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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mass%20spectrometry
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Rheology studies of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composites
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains rheology measurements carried out on new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques was performed by melt mass-flow rates (MFR)....
Floating treatment wetland with Equisetum hyemale - performance in nutrients and potentially toxic elements removal
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the results of a microcosm experiment with floating treatment wetlands (FTW) conducted under artificial conditions. The goal of this experiment was to determine the effect of stress factors (Pb, As, increased salinity) on the nutrient uptake capacity of Equisetum hyemale in FTW. The ability of E.hyemale to uptake Pb and As was...
The AFM micrographs of austenitic stainless steel subjected to sensitization for intergranular corrosion
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains atomic force microscopy (AFM) maps of topographic images of austenitic steel samples subjected to sensitization to the process of intergranular corrosion. Precipitations of carbides as well as other intermetallic phases can be observed and detected before the fragments of structures sensitized by improper thermal treatment are exposed...
SEM images of Mo2Ga2C MAX material
Dane BadawczeIn the dataset, are included SEM images of molybdenum gallium carbide MAX materials.
Sierakowice 2020- video data
Dane BadawczeSierakowice 2020- video data
Gdynia Wielkopolska street 2020 - video traffic data
Dane BadawczeGdynia Wielkopolska street 2020 - video traffic data
Determination of flow properties of a pneumatic hose from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied or filled by a differently configured pneumatic line
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of various pneumatic hoses. The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being filled or emptied tank for a differently configured pneumatic line, including pneumatic hoses of different length and diameter. Three test configurations were used: (1) pressure source -> pneumatic...
Methane (CH4) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Dane BadawczeThe calibration spectra for CH4 concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Carbon (II) oxide (CO) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Dane BadawczeThe calibration spectra for CO concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Carbon dioxide (CO2) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Dane BadawczeThe calibration spectra for CO2 concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
AFM and SSRM investiagtion of carbon nanowalls properties
Dane BadawczeStructures with limited dimensionality are of great interest in modern nanotechnology. The properties of these objects are used, among others, for the construction of modern displays or as a base for quantum computers. Carbon nanowalls, which are the subject of the imaging results contained in this collection, are also considered interesting building...
Olsztyn 2019- video traffic data
Dane BadawczeOlsztyn 2019- video data
Giżycko 2017- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeGiżycko 2017- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Pruszcz Gdański 2019- video data
Dane BadawczePruszcz Gdański 2019- video data
Legionów 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeLegionów 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 4 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 4 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 6 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 6 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 5 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 5 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 8 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to 10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 8 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 7 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 7 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Więcbork 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeWięcbork 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of cataphoretic-grown epoxy-based coatings
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra collected for epoxy-based cataphoretic coatings in order to determine the offered anti-corrosion protection. Particular spectra pertain to the coatings applied for the different magnitude of polarization potential imposed, namely 10V, 20V and 30V. The results were obtained within the...
SegSperm - a dataset of sperm images for blurry and small object segmentation
Dane BadawczeMany deep learning applications require figure-ground segmentation. The performance of segmentation models varies across modalities and acquisition settings.
Gdańsk Główny 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeGdańsk Główny 2020- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Gdynia Kosakowo 2019 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeGdynia Kosakowo 2019- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Gdańsk Goplańska 2020- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeGdańsk Goplańska 2020- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Gdańsk- Ergo Arena 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeGdańsk- Ergo Arena 2021- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Hydrological predictors used for vegetation modelling in the lower Biebrza valley 1900-2099
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains hydrological predictors used for vegetation modelling in the lower Biebrza valley, NE Poland.The predictors were obtained from simulations using integrated hydrological model - HydroGeoSphere, with the Hydraulic Mixing-Cell method.Forcing data for the model were Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) data for the period 1900-2015...
DK22 Gorzów Wielkopolski- Strzelce 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeDK22 Gorzów Wielkopolski- Strzelce 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Starogard Gdański 2019, Lubichowska - Pomorska street - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Dane BadawczeThe data contain video traffic data (pedestrian, cyclists, vehicles) registered at Lubichowska street. Date 06.2019, 6:00-18:00. The video camera was installed around intersections at Lubichowska and Pomorska street. Camera was mounted on 7-meter-high mast.