


  • Decision of enterprises on the financial market 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • E. Sokołowska

    The course contrentrates on the material students need to know in order to make effective financial decisions in an increasingly competitive business environment in order to make effective financial decisions in an increasingly competitive business environment.

  • Business process modelling

    Kursy Online
    • M. Grzesiak

    Welcome to the Business Process Modeling course! We will travel together among the business processes world and its modeling with the BPMN ;) I hope it will be valuable for your future. See you soon, Marzena Grzesiak


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...

  • Nanotechnology and human environment

    Kursy Online
    • M. Chmielewski

  • Digital Business NSTAC 22/23

    Kursy Online
    • E. Estevez
    • G. Musiatowicz-Podbiał
    • T. Janowski

    This is content to the subject: "Digital business" 22/23


    Kursy Online
    • G. Musiatowicz-Podbiał

    eKurs do przedmiotu BUSINESS INFOMATICS - studia niestacjonarne

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2023

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2024

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Urban Project IV. Summer semester - ERASMUS

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    Course Urban Project IV (AI_MK_28/1) SHAPING A NEW DISTRICT – WHITE RIVER (POL. BIAŁA RZEKA) IN THE CITY OF RUMIA The subject of the exercises is to design the spatial layout of the new district in the area of ​​the so-called Small Tricity. The task of the group will be to develop initial design guidelines - layout and character of buildings, primar building parameters, service program. The planned construction of the new SKM...

  • BUSINESS INFORMATICS - STAC -2021/22 sem.letni

    Kursy Online
    • N. Rizun
    • G. Musiatowicz-Podbiał

    eKurs do przedmiotu BUSINESS INFORMATICS - Studia stacjonarne_21/22

  • Modeling Methodologies for Environment 22/23

    Kursy Online
    • J. Mąkinia
    • P. Zima

    Zrozumienie procesów które mają wpływ na migrację i przemiany zanieczyszczeń w środowisku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wód powierzchniowych). Zajęcia dotyczą podstaw i zasad budowy modeli jakości wody oraz służą pokazaniu jak te modele mogą być wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemów w inżynierii środowiska.

  • Managing enterprise IT infrastructure and security 2022

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • B. Woliński

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • RiConnect - Rethinking Infrastructure. Warsztaty projektowe z konkursem studenckim

    Kursy Online
    • N. Sokół
    • A. Golędzinowska
    • W. M. Mazurkiewicz
    • M. Kostrzewska
    • A. Rubczak
    • B. Zgórska

    Obszar Metropolitalny Gdańsk – Gdynia – Sopot oraz Wydział Architektury PG zapraszają chętnych studentów kierunku Architektura i Gospodarka przestrzenna studiów inżynierskich i magisterskich do udziału w warsztatach projektowych zakończonych konkursem studenckim RiConnect – Rethinking Infrastructure Przedmiotem konkursu będą prace projektowe dotyczące zagospodarowania wybranych obszarów w jednym z miast: Hel, Puck lub Władysławowo...

  • Environment protection and sustainable development (2023/2024)

    Kursy Online
    • M. Marciniak

    consultation personally (room 414) or remotely, Teams platform, consultation link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_M2I0M2I0MDYtNWJlZi00MjY0LWFjOTQtNDlhNDJmNjQyNjEx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286760356-0022-486f-b793-a2d470bba5a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2228ae9fed-92d8-4f6a-9044-62e8eee8b000%22%7d


    Kursy Online
    • J. Gużyński

  • Business History

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

  • Business Law

    Kursy Online
    • M. Nyka

  • Business English

    Kursy Online
    • A. Kamińska
    • J. Pawlik
    • J. Olszewska
    • A. Kucharska-Raczunas
    • W. Zbirohowski-Kościa
    • M. Michalska-Pieniak
    • M. Strach-Drabina
    • D. Horowska
    • J. Badocha
    • E. Rogala... i 7 innych

  • Nanotechnology and the human environment "Nanotechnologia a środowisko człowieka"

    Kursy Online
    • M. Chmielewski


    Kursy Online
    • N. Rizun

  • Business law 1

    Kursy Online
    • M. Nyka

  • Business process modelling

    Kursy Online
    • M. Grzesiak

  • Multimedia Business Presentation

    Kursy Online
    • A. Wendt

  • Automation of Business Processes_2023

    Kursy Online
    • K. Dziubich

  • IT project management in business

    Kursy Online
    • K. Redlarski

  • Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice

    Kursy Online
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • A. Zdanowicz

    Goal of the course:    Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment  Course content / class schedule:   1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...

  • 2022/2023 Digital Business

    Kursy Online
    • E. Estevez
    • T. Janowski

  • Business Data Analytics-2022

    Kursy Online
    • N. Rizun

  • 2021/2022 Digital Business

    Kursy Online
    • E. Estevez
    • G. Musiatowicz-Podbiał
    • T. Janowski

  • E-business ZI SS

    Kursy Online
    • G. Musiatowicz-Podbiał
    • M. Ciesielska

  • olxie tasks business C1

    Kursy Online
    • A. Lis
    • U. Kamińska
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska
    • J. Wielgus
    • E. Wawoczna

  • 2023/2024 Digital Business

    Kursy Online
    • N. Sabatini

  • Automation of Business Processes- acitve

    Kursy Online
    • K. Dziubich

  • Automation of Business Processes 2025

    Kursy Online
    • K. Dziubich

  • Automation of Business Processes (2024)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Dziubich

  • IT project management in business 2023

    Kursy Online
    • J. J. Chabik
    • K. Redlarski

  • IT project management in business 2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. J. Chabik

  • IT Project Management in Business - 2024

    Kursy Online
    • J. J. Chabik

  • Modeling Methodologies for the Environment EE Msc sem. II r.a. 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • J. Mąkinia
    • P. Zima

    Zrozumienie procesów które mają wpływ na migrację i przemiany zanieczyszczeń w środowisku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wód powierzchniowych). Zajęcia dotyczą podstaw i zasad budowy modeli jakości wody oraz służą pokazaniu jak te modele mogą być wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemów w inżynierii środowiska.

  • Business Intelligence IM 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • A. M. Trzaskowska

  • Digital Business ZI SS 2023

    Kursy Online
    • M. Sikorski
    • M. Ciesielska

  • Business Intelligence STAC 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • A. M. Trzaskowska

    Przedmiot obligatoryjny dla kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza I stopień studiów, sem.5.

  • Business Intelligence NSTAC 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • A. M. Trzaskowska

    Przedmiot obligatoryjny dla kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza I stopień studiów, sem.5.

  • Multimedia Business Presentations - 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • I. Garnik

  • Business Intelligence STAC 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • A. M. Trzaskowska

    Przedmiot obligatoryjny dla kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza I stopień studiów, sem.5.

  • Business Analysis Winter 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

  • Multimedia Business Presentations - 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • I. Garnik

  • Business Intelligence NSTAC 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • A. M. Trzaskowska

    Przedmiot obligatoryjny dla kierunku Analityka Gospodarcza I stopień studiów, sem.5.