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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: density functional calculations
Deposition, morphology and functional properties of layers based on DLC:Si and DLC:N on polyurethane
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Generalized Euler method for first order partial differential functional equations
PublikacjaW pracy prezentowana jest nowa klasa metod numerycznych dla nieliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych pierwszego rzędu.Rozwiązania klasyczne zagadnień początkowo brzegowych przybliżane są w tej pracy przez rozwiązania odpowiedniego układu quasilininowego równań różnicowych. Podajemy kompletną analizę zbieżności metod i pokazujemy na przykładach, iż nowa metoda jest zauważalnie lepsza niż klasyczne schematy różnicowe. Dowód stabilności...
Optical properties of spirooxazine-doped PMMA fiber for new functional applications
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Distinguishable topological properties of functional genome networks in HIV-1 reservoirs
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Risk analysis and functional safety assessment with regard to human andorganisational factors
PublikacjaReferat poświęcono wybranym zagadnieniom analizy ryzyka i zarządzania bezpieczeństwem funkcjonalnym systemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. Systemy takie, zawierające coraz częściej jednostki programowalne, są potencjalnie narażone na błędy człowieka, które mają swoje źródło w uchybieniach organizacyjnych. W procesie analizy ryzyka takich systemów proponuje się stosować metody jakościowe i ilościowe. Potencjalne błędy człowieka...
Effective methods for functional confermance testing of parallel and distributed programming libraries.
PublikacjaRozprawa przedstawia kompletna metodykę tworzenia Zestawów Testów Zgodności dla języków programowania, bibliotek i API, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem języków i bibliotek programowania równoleglego i rozproszonego. Autor rozpoczął badania w dziedzinie testowania zgodności dla bibliotek programowania równoleglego i rozproszonego, ale Metodyka Kolejnych zawężeń (ang. Consecutive Confinenments Method -CoCoM, stworzona przez Autora,...
Novel investigation of pyrolysis mechanisms and kinetics for functional groups in biomass matrix
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Aortic Stiffness Predicts Functional Outcome in Patients After Ischemic Stroke
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Numerical method of lines for first order partial differential functional equations
PublikacjaUdowodniono zbieżność numerycznej metody prostych dla równań różniczkowofunkcyjnych o pochodnych cząstkowych pierwszego rzędu i ich rozwiązań klasycznych określonych na piramidzie Haara. Zastosowano metodę nierówności różniczkowych.
Differential difference inequalities related to hyperbolic functional differential systems and applications
PublikacjaZagadnienie początkowo brzegowe dla ukadów quasiliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych przeksztacane jest w układ równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych poprzez dyskretyzację względem zmiennej przestrzennej. Podane są warunki wystarczające dla zbieżności metody prostych. Otrzymany układ równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych zwyczajnych jest rozwiązywany uwikłaną metodą różnicową. Zbieżność schematu różnicowego jest dowodzona metodą porównawczą....
Implicit difference methods for first order partial differential functional equations
PublikacjaW pracy prezentowana jest nowa klasa metod numerycznych dla quasiliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych pierwszego rzędu. Są to schematy różnicowe uwikłane względem zmiennej czasowej. Podana jest pełna analiza zbieżności rozważanych metod uwikłanych oraz przykład numeryczny pokazujący, że klasa tych metod jest szersza niż klasa schematów jawnych. Dowód stabilności opiera się na technice porównawczej z nieliniowym oszacowaniem...
Caratheodory solutions to hyperbolic functional differential systems with state dependent delays
PublikacjaMetodą bicharakterystyk i metodą nierówności całkowych dowodzi się istnienia uogólnionych rozwiązań układów równań różniczkowo-funkcyjnych cząstkowych z odchylonym argumentem zależnym od funkcji niewiadomej.
Architecture at the Sites of the Former Nazi Concentration Camps. Functional Changeability of Commemoration
PublikacjaThe monograph presents a comprehensive analysis of the architectural structures created in the former concentration camps in Europe under the SS Main Economy and Administration Office. It delves into the history of memorial site creation in these areas, emphasizing the unique characteristics of monuments dedicated to the victims of terror. Additionally, the study covers the post-war architectural transformations in these areas,...
First-order functional difference equations with nonlinear boundary value problems
PublikacjaDyskutowano problem brzegowy dla równań różnicowych z opóźnionym argumentem. Nierówności różnicowe związane z w/w problem też były przedmiotem badań. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych, sformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań problemów brzegowych z opóźnionymi argumentami. Podano dwa przykłady ilustrujące otrzymane wyniki.
Implicit difference methods for infinite systems of hyperbolic functional differential equations
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy klasycznych rozwiązań problemów początkowo brzegowych dla nieskończonych układów nieliniowych równań rózniczkowo funkcyjnych. Skonstruowane są dwa typy schematów różnicowych. Pokazujemy, ze rozwiązania rozważanego zagadnienia różniczkowego można przybliżyć przy pomocy rozwiązań nieskończonych układów równań różnicowych. W drugiej części pracy udowadniamy, że również rozwiązania skończonych układów równań różnicowych...
Construction solutions for historical object foundations in the context of changing their functional use
PublikacjaProperly executed renovation and adaptation of a grade listed property not only ensures its constructional safety, but may also highlight the object’s historical value. Taking into consideration various factors, such as divergence of interests, or technical and legal determinants, it is safe to say that the renovation and adaptation of grade listed properties for new purposes is a complex process. The authors of the paper wish...
Designing issues of the alarm system in context of functional safety and human factors
PublikacjaThis article addresses selected aspects of the alarm system and human factors that should be evaluated during the design and operation of an industrial hazardous installation. In such installations the layer of protection analysis (LOPA) methodology is often applied for simplified risk analysis based on defined accident scenarios. To reduce and control the risks the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are identified and their...
Evaluation of water turbine hydrodynamic thrust bearing performance on the basis of thermoelastohydrodynamic calculations and operational data
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Band structure, Born effective charges, and lattice dynamics of CuInS2 from ab initio calculations
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Evaluation of water turbine hydrodynamic thrust bearing performance on the basis of thermoelastohydrodynamic calculations and operational data.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę konstrukcji łożyska wzdłużnego turbiny wodnej. Łożysko zostało skonstruowane około 50 lat temu, a jego konstrukcja przewiduje kompensację termicznych odkształceń klocków. W analizie uwzględniono odkształcenia łożyska i wymianę ciepła w filmie smarowym i klockach łożyskowych. Poza obecną konstrukcją łożyska przeprowadzono również studium wpływu podstawowych parametrów konstrukcyjnych: grubości klocka...
Moisture Influence on Compressive Strength of Calcium Silicate Masonry Units–Experimental Assessment and Normative Calculations
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Comparing N3-60 cascade exit angles obtained from tunnel measurements and numerical calculations
PublikacjaThe article compares the results of measurements performed in the aerodynamic tunnel at CUT and numerical simulation carried out for a plane cascade of N3-60 profiles. Comparing the measured and calculated results provides opportunities for assessing the range of systematic differences between simulation predictions and actual experimental results.
Multi-state multi-reference Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory for molecular calculations
PublikacjaThis work presents multi‐state multi‐reference Møller–Plesset second‐order perturbation theory as a variant of multi‐reference perturbation theory to treat electron correlation in molecules. An effective Hamiltonian is constructed from the first‐order wave operator to treat several strongly interacting electronic states simultaneously. The wave operator is obtained by solving the generalized Bloch equation within the first‐order...
Comparative DEM calculations of fracture process in concrete considering real angular and artificial spherical aggregates
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. Zbadano wpływ kształtu kruszywa na proces pekania i na zalezność obciązenia od ugięcia. Wyniki dwuwymiarowe i trzywymiarowe porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Wyniki pokazały duzy wpływ kształtu kruszywa na wyniki numeryczne.
Buckling resistance of a metal column in a corrugated sheet silo - experiments and non-linear stability calculations
PublikacjaThe results of experimental and numerical tests of a single corrugated sheet silo column’s buckling resistance are presented in this study. The experiments were performed in a real silo with and without bulk solid (wheat). A very positive impact of the bulk solid on the column buckling resistance occurred. The experimental results were first compared to the buckling resistance calculated by Eurocode 3 formulae. The comparison revealed that...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublikacjaThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Cast iron in the 19th-century building equipment
PublikacjaCast iron is a material, characteristics of which enable to receive extremely artistic elements. It maintains good strength properties at the same time. That combination of these seemingly contrary traits makes it a commodity that was widely used in the 19th century industry and architecture. These usages were not only as decorative elements, technical and structural ones. The production of new household utilities started, which...
Prophylaxis of Non-communicable Diseases: Why Fruits and Vegetables may be Better Chemopreventive Agents than Dietary Supplements Based on Isolated Phytochemicals?
PublikacjaThe World Health Organization (WHO) report from 2014 documented that non-communicable socalled civilization diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer or type 2 diabetes are responsible for over 50% of all premature deaths in the world. Research carried out over the past 20 years has provided data suggesting that diet is an essential factor influencing the risk of development of these diseases....
Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems
PublikacjaKey to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...
Algorithms and Tools for Intelligent Control of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublikacjaCritical Infrastructure Systems (CIS) are spatially distributed and of a network structure. The dynamics are nonlinear, uncertain and with several time scales. There is a variety of different objectives to be reliably met under a wide range of operational conditions. The operational conditions are influenced by the disturbance inputs, operating ranges of the CIS, faults in the sensors and actuators and abnormalities occurring in...
Universal autonomous control and management system for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel
PublikacjaThe paper presents design, structure and architecture of the Universal Autonomous Control and Management System (UACAMS) for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel. The system was designed, installed and implemented on the multipurpose platform - unmanned surface vessel named HydroDron. The platform is designed to execute hydrographic survey missions with multi-variant configuration of the survey system (payload? ) including multi-beam...
Crystallographic study of self-organization in the solid state including quasi-aromatic pseudo-ring stacking interactions in 1-benzoyl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)thiourea and 1-benzoyl-3-(2-hydroxypropyl)thiourea
Publikacja1-Benzoylthioureas contain both carbonyl and thiocarbonyl functional groups and are of interest for their biological activity, metal coordination ability and involvement in hydrogen-bond formation. Two novel 1-benzoylthiourea derivatives, namely 1-benzoyl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)thiourea, C₁₆H₁₆N₂O₃S, (I), and 1-benzoyl-3-(2-hydroxypropyl)thiourea, C₁₁H₁₄N₂O₂S, (II), have been synthesized and characterized. Compound (I) crystallizes...
The need for linear revitalization. Gdynia case
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to discuss the need of defining and implementation of the linear revitalization - the new approach related to the revitalization processes. The results of the preliminary investigations indicate that this kind of revitalization seems to be an important tool supporting city management and planning, especially in cases of cities fragmentation - causing lack of physical, social, economic and ecological cohesion....
A Comparative Study of Precision Surface Grinding Using Additively Fabricated Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene (ABS) Wheels with Continuous and Serrated Working Surfaces
PublikacjaNowadays, high requirements imposed by mechanical components make it necessary to develop modern production methods. Additive technologies have been dynamically developing in recent years, showing many advantages associated with the fabrication of elements with complex ge-ometries and structures. One of the areas where the potential of additive technologies is exploited is the rapid tooling sector, which is based on the rapid production...
Deep eutectic solvent-enhanced crop residue adsorbents for eco-efficient volatile organosulfur compounds adsorption from gaseous fuels
PublikacjaThis study highlights the innovative potential of converting crop residues, typically considered waste, into valuable materials. By modifying these residues with green solvent-based deep eutectic solvents (DES), a novel adsorbent was specifically designed for the selective removal of volatile organosulfur compounds (such as thiophene, sec-butyl mercaptan, and dimethyl disulfide) from biogas streams. The selection of the most effective...
Novel primosomal protein B from Clostridium pastuerianum
PublikacjaPriB is a primosomal protein that catalyzes DNA replication in Procaryota. The replication pathway starts with PriA protein - the initiator protein that binds to a DNA replication fork, unwinds double-stranded DNA and role of PriB is to stabilize PriA on the DNA. However there are many biochemical differences in replication mechanism in bacteria and only some of them use PriB proteins. A few of PriB proteins were published and...
Bitumen Aging—Laboratory Simulation Methods Used in Practice and Selected Directions of Research on New Methods
PublikacjaChanges in the properties of bitumen binders that occur as a result of aging have a huge impact on the durability of products produced from them. In particular, asphalt pavements, which constitute the most common use of petroleum bitumen, are susceptible to damage resulting from the increasing stiffness of the bitumen during its life cycle. Increased stiffness of asphalt pavements reduces the pavement resistance to low-temperature...
Influence of Surface-Modified Montmorillonite Clays on the Properties of Elastomeric Thin Layer Nanocomposites
PublikacjaIn recent years, polyurethane nanocomposites have attracted more attention due to the massive demand for materials with increasingly exceptional mechanical, optical, electrical, and thermal properties. As nanofillers have a high surface area, the interaction between the nanofiller and the polymer matrix is an essential issue for these materials. The main aim of this study is to validate the impact of the montmorillonite nanofiller...
Recent advancements in molecularly imprinted polymers for the removal of heavy metal ions and dyes
PublikacjaContamination set off by highly toxic metal ions and dyes is a big threat to the environment and living beings. Various industries like metal plating, mining, pesticides, battery manufacturing, and dyeing release metal ions and toxic dyes directly into the water. It is necessary to remove these toxic substances from the environment. Molecular imprinting technology (MIT) got a lot of attention in the last two decades because of...
The influence of magnetic particle incorporation on bisphenol A removal by β-cyclodextrin-derived sorbent
PublikacjaA novel, biomass-derived hybrid sorbent Ban-CD-EPI-Fe was successfully synthesized in a coprecipitation method, in which β-cyclodextrin copolymerized with banana peel extract and epichlorohydrin was grafted onto an iron oxide surface. The composition, presence of functional groups, morphology, thermal stability, and magnetic properties of the obtained material were characterized by Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Photoelectron...
Biochemical assays of intensified methane content in biogas from low-temperature processing of waste activated sludge
PublikacjaAnaerobic digestion (AD) is implemented as an important ‘waste to energy’ approach for converting organic-rich byproducts such as sewage sludge into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Sewage sludge consists of primary sludge and waste activated sludge (WAS), and low biodegradability of WAS limits methane production. This study presents the influence of the low-temperature pretreatment (LT-PT) of WAS on the efficiency of AD. Different...
Quantumness in Diagnostics of Marine Internal Combustion Engines and Other Ship Power Plant Machines
PublikacjaThe article provides proof that the diagnostics of marine internal combustion engines and other ship power plant machines should take into account the randomness and unpredictability of certain events, such as wear, damage, the variations of mechanical and thermal loads, etc., which take place during machine operation. In the article, the energy E, like the other forms (methods) that it can be converted into (heat and work), is...
Release of Encapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Active Packaging/Coating Materials and Its Modeling: A Systematic Review
PublikacjaThe issue of achieving controlled or targeted release of bioactive compounds with specific functional properties is a complex task that requires addressing several factors, including the type of bioactive, the nature of the delivery system, and the environmental conditions during transportation and storage. This paper deals with extensive reporting for the identification of original articles using Scopus and Google Scholar based...
PublikacjaINTRODUCTION Solid oxide fuel cells are one of the fastest developing energy converters. The advancement introduced by research community provides steady state progress is stability and performance of the fuel cells. Significant influence on the cell’s performance and stability is related to cell design. The simplest design just consists of an anode, a solid electrolyte and a cathode. However, in order to improve the properties,...
Novel primosomal protein B from Clostridium pasteurianum
PublikacjaPriB is a primosomal protein that catalyzes DNA replication in Procaryota. The replication pathway starts with PriA protein - the initiator protein that binds to a DNA replication fork, unwinds double-stranded DNA and role of PriB is to stabilize PriA on the DNA. However there are many biochemical differences in replication mechanism in bacteria and only some of them use PriB proteins. A few of PriB proteins were published and...
Planning the City Against Barriers. Enhancing the Role of Public Spaces
PublikacjaContemporary cities are being fragmented by growing number of technical barriers like roads, railways, infrastructural objects, that generate variety of problems of different nature. The aim of the research is to present the issues connected with such barriers in the city and the ways of solving them. Main problems are e.g.: the destruction of the complexity of urban fabric, functional disadvantages, environmental and landscape...
Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of carbon steel and ferritic and austenitic stainless steels in NaCl solutions and the effect of p-nitrophenyl phosphate disodium salt
PublikacjaThe microstructure and corrosion behavior of carbon steel (CSA516) and ferritic (SS410) and austenitic (SS304L) stainless steels were studied and compared. Corrosion tests were carried out in 0.5 M NaCl solutions. Rates of corrosion were monitored based on weight loss, Tafel extrapolation and linear polarization resistance (LPR) methods. Rates of corrosion were ranked following the order: CSA516 >> SS410 > SS304L. The impact of...
Novel single-stranded DNA-binding protein from psyvhrophilic bacterium Psychrobacter arcticus
PublikacjaTo study the biochemical properties of SSB from Psychrobacter arcticus (ParSSB), we have cloned the ssb genes obtained by PCR and have developed Escherichia coli overexpression systems. The gene consists of an open reading frame of 642 nucleotides encoding SSB protein of 213 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 22.8 kDa. The amino-acid sequence of ParSSB exhibits 49% identity and 57% similarity to Escherichia coli SSB....
PublikacjaThe article discusses the problem of mathematical modelling of energy conversion processes in a rotating mechanical system for the purpose of identifying fatigue states of propulsion shafts in this system. A simplified physical model of the analysed system, constructed in an appropriate scale, has made the basis for the experimental research. The research programme took into consideration mechanical fatigue excitation of the model...
Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea
PublikacjaIn the 19th century a number of modern curative and healthcare hospitals with complex functional and spatial layout were erected in the territory of the West Prussia. The largest of them were specialist centers treating physical and mental illnesses and disabilities: institutions for mentally ill patients (including addicts), epileptics and disabled people. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social...