Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ARCHITECTURE%20OF%20DAYLIGHT - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ARCHITECTURE%20OF%20DAYLIGHT
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ARCHITECTURE%20OF%20DAYLIGHT

  • Architecture Civil Engineering Environment


    ISSN: 1899-0142

  • Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism

    The article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...

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  • Musical inspiration in contemporary architecture - to build a music and to hear an architecture


    - Rok 2009

    The goal of this research is chosen from a wide range of subjects within two fields of knowledge on the crossroads between music and architecture There are many designs in modern contemporary architecture that would illustrate the relationship between music and architecture, mainly through musical inspiration. The article shows contemporary musical and architectural discussion that cross over from the theoretical to the practical...

  • Can architecture be 11-dimensional? The nature of space in the architecture of the digital world era

    This research aims to explore the development of architectural theories about ‘architectural dimensions’ and look at architecture as a multidimensional space. It is important to understand that with today's development of virtual reality technology and through the combination of theories of physics and architecture, a new possibility of creating space has emerged. The arguments are made through inductive reasoning and grounded...

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  • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr inż. arch.

    Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska (dr inż. arch., Dipl.-Ing. Arch.[FH]) jest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W roku 2002 ukończyła studia na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki  Politechniki Gdańskiej a w 2004 inżynierii architektonicznej na HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim w Niemczech. Po studiach pracowała dla kilku firm o światowej renomie w Berlinie, Londynie, Nowym Jorku...

  • Street Art and Architecture


    - Rok 2011

    The paper explores both the areas of conflict as well as agreement between architecture and Street Art. The conflict arises from the fact that urban environment has always been a background for street art, which unavoidably jeopardizes the conceptual integrity of the building understood as a work of architecture. However, there are strong interrelations between these two domains of human creativity. Both street art and architecture...



    - Rok 2014

    Globalization is unification. In the field of architecture and in the social structure alike, the globalization leads to a blending of economies and cultures that produces uniformly branded public space as a response to universal assumptions of integration and correlation. While branding consists in creating a recognizable and outstanding image a strong contradiction exists between both of these approaches. As a result, regional...

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  • Sylwester Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.

    Sylwester Kaczmarek ukończył studia w 1972 roku jako mgr inż. Elektroniki, a doktorat i habilitację uzyskał z technik komutacyjnych i inżynierii ruchu telekomunikacyjnego w 1981 i 1994 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania badawcze ukierunkowane są na: sieci IP QoS, sieci GMPLS, sieci SDN, komutację, ruting QoS, inżynierię ruchu telekomunikacyjnego, usługi multimedialne i jakość usług. Aktualnie jego badania skupiają...

  • Evaluating architecture students' knowledge of the history of architecture by tests and by drawings: a comparative analysis

    The methods of evaluating students’ knowledge in architectural education, and in particular in education on history of architecture, are specific in many respects. Apart from checking the general knowledge of history concerning chronology, artistic trends, styles, main objects and architects, it should also check students’ ability to analyse the historic architecture in a drawing form. Such a form of presenting architecture has...

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  • Jakub Szczepański prof. dr hab. inż. arch.

    Jakub Szczepański jest profesorem nadzwyczajnym na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, a od 2016 r. prodziekanem ds. nauki. Architekt, historyk architektury i konserwator zabytków. Jego badania koncentrują się na historii i architekturze  Gdańska  i miast Regionu Bałtyckiego, a także konserwacji dziedzictwa architektury osadzonych w problematyce współczesnych miast. Równolegle z pracą naukową na Politechnice Gdańskiej...