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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ON-LINE RAMSEY NUMBER

  • Elliptical slot UWB monopole antenna


    The UWB monopole antenna with elliptical radiating slot end and microstrip feeding line terminated with radial stub have been designed, fabricated and measured. The antenna show return loss less than -12 dB in the whole UWB bandwidth. Linearity of the reflection coefficient phase product have also been achieved. Radiation patterns of the antenna measured at three selected frequency points indicated regular, approximately omni directional...

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  • On the instantaneous frequency smoothing for signals with quasi-linear frequency changes


    The problem of estimation of the slowly-varying instantaneous frequency of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using frequency tracking algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be considerably increased if the results yielded by the frequency tracker are further processed using the appropriately designed filters. The resulting frequency...

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  • Techniki śródoperacyjnego monitorowania EKG


    - Rok 2008

    Z badania EKG lekarze uzyskują szereg cennych informacji niezbędnych do prawidłowego podejmowanie ważnych decyzji terapeutycznych. EKG stało się pierwszym parametrem monitorowanym standardowo i w sposób ciągły podczas znieczulenia. Współczesna technika umożliwia nie tylko ciągłe monitorowanie zapisu EKG, a także transmisję danych on-line do dowolnego miejsca w szpitalu, i ich cyfrową rejestrację. Najistotniejszym kryterium przydatności...

  • Reference FEM model for SHM system of cable-stayed bridge in Rzeszów

    The paper presents the references model for structural health monitoring system (SHM) of cable-stayed bridge recently constructed in Rzeszów over Wisłok River. The SHM system is design to provide on-line information on the structure state and facilitate its maintenance procedures. The main feature of the SHM system is permanent observation of the dynamic behavior of the bridge with focus on cable vibrations. The paper discusses...

  • Błędy cyfrowej rejestracji prędkości obrotowej z wykorzystaniem przetwornika obrotowo-impulsowego

    Przedstawiono zasadę działania przetwornika obrotowo-impulsowego w zastosowaniu do pomiaru prędkości obrotowej. Omówiono metody rejestracji on-line sygnału impulsowego z przetwornika obrotowo-impulsowego. W metodach tych prędkość obrotowa wyznaczana jest na podstawie ostatniego przedziału miedzyimpulsowego lub na podstawie dwóch ostatnich przedziałów miedzyimpulsowych z ekstrapolacji. Dla sinusoidalnej zmiany prędkości udowodniono,...

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  • Dynamic Positioning System with Vectorial Backstepping Controller


    - Rok 2013

    The problem of synthesis a dynamic positioning system for low frequency model of surface vessel was considered in this paper. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep a fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The passive observer was introduced to smooth the measurements and to estimate the velocities needed for the control algorithm. Some parameters of observer were optimized off-line...

  • Synthesis and biological activity of mycophenolic acid-amino acid derivatives

    In search of new immunosuppressants, mycophenolic acid (MPA) was coupled with amino acid methyl esters followed by hydrolysis to analogs bearing free carboxylic groups. The obtained compunds were tested in vitro as growth inhibitors of lymphoid cell line (Jurkat) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. According to obtained results recovering of free carboxylic group increased their activity. Additionally,...

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  • Test Execution Logging and Visualization Techniques


    - Rok 2004

    Traditionally, log traces of test cases ex ecution are stored in textual format and their analysis is done in a post- execution phase. Our approach bases on the concept of gr aphical presentation of te st execution which enables better analysis of log traces and also gives the opportunity to consider them on-line. In particular, we discuss the graphical symbols we chose, we pres ent the logging interface we defined a nd describe...

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  • Budowanie zaufania w relacjach interentowych


    - Rok 2009

    Artykuł prezentuje znaczenie zaufania w relacjach interpersonalnych oraz wpływ globalizacji na proces budowania i percepcji zaufania pomiędzy uczestnikami relacji społecznych. Przedstawiono badania własne, w których autorka zweryfikowała postawy badanych wobec zaufania w relacjach internetowych i poziom wiarygodności partnera w komunikacji odbywającej się z wykorzystaniem różnych internetowych funkcjonalności (forum internetowe,...

  • An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an approach to estimation of the mean path loss model parameters in off-body Body Area Networks channels. In this approach, the path loss exponent is constrained to a value obtained for the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation in the co-polarised channel, considering a generalised static scenario. The comparison of the goodness of fit between the proposed approach and other approaches, for a set of measurements obtained...

  • A Noether theorem for stochastic operators on Schatten classes

    We prove that a stochastic (Markov) operator S acting on a Schatten class C_1 satisfies the Noether condition S'(A) = A and S'(A^2) = A^2, where A is a Hermitian bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H, if and only if, S(E(G)XE(G)) = E(G)S(X)E(G) holds true for every Borel subset G of the real line R, where E(G) denotes the orthogonal projection coming from the spectral resolution of A. Similar results are obtained...

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  • Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses


    - Rok 2021

    Diesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce...

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  • Regulation of Cellular Redox Homeostasis by (–)-Epicatechin and Cocoa Extracts—A Pilot Study


    - Proceedings - Rok 2019

    Cocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...

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    - Proceedings - Rok 2019

    Cocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...

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  • Double bondage in graphs


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. The double bondage number of G, denoted by b_d(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets...

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  • Multi-agent large-scale parallel crowd simulation


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents design, implementation and performance results of a new modular, parallel, agent-based and large scale crowd simulation environment. A parallel application, implemented with C and MPI, was implemented and run in this parallel environment for simulation and visualization of an evacuation scenario at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland and further in the area of districts of Gdansk. The application uses a...

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  • Performance Assessment of Using Docker for Selected MPI Applications in a Parallel Environment Based on Commodity Hardware

    In the paper, we perform detailed performance analysis of three parallel MPI applications run in a parallel environment based on commodity hardware, using Docker and bare-metal configurations. The testbed applications are representative of the most typical parallel processing paradigms: master–slave, geometric Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) as well as divide-and-conquer and feature characteristic computational and communication...

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  • Problemy modelowania liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych na przykładzie Gdańska

    Jedną z podstawowych danych niezbędnych do planowania elementów systemu transportowego jest informacja o liczbie podróży odbywanych na analizowanym obszarze. Dane te uzyskiwane są najczęściej za pomocą symulacyjnych modeli transportowych. Jednym z istotnych elementów i pierwszym etapem najczęściej stosowanego, klasycznego modelu czterostopniowego jest modelowanie liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych, podczas którego to...

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  • Cyfrowa wewnątrzsamolotowa magistrala komunikacyjna ARINC 429

    W artykule przedstawiono standard cyfrowej magistrali komunikacyjnej ARINC 429 przeznaczonej do współpracy urządzeń na pokładzie samolotów. Skupiono się na warstwie fizycznej i protokolarnej tego standardu.

  • Effect of adopted rules of inference and methods of defuzzification on the final result of the evaluation of reliability made using the fuzzy logic methods


    The object of interest is to solve the problem of risk management of marine systems. But the main trouble is a lack of numerous and sure data on the reliability of the components of such systems. The methods based on the fuzzy logic seem to be helpful here. The goal of the article is to check the effect of using different fuzzy inference rules and methods of defuzzification on the final result of reliability assessment. The three...

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  • Application of wireless communication to small WECS with induction generator


    - Rok 2010

    Wind energy conversion systems (WECS) seem to be self-evident elements of the future smart grids. Among many generator types the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) characterizes robustness and low cost. A full-scale power converter can perform smooth grid connection over wide speed range of multiple-stage geared SCIG. Increasing number of sensors can improve the WECS control and diagnostics but increasing number of thin wires...

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  • Interval incidence graph coloring

    In this paper we introduce a concept of interval incidence coloring of graphs and survey its general properties including lower and upper bounds on the number of colors. Our main focus is to determine the exact value of the interval incidence coloring number χii for selected classes of graphs, i.e. paths, cycles, stars, wheels, fans, necklaces, complete graphs and complete k-partite graphs. We also study the complexity of the...

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  • Enhanced Eye-Tracking Data: a Dual Sensor System for Smart Glasses Applications

    A technique for the acquisition of an increased number of pupil positions, using a combined sensor consisting of a low-rate camera and a high-rate optical sensor, is presented in this paper. The additional data are provided by the optical movement-detection sensor mounted in close proximity to the eyeball. This proposed solution enables a significant increase in the number of registered fixation points and saccades and can be used...

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  • Graphs hard-to-process for greedy algorithm MIN


    We compare results of selected algorithms that approximate the independence number in terms of the quality of constructed solutions. Furthermore, we establish smallest hard- to-process graphs for the greedy algorithm MIN.

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    The authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...

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  • Theory and application of Near-infrared spectroscopy


    - Rok 2010

    In recent years one can observe a significant increase in the requirements on quality control in all industrial sectors. The growing number of involved analyses makes the traditional, time consuming, requiring use of large quantities of reagents, thus expansive methods inconvenient especially for industrial applications. Fortunately, there is a very fast, cheap and not invasive analytical method that is increasingly used in qualitative...

  • Simulation analysis of a production process with selected six sigma ratios


    Computer technologies allow more and more to model as well as to perform simulation experiments of various processes. The simulation analysis provides a better understanding of the interdependencies between various stages of production processes.The results of simulation studies were presented, the aim of them was to show the opportunities of the analysis of the process according to the scenarios and variants developed in connection...

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  • Investigation of RH effect on uncommon limonene ozonolysis products and SOA formation in indoor air with real time measurement techniques


    Scientific interest in SOA influence on indoor air quality increases since last 20 years. It is well known, that particles of nano-sized diameter pose a threat for human health causing, among others: eye, upper airway irritation, inflammatory response in cells, worsening asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and central nervous dysfunction. Terpenes are reactive VOCs, commonly emitted in indoor air and considered to be SOA precursors...

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    - Współpraca Europejska - Rok 2022

    Suicides are a phenomenon observed in many countries. The causes of a decision so drastic as far as consequences are concerned include i.a. economic reasons. The question arises whether the changing number of suicides reflects the state of the economy. The direct link between the state of the economy and suicides has not been sufficiently studied so far. The authors of this article attempted to identify the links between selected...

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  • Modelling gene expression of a self-regulating protein


    - Rok 2014

    We analyze a model of gene transcription and protein synthesis. We take into account the number of sites on the protein’s promoter at which the protein’s dimers can bind blocking transcription of protein mRNA.

  • Non-isolating 2-bondage in graphs

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The non-isolating 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2'(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that delta(G-E') >= 1 and gamma_2(G-E') > gamma_2(G)....

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  • Analysing the Residential Market Using Self-Organizing Map


    - Rok 2022

    Although the residential property market has strong connections with various sectors, such as construction, logistics, and investment, it works through different dynamics than other markets; thus, it can be analysed from various perspectives. Researchers and investors are mostly interested in price trends, the impact of external factors on residential property prices, and price prediction. When analysing price trends, it is beneficial...

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  • Non-isolating bondage in graphs

    A dominating set of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $V(G) \setminus D$ has a neighbor in $D$. The domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of $G$. The non-isolating bondage number of $G$, denoted by $b'(G)$, is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges $E' \subseteq E$ such that $\delta(G-E') \ge 1$ and $\gamma(G-E')...

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  • Multi-fidelity EM simulations and constrained surrogate modelling for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antennas


    In this study, a technique for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antenna structures has been proposed. The proposed approach is an enhancement of a recently reported surrogate-assisted technique exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and auxiliary kriging interpolation surrogate, the latter utilised to produce the initial approximation of the Pareto set. A bottleneck of the procedure for higher-dimensional...

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  • Self-Adaptive Mesh Generator for Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm

    In any global method of searching for roots and poles, increasing the number of samples increases the chances of finding them precisely in a given area. However, the global complex roots and poles finding algorithm (GRPF) (as one of the few) has direct control over the accuracy of the results. In addition, this algorithm has a simple condition for finding all roots and poles in a given area: it only requires a sufficiently dense...

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  • Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms

    Over the past few decades, the increasing number of vehicles and imperfect road traffic management have been sources of congestion in cities and reasons for deteriorating health of its inhabitants. With the help of computer simulations, transport engineers optimise and improve the capacity of city streets. However, with an enormous number of possible simulation types, it is difficult to grasp valuable, innovative solutions which...

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  • Doubly miniaturized rat-race hybrid coupler

    Two complementary miniaturization techniques have beenapplied to reduce the size of a rat-race hybrid coupler: (i) conventional microstrip sections have been replaced with their diminished lowimpedance counterparts as the first step of size reduction and (ii) novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficiently shorten low-impedance transmission line segments have been implemented as the second step of...

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  • Naval mine detection system based of FPGA circuit

    Electrochemical processes take place in a metal object immersed into sea water even if an anticorrosive coating is applied [1]. As a result, flowing field appears around the object. There are naval mines between many other objects situated in the sea. Naval mines can be put in the seabed in order to be more difficult to detect by sonars. Such a mine is located on the line demarking two environments of different electrical conductivity....

  • Experience marketing in the service of the “secular religion” of big tech


    - Rok 2021

    The article proposes an interpretation of the meaning of experience marketing as a tool in the process of sacralisation of products, and in a broader context – the so-called secular religion accompanying some contemporary big tech organizations. The article is of theoretical nature and the authors have intended to explain how big tech corporations, in line with the concept of experience marketing (digital platforms, in particular),...

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  • Ancillary services to grids provided with distributed generation


    - Rok 2009

    The paper introduces system for utilization of the customer-side generated energy. Additionally system can secure some ancillary services to grids. Those services include: current active filtering, load voltage stabilization and in case of grid voltage faults - uninterruptible load supplying (possible with energy storage device). Presented experimental results confirm flexibility of this arrangement in processes of power delivery...

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  • Shielded coupled strip and slot guides with a thin omega pseudochiral medium layer


    A method of moments combined with mode matching technique is applied to analyze the shielded coupled strip and slot line structures containing a thin plate of Omega pseudochiral medium. The boundary problems are simplified by introducing for omega medium the approximate continuity conditions. Such mathematical model allows to examine the field displacement effect appearing in the considered guide resulting from the coupling between...

  • Regional implementation of a road safety observatory in Poland


    The paper outlines the background and goals of the Road Safety Observatory in the Polish region of Warmia and Mazury. While created it was Poland’s first road safety Observatory, both at the regional and central level. Established in line with the methodology proposed in the European project SafetyNet, together with the planned National Road Safety Observatory it will form part of a Europe-wide network of observatories linked with...

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  • Protection of bridges against stray current corrosion

    A case study of Siennicki Bridge stray current corrosion hazard is presented. A corrosion risk was caused by incorrectly designed tram line traction which goes over the bridge. No dielectric insulation between running rails and bridge steel construction was used. A variety of protection methods against stray currents are described. Characteristics of the endangered bridge were described. Impressed current cathodic protection system...

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  • Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase uracil



    Quantum scattering calculations are presented for the interaction of low energy positrons with the uracil molecule, an important component of biological systems. The rotational elastic and inelastic cross sections and vibrational inelastic cross sections are reported and compared with existing experiments, indicating a general trend of the cross sections different from the experimental findings and in line with what should be expected...

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  • Noise emitted by SKM Trains in Gdansk

    High intensity traffic of SKM trains in Gdansk carries a significant level of noise emission. SKM line runs through the central part of the city and therefore in the vicinity of residential areas and recreational facilities. This research was planned and performed to find out what was the real noise emission of SKM trains and to determine whether the measurement noise values are within allowed limits. Individual acoustic events...

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  • Elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings


    This paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. On-line tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the stability-preserving Whittle-Wiggins-Robinson algorithm with exponential data weighting. Detection of noise pulses and model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted samples...

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  • A Trisection Filter Design With Negative Slope of Frequency-Dependent Crosscoupling Implemented in Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW)

    This letter reports on a novel realization of a microwave bandpass filter in a triplet configuration with a frequency-dependent crosscoupling implemented in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). The design involves implementing dispersive coupling with a negative slope, a feature that allows the capabilities of the classic triplet topology to be extended. In this particular case, the implementation of two transmission zeros on...

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  • DNA Methylation Changes Induced by Redox-Active Compounds—Choosing the Right PCR-Based Method


    The impact of catechins on the expression profile of redox-related genes in HT29 cell line has been studied recently by our group using Oxidative Stress RT2 Profiler PCR Array. Within the examined panel of 84 genes, the down-regulation of SRXN1 gene was unique among other up-regulated genes. We hypothesized that the observed down-regulation resulted from DNA methylation and have exploited this observation to choose the proper strategy...

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  • Design optimization of novel compact circular polarization antenna


    The paper describes a structure and a design optimization procedure of a miniaturized circular polarization antenna with elliptical ground plane slots and feed line with stepped-impedance stubs. Constrained optimization of all antenna parameters is executed in order to explicitly reduce the antenna size while maintaining required impedance axial ratio bandwidth of 5 GHz to 7 GHz at the same time. The size of the optimized antenna...

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  • Implementacja elementów SCORM w systemie zarządzającym nauczaniem Moodle.


    - Rok 2004

    W referacie dokonano analizy możliwoci takiej rozbudowy systemu Moodle, aby uzyskać zgodnoć z modelami danych okrelonymi w specyfikacji SCORM. Zaprezentowano idee podstawowych mechanizmów zdolnych do obsługi dodatkowych formatów kursów on-line, w tym metody dostarczania odpowiednich zasobów wiedzy do użytkownika. Przedstawiono problemy zwišzane z rozszerzeniem systemu Moodle o obsługę API zgodnego z SCORM oraz opis zaimplementowanych...