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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INTERFACE

  • Connectivity in Multi-Interface Networks


    - Rok 2009

    Rozważano zagadnienie minimalizacji energii w sieciach bezprzewodowych bez infrastruktury, w których niektóre węzły są wyposażone w więcej, niż jeden interfejs. W przyjętym modelu sieci podano nowe algorytmy przybliżone oraz wyniki dotyczące złożoności obliczeniowej dla problemu najtańszej spójnej podsieci spinającej.

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  • Interface analysis of compatibilized polymer blends

    • F. Mostafapoor
    • A. Khosravi
    • A. Fereidoon
    • R. Khalili
    • S. H. Jafari
    • V. Henri
    • K. Formela
    • M. Saeb

    - Rok 2020

    This chapter seeks to address the interface location in the compatibilized polymer blends and paves the way for quantitative analysis of interface in terms of interfacial tension and interfacial adhesion to provide support for understanding the relationship between morphology and ultimate properties in the compatibilized polymer blends through the lens of interface. Since understanding and analysis of interfacial phenomena in the...

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  • Controlled English Interface for Knowledge Bases

    This paper describes the approach to interface for OWL Knowledge Bases based on Controlled English that is transformed directly to OWL 2 expressions and back. Two possible modes enable usage of the interface to specify Terminology, World Description as well as Integrity Constrains. Knowledge Base then can be validated against the Integrity Constrains to enable its continuous validation.

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  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface



    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...

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  • Impact of interface heterogeneity on joint fracture

    • M. Budzik
    • J. Jumel
    • M. Shanahan

    - JOURNAL OF ADHESION - Rok 2012

    The effects of heterogeneities (weak zones in particular) inadhesive joints and their importance on overall fracture propertiesare relatively unknown, but doubtlessly they may be crucial inmany applications. Using a model heterogeneous adhesive bond,represented by a given mixture of regions of strong and weakadhesion, we have studied the influence of interface variabilityon overall fracture energy (global energy release rate)....

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  • Cost minimisation in multi-interface networks


    - Rok 2007

    Praca dotyczy problemu minimalizacji energii poprzez selektywne odłączanie urządzeń komunikacyjnych w wielointerfejsowych sieciach bezprzewodowych w taki sposób, by zapewnić realizację wymaganego grafu połączeń. Sformułowano problem optymalizacyjny, podano wyniki dotyczące jego trudności i zaproponowano algorytmy optymalizacyjne.

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  • FE simulations of a soil structure interface.


    Przedstawiono warunki brzegowe do opisu szorstkości ściany konstrukcji w kontakcie z gruntem. Wykonano doświadczenia i symulacje MES na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego.

  • A simple route of providing a soft interface for PEDOT: PSS film metallic electrodes without loss of their electrical interface parameters

    The work presents the development of a soft interface at PEDOT:PSS film without changing its electrical interface parameters. In the first step, PEDOT:PSS is electrodeposited on the commercial platinum electrode under the state-of-the-art conditions desirable for different electrochemical electrodes. Secondly, a pure hydrogel layer is deposited on the top of the electrodeposited PEDOT:PSS film under conditions that provide desirable...

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  • Features of a radial user interface to search engines

    The paper is concerned with a new type of user interface to search engines. Instead of presenting search results in a form of a ranked list, the results are presented in radial arrangement. In the center of the interface the most relevant web page is presented. Other web pages are located around the central one. The location of a web page depends on two factors: its relevance to the query and its content. The relevance has influence...

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  • Virtual touchpad - video-based multimodal interface

    A new computer interface named Virtual-Touchpad (VTP) is presented. The Virtual-Touchpad provides a multimodal interface which enables controlling computer applications by hand gestures captured with a typical webcam. The video stream is processed in the software layer of the interface. Hitherto existing video-based interfaces analyzing frames of hand gestures are presented. Then, the hardware configuration and software features...

  • User interface prototyping. Techniques, methods and tools

    Currently, for interactive applications their usability and ergonomics of the user interface (UI) are critical factors for achieving users' acceptance.

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  • Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface

    With a digital audio workstation, in contrast to the traditional mouse-keyboard computer interface, hand gestures can be used to mix audio with eyes closed. Mixing with a visual representation of audio parameters during experiments led to broadening the panorama and a more intensive use of shelving equalizers. Listening tests proved that the use of hand gestures produces mixes that are aesthetically as good as those obtained using...

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  • Intelligent thermal imaging camera with network interface


    - Rok 2011

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  • Cost minimisation in unbounded multi-interface networks


    - Rok 2008

    W pracy badano problem odłączania niektórych urządzeń komunikacyjnych w wielointerfejsowych sieciach bezprzewodowych w taki sposób, by zapewnić realizację wymaganego grafu połączeń przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji zużycia energii. Sformułowano problem optymalizacyjny, podano wyniki dotyczące jego trudności i zaproponowano algorytmy optymalizacyjne dla wariantu, w którym liczba interfejsów komunikacyjnych jest potencjalnie nieograniczona...

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  • Interoperability analysis of sensor interface in ubiquitous environments


    - Rok 2010

    Systemy przetwarzania wszechobecnego pozwalają na integrację różnorodnych sensorów monitorujących i dostarczających informacje dotyczące środowiska oraz jego kontekstu.Fakt, że sensory te implementowane są przez niezależnych dostawców skutkuje problemami integracyjnymi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy interfejsów sensorów w trzech warstwach: fizycznej, protokołów oraz usług sensorów.Usługa sensora implementuje interfejs...

  • Complex human computer interface for las patient


    W pracy zaprezentowano system umożliwiający komunikację osobie sparaliżowanej z komputerem przy pomocy wzroku.

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  • Multimedia interface using head movements tracking

    The presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...

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  • Exploiting multi-interface networks: Connectivity and Cheapest Paths


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Rok 2010

    Let G = (V,E) be a graph which models a set of wireless devices (nodes V) that can communicate by means of multiple radio interfaces, according to proximity and common interfaces (edges E). The problem of switching on (activating) the minimum cost set of interfaces at the nodes in order to guarantee the coverage of G was recently studied. A connection is covered (activated) when the endpoints of the corresponding edge share at...

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  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface


    - Rok 2013

    Often, Web technologies are used to operate or to configure network-enabled equipment, to configure and administer modular applications, or as teaching environments. The comfort of human work requires a similar response time in these applications as in the Internet. To improve response time, various forms of caching at different levels are employed. To improve the user experience in regard to response time when performing specific...

  • Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...

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  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface

    In human-computer interaction, response time is assumed generally not to exceed significantly 1-2 seconds. While the natural competition in the Internet public Web serving ensures adhering widely to such limits, some Web environments are less competitive and offer much worse user experience in terms of response time. This paper describes a solution to significantly improve user experience in terms of response time with only modification...

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  • Selection of hardware platform for CBM Common Readout Interface

    • W. Zabołotny
    • G. Kasprowicz
    • A. Byszuk
    • D. Emschermann
    • M. Gumiński
    • K. Poźniak
    • R. Romaniuk
    • R. S. Romaniuk

    - Rok 2017

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  • Scent emitting multimodal computer interface for learning enhancement

    Komputerowy interfejs aromatyczny stanowi ważne uzupełnienie procesu stymulacji polisensorycznej. Stymulacja ta odgrywa kluczową rolę w terapii i kształceniu dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju (np. w przypadku autyzmu czy ADHD). Opracowany interfejs może stać się elementem wyposażenia tzw. sal doświadczania świata, ale może być także stosowany niezależnie stanowiąc znaczące wzbogacenie komputerowych programów edukacyjnych. Dzięki możliwości...

  • Exploiting Multi-Interface Networks: Connectivity and Cheapest Paths


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Rok 2009

    Rozważano zagadnienie minimalizacji energii w sieciach bezprzewodowych bez infrastruktury, w których niektóre węzły są wyposażone w więcej, niż jeden interfejs. W przyjętym modelu sieci podano nowe algorytmy przybliżone oraz wyniki dotyczące złożoności obliczeniowej dla dwóch problemów: aktywacji najtańszej spójnej podsieci spinającej oraz aktywacji ścieżki pomiędzy ustaloną parą węzłów.

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  • Query-by-Shape interface for Content Based Image Retrieval


    - Rok 2015

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  • Recognition Dynamics of Cancer Mutations on the ERp57-Tapasin Interface


    - Cancers - Rok 2020

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  • The role of EMG module in hybrid interface of prosthetic arm

    Nearly 10% of all upper limb amputations concern the whole arm. It affects the mobility and reduces the productivity of such a person. These two factors can be restored by using prosthetics. However, the complexity of human arm makes restoring its basic functions quite difficult. When the osseointegration and/or targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) are not possible, different modalities can be used to control the prosthesis. In...

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  • Currents and photocurrents in organic materials determined by the interface phenomena


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy analizowany jest wpływ złącza materiał-elektroda na prądy i fotoprądy. W szczególności dyskutowane są mechanizmy iniekcji, fotogeneracji oraz transportu nośników ładunku. Rozważania teoretyczne uzupełniają wyniki badań doświadczalnych zarówno własne jak i literaturowe.

  • Polar boundary conditions along a soil structure interface.


    Analizowano problem strefy kontaktu między gruntem a konstrukcją. Obliczenia wykonano stosując mikropolarne prawo sprężysto-plastyczne oraz mikropolarne prawo hipoplastyczne. Analizie poddano problem płynięcia silosowego oraz ścinania wąskiej warstwy.

  • Human-computer interactions in speech therapy using a blowing interface


    In this paper we present a new human-computer interface for the quantitative measurement of blowing activities. The interface can measure the air flow and air pressure during the blowing activity. The measured values are stored and used to control the state of the graphical objects in the graphical user interface. In speech therapy children will find easier to play attractive therapeutic games than to perform repetitive and tedious,...

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  • The field–dependent interface recombination velocity for organic–inorganic heterojunction


    We have derived an analytical formula which describes the field–dependent interface recombination velocity for the boundary of two materials characterized by different permittivities. The interface recombination of charge carriers has been considered in the presence of image force Schottky barrier. We suggest that this effect may play an important role in the loss of current for organic–inorganic hybrid heterojunctions. It has...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Integrating web site services into application through user interface

    The issue of integrating applications which are only accessible through visual user interface is not thoroughly researched. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user interface can display differently in different browsers or change without prior notification as a result of application maintenance. While possible, it is generally not common...

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  • Graphical interface adaption for children to explain astronomy proportions and distances

    • K. García Martínez
    • J. Lebiedź
    • A. Iglesias Bustillo

    - Rok 2022

    Mobile Science Center is a Polish project that seeks to bring astronomy knowledge to wider social groups through various applications. In its development it is necessary to design a graphical interface that explains a concept that is difficult to assimilate such as spatial proportions and distances. This paper develops a framework to create graphical representations that explain this learning to the target audience of children....

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  • A tool for integrating Web Site services over User Interface


    - Rok 2013

    Companies and organizations are building information systems by integrating previously independent applications, together with new developments. This integration process has to deal with existing applications, which can only be used through their specific interfaces, and often cannot be modified. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user...


    Since over a decade we observe intensive effort of research institutions and industrial consortia on extending flexibility and automation of the transport network control also known under the term network programmability. Key aspect of each programming interface is ability to evolve but also sensitivity to future modifications. As indicated in the past work in the specific context of optical transport networks an important criterion...

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  • Usability Techniques Possible to Use in Diagnostic Tools Interface Improvement


    - Rok 2018

    The development of diagnostic tools has caused a rapid increase in the amount of information generated and presented, necessitating the use of computer displays as an interface to data presentation and the use of modern diagnostic tools. The paper presents methods for testing usability that can be used in designing and improving the quality of interfaces of modern diagnostic tools that use communication through graphical user interfaces.

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  • Transmission Quality in MC-CDMA Radio Interface with Turbo Codes


    - Rok 2012

    Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access techiques is a combination of two radio access techniques: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Orthogonal Frequency-called Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and has the advantages of both techniques. The paper presents the design of transmitter and receiver for MC-CDMA radio interface and the simulation results of the transmission quality in AWGN channel.

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    An experiment conducted to validate a possibility of use a single active electrode EEG device for detecting Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) is shown. A LED stimulator was applied to stimulate patients with two different frequencies - 13 Hz and 17 Hz. First, EEG signals were recorded and pre-processed using MATLAB software. In the next step recordings were analysed and classified employing the WEKA software. As indicated...

  • Shaft friction from the DMT and direct shear interface tests


    The article presents preliminary attempt to create tri-linear transfer curves for describing pile behaviour under axial loading. Transfer curves would use the parameter measured in dilatometer test, particularly a constrained modulus MDMT. The proposed method is based on concrete rough and smooth interface tests performed in a direct shear apparatus. Based on the obtained mobilization curves, relationships were created between...

  • Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models


    - Rok 2017

    Assurance cases are developed and maintained in parallel with corresponding system models and therefore need to reference each other. Managing the correctness and consistency of interrelated safety argument and system models is essential for system dependability and is a nontrivial task. The model interface presented in this paper enables a uniform process of establishing and managing assurance case references to various types...

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  • On efficiency of layer 2 of the radio interface protocol stack in UMTS

    • P. Matusz

    - Rok 2006

    Celem pracy jest szczegółowa analiza funkcjonowania warstwy łącza danych w podsystemie dostępu radiowego UTRAN systemu UMTS i na tej podstawie przedstawienie szeregu zmian i usprawnień oraz wskazówek odnośnie konfiguracji protokołów, jakie należy w tej warstwie zastosować aby zmaksymalizować jej wydajność głównie pod kątem oferowanej przepływności, wprowadzanych opóźnień oraz wsparcia priorytetów przesyłanego ruchu. Teza pracy...

  • Lip movement and gesture recognition for a multimodal human-computer interface


    - Rok 2009

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  • On continuity conditions at the phase interface of two-phase elastic shells


    - Rok 2007

    W pracy rozwinięto ogólną nieliniową teorię powłok sprężystych podlegających przejściom fazowym typu martenzytowego. Przedstawione sformułowanie oparte jest na statycznie i kinematycznie ścisłym modelu powłokowym. Uwzględniono gęstośc energii odkształcenia, jak również siły i momenty zadane wzdłuż krzywoliniowego przejścia fazowego. W szczególności otrzymano statyczne warunki ciągłości wzdłuż koherentnego połączenia oraz połączenia...

  • Kinetic Description of the Membrane–Solution Interface for Ion-Selective Electrodes


    - ACS Sensors - Rok 2020

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  • Selective jamming of OFDM transmission in NB-IoT radio interface


    - Rok 2023

    The paper presents the concept of smart jamming, which involves selective interference aimed at critical components of the OFDM signal. Research verifying the feasibility of this type of electronic attack are described. A realized testbed for jamming real NB-IoT signals in a downlink is presented. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of realizing selective jamming and its greater effectiveness compared to barrage interference.

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  • Electrostatic interface recombination in the system of disordered materials characterized by different permittivities


    We report on the analysis of an electrostatic interface recombination in a system consisting of disordered organic materials. This process is a consequence of the polarization effect which takes place at the interface of two phases characterized by different permittivities. In this paper, the impact of tail and deep localized states on the recombination order is demonstrated. We also discuss the influence of temperature on this...

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  • Three electrode configuration measurements of electrolyte-diffusion barrier-cathode interface

    Measurements of a system consisting of cathode/doped ceria diffusion barrier/doped zirconia electrolyte were made using two- and three-electrode configuration. Results obtained on a three-electrode measurement configuration were compared with and reflect the results obtained in two-electrode configuration. Three-electrode measurements allowed separating the impact of the symmetrical interface in the investigated system. They also...

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  • Power converter interface for urban DC traction substations - solutions and functionality.


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2023

    This paper focuses on extending an urban DC traction substation functionality by means of an additional power converter interface (PCI). In particular, by enabling bidirectional energy exchange between LV DC traction grid, AC grid and V2G chargers. Among other things, the presented material compares general attributes of the most promising DC/DC converters that can be used in a PCI, meet the requirements of galvanic isolation and...

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  • Capacity Estimation of the OFDMA and SC-FDMA Radio Interface for UMTS-LTE

    In the paper a method of capacity estimation for the UMTS-LTE interface is presented. Both the OFDMA and SC-FDMA technology has been considered. A method of physical resource allocation for users is mentioned and analytical results of theoretical throuhput calculation are described.

  • Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface


    - Rok 2022

    In this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...

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