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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WIELOMIANY HERMITE'A

  • Number of work permits issued in 2008-2018 by migrant's country of origin

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The scale of the influx of economic migrants to Poland can be proved by data referring to documents enabling legal work, including work permits. In 2018, the most frequently applied for work permit for citizens of eight countries presented in the dataset. The table contains data on the number of permits issued in the years 2008-2018. 

  • Proportion of work permits issued to citizens of Ukraine, Nepal and Belarus in total permits issued in 2008-2018

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The number of work permits issued increased from 18,000 in 2008 to nearly 329 thousand in 2018, i.e. by 18 times. The largest increases in nominal terms occurred in 2015-2018, noting a change from 66 thousand in 2015, up to 127 thousand in 2016, 236,000 in 2017 and 329 thousand in 2018. So far the most work permits were received by Ukrainian citizens....

  • Number of seasonal work permits issued in 2018

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    In 2018, a total of 121,436 seasonal work permits were issued, the vast majority of which were granted to Ukrainian citizens. The following dataset shows the countries from which citizens have been issued the most permits.

  • DSC and TG results for strontium ferrite molybdate: pristine La, or Nb-doped

    Dane Badawcze

    This dataset consists of DSC and TG data collected for SFM, LSFM (La-doped) and SFMNb (Nb-doped) compounds, which were undertaken to analyze the reoxidation process of reduced compounds and its transition to double-perovskite structure .The appropriate amount of the powder (~10 mg with 10% tolerance factor) were placed into the alumina crucible and...

  • XRD diffraction patterns for strontium ferrite molybdate-based compounds: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains the XRD diffractograms collected at room temperature for SFM, LSFM and SFMNb in 3 different oxidation states, namely: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized.

  • The number of work permits issued (in thousands) and the dynamics of changes (%, year on year) in 2008-2018

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The number of work permits issued increased from 18,000 in 2008 to nearly 329 thousand in 2018, i.e. by 18 times. The largest increases in nominal terms occurred in 2015-2018, noting a change from 66 thousand in 2015, up to 127 thousand in 2016, 236,000 in 2017 and 329 thousand in 2018. The number of permits issued (in thousands) and the dynamics of...

  • Identification of intermetallic phases in the structure of austenitic steel with use of Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy

    Dane Badawcze

    Delta ferrite is formed in austenitic steels during the solidification of the alloy and its welds. It can also occur as a stable phase in any temperature range in high-alloy austenitic-ferritic steels. Depending on the amount, it can change into gamma and sigma phases and into ferrite with variable chromium content. The main role of delta ferrite in...

  • SEM examination of surface layer of C45 steel after grinding on defferent depth

    Ferrite examination for the medium carbon structural steel with low content of Mn, Si, Cu, Cr and Ni after its grinding to a depth of 2 µm, 8 µm, 14 µm and 20 µm, at constant wheel circumferential speed of vs = 25 m/s and constant feed rate vft = 1 m/min. It was shown that the grinding of C45 steel causes strong work hardening of ferrite in surface...

  • SEM images of SFM, LSFM and SFMNb in as-prepared state and reduced

    Dane Badawcze
    embargo - seria: SFM

    This dataset contains SEM images taken for pristine strontium ferrite molybdate, as well as ones doped with lanthanum or niobium. Materials were characterized in powder, under high vacuum in secondary electron mode. The images are divided into folders for as-prepared samples and reduced (H2, 800 deg, 4 h) ones. 

  • The XAS spectra of O-K edges, Fe-L edges in pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM in 3 states: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized

    Dane Badawcze
    embargo - seria: SFM

    This dataset contains the normalized and exported to *.txt spectra for x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The samples analyzed were strontium ferrite molybdate based, doped with lanthanum and niobium. The powders were measured in as-prepared state (denoted in filename as AP), reduced (red) and reoxidized (reox). The filenames are written accordingly: Edge_(optional:...

  • Results after grinding C45 steel

    The database contains results from nanoindenter, scanning microscope and also X-ray diffractometer. To determine the residual stresses and the size of the crystallites in the ferrite grains in the grinded surface layer, the Williamson Hall analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns was performed. XRD diffraction patterns were also used to perform a...

  • The electrical conductivity of pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM measured in air and hydrogen atmospheres

    Dane Badawcze
    embargo - seria: SFM

    This dataset consists of an Excel sheet with the result of DC4W method of electrical measurements. The measurements were conducted on pristine strontium ferrite molubdate as well as ones doped with La and Nb. Additionally two samples co-doped with La and Ni/Co were analyzed. Pellets were prepared by high temperature sintering at 1400 deg. C, then cut...

  • The exemplary Kelvin probe microscopy studies of sensitized austenitic stainless steels

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset summarizes the results of imaging the surface potential distribution using the Kelvin probe scanning technique. Due to the fact that the potential measured in this way is proportional to the electrochemical potential of metals or intermetallic phases, it is possible to assess the nobility differences of various alloy components. In the case...

  • AFM analysis of duplex steel structure and composition

    Dane Badawcze

    Due to the high content of alloying elements, duplex stainless steels are characterized by a complex structure of phase transitions. Among all types of intermetallic compounds, the sigma phase is of major interest due to its detrimental effect on both mechanical properties and corrosion behavior. It is an intermetallic phase enriched in Cr and Mo and...

  • Supplementary material for: Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • P. Crous
    • E.  Osieck
    • R.  Shivas
    • Y.  Tan
    • S.  Bishop-Hurley
    •  . F.
    • E.  Larsson
    • J.  Luangsa-ard
    • F.  Pancorbo
    • S.  Balashov
    • I.  Baseia
    • T. iuribaseia@gmail.com
    • S.  Chandranayaka
    • D.  Cowan
    • R.  Cruz
    • P.  Czachura
    • S.  De la Peña-Lastra
    • F.  Dovana
    • B.  Drury
    • J.  Fell
    • A.  Flakus
    • R.  Fotedar
    • Ž.  Jurjević
    • A.  Kolecka
    • J.  Mack
    • G.  Maggs-Kölling
    • S.  Mahadevakumar
    • A.  Mateos
    • S.  Mongkolsamrit
    • W.  Noisripoom
    • M.  Plaza
    • D. Overy
    • M.  Piatek
    • M.  Sandoval-Denis
    • J.  Vauras
    • M.  Wingfield
    • S.  Abell
    • A.  Ahmadpour
    • A.  Akulov
    • F.  Alavi
    • Z.  Alavi
    • A.  Altés
    • P.  Alvarado
    • G.  Anand
    • N.  Ashtekar
    • B.  Assyov
    • G.  Banc-Prandi
    • K.  Barbosa
    • G.  Barreto
    • J.  Bellanger
    • J.  Bezerra
    • D.  Bhat
    • P.  Bilański
    • T.  Bose
    • F.  Bozok
    • J.  Chaves
    • D.  Costa-Rezende
    • C.  Danteswari
    • V. Darmostuk
    • G.  Delgado
    • S.  Denman
    • A.  Eichmeier
    • J.  Etayo
    • G.  Eyssartier
    • S.  Faulwetter
    • K.  Ganga
    • Y.  Ghosta
    • J.  Goh
    • J.  Góis
    • D.  Gramaje
    • L.  Granit
    • M.  Groenewald
    • G.  Gulden
    • L.  Gusmão
    • A.  Hammerbacher
    • Z.  Heidarian
    • N.  Hywel-Jones
    • R.  Jankowiak
    • M.  Kaliyaperumal
    • O.  Kaygusuz
    • K.  Kezo
    • A.  Khonsanit
    • S.  Kumar
    • C.  Kuo
    • T.  Laessøe
    • K.  Latha
    • M.  Loizides
    • S.  Luo
    • J.  Maciá-Vicente
    • P.  Manimohan
    • P.  Marbach
    • P.  Marinho
    • T.  Marney
    • G.  Marques
    • M.  Martín
    • A.  Miller
    • F.  Mondello
    • G.  Moreno
    • K.  Mufeeda
    • H. Mun
    • T.  Nau
    • T.  Nkomo
    • A.  Okrasińska
    • J.  Oliveira
    • R.  Oliveira
    • D.  Ortiz
    • J.  Pawłowska
    • M.  Pérez-De-Gregorio
    • A.  Podile
    • A.  Portugal
    • N.  Privitera
    • K.  Rajeshkumar
    • I.  Rauf
    • B.  Rian
    • A.  Rigueiro-Rodríguez
    • G.  Rivas-Torres
    • P. Rodriguez-Flakus
    • M.  Romero-Gordillo
    • I.  Saar
    • M.  Saba
    • C.  Santos
    • P.  Sarma
    • J.  Siquier
    • S.  Sleiman
    • M.  Spetik
    • K.  Sridhar
    • M.  Stryjak-Bogacka
    • K.  Szczepańska
    • H.  Taşikn
    • D.  Tennakoon
    • D.  Thanakitpipattana
    • J.  Trovão
    • A.  Türkekul
    • A.  van Iperen
    • P.  van 't Hof
    • G.  Vasquez
    • C.  Visagie
    • B.  Wingfield
    • P.  Wong
    • W.  Yang
    • M.  Yarar
    • O.  Yarden
    • N.  Yilmaz
    • N.  Zhang
    • Y.  Zhu
    • J.  Groenewald

    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Ecuador (Galapagos), Finland, France, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan region...

  • Data for systematic review on interversions reducing car use

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains search strategies, bibliographic information and data synthesis performed for a systematic literature review to provide a comprehensive and unbiased summary of the available evidence concerning car use-reducing interventions employed and their effectiveness. ‘Intervention’, for this study purposes, is defined as “any policy, program,...

  • Data for meta-analysis on interversions reducing car use

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of a meta-analysis of reported interventions reducing car use. To standardise intervention effects reported in different scales, the  Hedges’ g effect size measure was used (ratio of raw difference in samples’ means and pooled standard deviation).  The standardised studies outcomes, along with overall outcome, were...