wszystkich: 865
wybranych: 737
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DECAHEDRAL-SHAPED PARTICLES
Progress in devulcanization of waste tire rubber: Upcycling towards a circular economy
PublikacjaAs a complex composite material, tire rubber has always presented significant environmental and waste management concerns due to its non-biodegradability and accumulation in landfills. The devulcanization of tire rubber has emerged as a historical challenge in the field of sustainable rubber engineering since Goodyear invented cross-linking in 1839. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of waste tire recycling processes,...
From ashes to porous hierarchical nanocarbon electrode: Upcycling secondary waste materials through self-catalytic chemical vapour deposition
PublikacjaMetal and metal oxide particles are abundant in various ash-based wastes. Utilizing these as catalyst sources for the fabrication of carbon nanomaterials could present a valuable approach to reduce our reliance on non-renewable and costly catalyst sources, thereby facilitating large-scale nanomaterial production. In this context, secondary waste materials (SWMs) are by-products resulting from the (complete or partial) combustion...
The impact of filler thermomechanical modifications on static and dynamic mechanical performance of flexible foamed polyurethane/ground tire rubber/zinc borate composites
PublikacjaThe rapid development of the automotive industry is very beneficial to many aspects of human life, but it is also a very significant environmental burden. The most straightforward impact is related to the generation of exhaust, but the management of post-consumer car parts is also a major challenge. Among them, waste tires are very burdensome due to their enormous numbers. Therefore, it is essential to develop novel, environmentally...
Yade-open DEM: an open-source software using a discrete element methodto simulate granular material
PublikacjaPurpose - YADE-OPEN DEM is an open source software based on the Discrete Element Method which uses object oriented programming techniques. The paper describes the softwarearchitecture.Design/methodology/approach - The DEM chosen uses position, orientation, velocity and angular velocity as independent variables of simulated particles which are subject to explicit leapfrog time-integration scheme (Lagrangian method). The three-dimensional...
Investigation of interaction between xanthene dye rhodamine B and metagenomic-derivated methylthioadenosine phosphorylase RSFP
PublikacjaIn the previous study we found that the expression of the metagenomic - derived methylthioadenosine phosphorylase gene (rsfp) in E. coli cells and the presence of rhodamine B in the growth medium were crucial for the pink fluorescence of one E. coli colony from Antarctic soil metagenomic library (Cieśliński et al., 2009). In this study, rsfp gene expression was induced by an arabinose promoter in an LMG194 E. coli strain and the...
Comparative molecular dynamics study of dimeric and monomeric forms of HIV-1 protease in ligand bound and unbound state
PublikacjaHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) is a viral-encoded enzyme that forms a homodimer. HIV-1 PR is essential for replication and assembly of the virus and inactivation of HIV-1 PR enzyme causes production of immature, noninfectious viral particles and thus HIV-1 PR is an attractive target in anti-AIDS drug design. In our current work, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations (500 ns) for two different...
Development of nanoscale morphology and role of viscoelastic phase separation on the properties of epoxy/recycled polyurethane blends
PublikacjaA novel and cost-effective approach towards the modification of epoxy matrix has been developed using recycled polyurethane for the first time without sacrificing any of the intrinsic properties of the resin. Polyurethane, recycled from waste foam by glycolysis process (RPU), was found to be very effective in improving the properties of the thermosetting resin based on Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA). The effect of the...
The impact of thermomechanical and chemical treatment of waste Brewers’ spent grain and soil biodegradation of sustainable Mater-Bi-Based biocomposites
PublikacjaDue to the massive plastic pollution, development of sustainable and biodegradable polymer materials is crucial to reduce environmental burdens and support climate neutrality. Application of lignocellulosic wastes as fillers for polymer composites was broadly reported, but analysis of biodegradation behavior of resulting biocomposites was rarely examined. Herein, sustainable Mater-Bi-based biocomposites filled with thermomechanically-...
Synthesis, characteristics, and photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles stabilized on the stone surface for degradation of metronidazole from aqueous solution
PublikacjaAbstract Background: The presence of antibiotics such as metronidazole in wastewater even at low concentrations requires searching for a suitable process such as advanced oxidation process (AOP) to reduce the level of pollutants to a standard level in water. Methods: In this study, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal method using zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) as a precursor, then, stabilized on stone and was used...
Solvothermal growth of {0 0 1} exposed anatase nanosheets and their ability to mineralize organic pollutants. The effect of alcohol type and content on the nucleation and growth of TiO2 nanostructures
PublikacjaHerein, the series of {0 0 1} exposed anatase nanosheets from HF-assisted solvothermal growth synthesis were obtained. The two-dimensional TiO2 were characterized, including both bulk (XRD, DR-UV–Vis, Mott-Schottky) and surface characteristics (N2 sorption, XPS, SEM) with experimental results compiled with Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The effect of alcohol amount and type was studied, demonstrating the crucial...
Concentrations and loads of DOC, phenols and aldehydes in a proglacial arctic river in relation to hydro-meteorological conditions. A case study from the southern margin of the Bellsund Fjord – SW Spitsbergen
PublikacjaClimate warming accelerates the melting and thawing of cryosphere components. Therefore, it favours the release of contaminants stored in High-Arctic glaciers for many years. The rate of land-based glacier retreat is of particular importance for the hydrological regime of glacial rivers, but also for the chemical composition of their waters. In this study, we examined 84 surface water samples collected during a period of 42 days...
Metoda i algorytmy sterowania procesami miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów w oparciu o analizę obrazu wizyjnego
PublikacjaGłównym celem rozprawy było opracowanie systemu miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów rąk wykonywanych w powietrzu oraz zbadanie możliwości oferowanych przez takie rozwiązanie w porównaniu ze współczesną metodą miksowania sygnałów fonicznych, wykorzystującą środowisko komputera. Opracowany system rozpoznaje zarówno dynamiczne jak i statyczne gesty rąk. Rozpoznawanie gestów dynamicznych zrealizowano w oparciu o metody logiki rozmytej...
Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim
PublikacjaWspółczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...
Tackling microplastics pollution in global environment through integration of applied technology, policy instruments, and legislation
PublikacjaMicroplastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Small particles with size of less than 5 mm, known as microplastics (MPs), persist in the environment and pose serious threats to various species from micro-organisms to humans. However, terrestrial environment has received less attention than the aquatic environment, despite being a major source of MPs that eventually...
Chemical composition of water from roof in Gdańsk, Poland
PublikacjaThis study deals with the assessment of roof runoff waters from the region of Gdansk collected during the winter season (2007/2008). The chemical analysis includes 16 chemical variables: major ions, PAHs and PCBs measured at 3 sampling sites for 6-14 rain events. Although the data set is of limited volume the statistical data treatment using self-organizing maps (SOM) reveals the main factors controlling roof runoff water quality...
Functional Bi2O3/Gd2O3 Silica-Coated Structures for Improvement of Early Age and Radiation Shielding Performance of Cement Pastes
PublikacjaThis study presents a new approach towards the production of sol-gel silica-coated Bi2O3/Gd2O3 cement additives towards the improvement of early mechanical performance and radiation attenuation. Two types of silica coatings, which varied in synthesis method and morphology, were used to coat Bi2O3/Gd2O3 structures and evaluated...
Micro-cracking pattern recognition of hybrid CNTs/GNPs cement pastes under three-point bending loading using acoustic emission technique
PublikacjaThe generation of microcracks has an important influence on the behaviour of concrete structures. In this study, the acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to investigate the fracture phenomena and micro-cracking behavior of hybrid carbon nanotubes (CNTs, the 1-D allotrope of carbon atoms) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs, 2D monolayer of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms), cement composites under three-point bending loading. In...
Fluorine ions in photocatalysts’ synthesis: an obstacle or an ally? The investigation of photocatalysts in Ti-O-F system
PublikacjaTitanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) is one of the most promising photocatalysts, which is expected to be applied in the photocatalytic degradation of xenobiotics. For sustainable development and green chemistry approach recently, much effort has been paid to enhance TiO2 photocatalytic activity in UV-vis light by modifying its structure. The photocatalytic process’s complexity cannot be simply described as electron-hole pairs generations...
Improved finite element method for flow, heat and solute transport of Prandtl liquid via heated plate
PublikacjaIn the current study, a vertical, 3D-heated plate is used to replicate the generation of heat energy and concentration into Prandtl liquid. We discuss how Dufour and Soret theories relate to the equations for concentration and energy. In order to see how efectively particles, interact with heat and a solvent, hybrid nanoparticles are used. It does away with the phenomena of viscous dissipation and changing magnetic felds. The motivation...
Człowiek i jego samochód - relacje w strukturach mieszkaniowych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zapis refleksji
PublikacjaJakość środowiska zbudowanego - przekształcanego i tworzonego dla coraz liczniejszych pokoleń mieszkańców jest przedmiotem wieloletniej i narastającej dyskusji zawodowej środowiska architektonicznego.Ludzka potrzeba samorealizacji poprzez codzienną aktywność, działalność zawodową, przyjmowane role społeczne wpływa na kształtowanie indywidualnych modeli codzienności miejskiej, na decyzje o wyborach miejsca zamieszkania, miejsca...
PublikacjaHybrid nanocomposites consisting of inorganic component and organic conducting polymer are promising materials, which can be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Titanium(IV) oxide is widely used photocatalysts due to its non-toxicity, low cost and chemical stability. The main disadvantage of TiO2 is low photocatalytic activity under visible light. Conducting polymers, also known as conjugated polymers are polymer materials...
Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Approach for Efficient Design and Synthesis of Gold-Based Double Halide Perovskites
PublikacjaApplied cutting-edge electronic structure and phonon simulations provide a reliable knowledge about the stability of perovskite structures and their electronic properties, which are crucial for design of effective nanomaterials. Gold is one of the exceptional elements, which can exist both as a monovalent and a trivalent ion in the B site of a double perovskite such as A2BI BIIIX6. However, until now, electronic properties of Cs2AuI AuIIIX6...
Measurement report: Spatial variations in ionic chemistry and water-stable isotopes in the snowpack on glaciers across Svalbard during the 2015–2016 snow accumulation season
PublikacjaThe Svalbard archipelago, located at the Arctic sea-ice edge between 74 and 81∘ N, is ∼60 % covered by glaciers. The region experiences rapid variations in atmospheric flow during the snow season (from late September to May) and can be affected by air advected from both lower and higher latitudes, which likely impact the chemical composition of snowfall. While long-term changes in Svalbard snow chemistry have been documented in...
Wastes from Agricultural Silage Film Recycling Line as a Potential Polymer Materials
PublikacjaThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for potential methods for their utilization. In the presented work, we investigated the recycling potential of wastes originated from the agricultural films recycling line. Their structure and properties were analyzed, and they were...
Bile salts in digestion and transport of lipids
PublikacjaBecause of their unusual chemical structure, bile salts (BS) play a fundamental role in intestinal lipid digestion and transport. BS have a planar arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, which enables the BS molecules to form peculiar self-assembled structures in aqueous solutions. This molecular arrangement also has an influence on specific interactions of BS with lipid molecules and other compounds of ingested food...
Recycled rubber wastes-based polymer composites with flame retardancy and electrical conductivity: Rational design, modeling and optimization
PublikacjaPolymer recycling techniques experience a maturity period of design and application. Rubbers comprise a high proportion of polymer wastes, highly flammable and impossible to re-melt. Polymer composites based on ground tire rubber (GTR) and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) containing carbon black (CB) (1–50 phr), with variable EVA/GTR weight composition (10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 90/10), and processing temperature (Low:...
Investigation of RH effect on uncommon limonene ozonolysis products and SOA formation in indoor air with real time measurement techniques
PublikacjaScientific interest in SOA influence on indoor air quality increases since last 20 years. It is well known, that particles of nano-sized diameter pose a threat for human health causing, among others: eye, upper airway irritation, inflammatory response in cells, worsening asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and central nervous dysfunction. Terpenes are reactive VOCs, commonly emitted in indoor air and considered to be SOA precursors...
Simulating coherent light propagation in a random scattering materials using the perturbation expansion
PublikacjaMultiple scattering of a coherent light plays important role in the optical metrology. Probably the most important phenomenon caused by multiple scattering are the speckle patterns present in every optical imaging method based on coherent or partially coherent light illumination. In many cases the speckle patterns are considered as an undesired noise. However, they were found useful in various subsurface imaging methods such as...
Golden artefacts, resin figurines, body adhesives and tomb sediments from the pre-Columbian burial site El Caño (Gran Coclé, Panamá): tracing organic contents using molecular archaeometry
PublikacjaThis research aimed to determine the origin of organic residues from funerary contexts in the El Ca~no settlement (Gran Cocl�e area, Panam�a, Central America) by means of multiple molecular probing techniques (GC-MS of organic solvent extracts and pyrolysis-GC-MS, THM-GC-MS and FTIR of solid samples). The samples include particles of precious resin figurines, fillings of golden objects, tomb sediments, plant exudates from extant...
The use of Preston equation to determine material removal during lap-grinding with electroplated CBN tools
PublikacjaGrinding executed in a lapping configuration is an alternative finishing process benefiting from both grinding and free-abrasive machining, while minimizing the heat effect impact. Electroplated tools can be effectively used in different abrasive processes, including high-speed grinding, however, the assessment of machining performance over time is a key factor in their correct use to achieve satisfactory technological results....
Direct injection liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-LC-MS) analysis for rapid lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles
PublikacjaExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are small, spherical particles produced by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, surrounded by a bilayer membrane and carrying various bioactive molecules, such as proteins, surface receptors, membrane and soluble proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. EVs are of substantial interest because of their important roles in cell communication, epigenetic regulation and possible application in disease diagnosis...
P92 steel and inconel 617 alloy welds joint produced using ERNiCr-3 filler with GTAW process: Solidification mechanism, microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses
PublikacjaThe objective of the current study was to analyse the microstructure, mechanical characteristics, and residual stresses of a dissimilar welded joint (DWJ) made of P92 steel and the Inconel alloy 617 (IN617) using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) method. The ERNiCr-3 filler was selected to produce the conventional V groove (VG) and narrow V groove (NVG) butt joint. The filler deficient zones in the weldments, such as the filler...
Poroelastic Road Surfaces - State of The Art
PublikacjaPoroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) constitute a specific group of pavements containing a great amount of crumbled rubber. In most cases rubber aggregate constitutes about 20% of the mixture (by weight) and a polyurethane resin is used as a binder. As a result, PERS is characterized by a much higher elasticity than asphalt and a high porosity typical for drainage pavements. Due to this, tire/road noise is greatly reduced and on top...
Effect of slag coal ash and foamed glass on the mechanical properties of two-stage concrete
PublikacjaTwo-stage concrete (TSC) is known by various names such as colcrete, Polcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete and prepacked concrete. It is different from traditional concrete in two fundamental ways, namely method of construction and mix proportion. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is defined as firstly, coarse aggregates are placed into the formwork and grout is applied to fill in the between coarse aggregate particles voids. Secondly,...
Development of biocompatible iron oxide-silicon oxide core-shell nanoparticles as subcellular delivery platform for glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors
PublikacjaIn order to develop the preparation of iron oxide-silica coreshell nanoparticles (CSNPs), thesis deeply explores the cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA+) directed silica coating methods of the oleic-acid capped iron oxide nanoparticles (OA-IONPs) initialized under near-neutral pH conditions. It is demonstrated that the initial alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in the presence of CTA+ and OA-IONPs induces an unusual ligand exchange...
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Patterns in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal Wire Electrode for Various Electrode Geometries
PublikacjaRecently narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application in diesel engines. In this paper results of 2-dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow patterns in a narrow ESP for a various electrode geometries are presented. The PIV measurements were carried out in the observation plane that is perpendicular to the ESP duct. The ESP was...
Development of Biocompatible Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles as Subcellular Delivery Platform for Glucosamine-6-phosphate Synthase Inhibitors
PublikacjaNumerous inhibitors of glucoseamine-6-phophate synthase (GlcN-6-P), the enzyme responsible from catalysis of the first step of metabolic pathway leading to metabolism 5’-diphospho-N-acetyl-D- glucosamine, were reported as effective agents for inhibiting the growth of various fungal pathogens. Among the reported inhibitors,...