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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NICKEL
Nickel alendronate
PublikacjaKryształy tytułowego związku [Ni2(C4H12NO7P2)4(H2O)2]*2H2O, zostały otrzymane w warunkach hydrotermalnych. Jego struktura jest izotypowa ze strukturą analogicznego związku Co(II).
Nanocomposite nickel ceria cermet with low nickel content for anode-supported SOFCs
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania nanokompozytowego cermetu z zawartościa niklu 7.5, 11, 14% niklu w cermecie. Cermet przygotowno z wykorzystanim technologii net shape.
Nickel alloys in hydroprocessing units
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono uszkodzenia stopu niklu typu 825 w wyniku eksploatacji w chłodnicy powietrznej za reaktorem wodorowym w rafineryjnej instalacji przepracowanych olejów napędowych. Wyjaśnono korozyjno-erozyjny mechanizm niszczenia, zwracając uwagę na kruchość materiału w obecności wodoru i udarowego działania strumieni procesowych.
Catalytic Activity of Nickel and Ruthenium–Nickel Catalysts Supported on SiO2, ZrO2, Al2O3, and MgAl2O4 in a Dry Reforming Process
PublikacjaDry reforming of methane (DRM) is an eco-friendly method of syngas production due to the utilization of two main greenhouse gases—methane and carbon dioxide. An industrial application of methane dry reforming requires the use of a catalyst with high activity, stability over a long time, and the ability to catalyze a reaction, leading to the needed a hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the...
Preparation, characterization and charge transfer studies of nickel – modified and nickel, nitrogen co-modified rutile titanium dioxide for photocatalytic application
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Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Oxygen Generation of Nickel Nanoparticles
PublikacjaNowadays, more than ever, environmental awareness is being taken into account when it comes to the design of novel materials. Herein, the pathway to the creation of a colloid of spherical, almost purely metallic nickel nanoparticles (NPs) through pulsed laser ablation in ethanol is presented. A complex description of the colloid is provided through UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis, ensuring insight into...
Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Oxygen Generation of Nickel Nanoparticles
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Thermal affection on hydrogen diffusion in different structures of nickel alloy
PublikacjaPurpose Based on previous research, we choose nickel alloy 718 as the research material and use finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate the hydrogen diffusion in lattice, grain, boundary grain and dislocation in different thermal loads, aiming to understand the intricate mechanisms underlying hydrogen diffusion in nickel-based alloys, which will contribute to driving progress in the field of hydrogen diffusion for understanding...
Synthesis of nickel nanocapsules and carbon nanotubes via methane CVD
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Nanocomposite for photonics — Nickel pyrophosphate nanocrystals synthesised in silica nanoreactors
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PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono syntezę oraz wyznaczono strukturę związku [Ni(C5H8NOS2)Cl(C18H15P)]. Tytułowy kompleks chloro(morfolinoditiokarbaminiano-S,S')(trifenylofosfina)-nikiel(II) posiada nieznacznie zniekształcony płaski kwadratowy rdzeń NiClS2P.
Nickel in soil and water: Sources, biogeochemistry, and remediation using biochar
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Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublikacjaThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
The Reactivity of the Imine Bond within Polynuclear Nickel(II) Complexes
PublikacjaThree novel Ni complexes with the Schiff base ligand 2-methoxy-6-(E-2-pyridyliminomethyl)-phenol (L1) are described. In comparison with the similar 2-(pyridine-2-ylimino-methyl)phenol (pymp), the mode of coordination of L1 is altered due to the presence of methoxy substituent introducing the sterical hindrance. During the synthesis of the complexes, partial hydrolysis of the ligand was observed. Since such immediate hydrolysis...
The electrochemical deposition of nickel from electrolytes containing malonic acid
PublikacjaZbadano proces elektrolitycznego osadzania niklu z roztworów siarczanowych zawierających kwas malonowy lub winowy jako bufor zamiast kwasu borowego. Badano wpływ gęstości prądu katodowego, pH roztworu i temperaturę. Określono pojemność buforową i wgłębność kąpieli. Wyznaczono wydajności prądowe, twardość oraz połysk powłok niklowych otrzymanych z badanych kąpieli. Określono optymalne warunki pracy kąpieli i wykazano jej zalety...
Nickel-based catalysts for electrolytic decomposition of ammonia towards hydrogen production
PublikacjaNickel is an attractive metal for electrochemical applications because it is abundant, cheap, chemically resilient, and catalytically active towards many reactions. Nickel-based materials (metallic nickel, its alloys, oxides, hydroxides, and composites) have been also considered as promising electrocatalysts for ammonia oxidation. The electrolysis of ammonia aqueous solution results in evolution of gaseous hydrogen and nitrogen....
Nickel-nanodiamond coatings electrodeposited from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature
PublikacjaIn this study, nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-diamond coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature aiming at improving corrosion and wear properties of the material. The created surfaces were investigated with regard to microhardness, adhesion, wear- and corrosion-resistance. The various methods such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...
Selection of measurement frequency in Mott–Schottky analysis of passive layer on nickel
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Chromium, nickel and vanadium mobility in soils derived from fluvioglacial sands
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Bonding interactions in oxydiacetate and thiodiacetate cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes
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Oxidative Stress Level in the Testes of Mice and Rats during Nickel Intoxication
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Synergistic effect of nickel formate on the thermal and flame-retardant properties of polypropylene
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The role of β-diketones in the extraction of cobalt (II) and nickel (II) ions
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PublikacjaPrzedmiotem publikacji jest struktura krystaliczna tytułowego [NiCl{S2CN(CH2)4}Cl(C14H15P)]. Atom niklu jest w tym przypadku skoordynowany przez S,S-chelatującą resztę ditiokarbaminianową, cząsteczkę fosfiny, zaś geometrię koordynacyjną dopełnia atom chloru.
Spectral dependences of photocurrent of the aluminium-nickel phthalocyanine-tetracene-aluminium heterojunction
PublikacjaAnalizowano charakterystyki spectralne fotoprądu płynącego przez heterozłącze tetracen-ftalocyjanina niklu. Obserwowany fotoprąd jest prądem dziurowym generowanym w trzech obszarach: w pobliżu obu elektrod Al i międzypowierzchni tetracen-ftalocyjanina niklu.
Selection of measurement frequency in Mott-Schottky analysis of passive layer on nickel
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zależności Mott'a - Schottky'ego dla różnych częstotliwości pomiarowych. Kształt uzyskanych zależności zależy od doboru tych częstotliwości. Związane jest to z tym, że stężenie defektów w warstwie pasywnej zależy od doboru częstotliwości. Metoda DEIS pozwala na uniknięcie tych niedogodności.
Structure and thermoelectric properties of nickel-doped copper selenide synthesised in a hydrogen atmosphere
PublikacjaNickel-doped copper selenide—Cu2-xNixSe (x = 0; 0.01; 0.02; 0.03)—materials with high thermoelectric properties were synthesised through reduction of reagents in hydrogen. The impact of the nickel content on both the microstructure and thermoelectric properties was examined. The nickel-doped samples’ microstructure differed significantly from pristine copper selenide. Besides Cu2Se, copper precipitations were present in the materials....
Nickel Oxide Thin Film Sensor for Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing of Formaldehyde
PublikacjaNanocrystalline nickel-oxide-based thin films were prepared by advanced reactive gas deposition, and the response of these films to formaldehyde was studied by fluctuationenhanced sensing. Morphological and structural analyses showed porous deposits of nickel oxide particles with face-centered cubic structure. Resistance fluctuations were measured upon exposure to ethanol, formaldehyde and methane at 200 °C. Power density spectra...
Redetermination of bis(O,O′-diethyl dithiophosphato-κ2S,S′)nickel(II)
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Chlorido(1-pyrrolidinecarbodithioato-k2S,S')(triphenylphosphine)nickel(II)chloroform hemisolvate
PublikacjaTytułowy kompleks chloro(1-pirolidynoditiokarbaminiano-S,S')(trifenylofosfina)-nikiel(II), będący hemisolwatem chloroformu zawiera płaski rdzeń o składzie NiClS2P. Molekuły chloroformu oddziałują z kompleksem poprzez słabe wiązania C-H...S.
Enhanced Degradation of Ethylene in Thermo-Photocatalytic Process Using TiO2/Nickel Foam
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Novel sugar-based nickel-tungsten carbide catalysts for dry reforming of hydrocarbons
PublikacjaThe search for new materials for dry reforming of hydrocarbons with high activity, stability, and ease of synthesis is still one of the main directions of research in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Traditional methods of carbide synthesis require the use of combustible gases of petrochemical origin. The search for new catalysts based on renewable and safe carbon sources is highly demanded. Therefore, we report WC and Ni-WC...
The effect of temperature during soybean oil hydrogenation on nickel catalyst poisoning by phospholipids.
Molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles as an effective catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
PublikacjaIn this study, we investigate the catalytic performance of molybdenum sulfide (MoS2) modified with either nickel (Ni) or platinum (Pt) nanoparticles as catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The MoS2 was prepared on the TiO2 nanotube substrates via a facile hydrothermal method, followed by the deposition by magnetron sputtering of Ni or Pt nanoparticles on the MoS2 surface. Structural and morphological characterization...
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitoring discharging process of nickel/metal hydride battery
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Increase in wear resistance of nickel plasma coatings under traditional and combined treatment conditions
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Thermal Barrier Coatings for High-Temperature Performance of Nickel-Based Superalloys: A Synthetic Review
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Effect of Aluminizing on the Fatigue and High-Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Inconel 740 Nickel Alloy
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Spinel of Nickel-Cobalt Oxide with Rod-Like Architecture as Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction
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Application of TiO2 Supported on Nickel Foam for Limitation of NOx in the Air via Photocatalytic Processes
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The anisotropic photorefractive effect in lithium sulfo-phosphate glass system doped with nickel ions
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Nickel loaded zeolites FAU and MFI: Characterization and activity in water-phase hydrodehalogenation of TCE
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Enhanced Degradation of Ethylene in ThermoPhotocatalytic Process Using TiO2/Nickel Foam: Reaction Mechanism
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The effect of the ceramic dispersion on the nickel matrix composite coating properties after plastic working
PublikacjaW pracy określono wpływ fazy dyspersyjnej Al2O3 na wybrane potencjalne właściwości powłok kompozytowych o osnowie niklowej. Powłoki Ni-Al-Al2O3 zostały nałożone na próbki stalowe przy użyciu technologii poddźwiękowego płomieniowego natryskiwania cieplnego. Następnie poddane zostały obróbce plastycznej na zimno i na gorąco poprzez walcowanie, a także prasowania na zimno na prasie hydraulicznej. Obróbka plastyczna jest metodą alternatywną...
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitoring discharging process of nickel/metal hydride battery.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the possibility of applying impedance analysis to cell diagnostics. In order to obtain characteristic curves of both electrodes of a NiMH battery simultaneously, a reference electrode was added into the circuit. The authors analysed the cell under three cases, i.e. when its properties are determined only by the state of the positive electrode, only by the state of the negative electrode, or when both electrodes...
Influence of CeO2 and TiO2 Particles on Physicochemical Properties of Composite Nickel Coatings Electrodeposited at Ambient Temperature
PublikacjaThe Ni-TiO2 and Ni-CeO2 composite coatings with varying hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics were fabricated by the electrodeposition method from a tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature. To meet the requirements of tight regulation by the European Chemicals Agency classifying H3BO3 as a substance of very high concern, Rochelle salt was utilized as a buffer solution instead. The novelty of this study was to implement a...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement through Laser Processing of the Nickel‐Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublikacjaThe selective, laser‐induced modification of the nickel‐decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement Through Laser Processing of the Nickel-Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublikacjaThe selective, laser-induced modification of the nickel-decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
Crystal and molecular structure of bis(O,O'-diethyldithiophosphato-S,S')nickel(II): A redetermination
PublikacjaDoniesienie przedstawia ponownie wyznaczoną strukturę tytułowego, centrosymetrycznego kompleksu, [Ni{S2P(OC2H5)2}2]. Centralny rdzeń (S2P)2 jest płaski, co potwierdza wcześniejsze wyniki uzyskane przez McConnell'a i Kastalsky'ego, przy czym odchylenia standardowe są około siedmiokrotnie mniejsze oraz wyznaczono wszystkie pozycje atomów wodoru. W strukturze krystalicznej zaobserwowano róznież parę krótkich kontaktów HH (2.33 Å).
Aluminide Thermal Barrier Coating for High Temperature Performance of MAR 247 Nickel Based Superalloy