wszystkich: 143
wybranych: 9
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFTWARE PROJECT
3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
Dane Badawcze=== SET DESCRIPTION===3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
The database of localization and expression of classical aquaporins (AQPs) in the male reproductive system in cattle
Dane BadawczeThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” financed by the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
Electrochemical impedance spectra and CV curves of V2O5 nanorods
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the EIS spectra for coin-cells and CV curves with the V2O5 nanorods obtained by the sol-gel method. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were measured using the AUTOLAB 302N potentiostat-galvanostat under Nova software. The EIS measurements were recorded in the frequency range 100 kHz to 10 mHz for...
Electrochemical impedance spectra and CV curves of V2O5 nanocrystals
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the EIS spectra for coin-cells and CV curves with the V2O5 nanocrystals obtained by the sol-gel method. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were measured using the AUTOLAB 302N potentiostat-galvanostat under Nova software. The EIS measurements were recorded in the frequency range 100 kHz to 10 mHz...
The database of localization and expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), aquaporin 7 (AQP7) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in the male reproductive system in cattle. Morphometric studies. Localization of zinc finger transcription factor GATA-4.
Dane BadawczeThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
Miscanthus × giganteus light microscope observation - short and double rotation
Dane BadawczeThis dataset includes light microscope images of cross root, leaf, and rhizome sections from Miscanthus × giganteus. The experiment was performed under work package 2: Energy plantation - field trial, research task 1: Energy biomass cultivation in short and double rotation. The plants were planted in marginal soils that had been amended with biochar...
SoundShape - Headphone Transfer Function database
Dane BadawczeThis publication introduces the SoundShape database, which contains closed-ear headphone transfer functions (HpTF) for fifteen headphone models. Several models included in this database are also found in other well-known databases, such as Virtuoso and Binaural Decoders. However, for some models found in the literature, HpTF filters were unavailable,...
Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements
Dane BadawczeThis data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...
Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters
Dane BadawczeThe data set contains the simulation files related to the research paper “Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters”,