wszystkich: 835
wybranych: 603
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GLASS
Ceramics, Glass and Glass-Ceramics for Personal Radiation Detectors
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Properties of LiMnBO3 glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics
PublikacjaPolycrystalline LiMnBO3 is a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries. In this work, we investigated the thermal, structural and electrical properties of glassy and nanocrystallized materials having the same chemical composition. The original glass was obtained via a standard melt-quenching method. SEM and 7Li solid-state NMR indicate that it contains a mixture of two distinct glassy phases. The results suggest that the...
Environmental stress cracking in e-glass and aramid/glass epoxy composites
PublikacjaKompozyty epoksydowe wzmocnione włóknami szklanymi są dość odporne na wpływy środowiskowe w stanie nieobciążonym, jednak po przyłożeniu obciążeń łatwo pękają w środowisku wody i rozcieńczonych kwasów. Charakterystyki propagacji pęknięć środowiskowych w laminatach szklano/epoksydowych były przedmiotem szeregu prac, jednak brak jest danych na temat zachowania laminatów o wzmocnieniu hybrydowym aramidowo-szklanym stosowanych w budowie...
Spectroscopic properties of Eu-doped antimony-germanate glass and glass-ceramics
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The effect of lithium fluoride on the thermal stability and thermoluminescence properties of borosilicate glass and glass-ceramics
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Niobate in silicate and phosphate glasses: Effect of glass basicity on crucible dissolution
PublikacjaUsing niobium crucibles for melting phosphate and silicate glasses of various modifier oxide contents, and therefore varying optical basicity (Λ), was found to result in varying dissolution rates of niobate during melting. Because of their high electronic polarizability, even small concentrations of niobates are detectable in the Raman spectra of glasses. Even less than 1 mol% Nb2O5 can be identified, as independently confirmed...
Electronic and ionic relaxations in strontium-borate glass and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides
PublikacjaThe topography, microstructure and electrical properties of strontium-borate glass and SBO glass containing bismuth and vanadium oxides, were studied. The structure was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. The A.C. complex conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. The influence of the quantity of bismuth...
Crystallization Kinetics and Structural Properties of the 45S5 Bioactive Glass and Glass-Ceramic Fiber Doped with Eu3+
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From Structure to Luminescent Properties of B2O3-Bi2O3-SrF2 Glass and Glass-Ceramics Doped with Eu3+ Ions
PublikacjaGlass-ceramics with the composition B2O3 -Bi2O3 -SrF2 were synthesized by the conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent crystallization of the parental glasses. The temperature at which the ceramization was carried out was selected based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis. The structure of the studied materials and the formation of SrF2 nanocrystals were confirmed by the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy...
Evaluation of Glass Powder-Based Geopolymer Stabilized Road Bases Containing Recycled Waste Glass Aggregate
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Thermal, structural and spectroscopic properties of heavy metal oxide glass and glass-ceramics doped with Er3+ions
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Through the looking-glass of the grazing bifurcation
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White emitting GeO2PbO Bi2O3SrF2 glass and nano-glass ceramics co-doped with Eu3+, Tb3+ and Tm3+ ions
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Spectroscopic Properties of Erbium-Doped Oxyfluoride Phospho-Tellurite Glass and Transparent Glass-Ceramic Containing BaF2 Nanocrystals
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Structural and optical properties of antimony-germanate-borate glass and glass fiber co-doped Eu3+ and Ag nanoparticles
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Polaron hopping conduction in manganese borosilicate glass
PublikacjaA study on a novel material - manganese borosilicate glass without alkali metals, was reported. It was found that the obtained samples containing high amount of manganese oxide (60MnO–xSiO2–(40 − x)B2O3, x = 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mol%) were amorphous and homogeneous. XPS measurements showed that most of manganese ions are at oxidation level of Mn2 + ions and the mean oxidation level slightly moves toward higher value, with increasing...
Mechanism of hopping conduction in Be–Fe–Al–Te–O semiconducting glasses and glass–ceramics
PublikacjaElectrical properties of beryllium-alumino-tellurite glasses and glass–ceramics doped with iron ions were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity was measured over a wide frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and the temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The D.C. conductivity values showed a correlation with the Fe-ion concentration and ratio of iron ions on different valence states in the samples. On the basis of...
Current trends of the steel-glass architecture in Japan
PublikacjaCurrent trends of the steel-glass architecture in Japan
The steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
PublikacjaThe steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
Aesthetic perception of steel-glass architecture in Japan
PublikacjaAesthetic perception of steel-glass architecture in Japan
On degradation of glass/polyester laminate immersed in water
PublikacjaMechanical behaviour was compared for glass/ polyester laminates manufactured in the boatbuilding plant using three methods: hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, infusion. Specimens were tested in dry condition and following accelerated water immersion test (70°C- corresponding to the exposure of 30 years at 19°C). In three point bending test 40-50% reduction in laminate strength was observed due to water immersion. The highest degradation...
Superconducting properties of BiPbSrCaCuO and BiSrCaCuO glass-ceramics
PublikacjaW pracy zbadano główne różnice pomiędzy właściwościami nadprzewodzącymi krystalizowanych szkieł BiPbSrCaCuO i BiSrCaCuO. Obie grupy materiałów wytwarzano w takich samych warunkach i zawierały one podobne ilości fazy nadprzewodzącej 2212. Mimo to, właściwości elektryczne w stanie normalnym oraz właściwości nadprzewodzące znacznie się różnią. Głównym źródłem różnic są różnice mikrostruktury obu grup materiałów.
Magnetic properties of the garnet and glass forms ofMn3Al2Si3O12
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Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 immobilized on glass beads
PublikacjaAktywność fotokatalityczną czystego TiO2 oraz TiO2 modyfikowanego borem zbadano w reakcji degradacji wodnego roztworu fenolu. TiO2 osadzono na szklanych kulkach i umieszczono w reaktorze wyposażonym w szklaną, kwarcową rurę, którą naświetlano promieniowaniem z zakresu UV-Vus
Magnetic properties of the garnet and glass forms of Mn3Al2Si3O12
PublikacjaPrezentujemy wyniki pomiarow podatności magnetycznej i ciepła właściwego dla Mn3Al2Si3O12 w formie krystalicznej i amorficznej. W ten sposób przeprowadzamy porównania stopnia magnetycznej frustracji dla obu form tego samego związku chemicznego.
The new steel-glass architecture of buildings in Japan
Nanocrystallization as a tool for controlling in vitro dissolution of borophosphate glass
PublikacjaThe controlled nanocrystallization of sodium-calcium-borophosphate glass (Na16.6Ca5.1B10.5Al0.8P10.5 O56.5 in at %) was conducted to investigate its influence on in vitro dissolution. Three temperatures (570 ◦C, 590 ◦C, and 610 ◦C) were selected based on thermal analysis and investigation of the morphology, structure, and in vitro dissolution of glass and glass-ceramics was conducted. The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed...
Ferromagnetic nanocrystallites in the SiO2 - PbO - Fe2O3 glass system
PublikacjaThe structure of 50% SiO2 - 35% PbO - 15% Fe2O3, 50% SiO2 - 30% PbO - 20% Fe2O3 and 50% SiO2 - 25% PbO - 25% Fe2O3 (in mol%) glass was investigated by the means of AFM microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Observation by the atomic force microscopy shows that each of prepared iron oxide glass doesn't have homogeneous structure and some nanocrystallites were detected. Next, test with neodymium magnet found out strong magnetic properties...
Ho2Pd1.3Ge2.7 – a ternary AlB2-type cluster glass system
PublikacjaWe report a successful synthesis of a ternary AlB2-type intermetallic compound. The phase purity was obtained by fine-tuning the Pd-Ge ratio out of the idealized 1-3. Attempts to synthesize an Er analogue were not successful. We discuss the instability of the Er analogue based on the atomic size ratio and also suggest that the increased stability of Ho2Pd1+xGe3−x in the Pd-rich range likely stems from a combination of atomic size...
Nd3+/Yb3+energy transfer in oxyfluoride silicate glass
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<title>Glass-ceramic fiber optic sensors</title>
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Conductivity and superconductivity of (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox glass-ceramics
PublikacjaAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox w zależności od warunków wygrzewania może być albo granulastym materiałem albo silnie nieuporządkowanym metalem. W pracy przedstawiony jest wpływ mikrostruktury na właściwości elektryczne w stanie normalnym oraz przejście do stanu nadprzewodzącego.
Structure–Glass Transition Relationships in Non-Isocyanate Polyhydroxyurethanes
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Conductivity and superconductivity of (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox glass-ceramics.
PublikacjaW układzie(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O poprzez krystalizację w fazie stałej można wytworzyć materiały o bardzo różnych właściwościach elektrycznych i nadprzewodzących. W zależności od warunków krystalizacji, można wytworzyć nadprzewodnik o temperaturze krytycznej między 8 a 105 st.K lub materiał nie przechodzący do stanu nadprzewodzącego. W pracy pokazano i przedyskutowano wpływ składu fazowego, struktury i mikrostruktury na przewodnictwo...
Properties of glass-ceramic for solid oxide fuel cells
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono właściwości krystalicznych pyro- i orto- krzemowych szkieł przygotowanych dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych. Zbadano rozszerzalnoność, ubytek masy, zmiany widm rentgenograficznych oraz widm impedancyjnych dla szkieł narażonych przez 60 dni na atmosfere ulteniajacą i redukująca w temperaturze 800C.
Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics doped with rare earth ions
PublikacjaIn a doctoral dissertation, new borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics containing AlF3 and SrF2 were examined as potential hosts for RE3+ ions. Experimental studies were conducted to determine optimal conditions for synthesizing transparent borate-bismuth glasses and glass ceramics, with a focus on analyzing their structure and luminescence properties. The introduction of AlF3 into the glass matrix led to an increase in the...
From structure to luminescence investigation of oxyfluoride transparent glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
PublikacjaGlasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic matrices. Especially, white light emission through simultaneous excitation...
Tradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
PublikacjaTradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
Diatomaceous earth as a drug-loaded carrier in a glass-ionomer cement
PublikacjaThe effect of a natural filler (diatomaceous earth [DE], a promising drug-delivery agent) and its content was investigated on the performance of a model glass-ionomer cement (GIC). Three sample series, differing in DE content (0, 2.5 and 5 wt%), were prepared using a commercial GIC as a matrix (3M Ketac Molar Easymix). The resultant surface microhardness and roughness, wear performance, and compressive strength of the samples were...
Comparison of three methods of EPR retrospective dosimetry in watch glass
PublikacjaIn this article we present results of our follow-up studies of samples of watch glass obtained and examined within a framework of international intercomparison dosimetry project RENEB ILC 2021. We present three methods of dose reconstruction based on EPR measurements of these samples: calibration method (CM), added dose method (ADM) and added dose&heating method (ADHM). The study showed that the three methods of dose reconstruction...
Use of Daylight and Aesthetic Image of Glass Facades in Contemporary Buildings
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the architecture of contemporary buildings in respect to their aesthetic image created by the use of natural light. Sustainability is regarded as a principle of contemporary architecture, where daylighting is an important factor as it affects energy consumption and environmental quality of the space inside a building. Environmental awareness of architecture, however, involves a much wider and more holistic...
Local properties of organic coatings close to glass transition temperature
PublikacjaAcrylic coating applied on copper substrate has been investigated at different temperatures starting from the ambient one up to the level above the glass transition temperature. Its local topographic and electric properties have been examined with the atomic force microscopy (AFM) based approach including dc current mapping and local impedance spectroscopy. The local findings have been compared with the information from global...
The (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox glass-ceramics: disordered metal and superconductor
PublikacjaAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox wygrzewany w odpowiednich warunkach staje się granulastym metalem i nadprzewodnikiem. Może być uważany za silnie nieuporządkowany metal. Ma duży opór i zazwyczaj ujemny współczynnik temperaturowej zależności oporu. Nieuporządkowanie i granulasty charakter materiału ujawnia się również w jego właściwościach nadprzewodzących.
Upconversion energy transfer in Yb3+/Tm3+doped tellurite glass
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Upconversion luminescence in tellurite glass codoped with Yb3+/Ho3+ions
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Thermal analysis and luminescence of phospho-tellurite glass doped with NdF3
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Luminescence Sensing Method for Degradation Analysis of Bioactive Glass Fibers
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<title>Technology of soft-glass optical fiber capillaries</title>
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The structure of rarefied and densified PbSiO3 glass: a molecular dynamics study.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnychstruktury rozrzedzonego i zagęszczonego szkła PbSiO3 (w zakresie gęstości od 3000 kg/m3 do 8000 kg/m3). Otrzymane wyniki dokładnie przedyskutowano pod kątem blisko- i średnio-zasięgowego uporządkowania atomów i porównano ze strukturą szkła PbSiO3 o normalnej gęstości (5970kg/m3) oraz ze strukturą rozrzedzonych i zagęszczonych szkieł PbGeO3.
Cluster-glass behavior of a highly oxygen deficient perovskite, BaBi0.28Co0.72O2.2
PublikacjaZostała przeprowadzona synteza zwiąku typu perowskitowego BaBi0.28Co0.72O2.2. Stuktura krystalograficzna została określona poprzez dyfrakcję neutronową i promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Pomiary podatności magnetycznej AC i DC wskazują na zachowanie typu szkła klastrowego, które wynika z oddziaływań klastrów ferromagnetycznych.