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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GAMES

  • Fashion Games, Fashion in Games and Gamification in Fashion. A First Map


    - Rok 2023

    Fashion companies have been using different forms of entertainment such as film and television, sport, music, museums, and photography as inspiration sources and as communication and marketing channels for decades. However, in recent years, they have also started to consider the gaming world. While gaming offers a potential revenue stream from sales of physical and digital clothing, change in it is also the gateway to access new...

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  • Infinite chromatic games

    In the paper we introduce a new variant of the graph coloring game and a new graph parameter being the result of the new game. We study their properties and get some lower and upper bounds, exact values for complete multipartite graphs and optimal, often polynomial-time strategies for both players provided that the game is played on a graph with an odd number of vertices. At the end we show that both games, the new and the classic...

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  • Affect aware video games


    - Rok 2022

    In this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.

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  • Games and play with light in architecture

    The paper deals with the issue of the influence of daylight on the creation of architecture in the view of designers` play with light in the architectural space. Using the examples of contemporary realizations of some art museums, the work demonstrates the impact of exploration and experimentation conducted by the creators of visual arts on the design styles and architectural solutions. It also reveals the historical continuity...

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  • Adopting collaborative games into Open Kanban


    - Rok 2016

    The crucial element of any agile project is people. Not surprisingly, principles and values such as "Respect for people", "Communication and Collaboration", "Lead using a team approach", and "Learn and improve continuously" are an integral part of Open Kanban. However, Open Kanban has not provided any tools or techniques to aid the human side of software development. Moreover, as a Lean initiative, it is not as comprehensively...

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  • Affective reactions to playing digital games


    The paper presents a study of emotional states during a gameplay. An experiment of two-player Tetris game is reported, followed by the analysis of the results - self-reported emotional states as well as physiological signals measurements interpretation. The study reveals the diversity of emotional reactions and concludes, that a representative player's emotional model is hard to define. Instead, an adaptive approach to emotion...

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  • Design Elements of Affect Aware Video Games


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper issues of design and development process of affect-aware video games are presented. Several important design aspects of such games are pointed out. A concept of a middleware framework is proposed that separates the development of affect-aware video games from emotion recognition algorithms and support from input sensors. Finally, two prototype affect-aware video games are presented that conform to the presented architecture...

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  • Adopting Collaborative Games into Agile Software Development


    - Rok 2018

    Although the emergence of agile methods has triggered a growing awareness that social factors have a crucial impact on the success of software projects, neither the Scrum Guide nor the Agile Manifesto prescribe techniques that aid the human side of software development. To address this challenge, we enriched the Scrum process with a set of collaborative games. Collaborative games refer to techniques inspired by game play, but designed...

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  • A distributed system for conducting chess games in parallel

    This paper proposes a distributed and scalable cloud based system designed to play chess games in parallel. Games can be played between chess engines alone or between clusters created by combined chess engines. The system has a built-in mechanism that compares engines, based on Elo ranking which finally presents the strength of each tested approach. If an approach needs more computational power, the design of the system allows...

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  • Which digital games are appropriate for our children?


    - Rok 2018

    Chapter contains advice on which digital games are accessible for children with diverse impairments. It providess a process for choosing the device, the game and adjusting it. It might be of use for therapists, techers and caregivers.

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  • Adopting Collaborative Games into Agile Requirements Engineering


    In agile software development, where great emphasis is put on effective informal communication involving diverse stakeholders, success depends on human and social factors. Not surprisingly, the Agile Manifesto advocates principles and values such as “individuals and interactions over processes and tools”, “focus on the customer”, “collaborate regularly”, “communicate face-to-face within the team” and “have regular team introspection”....

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  • Emotion Recognition for Affect Aware Video Games

    In this paper the idea of affect aware video games is presented. A brief review of automatic multimodal affect recognition of facial expressions and emotions is given. The first result of emotions recognition using depth data as well as prototype affect aware video game are presented

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  • Developing competences of IT project managers using simulation games


    Project Management is a domain in which methodological approach is developing very rapidly. Project managers are required to present knowledge of the various methods of project management and apply them to the management of specific projects. It means that project managers must constantly develop their competence, mainly based on good practices from different formal methods of project management. The purpose of this article is...

  • ANFIS-Based NPC Population Control in Video Games


    - Rok 2021

    Modern computer games aim at providing rich, vivid worlds. The aim is to encourage the player to explore and interact with the in-game world. To describe the complex relations between in-game NPCs and their surrounding fuzzy logic is used. The paper presents ANFIS based population control in the video game. We present an approach allowing stabilizing the number of NPCs in-game by providing a certain amount of food to the environment....

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  • Behaviometrics of Digital Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Te paper reports current stage of the project Automated Terapy Monitoring for Children with Developmental Disorders of Autism Spectrum (AUTMON), that aims at development of methods and tools to allow for the automatic evaluation of the therapy progress among children with autism. Finding objective measures suitable for evaluating therapy progress would let create a system supporting those who diagnose autism and the therapists...

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  • Labyrynths generators, their properties and practical application in computer games

    this paper presents three basic algorithms for generation of mazes, and many of their modifications and examples showing their practical application in creating random structures that resembles those from the real world. the paper highlights the difference in the labyrinths classes generated by listed algorithms and describes a specific and highly likely to occur shapes that occur in generated mazes. particular attention was paid...

  • Utilizing online collaborative games to facilitate Agile Software Development

    Effective collaboration and interaction among the development team and between the team and the customer as well as proactive attitude in initiating and implementing improvements play vital roles in the success of agile projects. The challenge is how to address these social aspects since neither the Agile Manifesto nor the Scrum Guide specify techniques that aid the human side of software development. To fill this gap, we developed...

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  • Multihomed Wireless Terminals: MAC Configuration and Network Selection Games


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule rozpatruje się rozdział pasma pomiędzy zbiór racjonalnych terminali bezprzewodowych dołączonych do wielu sieci lokalnych. Przy pomocy narzędzi analitycznych teorii gier pokazuje się, w jaki sposób można zniechęcać terminale do agresywnej konfiguracji protokołu MAC. Analizowana jest ilościowo rola prędkości generacji informacji zwrotnej z sieci w stosunku do częstości generacji żądań dostępu terminala do sieci. Wykazano,...



    - Rok 2015

    With 27 million people playing League of Legends every day, e-sports became more and more important part of our everyday life. Rise of its popularity builds a demand for better understanding e-sports mechanics on a deeper level. In the article, we test a hypothesis that it is possible to predict an outcome of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game based on topological clues only (such as area of polygon where vertices are players...

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  • The entrepreneurship of host cities of the Olympic Games – Between success and social destruction

    Many publications focus on the deficit nature of the Olympic Games organisation, when considered from the point of view of host cities – organisers of such events. However, does such an event actually affect the region and the host country in a positive way? The presented article aims at the assessment of the organisation of mass sports events, such as the Olympic Games, taking into consideration entrepreneurial activities which...

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  • Designing effective educational games - a case study of a project management game

    This paper addresses the issues of designing effective educational games. We aim at investigating how the cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of the games influence their educational effectiveness. The results were obtained with an observational user experience study extended with affect analysis carried out for a project management game GraPM. We analyzed the...

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  • Quality of service games in an IEEE 802.11 ad hoc wireless LAN


    - Rok 2006

    W pracy wykazano, że gdy wymaganie na minimalną przepływnośc stacji przekracza wielkość wyznaczoną przez punkt optimum w sensie Pareto, okazjonalna egoistyczna konfiguracja MAC pozwala stacjom uczestniczyć w grze typu kolejkowego, w której wypłatą jest uzyskana przepływność. Zaprezentowano przykładowe scenariusze takiej gry oraz dokonano jej analizy przy pomocy modelu gry stochastycznej, wykazując istnienie punktu równowagi oraz...

  • Evaluation of affective intervention process in development of affect-aware educational video games


    - Rok 2016

    In this paper initial experiences are presented on implementing specific methodology of affective intervention design (AFFINT) for development of affect-aware educational video games. In the described experiment, 10 student teams are to develop affect-aware educational video games using AFFINT to formalize the whole process. Although all projects are still in progress, first observations and conclusions may already be presented.

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  • Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects


    - Rok 2014

    Economics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...

  • Using Different Information Channels for Affect-Aware Video Games - A Case Study


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents the problem of creating affect-aware video games that use different information channels, such as image, video, physiological signals, input devices, and player’s behaviour, for emotion recognition. Presented case studies of three affect-aware games show certain conditions and limitations for using specific signals to recognize emotions and lead to interesting conclusions.

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    Below work tries to answer a question: if it is possible to replace real human with computer system in social games. As a subject for experiments, card games were chosen, because they require a lot of player interaction (playing and taking cards), while their rules are easy to present in form of clear list of statements. Such a system, should allow real players to play without constant worrying about guiding or helping computer...

  • Developing Game-Structure Sensitive Matchmaking System for Massive-Multiplayer Online Games


    - Rok 2015

    Providing a fair matchmaking system is an essential issue, while developing every online video game. In the article, we show that the currently existing matchmaking system in League of Legends, one of the most popular online video games currently existing, is built on a base of conditions which do not hold true in the presence of empirical data. This, in short, decreases the effectiveness of the ranking system, and negatively affects...

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  • Characterizing the Performance of <span class="sc">xor</span> Games and the Shannon Capacity of Graphs



    In this Letter we give a set of necessary and sufficient conditions such that quantum players of a two-party xor game cannot perform any better than classical players. With any such game, we associate a graph and examine its zero-error communication capacity. This allows us to specify a broad new class of graphs for which the Shannon capacity can be calculated. The conditions also enable the parametrization of new families of games...

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  • QoS provisioning in a single-cell ad hoc WLAN via queuing and stochastic games


    Pokazano, że stosowanie agresywnych strategii dostępu do medium transmisyjnego może stanowić dla stacji sieci gwarancję równej szansy uzyskania pożądanej przepływności oraz zachowania jej na cały czas transferu danych. Przeprowadzono analizę gier typu stochastycznego pod kątem istnienia równowagi strategicznej przy założeniu probabilistycznych strategii dostępu.

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  • The Economic Legacy of Mega Sporting Events. The Impact of Hosting European Olympic Games on GDP Growth Through Infrastructure Development

    Introduction. The positive legacy of the Olympics is often cited by the International Olympic Committee and national or-ganizers. Some scholars, however, question an uncritical approach to an exclusively positive economic legacy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of hosting the Olympics on infrastructure development, with a potential impact on economic growth in the form of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in three phases...

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  • Comovements between heavily shorted stocks during a market squeeze: Lessons from the GameStop trading frenzy


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  • Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach



    We study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the...

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  • Adjusting Game Difficulty by Recreating Behavioral Trees of Human Player Actions


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents a proposition of a method for adjusting game difficulty to the current level of player's skills in one-on-one games. The method is based on recognition of human player's actions and recording of those actions in the form of behavioral trees. Such trees are later used to drive behaviors of computer-controlled opponents so that human player has beat hit own strategy and improve on it, to win subsequent games....

  • Model of emotions for game players


    - Rok 2015

    Affect-aware video games can respond to a game player's emotions. Such games seem to be more attractive for users. Therefore for that kind of games it is necessary to create a model of the player's emotions to know to which emotions the application should react. The paper describes different models of emotions. The questionnaire and experiment for video game players is presented. Some results of the tests are shown. Then the model...

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  • Human-computer interactions in speech therapy using a blowing interface


    In this paper we present a new human-computer interface for the quantitative measurement of blowing activities. The interface can measure the air flow and air pressure during the blowing activity. The measured values are stored and used to control the state of the graphical objects in the graphical user interface. In speech therapy children will find easier to play attractive therapeutic games than to perform repetitive and tedious,...

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  • Steering is an essential feature of non-locality in quantum theory


    - Nature Communications - Rok 2018

    A physical theory is called non-local when observers can produce instantaneous effects over distant systems. Non-local theories rely on two fundamental effects: local uncertainty relations and steering of physical states at a distance. In quantum mechanics, the former one dominates the other in a well-known class of non-local games known as XOR games. In particular, optimal quantum strategies for XOR games are completely determined...

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  • Possible uses of crisis situation aiding system in virtual world simulation


    - Rok 2012

    Many of the real world crisis situations like spreading fire, hostile units attack, flood, and etc. are commonly used in computer games where a simulation of extensive virtual world is crucial. This paper presents some ideas for possible uses of existing crisis situation aiding system in such environments. Moreover it shows how this kind of system can be taught during subsequent games with a large number of players.

  • Game-based Sprint retrospectives: multiple action research

    In today’s fast-paced world of rapid technological change, software development teams need to constantly revise their work practices. Not surprisingly, regular reflection on how to become more effective is perceived as one of the most important principles of Agile Software Development. Nevertheless, running an effective and enjoyable retrospective meeting is still a challenge in real environments. As reported by several studies,...

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  • Possible uses of crisis situation aiding system in virtual world simulation

    Many of the real world crisis situations like spreading fire, hostile units attack, flood, and etc. are commonly used in computer games where a simulation of extensive virtual world is crucial. This paper presents some ideas for possible uses of existing crisis situation aiding system in such environments. Moreover, it shows how this kind of system can be taught during subsequent games with a large number of players. As an example...

  • Metaheurystyki sztucznej inteligencji w wybranych grach komputerowych

    W pracy omówiono trzy metaheurystyki sztucznej inteligencji, które mogą stać się źródłem inspiracji dla projektantów gier komputerowych. Pokazano, w jaki sposób zastosowano algorytm mrówkowy, algorytm genetyczny i algorytm tabu search w grach komputerowych zaprojektowanych przez studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej. W szczególności, odniesiono się do problematyki wyznaczania trajektorii przemieszczających się obiektów...

  • Bringing Common Sense to WordNet with a Word Game


    We present a tool for common sense knowledge acquisition in form of a twenty questions game. The described approach uses WordNet dictionary, which rich taxonomy allows to keep cognitive economy and accelerate knowledge propagation, although sometimes inferences made on hierarchical relations result in noise. We extend the dictionary with common sense assertions acquired during the games played with humans. The facts added to the...

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  • Strong Monogamies of No-Signaling Violations for Bipartite Correlation Bell Inequalities



    The phenomenon of monogamy of Bell inequality violations is interesting both from the fundamental perspective as well as in cryptographic applications such as the extraction of randomness and secret bits. In this article, we derive new and stronger monogamy relations for violations of Bell inequalities in general no-signaling theories. These relations are applicable to the class of binary output correlation inequalities known as...

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  • Applications for investigating therapy progress of autistic children


    The paper regards supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children with mobile applications, specifically applied for measuring the child’s progress. A family of five applications is presented, that was developed as an investigation tool within the project aimed at automation of therapy progress monitoring. The applications were already tested with children with autism spectrum disorder. Hereby we analyse children’ experience...

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  • Edge and Pair Queries-Random Graphs and Complexity



    We investigate two types of query games played on a graph, pair queries and edge queries. We concentrate on investigating the two associated graph parameters for binomial random graphs, and showing that determining any of the two parameters is NP-hard for bounded degree graphs.

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  • JamesBot - an intelligent agent playing StarCraft II


    The most popular method for optimizing a certain strategy based on a reward is Reinforcement Learning (RL). Lately, a big challenge for this technique are computer games such as StarCraft II which is a real-time strategy game, created by Blizzard. The main idea of this game is to fight between agents and control objects on the battlefield in order to defeat the enemy. This work concerns creating an autonomous bot using reinforced...

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  • Zastosowanie komputerów w dziedzinie wyszukiwania strategii optymalnych w grach logicznych

    Problem jaki stanowi wyszukiwanie strategii optymalnej w grach logicznych jest bardzo złożony. Można go podzielić na następujące podproblemy: obliczeniowy, pamięciowy oraz operacji wejścia/wyjścia. Jednak rosnąca z roku na rok siła obliczeniowa komputerów, ilość pamięci oraz prędkość transferu danych pomiędzy podzespołami zarówno lokalnymi jak i rozproszonymi, a także wzrost skuteczności wykorzystywanych technik algorytmicznych...

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  • Mobile devices and computing cloud resources allocation for interactive applications

    Using mobile devices such as smartphones or iPads for various interactive applications is currently very common. In the case of complex applications, e.g. chess games, the capabilities of these devices are insufficient to run the application in real time. One of the solutions is to use cloud computing. However, there is an optimization problem of mobile device and cloud resources allocation. An iterative heuristic algorithm for...

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  • Game with a Purpose for Verification of Mappings Between Wikipedia and WordNet


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents a Game with a Purpose for verification of automatically generated mappings focusing on mappings between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the game-play, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation...

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  • Playing the Sprint Retrospective

    In agile software development, where great emphasis is put on effective informal communication, success depends heavily on human and social factors. However, Scrum does not specify any techniques that aid the human side of software development. In this paper we investigate the use of 6 collaborative games for the Sprint Retrospective. Each game was implemented twice in a Scrum team in Intel Technology Poland. The received feedback...

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  • Modeling emotions for affect-aware applications

    The chapter concerns emotional states representation and modeling for software systems, that deal with human affect. A review of emotion representation models is provided, including discrete, dimensional and componential models. The paper provides also analysis of emotion models used in diverse types of affect-aware applications: games, mood trackers or tutoring systems. The analysis is supported with two design cases. The study...

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