence on the perception of form, color, space and building a mood. An important element of the task is to express the value and color differences within the same matter depending on the type of light,...

  • Art Workshop III

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • E. Urwanowicz
    • P. Sasin
    • K. Wróblewski

    Exploring the influence of light on form and space. Developing the ability to synthesise on the basis of analysis of phenomena and forms observed in nature. To become familiar with the basic elements of the sculpture workshop. Examples of issues: contrast of light and shadow; drawing study of light based on observation of a single object, light in interiors and architectural space; painting, sculpture: bust - interpretation;...

  • Wytrzymałość materiałów, W, MiBM, I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2024/2025 - zimowy

    Kursy Online
    • W. Macek

    Momenty bezwładności figur płaskich. Ściskanie i rozciąganie prętów. Zagadnienia statycznie niewyznaczalne. Odkształcenia cieplne i montażowe. Skręcanie prętów. Zginanie belek. Wyznaczanie sił wewnętrznych i naprężeń w prętach (wymiarowanie). Płaski stan naprężeń. Koło Mohra dla płaskiego stanu naprężeń. Naprężenia główne i maksymalne naprężenia tnące. Zagadnienia wytrzymałości złożonej. Twierdzenie Castigliano. Twierdzenie Menabrea-Castigliano....

  • Wytrzymałość materiałów, Ć, MiBM, I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2024/2025 - zimowy

    Kursy Online
    • W. Macek

    Momenty bezwładności figur płaskich. Ściskanie i rozciąganie prętów. Zagadnienia statycznie niewyznaczalne. Odkształcenia cieplne i montażowe. Skręcanie prętów. Zginanie belek. Wyznaczanie sił wewnętrznych i naprężeń w prętach (wymiarowanie). Płaski stan naprężeń. Koło Mohra dla płaskiego stanu naprężeń. Naprężenia główne i maksymalne naprężenia tnące. Zagadnienia wytrzymałości złożonej. Twierdzenie Castigliano. Twierdzenie Menabrea-Castigliano....

  • Corporate Governance 2022

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

    The course deals with a broadened view of Corporate Governance since: a) It explores the dynamic relationships among the ownership structures, the governance structures, and the strategies that firms adopt. b) It relates to a variety of firms, including the specific case of family controlled companies. c) It is declined into two complementary perspectives: the managerial perspective, and the historical perspective based on international...

  • Negocjacje i komunikacja wewnętrzna

    Kursy Online
    • B. Krawczyk-Bryłka

    Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów  II stopnia na kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza. Przedmiot dotyczy zasad efektywnej komunikacji, szczególnie w sytuacji pracy zespołu projektowego, oraz negocjacji, głównie z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi. Zajęcia maja formę interaktywnych warsztatów, na których studenci nie tylko poznają reguły skutecznej komunikacji i negocjacji, ale biorą też udział w zadaniach negocjacyjnych...

  • Negocjacje (niestacjonarne 2023/24)

    Kursy Online

    Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów  II stopnia na kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza. Przedmiot dotyczy zasad efektywnej komunikacji, szczególnie w sytuacji pracy zespołu projektowego, oraz negocjacji, głównie z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi. Zajęcia maja formę interaktywnych warsztatów, na których studenci nie tylko poznają reguły skutecznej komunikacji i negocjacji, ale biorą też udział w zadaniach negocjacyjnych...

  • Interactive Decision Making, Inżynieria Środowiska, Environmental Engineering, 2023/2024 (summer semester)

    Kursy Online
    • A. Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • A. Siemaszko

    The course is designed for students of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (studies in Polish and English) Person responsible for the subject, carrying out lectures and tutorials: mgr inż. Agata.Siemaszko; agata.siemaszko@pg.edu.pl The person conducting the lectures and tutorials: dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; anna.jakubczyk@pg.edu.pl The course is conducted using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method. It provides...

  • Communication and Negotiations (Komunikacja i negocjacje w zespołach)

    Kursy Online
    • B. Krawczyk-Bryłka

    Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów II semestru studiów I stopnia na kierunku Inżynieria Danych, prowadzonego wspólnie przez WZiE oraz WETI. Przedmiot dotyczy zasad efektywnej komunikacji, szczególnie w sytuacji pracy zespołu projektowego, oraz negocjacji, głównie z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi. Zajęcia maja formę interaktywnych warsztatów, na których studenci nie tylko poznają reguły skutecznej komunikacji i negocjacji,...

  • Advanced Mechanics of Marine Structures I, MSc, Summer 2022-2023, [L,T], PG_00051723

    Kursy Online
    • B. Rozmarynowski

    1.  Literature overview,  definition of marine and offshore structures, ocean engineering technologies and mechanical aspects, structural systems applied, jack-up drilling platforms and structural elements. 2. Tensor algebra fundamentals,  stress and small strain states of a solid, constitutive relations. 3. SDOF and MDOF dynamic systems, damping and added masses in offshore vibrations,  generalised eigenvalue problem, forced vibrations...

  • Sterowanie w systemach transportowych (PG_00045917) TRANSPORT II st. 1 sem. - sem. letni 2021/2022 - Jacek Oskarbski

    Kursy Online
    • K. Żarski
    • P. Jerzyło
    • S. Grulkowski
    • J. Oskarbski

    Podstawy zarządzanie i sterowania dla wszyskich dziedzin transportu. Zarządzanie, nadzór i sterowanie w systemach transportowych. Zadania sterowania i metody rozwiązywania problemów sterowania. Sterowanie ruchem w transporcie jako element sterowania w wielkich systemach. Rodzaje sterowania procesami transportowymi. Funkcje sterowania. Metody i narzędzia w procesie sterowania ruchem statków powietrznych, wodnych, pojazdów kolejowych...

  • Sterowanie w systemach transportowych sem.2 Transport 2024/2025

    Kursy Online
    • K. Żarski
    • J. Oskarbski

    Podstawy zarządzanie i sterowania dla wszystkich dziedzin transportu. Zarządzanie, nadzór i sterowanie w systemach transportowych. Zadania sterowania i metody rozwiązywania problemów sterowania. Sterowanie ruchem w transporcie jako element sterowania w wielkich systemach. Rodzaje sterowania procesami transportowymi. Funkcje sterowania. Metody i narzędzia w procesie sterowania ruchem statków powietrznych, wodnych, pojazdów kolejowych...

  • CAD. Introduction (2022/2023)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Winter TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural drawings and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • CAD. 3D modelling (2022/2023) BSc Arch, sem 2

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Summer TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • Self-healing and shape memory polymers

    Kursy Online
    • J. T. Haponiuk

    The course "Self-Healing and Shape Memory Polymers" is a specialized elective designed for Chemical Engineering PhD students. This advanced course delves into the innovative realms of self-healing materials and shape memory polymers (SMPs), representing a significant breakthrough in material science and engineering. Throughout the course, students learn about the problems of failure of polymeric materials and explore the fundamental...

  • Participatory planning 2025

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    [ENG] The aim of the classes is to familiarize students with theoretical and practical knowledge about participation in the processes of space design and planning. The course has been prepared to cover both activities carried out by local governments and grassroots non-governmental organizations. Practical classes are also an integral element of the course, preparing participants for the practical application of their knowledge. [PL] Celem...

  • CAD. 3D modelling (2023/24)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2023/2024 Summer TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • Elective design I: Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk

    Kursy Online
    • J. Borucka
    • J. Szczepański
    • L. Nyka

    Elective design I:Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk  for MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: Lucyna Nyka, Jakub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka + assist. teacher from Gdańsk Tech Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk – This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts in waterfront areas, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of...

  • Smart city and data management foundations

    Kursy Online
    • M. Krzyżanowski
    • O. Rodecka-Szemiel
    • W. Drapiński
    • J. Sudakowska
    • A. Guzik
    • K. Dytrych
    • A. Modrzejewska
    • A. Orłowski

    This e-learning course, specifically designed for individuals aiming to establish startups, those proficient in technology yet unsure of how to leverage and market it, and students aspiring to further their studies in data analysis, transportation, IT management, or data engineering. This course serves as an entry point for roles such as Smart City Specialist and Chief Data Officer in municipal settings. Participants will gain...

  • Architektury Awifauny DIY.

    Kursy Online
    • S. Kowalski

    Ideą seminarium jest podkreślenie istnienia ptaków w mieście, uwrażliwienie na problemy i zagrożenia, jakie stwarzają ptakom ludzie. Koncentrując się na tym aspekcie, seminarium obejmie praktyczne wykorzystanie wiedzy teoretycznej dostarczonej przez eksperta ornitologa wraz z nabytymi podczas trwania seminarium umiejętnościami majsterkowania przy projektowaniu architektonicznym  budki lęgowej/karmnika oraz późniejszym jej stworzeniu....

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? Summer 21/22 - Nowy

    Kursy Online
    • M. Mcphillips
    • K. Flisikowski

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? Summer 22/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips
    • K. Flisikowski

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? SUMMER 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? WINTER 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? WINTER 24

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? SUMMER 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...


    Kursy Online
    • K. Życzkowska

    DREAM HOUSE – Space for Living: Between the Idea and the SeaGdynia, Kamienna Góra, Korzeniowskiego Street The task for this project is to design a contemporary single-family house located in the prestigious district of Gdynia, surrounded by exclusive villas,with a stunning view of the sea. How can you offer  the dream home for future residents? The starting point will be to define the future residents of the house so that the...

  • Geographical Information Systems GIS (project) [2022/23]

    Kursy Online
    • A. Augusiak

    Subject: Geographical Information Systems GIS, Inter-faculty (field of study: Energy Technologies), undergraduate studies, full-time studies (semester 6) Teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Abstract: The course aims to teach the practical implementation of a simple project in the field of GIS geographical information systems. As part of the project, the course participant will learn how to use the basic methods and tools...

  • 20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Measuring the city, advanced digital surveying techniques for cultural heritage documentation

    Kursy Online
    • J. Borucka

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...


    Kursy Online
    • A. Azadgar
    • J. Badach
    • J. M. Józekowski
    • J. Gorzka
    • J. Borucka
    • P. Samól
    • S. Kowalski
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Orchowska
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Kwasek

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...

  • 20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Drawing architecture to understand the city

    Kursy Online
    • J. Borucka

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...