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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Jacek Czub
Jacek Czub prof. dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Molekularne aspekty aktywności biologicznej amfoterycyny B i jej pochodnych o podwyższonej selektywności - badania z zastosowaniem metod chemii obliczeniowej
Publikacja -
Rotation Triggers Nucleotide-Independent Conformational Transition of the Empty β Subunit of F1-ATPase
PublikacjaF1-ATPase (F1) is the catalytic portion of ATP synthase, a rotary motor protein that couples proton gradients to ATP synthesis. Driven by a proton flux, the F1 asymmetric γ subunit undergoes a stepwise rotation inside the α3β3 headpiece and causes the β subunits’ binding sites to cycle between states of different affinity for nucleotides. These concerted transitions drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. Here, we study...
Torsional elasticity and energetics of F1-ATPase
PublikacjaFoF1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein synthesizing ATP from ADP driven by a cross-membrane proton gradient. The proton flow through the membrane-embedded Fo generates the rotary torque that drives the rotation of the asymmetric shaft of F1. Mechanical energy of the rotating shaft is used by the F1 catalytic subunit to synthesize ATP. It was suggested that elastic power transmission with transient storage of energy in some compliant...
Interaction of amphotericin B with phospholipids in the model membrane - molecular dynamics study.
PublikacjaAmfoterycyna B jest antybiotykiem używanym w leczeniu układowych infekcji grzybowych. Jej mechanizm działania polega na tworzeniu kanałów wewnątrz błon lipidowych. W przedstawianej pracy publikowane są wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonej dynamiką molekularną monomerycznej i dimerycznej formy antybiotyku wewnątrz błony lipidowej zbudowanej z cząsteczek DMPC. Wyniki te wskazują, że powinowactwo cząsteczek amfoterycyny wewnątrz dimeru...
Telomere uncapping by common oxidative guanine lesions: Insights from atomistic models
PublikacjaOxidative damage to DNA is widely known to contribute to aging and disease. This relationship has been extensively studied for telomeres – structures that cap chromosome ends – due to their role in cell proliferation and senescence, and exceptional susceptibility to oxidation. Indeed, the repetitive telomeric DNA sequence contains the 5′-GGG-3′ motif that has the lowest ionization potential of all trinucleotides. Accordingly, experiments...
How proteins bind to DNA: target discrimination and dynamic sequence search by the telomeric protein TRF1
PublikacjaTarget search as performed by DNA-binding proteins is a complex process, in which multiple factors contribute to both thermodynamic discrimination of the target sequence from overwhelmingly abundant off-target sites and kinetic acceleration of dynamic sequence interrogation. TRF1, the protein that binds to telomeric tandem repeats, faces an intriguing variant of the search problem where target sites are clustered within short fragments...
Amphotericin B and Its New Derivatives - Mode of Action
PublikacjaAmphotericin B (AmB) is a well known antifungal and antiprotozoal antibiotic used in the clinic for several decades. Clinicalapplications of AmB, however, are limited by its nephrotoxicity and many other acute side effects which are not acceptable by patientswhen their life is not threaten. In order to improve the therapeutic index of this drug, lipid formulations have been introduced and manyefforts have been made to obtain less...
Specific Binding of Cholesterol to the Amyloid Precursor Protein: Structure of the Complex and Driving Forces Characterized in Molecular Detail
PublikacjaC99 is the C-terminal membrane-bound fragment of the amyloid precursor protein that is cleaved by γ-secretase to release Aβ peptides, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Specific interactions of C99 with cholesterol have been proposed to underlie the recognized role of cholesterol in promoting amyloidogenesis. By using molecular dynamics simulations, we studied cholesterol binding to C99 in a lipid bilayer. We determined...
Keep It Flexible: Driving Macromolecular Rotary Motions in Atomistic Simulations with GROMACS
PublikacjaWe describe a versatile method to enforce the rotation of subsets of atoms, e.g., a protein subunit, in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In particular, we introduce a “flexible axis” technique that allows realistic flexible adaptions of both the rotary subunit as well as the local rotation axis during the simulation. A variety of useful rotation potentials were implemented for the GROMACS 4.5 MD package. Application to the...