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Automatic feature extraction for linear systems.
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia eksperymenty pokazujące istnienie uniwersalnego ekstraktora cech dla ograniczonego obszaru w przestrzeni parametrów systemu liniowego. System liniowy pobudzony był szumem o rozkładzie normalnym na wejściu. Zastosowano ewolucyjne metody poszukiwania ekstraktora w oparciu o jakość klasyfikacji sygnałów w dziedzinie cech wydobytych przez ekstraktor.
International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
Czasopisma -
Commercial systems for automatic detection of events. Features, limitations and potential solutions
PublikacjaVideo Content Analysis (VCA). Motion detection. Example of complex VCA system. Commercial VCA systems and their applications. Limitations and problems. Possible solutions.
Automatic control systems for ships fitted with podded propulsion drive (POD).
PublikacjaW artykule ukazano celowość i możliwości automatyzacji układów napędowych, zwłaszcza typu POD, przewidzianych do zastosowania na projektowanych w ramach projektu Eureka BALTECOLOGICAL SHIP czterech statkach bałtyckich: kontenerowca, pojazdowa i tankowca oraz statku rzeczno - morskiego. Zawarte w artykule informacje ułatwiają dokonanie wyboru właściwych założeń projektowanego układu sterowania napędem wymienionych wyżej statków.
Studies of the Modelling Accuracy of Steam Turbine Control Systems for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic Synchronizers
PublikacjaOne of the important factors that affect the reliable operation of the power system and the rapid restitution after disaster is a quick and effective combining synchronous electric power facilities to operate in parallel. Hence, diagnostics of automatic synchronizers at every stage of their life, from building a prototype, through the whole life, until removing such devices from the operation, is an extremely important and responsible...
Automatic tuning of a resonant circuit in wireless power supply systems for biomedical sensors
PublikacjaIn this paper, a tuning method of a resonant circuit suited for wireless powering of miniature endoscopic capsules is presented and discussed. The method allows for an automatic tuning of the resonant frequency and matching impedance of a full wave rectifier loading the resonant circuit. Thereby, the receiver tunes so as to obtain the highest power efficiency under given conditions of transmission. A prototype receiver for wireless...
Mathematical Models of Control Systems of Angular Speed of Steam Turbines for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic and Mechatronic Devices
PublikacjaAccurate modeling of physical processes of many automatics and mechatronics systems is often necessity. In power system such a process is control of angular velocity of power objects during connection to operation in parallel. This process is extremely dynamic. For this reason response of control system depends from changes of many physical parameters (temperature, pressure and flow of the medium, etc.). Precision modeling influences...
Automatic resource identification for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
Publikacja -
Automatic configuration of FMC boards for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
Publikacja -
Automatic HDL firmware generation for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard