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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING
The use of tax reliefs by entrepreneurs on the example of tax relief for new technologies in the Łódź and Lower Silesian provinces
Dane BadawczeInformation about 323,152 business entities located in the Łódź and Lower Silesian voivodships, provided by 52 tax offices as part of access to public information. The time range of the survey is 2009-2016. The data describe the level of use of the tax relief for new technologies.
What entrepreneurs think about tax optimization?
Dane BadawczeThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs concerned the behavioral attitudes of business owners regarding their opinion on tax optimization. From the study we will learn, among others, how tax optimization is defined according to entrepreneurs, their attitude towards it, as well as what optimization actions they have taken so far.
Personal income tax - tax scales in 1992–2019
Dane BadawczeThe tax rate is the ratio (usually expressed as a percentage) at which a business or person is taxed. There are several methods used to present a tax rate: statory, average, marginal, and effective. These rates can also be presented using different definitions applied to a tax base: inclusive and exclusive.
Use of tax incentives and exemptions - study results
Dane BadawczeThe study was conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland. Tha analysis is concerned on aspects related to the level of use of tax incentives in companies. The results contain the following aspects: how often entrepreneurs benefit from tax breaks and exemptions and why are they reluctant to take economic and business advantage...
Annual growth of imports of goods and services in selected countries, 1997–2021
Dane BadawczeThe table shows the import of goods and services, which is the value of all goods and other market services received from the rest of the world. They include the value of goods, freight, insurance, transportation, travel, royalties, license fees, and other services such as communications, construction, finance, information, business, personal, and government...
Data from the survey on the cooperation of entrepreneurs with the Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of student apprenticeship programs or internships
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the cooperation of entrepreneurs with the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. opinions on cooperation with the GUT in the field of student apprenticeships...
Difficulties in financing innovation - research results
Dane BadawczeThe SME sector determines the strength of the Polish economy, still faces many barriers in running a business, they can be social and market barriers, for example: financial barriers, low employee mobility, or limited access to financing sources: legal barriers that result from economic policy difficult for the sector, or conservative economic policy.
Chronology and geochemistry of varved sediments from Lake Gorzyńskie, western Poland: a new archive of climatic and environmental changes during the Late Glacial and the Holocene in central Europe
Dane BadawczeHere, we present a new dataset related to varved sediment record of Lake Gorzyńskie located in western Poland. The complete sediment profile from this lake is 10.45 meters long and covers the last ca. 13,250 years. The dataset includes results of varve counting, age depth modeling, and geochemical proxies. The Lake Gorzyńskie sediment record offers...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. assessment of GUT graduates' preparation for the requirements...
The number of enterprises in Poland and EU countries (in thousands) in 2019
Dane BadawczeEnterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...
Tax support mechanisms for research and development projects in EU countries
Dane BadawczeOne of the important areas requiring special support from the state are activities in pro-innovative investments. Tax incentives allocated to research and development are used by practically all European Union countries. Their aim is to persuade entities conducting business activity to invest in the so-called new technologies - defined as the area of...
The share of employment in individual cities in total employment in the BPO/SSC sector in Poland
Dane BadawczeEmployment in the sector in 2019 was almost three times higher than in 2013. Throughout the analyzed period, employment grew year on year. The dynamics of changes ranged from 10% in 2019 to nearly 43% in 2016, when the highest increase in employment in the sector in nominal terms was at the level of 64,000.BPO, SSC / GBS, IT, R&D centers generated...
The number of enterprises in Poland and selected EU countries in 2012
Dane BadawczeIn 2012, Poland was sixth in the ranking of the number of enterprises in selected European Union countries. In total, 22 million companies conduct business in the countries of the Community. However, when analyzing these values in relative numbers (calculated as the number of enterprises per 1000 inhabitants), Poland ranks only 22nd among the Member...
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers who obtain income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income (2011-2015)
Dane BadawczeTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...
Data from the survey on factors determining the employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ in the opinion of entrepreneurs
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on factors determining the employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ in the opinion of entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. factors determining the...
Dataset 1 on nitrobenzene degradation after 60 minutes of the ARP at 20 °C
Dane BadawczeTHis set od date presents a nitrobenzene degradation after 60 minutes of the process at 20 °C - Advanced Reduction Process based on dithionate application.
Tax system in Poland - current situation and direction of changes
Dane BadawczeThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland concerns the opinions of business owners on the current tax situation, as well as potential changes in the tax system.
Employment structure in individual enterprises in Poland in 2010-2014
Dane BadawczeIt is worth mentioning the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the labor market. The above-mentioned entities employ in total nearly 70% of all employees who work in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees.Comparing the data contained in the table below...
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers obtaining income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income 2011-2015
Dane BadawczeTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...
Analysis of spatial changes in the town of Puck with its surroundings in the years 1926, 1940, 1974, 1985, 2000, 2020 on the basis of topographic maps using the BDOT10K database
Dane BadawczeSpatial changes over time are extremely valuable due to the possibility of modeling forecasts. This dataset shows how Puck has evolved over a specific period of time. Thanks to this presentation of the data set, it is possible to easily recreate the appearance of the city in particular years.
Results of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity on inhibition of bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri (Microtox)
Dane BadawczeThe research was concerned with verifying the impact of mixtures of nine pharmaceuticals against a selected organism, i.e., the bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri. A. fisheri is used as a model organism in the monitoring of acute toxicity in environmental and reference samples in Microtox® systems. Tested pharmaceuticals, namely: diclofenac (sodium salt),...
Numerical metadata of a microchamber with bacteria
Dane BadawczeSelected results in the form of graphs and a diagram of the analysed system. The metadata shows in sequence: 1) Temperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiationTemperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiation; 2) Maximum temperature profile in the fluidic chamber during the...
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified with the Simplify Building tool representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified using the Sester’s method representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Objects resulting from the sequential generalization of the buildings group in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonisation of objects simplified using the Chrobak’s method representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of simplified objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district using the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Objects resulting from the sequential generalization of the buildings group in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonisation of objects simplified using the Sester’s method representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified using the Chrobak’s method representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea...
The aggregation of objects representing Gdańsk district buildings - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The aggregation of objects representing buildings in the Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
FTIR in situ - ethylene decomposition on TiO2
Dane BadawczeThese data contain FTIR spectra recorded in FTIR spectrometer Nicolet iS50 coupled with High Temperature Chamber "The Praying Mantis". These spectra were measured for TiO2 irradiated by UV and under flowing of ethylene gas diluted in air. FTIR spectra were measured in situ during the photocatalytic process of ethylene decomposition. In order to identify...
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The structure of the enterprise sector by size in Poland and the EU-28 in 2017
Dane BadawczeEnterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...
Towards Compact City 2.0 – Gdańsk-Osowa district case study, proposal no 1, February 2022
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the participatory planning process: Towards Compact City – Gdańsk-Osowa district case study, proposal no 1, from February 2022. The result/ aim of the process was to present the new, innovative design visions for the area located in Gdańsk-Osowa district in the context of land use plan. The participatory methodology...
Towards Compact City 2.0 – Gdańsk-Osowa district case study, proposal no 4, February 2022
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the participatory planning process: Towards Compact City – Gdańsk-Osowa district case study, proposal no 4, from February 2022. The result/ aim of the process was to present the new, innovative design visions for the area located in Gdańsk-Osowa district in the context of land use plan. The participatory methodology...