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α-Amidoalkylating Agents
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Searching by Heterogeneous Agents
PublikacjaIn this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs. In such setting a searcher, once a search strategy initially decides on the label of the searcher, can be present on an edge only if the label of the searcher and the label of the edge are the same. We prove...
Searching by heterogeneous agents
PublikacjaIn this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs: once a search strategy initially assigns labels to the searchers, each searcher can be only present on an edge of its own label. We prove that this problem is not monotone even for trees and we give instances...
Stabilizing agents and protein stability
PublikacjaBiałka są kluczowymi elementami żywych organizmów, jak również efektywnymi katalizatorami w biotechnologii i medycynie. Szybki rozwój wielu gałęzi biotechnologii wiąże się z coraz większym zapotrzebowaniem na produkty białkowe charakteryzujące się wysoką stabilnością. Jednym ze sposobów osiągnięcia większej stabilności białek jest wykorzystanie małych związków organicznych, tzw. osmolitów. Do tej grupy związków należą aminokwasy,...
Selective Cytostatic and Cytotoxic Anticancer Effects of Bisfunctional Agents: A Strategy for the Design of DNA Binding Agents
PublikacjaVarious agents have been synthesized and proved useful for the National Cancer Institute's anticancer testing as potential new drugs, but most agents suffer side effects from their limited selectivity against cancer cells over healthy ones. Therefore, this paper attempts to describe drugs in terms of the level of tumor cell selectivity which they possess to define the features of mols. that are essential for useful cytotoxicity....
Clearing directed subgraphs by mobile agents
PublikacjaWe study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset S of vertices of a digraph D and a positive integer k, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph H=(V,A) of D such that (a) S is a subset of V, (b) H is the union of k directed...
Document Agents with the Intelligent Negotiations Capability
PublikacjaThe paper focus is on augmenting proactive document-agents with built -in intelligence to enable them to recognize execution context provided by devices visited durning the business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite of their conflicting requirements. We propose a solution based on neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and the device, practically with no excessive cost...
Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment
PublikacjaDue to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely...
Approaches Towards Better Immunosuppressive Agents
PublikacjaSeveral classes of compounds are applied in clinics due to their immunosuppressive properties in transplantology and the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Derivatives of mycophe-nolic acid, corticosteroids and chemotherapeutics bearing heterocyclic moieties like methotrexate, azathioprine, mizoribine, and ruxolitinib are active substances with investigated mechanisms of action. However, improved synthetic approaches of known drugs...
Algebra of ontology modules for semantic agents
PublikacjaW środowisku Sieci Semantycznej problem precyzyjnego manipulowania jednostkami wiedzy nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. W tej publikacji dyskutujemy możliwość zaadaptowania do tego celu elastycznego aparatu algebry relacyjnej. Na bazie dysksji szkicujemy pewną szczególną analogię pomiędzy bazami danych a bazami wiedzy i używamy tej analogii do wprowadzenia algebry modułów semantycznych.
Software Agents for Computer Network Security
PublikacjaThe chapter presents applications of multi-agent technology for design and implementation of agent-based systems intended to cooperatively solve several critical tasks in the area of computer network security. These systems are Agent-based Generator of Computer Attacks (AGCA), Multi-agent Intrusion Detection and Protection System (MIDPS), Agent-based Environment for Simulation of DDoS Attacks and Defense (AESAD) and Mobile Agent...
Amino Acid and Peptide‐Based Antiviral Agents
PublikacjaA significant number of antiviral agents used in clinical practice are amino acids, short peptides, or peptidomimetics. Among them, several HIV protease inhibitors (e. g. lopinavir, atazanavir), HCV protease inhibitors (e. g. grazoprevir, glecaprevir), and HCV NS5A protein inhibitors have contributed to a significant decrease in mortality from AIDS and hepatitis. However, there is an ongoing need for the discovery of new antiviral...
Decontaminating Arbitrary Graphs by Mobile Agents: a Survey
PublikacjaA team of mobile agents starting from homebases need to visit and clean all nodes of the network. The goal is to find a strategy, which would be optimal in the sense of the number of needed entities, the number of moves performed by them or the completion time of the strategy. Currently, the field of distributed graph searching by a team of mobile agents is rapidly expanding and many new approaches and models are being presented...
Essential oils as potential anti-staphylococcal agents
PublikacjaAntibiotic therapy of staphylococcal mastitis is characterized by significantly lower cure rates compared to infections caused by other microorganisms. Thus, it is necessary to search for new, alternative, non-antibiotic agents that are effective in the eradication of these bacteria. The aim of our research was to investigate the antimicrobial, especially anti-staphylococcal potential of a large collection (n=36) of essential oils...
Silylation of acetaminophen by trifluoroacetamide-based silylation agents
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Inhibitors of amino acids biosynthesis as antifungal agents
PublikacjaFungal microorganisms, including the human pathogenic yeast and filamentous fungi, are able to synthesize all proteinogenic amino acids, including nine that are essential for humans. A number of enzymes catalyzing particular steps of human-essential amino acid biosynthesis are fungi specific. Numerous studies have shown that auxotrophic mutants of human pathogenic fungi impaired in biosynthesis of particular amino acids exhibit...
Leader election for anonymous asynchronous agents in arbitrary networks
PublikacjaWe consider the problem of leader election among mobile agents operating in an arbitrary network modeled as an undirected graph. Nodes of the network are unlabeled and all agents are identical. Hence the only way to elect a leader among agents is by exploiting asymmetries in their initial positions in the graph. Agents do not know the graph or their positions in it, hence they must gain this knowledge by navigating in the graph...
Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks
PublikacjaWe introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...
Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks
PublikacjaWe introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...
Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs
PublikacjaWe study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...
Gossiping by energy-constrained mobile agents in tree networks
PublikacjaEvery node of an edge-weighted tree network contains a data packet. At some nodes are placed mobile agents, each one possessing an amount of energy (not necessarily the same for all agents). While walking along the network, the agents spend the energy proportionally to the distance traveled and collect copies of the data packets present at the visited network nodes. An agent visiting a node deposits there copies of all currently...
Neural network agents trained by declarative programming tutors
PublikacjaThis paper presents an experimental study on the development of a neural network-based agent, trained using data generated using declarative programming. The focus of the study is the application of various agents to solve the classic logic task – The Wumpus World. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of neural-based agents across different map configurations, offering a comparative analysis to underline the strengths and limitations...
Mobile chromatographs and spectrometers for the analysis of chemical warfare agents
PublikacjaThis article describes the technological state of readiness regarding mobile chromatographs and spectrometers and their appiicability for the analysis of chemical warfare agents (CWAs), degradation products, simulants, and precursors.
Arsenic-Based Warfare Agents: Production, Use, and Destruction
PublikacjaSince the beginning of time, civilizations have looked for more creative ways to dominate and defeat their enemies. The rapid development of the chemical industry just before the Second World War started the era of modern chemical weapon production based on poisons, including toxic arsenic compounds. This paper provides a detailed overview of the production, usage and destruction of this dangerous chemical weapon. Milestones include:...
Amino Acid Based Antimicrobial Agents – Synthesis and Properties
PublikacjaStructures of several dozen of known antibacterial, antifungal or antiprotozoal agents are based on the amino acid scaffold. In most of them, the amino acid skeleton is of a crucial importance for their antimicrobial activity, since very often they are structural analogs of amino acid intermediates of different microbial biosynthetic pathways. Particularly, some aminophosphonate or aminoboronate analogs of protein amino acids are...
Agents in Simulation of Cyberattacks to Evaluate Security of Critical Infrastructures
PublikacjaIn the last years critical infrastructures have become highly dependent on the information technologies and exposed to cyberattacks. Because the effects of the attacks can be detrimental, it is crucial to comprehensively asses the security of the infrastructures' information systems. This chapter describes MAlSim - the simulator of malicious software based on software agents, developed for the needs of a testbed for critical infrastructures...
Synthesis of S-thioacyl dithiophosphates, efficient and chemoselectivethioacylating agents
PublikacjaŁatwo dostępne ditiofosforany acylu izomeryzują do monotiofosforanów O- iS-tioacylu. Reakcja jest odwracalna, więc ogrzewanie ditiofosforanów acylu prowadzi zazwyczaj do powstania mieszaniny izomerycznych bezwodników, która nie może być wykorzystana do wydajnego tioacylowania. Jednak działaniem kwasu ditiofosforowego na mieszaninę izomerycznych bezwodników można wydajnie otrzymać ditiofosforany tioacylu. Związki te to doskonałe...
Application of Intelligent Conversational Agents in E-learing Environments
PublikacjaThe paper concerns intelligent tutoring systems and concentrates on apliaction of virtual mentors in distance learning environments. Different educational agent types are described. The prototype of an agent developed at Gdansk University of Technology is also presented, as well as its internal representation and construction. Benefits of virtual mentors applied in distance learning are also pointed out.
The role and construction of educational agents in distance learning environments
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia definicję oraz klasyfikację agentów edukacyjnych. Wskazuje typowe cele i zadania agentów, a także omawia schemat ich budowy i funkcjonowania. Wskazano także różnorodność możliwości, jakie stwarzają różne rodzaje agentów w procesie nauczania. W artykule opisano także wytworzony w ramach badań prototyp agenta WAS, którego zadaniem jest wspomaganie uczniów w zakresie pracy z materiałami edukacyjnymi.
Big Data Processing by Volunteer Computing Supported by Intelligent Agents
PublikacjaIn this paper, volunteer computing systems have been proposed for big data processing. Moreover, intelligent agents have been developed to efficiency improvement of a grid middleware layer. In consequence, an intelligent volunteer grid has been equipped with agents that belong to five sets. The first one consists of some user tasks. Furthermore, two kinds of semi-intelligent tasks have been introduced to implement a middleware...
Selection of derivatisation agents for chlorophenols determination with multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaThe paper shows very systematic method of selection of derivatisation agents for a given group of analytes. In this study 8 derivatisation agents are assessed for their capability to derivatise 8 chlorophenols. Multicriteria decision analysis is used to combine many objectives of derivatisation agents selection into single, easy to be interpreted numerical value. Three basic analyses were performed to obtain rankings with the aims...
Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains
PublikacjaTwo mobile agents, modeled as points starting at differentlocations of an unknown terrain, have to meet. The terrain is a polygon with polygonal holes. We consider two versions of this rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing the agents have to coincide at some time, and epsilon-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than epsilon in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but...
Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents
PublikacjaThis paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph...
A Review of Traffic Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Agents' Networks
PublikacjaFor traditional, message-based communication, traffic analysis has been already studied for over three decades and during that time various attacks have been recognised. As far as mobile agents’ networks are concerned only a few, specific-scope studies have been conducted. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed as nowadays, in the era of Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructures and growing concerns for privacy,...
Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains
PublikacjaWe consider two versions of the rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing agents have to coincide at some time, and e-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than e in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but the movements of the agent on this trajectory are controlled by an adversary that may, e.g. speed up or slow down the agent.
Environmental and toxicological aspects of sulfamethoxazole photodegradation in the presence of oxidizing agents
PublikacjaSulfamethoxazole (SMX) is a popular active substance, which is extensively applied to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to its widespread use, SMX enters the natural environment, where it can undergo degradation. Similarly to other emerging contaminants, SMX photodegradation and the use of oxidants in wastewater treatment processes can lead to the formation of potentially adverse transformation products for...
GROUP COMPOSER - System for Modeling Agents’ Team Building for Tasks
PublikacjaMulti-agent systems consist of many autonomous units, called agents, that can interact when trying to achieve their goals. The selection of interaction partners is called team formation. Three basic approaches can be considered to match multi-agent system resources to the problem at hand. To research the properties of different approaches, a software for modeling team formation in multi-agent systems has been created and is presented...
Fecal indicators resistance to antimicrobial agents present in municipal wastewater
PublikacjaIn this study removal rate of six antimicrobial compounds (belonging to folate pathway inhibitors and macrolides class) was analyzed in processes of local wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) together with susceptibility patterns of erythromycin (E) resistant Enterococcus spp. and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (SXT) resistant Escherichia coli. According to the obtained data, six of tested antimicrobial agents, namely erythromycin,...
An untraceability protocol for mobile agents and its enhanced security study
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia rozszerzoną analizę bezpieczeństwa zaproponowanego przez nas protokołu ochrony przed tropieniem (ang. untraceability protocol) dla agentów mobilnych. Jak dotąd, tak systematyczna analiza bezpieczeństwa nie została przeprowadzona. Co więcej, istniejące znane analizy bezpieczeństwa koncentrują się wyłącznie na atakujących wewnętrznych. Uważamy, że stworzona przez nas lista kontrolna ataków może posłużyć jako...
Vitamin D and its analogs as anticancer and anti-inflammatory agents
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The Usefulness of Cyclic Diamidines with Different Core-substituents as Antitumor Agents
PublikacjaA series of related polycationic compds. has been screened for potential antitumor activity by the NCI's in vitro testing (one dose primary anticancer assay and the NCI-60 full panel screening). The GI50 values of triazines 3 and 4 are on av. 1.9 μM and 2.4 μM, resp. Furan 8 deserves mention too (1.9 μM). The biol. test results showed that carbazole 10 possessed cytotoxic activity in the nanomolar range, much better than...
Harmful biological agents in municipal waste thermal treatment plants
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Concept of the mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję mobilnego systemu monitoringu związków chemicznych zanieczyszczających powietrze. Nowością w przedstawionej koncepcji monitoringu jest pomiar zanieczyszczeń powietrza wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych, co do tej pory nie jest realizowane. W tym celu przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania stosunkowo małego, bezobsługowego modułu do pomiarów związków chemicznych, który z łatwością będzie montowany na...
The Influence of Binding Agents on Stiffness of Mineral-cement-emulsion Mixtures
PublikacjaThis paper attempts to determine the behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion mixture (MCE) under load, whether is it similar to asphalt mixtures (viscoelastic behavior) or to cement treated materials (elastic behavior). To answer this question nine mineral- cement-emulsion mixtures with different combinations of cement and emulsion content were tested in laboratory using Simple Performance Test (SPT). For each mixture stiffness moduli...
Constructing autonomous agents using the cognitive-emotional architecture of the mind
PublikacjaThe article discusses an important issue regarding the humanoid aspects of modern science related to the autonomy of systems and robotization. Particular attention is paid to the basic aspects of cognitive architecture. After a short introduction, the Intelligent Decision Making System, developed at the ETI Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology, is described.
Novel amides of mycophenolic acid and some heterocyclic derivatives as immunosuppressive agents
PublikacjaThe group of new amide derivatives of mycophenolic acid (MPA) and selected heterocyclic amines was synthesised as potential immunosuppressive agents functioning as inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) uncompetitive inhibitors. The synthesis employed uronium-type activating system (TBTU/HOBt/DIPEA) while or phosphonic acid anhydride method (T3P/Py) facilitating amides to be obtained in moderate to excellent yields without...
Performance analysis of untraceability protocols for mobile agents using an adaptable framework
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia środowisko oceny wydajności protokołów ochrony przed tropieniem agentów mobilnych oraz wyniki analiz przeprowadzonych za jego pomocą. Chociaż środowisko projektowano i implementowano z myślą o ewaluacji zaproponowanych przez nas protokołów ochrony przed tropieniem, w trakcie badań okazało się, że może ono zostać również wykorzystane do badań całej klasy protokołów bezpieczeństwa dla agentów mobilnych. Chodzi...
Synthesis of conjugates of Combretastatin A-4 with tuftsin derivatives as potential anticancer agents
PublikacjaZaprezentowano syntezę nowych koniugatów Combretastatyny A-4 z pochodnymi tuftsyny i retro-tuftsyny, jako potencjalnych związków przeciwnowotworowych.
Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea
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An updated systematic review of neuroprotective agents in the treatment of spinal cord injury