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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CONFERENCE LIVING IN THE CITY
Experimental Investigations On The Momentum Pressure Drop During Flow Boiling Of R134a
PublikacjaThe article presents experimental investigations of the pressure drop during twophase flow. Experiments were performed for both adiabatic and heated flow of R134a. Obtained flow patterns were compared with the literature. Obtained data is used to validate momentum pressure drop predictions, a set of graphs showing comparisons, for a representative set of experimental conditions, of the two-phase frictional pressure gradients for...
Discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump. Evolution Strategies (ES) are used as a global optimisation method in order to localise the optimal solution in relatively short time. The whole optimisation process is fully automated. This also applies to geometry modelling. Numerical simulations of the flow inside the pump is performed by means of the Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes...
Model of noise sources in supercapacitors
PublikacjaThe paper presents detailed model of noise sources in supercapacitors. Noise phenomena observed in supercapacitors may be used as a diagnostic tool for assessment of supercapacitor quality or degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion of the electrodes or cloggin g up the pores) during ageing. Therefore, it is important to consider where noise is generated. The equivalent circuit of noise sources existing...
Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation
PublikacjaSupercapacitors are capable to store relatively high amount of energy comparing to its mass. Growing number of these devices applications requires development of new testing methods. Standard methods of evaluation of supercapacitor parameters, as cycling voltammetry, CV, galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation, GCPL, impedance measurements, require equipment of high cost...
Low energy elastic electron scattering from benzonitrile (C6H5CN)
PublikacjaWe present experimental differential elastic scattering cross sections (DCSs) for low energy electron scattering from benzonitrile along with integral and momentum-transfer cross sections that are determined from these DCSs. The measurements of DCSs are obtained using the relative flow method with helium as the standard gas, in a crossed electron-molecular gas beam arrangement. Our measurements are made at incident electron energies...
Understanding the formation of metastable furan dication in collisions with ions
PublikacjaThis work relies on complementary theoretical and experimental studies of the processes induced by ion-furan collisions. Results of the Molecular Dynamics simulations and exploration of the energy profiles combined with coincidence mass spectrometry provide complete picture of the fragmentation of furan dication.
Determination of energy-transfer distributions in ionizing ion-molecule collisions
PublikacjaThe main objective of this study is to determine the energy transfer occuring in ion-molecule collisions. In order to solve this problem, we followed two approaches; the first one by validating a purely experimental method and the second one by testing a new theoretical model M3C (Microcanonical Metropolis Monte Carlo).
Low energy differential elastic electron scattering from trichloromethane
PublikacjaExperimental differential cross sections for low energy electron scattering from trichloromethane is measured utilizing a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment via the relative flow method, for the incident electron energies in the range of E = 0.5 eV-30 eV and the scattering angles in the range of θ = 10◦ − 130◦ .
Influence of plasmon resonance on the luminescence of titanium dioxide thin films doped with rare earth ions
PublikacjaIn this work the study of the optical properties of europium doped titanium dioxide thin films (TiO2:Eu) enhanced by gold plasmonic nanostructures are presented. Plasmonic platforms were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin film of Au, deposited on a Corning glass substrate. As a result of thermal treatment, gold spherical nanostructures with average dimensions of 50 nm were obtained. Luminescent TiO2:Eu film was deposited...
Modelling AOB-NOB competition in shortcut nitrification compared with conventional nitrification-denitrification process
PublikacjaIn particular, mainstream deammonification and/or shortened nitrificationdenitrification via nitrite (so-called “nitrite shunt”) is a promising new treatment concept that has the potential to revolutionise how nitrogen removal is achieved at WWTPs. Understanding the role of the AOB/NOB competition in the nitrogen cycle in wastewater treatment systems will change operational strategies of the novel nitrogen removal processes. The...
Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
PublikacjaThe aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and...
Experimental analysis of the behaviour of different types of joints in the steel structure model subjected to earthquake loading
PublikacjaThe present paper reports the results of the experimental study performed to investigate the behaviour of two different types of joints (destroyed and welded ones) in the model of the steel structure under seismic excitations. The structure was subjected to three earthquakes, namely Kobe, Loma Prieta and Northridge, using the shaking table investigation. The results obtained from the study...
Fe local structure in Pt-free nitrogen-modified carbon based electrocatalysts: XAFS study
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new results on the bonding environment (coordination number and geometry) and on oxidation states of Fe in nitrogen-modified Fe/C composites used as Pt-free catalysts for oxygen reduction in Direct Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Starting from glucose or fructose, two catalysts displaying different electrochemical performance were prepared and studied in the form of pristine powder and thin catalytic layer of electrode...
Remote learning among students with and without reading difficulties during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of a survey on yet under-researched aspects of remote learning and learning difficulties in higher education during the initial stage (March – June 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 2182 students from University of Warsaw in Poland completed a two-part questionnaire regarding academic achievements in the academic year 2019/2020, living conditions and stress related to learning and pandemic,...
Analiza pokrycia powierzchni terenu przez działanie robota mobilnego w otoczeniu przeszkód ruchomych
PublikacjaW artykule została opisana metodyka rozwiązania problemu całkowitego pokrycia nieznanej powierzchni przez autonomicznego robota mobilnego podczas jednoczesnego unikania kolizji z przeszkodami ruchomymi. Przedstawiono sformułowanie oraz dokonano szczegółowej analizy obu problemów, ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na występujące ograniczenia. Zaprezentowano behawioralne podejście do sterowania robotem mobilnym wzorowane na reakcjach...
The speciation of organotin compounds in sediment and water samples from the port of Gdynia
PublikacjaOrganotin compounds (OTC) are toxic towards all living organisms. The application of organitin-based antifouling systems is becoming the main source of OTC in the ocean. Harbor sediments and water contain large deposits of organotin compounds due to application of antifouling systems in the shipping industry. OTC contamination presents a potential risk to the marine environment. Sediment and water samples were collected in 2009...
Entrained Flow Plasma Gasification of Sewage Sludge–Proof-of-Concept and Fate of Inorganics
PublikacjaSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water, organic matter, including dead and living pathogens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals, as well as organic and inorganic pollutants. Landfilling is on the decline, giving way to more environmentally friendly utilisation routes. This paper presents the results of a two-stage gasification–vitrification system, using...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublikacjaMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Synthetic lipopeptides as potential topical therapeutics in wound and skin care: in vitro studies of permeation and skin cells behaviour
PublikacjaSeveral Gly-His-Lys analogues were obtained to investigate their antimicrobial properties. Three lipophilic analogues with the structure numbering 1b, 2b, 4b, exhibit significant effect against bacteria and were selected for in vitro evaluation of skin cells behaviour. In the present studies, an in vitro model of wound repair, proliferative cell staining, and tracking of living cells were used. Cell proliferation and cell migration,...
Specialist Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea
PublikacjaThe size and shape of the largest pavilion hospitals established in West Prussia in the 19th century changed along with the advancing technical and medical knowledge, the progress of ideas regarding modern society, architectural patterns, and the needs for which the hospitals were built. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social and technical facilities, all constituting parts of the complex. The...
Occurrences, sources, and transport of organochlorine pesticides in the aquatic environment of Antarctica
PublikacjaWe review information on the concentration levels of organochlorine pesticides in the abiotic aquatic environment (in seawater, sea ice, surface freshwater, snow, firn, and glacial ice) and the organisms inhabiting those, in Antarctica. Particular attention is given to the environmental fate of these pollutants, which modifies their impact on the organisms living in the Antarctic. OCPs have been delivered to the Antarctic environment...
Binary Mixtures of Selected Bisphenols in the Environment: Their Toxicity in Relationship to Individual Constituents
PublikacjaBisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most popular and commonly used plasticizer in the industry. Over the past decade, new chemicals that belong to the bisphenol group have increasingly been used in industrial applications as alternatives to BPA. Nevertheless, information on the combined effects of bisphenol (BP) analogues is insufficient. Therefore, our current study aimed to find the biological response modulations induced by the...
Effective density of airborne wear particles from car brake materials
PublikacjaPeople living in urban environments are subject to high health risks due to various anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter, including wear of transport vehicle brakes. Studies of airborne particles often require an estimate of the effective particle density, a property that allows correct matching of mass and size characteristics measured by different aerosol instruments. In this study we investigated the effective...
A Surrogate-Assisted Measurement Correction Method for Accurate and Low-Cost Monitoring of Particulate Matter Pollutants
PublikacjaAir pollution involves multiple health and economic challenges. Its accurate and low-cost monitoring is important for developing services dedicated to reduce the exposure of living beings to the pollution. Particulate matter (PM) measurement sensors belong to the key components that support operation of these systems. In this work, a modular, mobile Internet of Things sensor for PM measurements has been proposed. Due to a limited...
Deformable model of a butterfly in motion on the example of Attacus atlas
PublikacjaInsect wings can undergo significant chordwise (camber) as well as spanwise (twist) deformation during flapping flight but the effect of these deformations is not well understood. The shape and size of butterfly wings leads to particularly large wing deformations, making them an ideal test case for investigation of these effects. High-speed videogrammetry was used to capture the wing kinematics and deformations. The movements of...
Sztuka jako wartość w procesie rewitalizacji przestrzeni miejskiej na przykładzie wybranych elewacji Drogi Królewskiej w Gdańsku
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej publikacji jest zwrócenie uwagi na rewitalizację przestrzeni miejskiej za pomocą elementów artystycznych, występujących w elewacjach architektonicznych Głównego Miasta w Gdańsku. Sztuka, która zaistniała w elewacjach odbudowywanego w latach pięćdziesiątych Głównego Miasta, dzięki gdańskim artystom, zaowocowała nowymi relacjami twórczymi pomiędzy architekturą a sztuką. Ze względu na ograniczone ramy artykułu, przedstawiamy...
Wybrane elementy projektowania budynków wielofunkcyjnych stanowiących miejskie centra logistyczne
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych aspektów dotyczących projektowania budynków wielofunkcyjnych stanowiących miejskie centra logistyczne. Centrum logistyczne lokalizowane w obszarze zurbanizowanym jest formalnie obiektem, który ma na celu zaspokojenie wielu potrzeb funkcjonalnych względem potencjalnych użytkowników. Miejskie centrum logistyczne stanowi swego rodzaju system, którego podstawą jest sprawna obsługa procesów...
Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim
PublikacjaWspółczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...
Kościoły międzywojennej Gdyni - kontekst urbanistyczny i architektoniczny =The churches of the Interwar Gdynia - the urban and architectural context
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje kościoły zbudowane w Gdyni w okresie międzywojennym: dwa w śródmieściu i po jednym w takich dzielnicach jak Witomino, Grabówek, Działki Leśne, Wzgórze Focha, Cisowa i Oksywie. Ukazano dzieje budowy tych obiektów ich architekturę i autorów oraz spoecyficzny kontekst urbanistyczny nowo powstającego miasta.
Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
PublikacjaThe interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a multi-criteria approach in multifunctional building system design process. The aim is to develop a theory relative to the engineering system of multifunctional with a mathematical representation defined by a holistic network for the lifecycle of the designed object. The idea of work was to define the structure of a complex system. Background for the presented field is to develop a design strategy for multifunctional...
Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...
Analysis of Induced Voltages and Power Losses in High Voltage Power Cables for Selected Methods of Cables Sheaths Bonding
PublikacjaPower is increasingly supplied to city centres with 110 kV cable lines. This is a convenient way to supply power, and practically the only one possible in areas of dense urban development. A high-voltage cable contains a coaxial metallic sheath, in which in normal operation and in fault conditions (during short-circuits) significant line-to-earth voltages can be induced, which threatens electric shock and/or damage to the cable’s...
An Example of Using Low-Cost LiDAR Technology for 3D Modeling and Assessment of Degradation of Heritage Structures and Buildings
PublikacjaThis article examines the potential of low-cost LiDAR technology for 3D modeling and assessment of the degradation of historic buildings, using a section of the Koszalin city walls in Poland as a case study. Traditional terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) offers high accuracy but is expensive. The study assessed whether more accessible LiDAR options, such as those integrated with mobile devices such as the Apple iPad Pro, can serve...
Evaluation of a Small Inland Ferry’s Energy Requirements from the Acceleration Stage of Towing Tank Model Tests
PublikacjaComputing the power required to meet a ship’s operational needs is one of the most important tasks in naval design. The power required to propel a vessel is directly related to the resistance the hull experiences as it moves through the water. The conventional method of determining a ship’s resistance involves towing tank tests of ship models at a fixed speed; however, for short-range vessels, where constant speed is not the primary...
Multimodal Surveillance Based Personal Protection System
PublikacjaA novel, multimodal approach for automatic detection of abduction of a protected individual, employing dedicated personal protection device and a city monitoring system is proposed and overviewed. The solution is based on combining four modalities (signals coming from: Bluetooth, fixed and PTZ cameras, thermal camera, acoustic sensors). The Bluetooth signal is used continuously to monitor the protected person presence, and in case...
Study of Cloud Water Samples Collected over Northern Poland
PublikacjaThe paper gives the results of the first studies on the chemistry of cloud water collected during 3 mo (Aug.–Oct. 2010) in the free atmosphere over the area to the south of the Tri-City (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) conurbation on the Gulf of Gdansk, Poland. Taken from cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus clouds by means of an aircraft-mounted collector, the water samples were analyzed for the following contaminants: anions (chlorides,...
Behavior Analysis and Dynamic Crowd Management in Video Surveillance System
PublikacjaA concept and practical implementation of a crowd management system which acquires input data by the set of monitoring cameras is presented. Two leading threads are considered. First concerns the crowd behavior analysis. Second thread focuses on detection of a hold-ups in the doorway. The optical flow combined with soft computing methods (neural network) is employed to evaluate the type of crowd behavior, and fuzzy logic aids detection...
Smartphone application supporting independent movement of the blind
PublikacjaImproving comfort of life of blind people is a problem of great importance. Neither a white canenor a guide dog, although both very useful, can be considered as a tool for achieving fullindependence in everyday movement around the city. On the market there are some navigation toolsinspired by car navigation systems, but they have many flaws, ranging from positioninginaccuracies to high prices. The authors present their own solution...
Innovative Web-Based Geographic Information System for Municipal Areas and Coastal Zone Security and Threat Monitoring Using EO Satellite Data
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel design of a Web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS). The system integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for the purpose monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and Critical Infrastructure. The system utilises several innovative technologies and solutions, and is capable of direct co-operation with different remote sensing data sources...
Determination of modifier contents in polymer-modified bitumens and in samples collected from the roads using high performance gel permeation/size exclusion chromatography
PublikacjaThis paper describes application of high performance gel permeation/size exclusion chromatography (HP-GPC/SEC) for the determination of content of polymer modifiers in modified road bitumens. The obtained results were compared with the measurements based on the procedure recommended by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, which employs Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy (mid-IR FTIR)....
Original footbridge in Mikolajki, Poland
PublikacjaIn summer 2016, a new footbridge in the town of Mikołajki (Poland) was built, over a stream connecting two adjacent lakes – Talty and Mikołajki. Its modern construction, based on the shape of a DN ice-boat, makes it inique in Poland, and probably in the world as well. This novel and dynamic shape became a significant landmark associated not only with Mikołajki, but also with the whole region of Mazury, as well as with sailing...
Risk assessment methodologies for pedestrian crossings without traffic lights – Warsaw case study – pedestrian safety assessment
PublikacjaBased on data from 2015 [1], it was found that 31% of all fatalities in road accidents in Poland were pedestrians. In places accessible to pedestrian traffic 74.2% of total accidents involving pedestrians were recorded. Approximately 53.9% of accidents involving pedestrians take place in the proximity of pedestrian crossings. In the context of improving the safety of vulnerable road users, an assessment of the condition of infrastructure...
Possible directions for development of C-ITS services in cities on the example of the TRISTAR System
PublikacjaDuring the previous EU financial perspective (2007 - 2013), we observed an intensification of the evelopment of transport management systems using ITS services in Polish cities. One of the biggest territorially and functionally system is Tri-city TRISTAR system, the implementation of which was completed in 2015. The concept of the TRISTAR system and its architecture was developed in the years 2002-2007. Currently, we can observe...
Identification of the Contamination Source Location in the Drinking Water Distribution System Based on the Neural Network Classifier
PublikacjaThe contamination ingression to the Water Distribution System (WDS) may have a major impact on the drinking water consumers health. In the case of the WDS contamination the data from the water quality sensors may be efficiently used for the appropriate disaster management. In this paper the methodology based on the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) neural network classifier for the identification of the contamination source location...
Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity
PublikacjaA method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....
Processing of point cloud data retrieved from terrestrial laser scanning for structural modeling by Finite Element Method
PublikacjaFinite Element Method is one most popular contemporary method of strength analysis. The method is an advanced method for solving differential equations, based on discretization, which means that area is divided into finite elements. Each finite element has a solution of the equation approximated by specific functions and performing the actual calculations only for nodes of this division. Finite Element Method is widely used in...
Cross-sections for electron-scattering from 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne, C 5 H 6 , molecules
PublikacjatCross-sections for electron collisions with the 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne [H2C C(CH3)C CH] moleculewere measured and calculated. Absolute grand-total electron-scattering cross-section (TCS) was takenat impact energies from 0.6 to 300 eV in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The TCS energydependence for the electron–C5H6collision has two prominent enhancements separated with a deepminimum located near 1.8 eV. In addition,...
Why do G-quadruplexes dimerize through the 5’-ends? Driving forces for G4 DNA dimerization examined in atomic detail
PublikacjaG-quadruplexes (G4) are secondary structures formed by guanine-rich nucleic acid sequences and shown to exist in living cells where they participate in regulation of gene expression and chromosome maintenance. G-quadruplexes with solvent-exposed guanine tetrads show the tendency to associate together through cofacial stacking, which may be important for packaging of G4-forming sequences and allows for the design of higher-order...
Hydrogel membranes in organ-on-a-chip devices: A review
PublikacjaOrgan-on-a-chip (OoC) devices represent advanced in vitro models enabling to mimic the human tissue architecture function and physiology, providing a promising alternative to the traditional animal testing methods. These devices combine the microfluidics with soft materials, specifically hydrogel membranes (HMs) for mimicking the extracellular matrix (ECM) and biological barriers, such as the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Hydrogels...