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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DIGITAL

  • Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design

    Why the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners...

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  • Subiektywny pomiar jakości programów radiowych strumieniowanych w sieci metodą crowdsourcingu

    Obecnie słuchacze mają dostęp do swoich ulubionych programów i audycji radiowych za pośrednictwem naziemnego standardu analogowego FM (Frequency Modulation) oraz cyfrowego DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus). Należy podkreślić, że ten sam materiał nadawany jest jednocześnie w kilku technikach (tzw. simulcast), a znaczna większość rozgłośni udostępnia swoje programy także online. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących...

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  • Performance of Coherent Modulation Scheme Used in Acoustic Underwater Communication System

    The development of an acoustic underwater communication system for shallow waters is still a big scientificand construction challenge. Currently, non-coherent modulations in combination with strong channel coding are used to achieve reliable communication with low rate in such a channel. To obtain transmission with a higher transmission rate, it is required to use coherent modulation. This paper presents the assumptions of such...

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  • Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System


    The main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information;...

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    This article characterises the methodology for the endoscopic testing of a laboratory diesel engine used for testing marine fuels. The ‘Shadow’ measurement method used in the XLG3 type EVEREST digital endoscope, for quantitative and qualitative identification of detected surface defects, was approximated. Representative endoscopic images of the elements limiting the working space of the research engine are demonstrated, having...

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  • A New, Reconfigurable Circuit Offering Functionality of AND and OR Logic Gates for Use in Algorithms Implemented in Hardware

    • T. Talaśka
    • R. Długosz
    • T. Nikolić
    • G. Nikolić
    • T. Stefański
    • M. Długosz
    • M. Talaśka

    - Rok 2023

    The paper presents a programmable (using a 1-bit signal) digital gate that can operate in one of two OR or AND modes. A circuit of this type can also be implemented using conventional logic gates. However, in the case of the proposed circuit, compared to conventional solutions, the advantage is a much smaller number of transistors necessary for its implementation. Circuit is also much faster than its conventional counterpart. The...

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  • Detection of the Incoming Sound Direction Employing MEMS Microphones and the DSP


    - Rok 2017

    A 3D acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones and its application to road traffic monitoring is presented in the paper. The sensor is constructed from three pairs of digital MEMS microphones, mounted on the orthogonal axes. Signals obtained from the microphones are used to compute sound intensity vectors in each direction. With this data, it is possible to compute the horizontal and vertical angle of an incoming sound....

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  • Detecting Apples in the Wild: Potential for Harvest Quantity Estimation

    • A. Janowski
    • R. Kaźmierczak
    • C. Kowalczyk
    • J. Szulwic

    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    Knowing the exact number of fruits and trees helps farmers to make better decisions in their orchard production management. The current practice of crop estimation practice often involves manual counting of fruits (before harvesting), which is an extremely time-consuming and costly process. Additionally, this is not practicable for large orchards. Thanks to the changes that have taken place in recent years in the field of image...

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  • The Effect of Varying the Light Spectrum of a Scene on the Localisation of Photogrammetric Features


    In modern digital photogrammetry, an image is usually registered via a digital matrix with an array of colour filters. From the registration of the image until feature points are detected on the image, the image is subjected to a series of calculations, i.e., demosaicing and conversion to greyscale, among others. These algorithms respond differently to the varying light spectrum of the scene, which consequently results in the feature...

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  • Od pragmatyzmu do masowej indywidualizacji w kształtowaniu form oświetlania miasta


    „Od pragmatyzmu do masowej indywidualizacji w kształtowaniu form oświetlenia miasta” podejmuje dwa istotne wątki. Z jednej strony mówi o ewolucji architektonicznych użytkowych form oświetleniowych na przestrzeni wieków, z drugiej zaś zwraca uwagę na oznaki rewolucji cyfrowej i jej wpływ na kształtowanie oświetlenia miasta. Te dwa wątki łączą się w dokonanej obserwacji pojawienia się nowego paradygmatu masowej indywidualizacji...

  • Design of novel microstrip directional coupler for differential signal decoupling

    This study describes a concept of a novel microstrip directional coupler for differential signal decoupling, which can be used to digital signal overhearing on printed-circuit-boards. The complete design method is proposed with rules given analytically. Considered methodology is suitable for synthesis of couplers with low coupling factors, which have negligible influence on the transmission in main line. Theoretical considerations...

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  • Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler


    - Rok 2010

    The paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...

  • Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy


    - Rok 2011

    We show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....

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  • On the Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 Redundancy for Memoryles Sources


    - Rok 2014

    We show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....

  • Possibilities of radioisotope measuring in control of an unstable solid particles hydrotransport


    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2016

    The paper presents γ-radiation proposal to control a multiphase flow, independently from circumstances. So this method may be applied even in compound industrial or environmental processes. Moreover in many cases, it is the only method for applications for dense mixture containing coarse angular grains. The constructed equipment allows continuous measurement of density as well as solid phase for both concentration and average velocity....

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  • APPLICATION OF THE HIGH FREQUENCY LINEARIZATION OF THE EAR IN PATIENTS WITH TINNITUS . Metoda linearyzacji narządu słuchu u osób cierpiących z szumami usznymi


    - Rok 2013

    This paper summarises the problem of tinnitus, hypotheses on its causes and the treatment methods. Moreover, a hypothesis on tinnitus origins is explained, based on the mechanisms of the analog-to-digital conversion and quantization. In addition, this paper describes methods of determining the acoustic intensity and spectra of low- level ultrasonic signals, as well as impedance characteristics of an ultrasound transducer. Furthermore,...

  • Application of Maximum-Length Sequences to impulse response measurement of hydroacoustic communications systems


    There is a growing interest in digital transmission of telemetry data on ultrasonic waves. The dependence of signal attenuation on squared frequency, specific to the hy-droacoustic systems, induces problems that do not exist in monochromatic, narrowband radio communications systems. For adapting the transmission parameters to current propagation conditions, a precise knowledge of instantaneous changes of channel performances is...

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  • Kwadraturowy DDS z ułamkowo-opóźniającym filtrem o strukturze flash-Farrow.


    W pracy omawiamy nieliniowy algorytm cyfrowego generatora z syntezą bezpośrednią, zwanego krótko DDS od ang. Direct Digital Synthesizer. Proponujemy nowy algorytm kwadraturowego DDS. Pozwala on osiągnąć zarówno wysoki stopień czystości generowanej sinusoidy kwadraturowej, jak i bardzo małe błędy modulacji częstotliwości (FM) przy małej pojemności pamięci ROM, od której zależy pobór mocy zasilania. Ponadto proponujemy nowe podejście...

  • ICT and social development. Conceptual considerations.


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter is intended to provide basic ideas and concepts related to technology, technological progress and society. It explains how and why technology and society are interrelated, forming a dynamic, complex and interdependent evolutionary system. It introduces the terms Digital (ICT) Revolution and information and communication technologies (ICTs), showing elementary features of new technologies. The chapter explains why ICTs...

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  • Linking Fashion and Tourism: From Body to Clothing and Lifestyle


    - Rok 2023

    There are many profound links between fashion and tourism. This chapter provides a critical reflection, mainly from a philosophical, historical, and linguistic perspective, on the dynamic relationship and parallel evolution between these two sectors. It explains how their intercon nectedness form and mirror contemporary society. This chapter classifies the connections between the two, starting with the person, her body, and the...

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  • Przedwojenne wydawnictwa Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich w bibliotekach i bibliotekach cyfrowych

    Artykuł przedstawia krótką historię piśmiennictwa z dziedziny elektrotechniki. Po 1918 r. obserwuje się wzrost liczby publikacji, a wraz z rozwojem nauki zwiększa się obszar tematyczny literatury fachowej. Ogromną zasługę w tym rozwoju miało Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich. W artykule pokazano sposoby wyszukiwania wydawnictw przedwojennych SEP, ich dostępność w bibliotekach, także cyfrowych. Przedstawia w jaki sposób zwiększyć...

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  • Reliable Document-Centric Processing in Loosely Coupled Email-Based Systems


    - Rok 2015

    Email is a simple way to exchange digital documents of any kind. The Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) enables self-coordination and self-steering of document agent systems based on commonly available email services. In this paper, a mechanism for providing integrity and reliability of such an email based agent system is proposed to cope with message soft or hard bounces, user interrupts, and other unexpected events....

  • Measurement of Coherence Bandwidth in UHF Radio Channels for Narrowband Networks

    This paper presents results of investigation on the coherence bandwidth of narrowband radio channels in 430MHz band. The coherence bandwidth values were estimated froma power delay profile obtained by recording CDMA2000 forward channel signals during real-fieldmeasurements in various environments:mediumcity, flat terrain, and hilly terrain in northern Poland.The results of measurements are compared with characteristic parameters...

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  • Square Root Raised Cosine Fractionally Delaying Nyquist Filter - Design and Performance Evaluation

    In this paper we propose a discrete-time FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter which is applied as a square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter simultaneously. The filter enables to substitute for a cascade of square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter in one device/algorithm. The aim is to compensate for transmission delay in digital communication system. Performance of the filter as a matched filter is...

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  • Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence


    A CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...

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  • Approximation of Fractional Order Dynamic Systems Using Elman, GRU and LSTM Neural Networks


    In the paper, authors explore the possibility of using the recurrent neural networks (RNN) - Elman, GRU and LSTM - for an approximation of the solution of the fractional-orders differential equations. The RNN network parameters are estimated via optimisation with the second order L-BFGS algorithm. It is done based on data from four systems: simple first and second fractional order LTI systems, a system of fractional-order point...

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  • Critical perspectives on media architecture: is it still possible to design projects without negatively affecting urban nighttime environments and will the future remain dynamic, bright and multi-colored?


    Nowadays, due to advances in electrical devices, new digital media, lighting, information and communication technologies, cities are being used 24/7. The paper discusses critical aspects of Media Architecture in the context of public spaces as well as urban nighttime environments from the perspective of a practising lighting architect. The author examines recent issues of negative design approaches and presents proposals for improving...

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  • Multimedia industrial and medical applications supported by machine learning


    - Rok 2023

    This article outlines a keynote paper presented at the Intelligent DecisionTechnologies conference providing a part of the KES Multi-theme Conference “Smart Digital Futures” organized in Rome on June 14–16, 2023. It briefly discusses projects related to traffic control using developed intelligent traffic signs and diagnosing the health of wind turbine mechanisms and multimodal biometric authentication for banking branches to provide...

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  • Wpływ uwarunkowań rzeczywistych na pracę równoległego filtru aktywnego sterowanego ze sprzężeniem od prądu zasilającego


    - Rok 2019

    W artykule przedstawiono wpływ uwarunkowań rzeczywistych na pracę równoległego filtru aktywnego i zdolność kompensacji prądów harmonicznych. Zbadano wpływ opóźnień czasowych wynikających z implementacji cyfrowej sterowania, wpływ impedancji zwarciowej sieci zasilającej oraz błędów generowania napięcia przekształtnika na jakość kompensacji filtru. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla trzech układów sterowania: otwartego, zamkniętego...

  • The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland


    “The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...

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  • Algorithmic Human Resources Management


    - Rok 2024

    The rapid evolution of Digital Human Resources Management has introduced a transformative era where algorithms play a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of workforce management. This transformation is encapsulated in the concepts of algorithmic management and algorithmic Human Resource Management (HRM). The integration of advanced analytics, predictive and prescriptive analytics and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

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  • Wearable system supporting navigation of the blind

    Improving blind people comfort of life is a problem ofgreat importance. Fortunately, new technolgies provide us withadditional methods to improve everyday life of the blind and visuallyimpaired. The paper presents experimental system made byresearchers from Department of Geoinformatics of Gdansk Universityof Technology, which is capable of finding the route from theindicated source to chosen destination, using dedicated digital...

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  • Analysis and Detection of Faults at Insulated Conductors of Overhead Medium Voltage Lines


    - Rok 2013

    The paper dealt with the issue of breakdowns detection of isolated hanging wires on the medium-voltage transmission. The main aim of article is to describe the function of created breakdowns detector and evaluation its. The breakdowns detector is created based in indicators of faults such as touch between tree limbs and insulated wire, touch tree limbs with several phases or fall insulated wire on the ground. Breakdowns detector...

  • Music Mood Visualization Using Self-Organizing Maps

    Due to an increasing amount of music being made available in digital form in the Internet, an automatic organization of music is sought. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of songs based on Self-Organizing Maps. Parameters describing mood of music are proposed and calculated and then analyzed employing correlation with mood dimensions based on the Multidimensional Scaling. A map is created in which...

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  • Compressible gas density measurement by means of Fourier analysis of interferograms


    - MEASUREMENT - Rok 2022

    This paper describes a method for nonintrusive compressible gas density measurement by means of automated analysis of interferograms using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and its implementation using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), that does make this measurement technique a fairly valuable and accessible experimental method. The presented approach makes it possible to use the finite fringe setting of the interferometer, thus reducing...

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  • Between Descriptive Geometry and CAD 3D

    Descriptive geometry provides methods to analyse three-dimensional space through two-dimensional drawings and prepares to create technical documentation. Geometric form of an engineering project is presented by the means of projection methods based on a 3D model, which is present in designer’s imagination. The forthcoming era of Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings changes in the way the engineer works, as the vision is...

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  • Interpolator wykorzystujący filtr z maskowaniem charakterystyki częstotliwościowej

    Interpolator o dużej krotności wymaga stosowania dolnoprzepustowych filtrów cyfrowych o bardzo wąskim paśmie przejściowym. Przekłada się to na dużą złożoność obliczeniową i problemy z projektowaniem filtrów interpolacyjnych. W pracy zaproponowano użycie metody FRM rozbijającej filtr o wąskim paśmie przejściowym na grupę filtrów o obniżonych wymaganiach, co zmniejsza liczbę niezerowych współczynników. W rezultacie użycie tego rozwiązania...

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  • Cyfrowy akcelerator wybranych modułów standardu kompresji wideo H.264

    W artykule przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator estymacji ruchu przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator został zaimplementowany w technologii FPGA oraz w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Obie implementacje zostały zweryfikowane, a szczegółowe wyniki pomiarów akceleratora ASIC zostały porównane z innymi dostępnymi w literaturze propozycjami. System został zoptymalizowany do współpracy z oprogramowaniem...

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  • Sessile droplet contact angle of water–Al2O3, water–TiO2 and water–Cu nanofluids

    This work presents measurements of the contact angle of sessile droplets for three nanofluids, i.e. water–Al2O3, water–TiO2 and water–Cu. The plates made of glass, anodized aluminium and stainless steel of different roughness served as substrates. Ultrasonic vibration was used for 30–60 min in order to stabilise the dispersion of the nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% by weight....

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    The paper deals with the architecture of museums as dependent on the ways of lighting the exhibition space. The work focuses on the analysis of the influence of daylighting systems on shaping the museum's architecture in the period from the Renaissance to modern times. The method of work includes studying literature and the case study of the objects characteristic of the presented concepts and lighting systems. The results of the...

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  • Geospatial Coverage and Signal Quality Measurements of Terrestrial DAB+ Network in Northern Poland

    Modern signal coverage maps are prepared based on industry-standard radio propagation models, which take into account a number of parameters, including: type of antenna, distance from the transmitter, type of terrain, etc. However, such simulations are prone to location-specific inaccuracies, and should be verified with in-situ measurements. This paper presents results of a field test of a terrestrial DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting...

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  • Computer-Aided Automated Greenery Design—Towards a Green BIM

    Contemporary climate challenges are changing the architect’s awareness, which results in a broader spectrum of interest. The available software enables the design of vegetation, but it is often very limited and requires specialist knowledge. The available software allows the creation of individual solutions based on visual algorithms or writing scripts; however, they are still not common methods used in architecture and urban planning....

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  • Cost-Effective Piggyback Forward dc-dc Converter


    - Rok 2024

    The novel piggyback dc-dc converter as a cost-effective solution is presented in this work. It provides a wide input voltage range of regulation with a low component count. The novel solution is an advanced forward dc-dc converter with an additional clamp output capacitor. The idea of such a type of converter is to transfer magnetizing energy of transformer to the output side, instead of using input clamp circuit. The design guidelines...

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  • The Use of Unmanned Surface Vessels in Bathymetric Measurements of Waterbodies with Highly Dynamic Seafloor Relief


    - Rok 2019

    The early 21st century is a time when unmanned surface vessels (USV) are used in various measurement applications. Modern autonomous and unmanned vessels are increasingly often used in bathymetric measurements whose aim is to measure the seafloor with the sufficient positioning accuracy. Therefore, the use of USVs in hydrography can be seen as the beginning of a new era in this regard. This paper presents bathymetric measurements...

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  • DoA Estimation Using Reconfigurable Antennas in Millimiter-Wave Frequency 5G Systems

    To achieve low latency and high throughputs, future 5G systems will have to utilize complex antenna systems able to provide beamforming and direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation capabilities. Most of the concepts available in the literature rely on analog or digital beamforming, which is well developed and can be used both at a base station and in a user terminal. However, in applications, in which...

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  • Processing of Satellite Data in the Cloud


    The dynamic development of digital technologies, especially those dedicated to devices generating large data streams, such as all kinds of measurement equipment (temperature and humidity sensors, cameras, radio-telescopes and satellites – Internet of Things) enables more in-depth analysis of the surrounding reality, including better understanding of various natural phenomenon, starting from atomic level reactions, through macroscopic...

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  • An adaptive-noise Augmented Kalman Filter approach for input-state estimation in structural dynamics

    • S. Vettori
    • E. Di Lorenzo
    • B. Peeters
    • M. Łuczak
    • E. Chatzi


    The establishment of a Digital Twin of an operating engineered system can increase the potency of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) tools, which are then bestowed with enhanced predictive capabilities. This is particularly relevant for wind energy infrastructures, where the definition of remaining useful life is a main driver for assessing the efficacy of these systems. In order to ensure a proper representation of the physical...

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  • Low-Level Music Feature Vectors Embedded as Watermarks

    In this paper a method consisting in embedding low-level music feature vectors as watermarks into a musical signal is proposed. First, a review of some recent watermarking techniques and the main goals of development of digital watermarking research are provided. Then, a short overview of parameterization employed in the area of Music Information Retrieval is given. A methodology of non-blind watermarking applied to music-content...

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  • Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Naval Sonars Modernization


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    Today’s fast technological advancement in electronics and signal processing methods makes electronic systems, including sonars, obsolete very quickly. The Polish Navy seems to be particularly affected as its ships were built in the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed a methodology for modernising Navy sonars which involves the use of new electronic sub-systems and modern, bespoke methods...

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  • "Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines


    The paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...

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