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Contextual ontology for tonality assessment
Publikacjaclassification tasks. The discussion focuses on two important research hypotheses: (1) whether it is possible to construct such an ontology from a corpus of textual document, and (2) whether it is possible and beneficial to use inferencing from this ontology to support the process of sentiment classification. To support the first hypothesis we present a method of extraction of hierarchy of contexts from a set of textual documents...
Complex Root Finding Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation
PublikacjaA simple and flexible algorithm for finding zeros of a complex function is presented. An arbitrary-shaped search region can be considered and a very wide class of functions can be analyzed, including those containing singular points or even branch cuts. The proposed technique is based on sampling the function at nodes of a regular or a self-adaptive mesh and on the analysis of the function sign changes. As a result, a set of candidate points...
Gendered entrepreneurship and its impact on firm innovativeness - a literature review.
PublikacjaEntrepreneurs gain a lot of attention in recent decades. Even if a precise definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship remains problematic, it is clear that there is a strong link between entrepreneurship and innovativeness, as well as between entrepreneur and innovation. In the current era of globalisation, the importance of innovations is as great as never before. And so is the importance of innovativeness determinants. Investigating...
Temper bead welding of S420G2+M steel in water environment
PublikacjaThe article presents the idea of the use of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) technique to improve the weldability of high strength steel at underwater wet welding conditions. Wet welding method with the use of covered electrodes is described. This work shows results of metallographic examinations and hardness measurements of samples of S420G2+M steel with weld beads performed under water. It has been shown that Temper Bead Welding technique...
Dissociation energies of protonated water clusters
PublikacjaRelative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n = 4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...
Self–Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results
PublikacjaThe article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...
The influence of brace to chord rotational connection stiffness on stability of the truss
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of the roof truss subjected to upward wind loading and braced at the tensioned top chord. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the structure. As the result the influence of rotational connection stiffness between the brace and the top chord on the truss stability was appointed. The biaxial strength testing machine was used to conduct the experimental...
System Loss Model for Body-to-Body Networks in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
PublikacjaA system loss model for body-to-body networks in indoor and outdoor environments is proposed in this paper, based on measurements taken at 2.45 GHz. The influence of the type of environment, antenna visibility and user mobility on model parameters has been investigated. A significant impact of mutual antennas’ placement and their visibility is shown. The proposed model fits well to empirical data, with the average root mean square...
Using multibeam echoes in seafloor characterisation and classification
PublikacjaThe method of seabed identification and classification from multibeam sonar echoes is presented. The proposed approach is based on calculation of a set of parameters of an echo envelope, similarly as in seafloor classification using single beam echosounder. These parameters are extracted for each consecutive beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on the seafloor incident angle. The relation between seabed type and calculated...
Recognition of hazardous acoustic events employing parallel processing on a supercomputing cluster . Rozpoznawanie niebezpiecznych zdarzeń dźwiękowych z wykorzystaniem równoległego przetwarzania na klastrze superkomputerowym
PublikacjaA method for automatic recognition of hazardous acoustic events operating on a super computing cluster is introduced. The methods employed for detecting and classifying the acoustic events are outlined. The evaluation of the recognition engine is provided: both on the training set and using real-life signals. The algorithms yield sufficient performance in practical conditions to be employed in security surveillance systems. The...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the authors decided to...
What determines export diversification in the development process? Empirical assessment.
PublikacjaThis paper assesses the role played by country-specific factors as determinants of relative export diversification. Using a panel data set for 60 countries and 20 years (1985–2004), we confirm that even after clearing out differences in income per capita, cross-country variability in the degree of export diversification is significant. In general, apart from per capita income, features influencing the size of accessible markets...
Safety of erection and repair of steel tanks with geometric imperfections using heavylift jack-up system
PublikacjaSafety analysis is performed of cylindrical vertical steel tanks during erection using heavylift jack up system. During an assembly or repair process a set of hydraulic supports is used. It allows to use the in-place lifting of heavy steel constructions on the required height. Wind can strongly influence stability of the lifted tank. Any geometric imperfections can reduce the critical or limit load. In the work failures of the...
CMOS implementation of an analogue median filter for image processing in real time
PublikacjaAn analogue median filter, realised in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology, is presented in this paper. The key advantages of the filter are: high speed of image processing (50 frames per second), low-power operation (below 1.25 mW under 3.3 V supply) and relatively high accuracy of signal processing. The presented filter is a part of an integrated circuit for image processing (a vision chip), containing: a photo-sensor matrix, a set of...
Export Diversification and Development - Empirical Assessment
PublikacjaThis paper assesses the role played by country specific factors as determinants of exports' diversification process. Using a panel data-set for 60 countries and twenty years (1985-2004) we confirm that even after clearing out differences in income per capita, cross section variability in the degree of exports' diversification is significant. In general, apart from per capita income, variables influencing the size of accessible...
Self-Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results
PublikacjaThe article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...
Comparison of EHD devices with parallel and in series spiked electrodes
PublikacjaIn this paper two electrohydrodynamic (EHD) devices for gas pumping and cleaning are presented. In both cases to induce an airflow in these EHD devices corona discharge was used. The discharge was generated between the spiked electrodes set parallel (the first case) or in series (the second case) and the plate electrodes. An asymmetric electric field and generated discharge result in unidirectional gas flow through the EHD device....
The Application of Vibration Recording and Analysis in Tribological Research on Sliding Friction
PublikacjaThe paper reports on a tribological research on the macroscopic manifestation and characteristics of sliding friction. The aim of the task was to measure friction in lubricated sliding contacts and test the interactions between the environment (the test rig) and the experimental friction contact. Friction-induced vibrations were observed and studied as a manifestation of the process. The typical set of velocity and force/torque...
Radioisotope measurements of the liquid-gas flow in the horizontal pipeline using phase method
PublikacjaThe paper presents application of the gamma-absorption method to a two-phase liquid-gas flow investigation in a horizontal pipeline. The water-air mixture was examined by a set of two Am-241 radioactive sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation probes. For analysis of the electrical signals obtained from detectors the cross-spectral density function (CSDF) was applied. Results of the gas phase average velocity measurements for CSDF...
Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe
PublikacjaExchange-Traded Funds in Europe provides a single point of reference on a diverse set of regional ETF markets, illuminating the roles ETFs can play in risk mitigation and speculation. Combining empirical data with models and case studies, the authors use diffusion models and panel/country-specific regressions—as well as graphical and descriptive analyses— to show how ETFs are more than conventional, passive investments. With new...
PublikacjaPoint-cloud spatial expansion (PCSE) allows the creation of a new pointcloud form that presents an alternative geometry of an entire object in a single spatial view. Spatial expansion facilitates the analysis process and introduces an additional spatial parameter describing the point cloud. An important element of the PCSE method is determining the position of the axis of symmetry of a symmetrical object: the procedure for determining...
Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments
PublikacjaThis paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublikacjaInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Microcracking monitoring and damage detection of graphene nanoplatelets-cement composites based on acoustic emission technology
PublikacjaThis study aims to identify the micro-cracking pattern and structural applications of cement composites replaced with 0 wt%, 0.04 wt%, and 0.08 wt% contents of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) over cement weight through acoustic emission (AE) monitoring under mechanical degradation. The ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV–vis) results showed that at 60 min sonication period, GNP-4 showed maximum absorbance rate of 16.15% compared...
Effect of lag screw on stability of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with medial plate
PublikacjaBackground: First metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP-1) arthrodesis is a commonly performed procedure in the treatment of disorders of the great toe. Since the incidence of revision after MTP-1 joint arthrodesis is not insignificant, a medial approach with a medially positioned locking plate has been proposed as a new technique. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the application of a lag screw on the stability and...
Dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 improvements for mobile nodes
PublikacjaIn wireless networks mobile clients change their physical location, which results in changing point of attachment to the network. Such handovers introduce unwanted periods, when node does not have communication capabilities. Depending on many conditions, such events may require reconfiguration of layer 2 (e.g. IEEE 802.16) or both 2 and 3 layers (IPv6). This paper investigates delays introduced in the latter type of handover. IPv6...
Projekt netBaltic - cele i zaproponowane rozwiązania
PublikacjaCelem projektu netBaltic było pokazanie realizowalności szerokopasmowej sieci teleinformatycznej na morzu, umożliwiającej wdrożenie wielu nowych usług i aplikacji, w tym aplikacji dedykowanych dla środowisk morskich, zapewniających poprawę bezpieczeństwa i efektywności żeglugi. Prace w ramach projektu byly realizowane - przy istotnym finansowaniu przez NCBR w ramach Programu Badań Stosowanych - przez zespoły badawcze z Wydziału...
Komputerowo wspomagana klasyfikacja wybranych sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej
PublikacjaWykorzystywanie sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej (ang. Surface Electromyography, SEMG) w procesach sterowania systemami rehabilitacyjnymi stanowi obecnie standardową procedurę. Popularność SEMG wynika z nieinwazyjności metody oraz możliwości szybkiej i precyzyjnej identyfikacji funkcji mięśniowej. W przypadku osób małoletnich proces klasyfikacji sygnałów jest utrudniony ze względu na mniejsze rozmiary i wyższą dynamikę...
Comparison of Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using Prototype of Electronic Nose and Fast/Flash GC
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. In case of the prototype volatile fraction of the agricultural distillate was prepared via barbotage process. HERACLES II analysed the...
Methodological challenges in social entrepreneurship – on the nexus of economics and management area
PublikacjaIn this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate...
Constructing a Dataset of Speech Recordingswith Lombard Effect
PublikacjaThepurpose of therecordings was to create a speech corpus based on the ISLEdataset, extended with video and Lombard speech. Selected from a set of 165sentences, 10, evaluatedas having thehighest possibility to occur in the context ofthe Lombard effect,were repeated in the presence of the so-called babble speech to obtain Lombard speech features. Altogether,15speakers were recorded, and speech parameterswere...
A variational approach of homogenization of piezoelectric composites towards piezoelectric and flexoelectric effective media
PublikacjaThe effective piezoelectric properties of heterogeneous materials are evaluated in the context of periodic homogenization, whereby a variational formulation is developed, articulated with the extended Hill macrohomogeneity condition. The entire set of homogenized piezoelectric moduli is obtained as the volumetric averages of the microscopic properties of the individual constituents weighted by the displacement and polarization...
Virtual Engineering Object (VEO): Toward Experience-Based Design and Manufacturing for Industry 4.0
PublikacjaIn this article we propose the concept, its framework, and implementation methodology for Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object that embodies its associated knowledge and experience. A VEO is capable of adding, storing, improving, and sharing knowledge through experience. Moreover, it is demonstrated that VEO is a specialization of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In this...
Modern Platform for Parallel Algorithms Testing: Java on Intel Xeon Phi
PublikacjaParallel algorithms are popular method of increasing system performance. Apart from showing their properties using asymptotic analysis, proof-of-concept implementation and practical experiments are often required. In order to speed up the development and provide simple and easily accessible testing environment that enables execution of reliable experiments, the paper proposes a platform with multi-core computational accelerator:...
On practical application of Shannon theory to character recognition and more
PublikacjaLet us consider an optical character recognition system, which in particular can be used for identifying objects that were assigned strings of some length. The system is not perfect, for example, it sometimes recognizes wrongly the characters "Y" and "V". What is the largest set of strings of given length for the system under consideration, which can be mutually correctly recognized, and the corresponding objects correctly identified?...
Observing its long-term effects on a short-term, multi-day evaluation of the effectiveness of hearing aid use
PublikacjaThe main objective of the research study was to develop a method for evaluating the effectiveness of hearing protection with hearing aids tailored to the needs and prevailing conditions in the acoustic environments where the elderly most often reside. The method was also intended to estimate the benefits of hearing aids and allow prediction of such an effect based on a short-term trial. It is noteworthy that a short-term evaluation...
Importance of artificial intelligence to support the process of anaerobicdigestion of kitchen waste with bioplastics / Znaczenie sztucznej inteligencji we wspomaganiu procesu beztlenowej fermentacji odpadów kuchennych zawierających bioplastiki
PublikacjaArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were used to obtain more effective methods for conducting the digestion process and achieving final products. Data acquisition was carried out by an automatic monitoring and anal. research. The knowledge describing the anaerobic digestion process was summarized in the form of rules: IF (premise) THEN (conclusion). The compiled set of rules created a knowledge base of the expert...
All but one expanding Lorenz maps with slope greater than or equal to $\sqrt 2$ are leo
PublikacjaWe prove that with only one exception, all expanding Lorenz maps $f\colon[0,1]\to[0,1]$ with the derivative $f'(x)\ge\sqrt{2}$ (apart from a finite set of points) are locally eventually onto. Namely, for each such $f$ and each nonempty open interval $J\subset(0,1)$ there is $n\in\N$ such that $[0,1)\subset f^n(J)$. The mentioned exception is the map $f_0(x)=\sqrt{2}x+(2-\sqrt{2})/2 \pmod 1$. Recall that $f$ is an expanding Lorenz...
Experimental Study of Polish Sausage Drying Kinetics and Contraction by Image Data Analysis
PublikacjaThe goal of this paper has been to add an experimental data set for drying a meat product and provide a comparison with well-established thin-layer drying models. This article presented experimental investigations on the convective drying of Polish sausage slices at a temperature of 40°C. Slices have been in the thickness of 3 to 8mm. Measurements of mass loss and size change were performed. The data have been presented in the...
Emotion Monitor - Concept, Construction and Lessons Learned
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the design and physical construction of an emotion monitor stand for tracking human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction using multi-modal approach. The concept of the stand using cameras, behavioral analysis tools and a set of physiological sensors such as galvanic skin response, blood-volume pulse, temperature, breath and electromyography is presented and followed...
Reliable Document-Centric Processing in Loosely Coupled Email-Based Systems
PublikacjaEmail is a simple way to exchange digital documents of any kind. The Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) enables self-coordination and self-steering of document agent systems based on commonly available email services. In this paper, a mechanism for providing integrity and reliability of such an email based agent system is proposed to cope with message soft or hard bounces, user interrupts, and other unexpected events....
Improving the production planning and control process
PublikacjaFocusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations...
Optical glyphs based localization and identification system
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...
An application supporting the educational process of the respiratory system obstructive diseases detection
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) as a diagnostic tool in detection of infectious diseases
PublikacjaLoop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a gene amplification method which amplifies DNA with high specificity and efficiency under isothermal conditions. Because of its rapidity and simplicity, it is a valuable diagnostic tool in the early detection and identification of infectious diseases. LAMP method is based on the use of a set of four to six specially designed primers spanning six to eight distinct sequences on the...
Self-Testing of Analog Parts Terminated by ADCs Based on Multiple Sampling of Time Responses
PublikacjaA new approach for self-testing of analog parts terminated by analog-to-digital converters in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based upon a new fault diagnosis method using a transformation of the set of voltage samples of the time response of a tested analog part to a square impulse into localization curves placed in a multidimensional measurement space. The method can be used...
Positive solutions to second-order differential equations with dependence on the first-order derivative and nonlocal boundary conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper, we consider the existence of positive solutions for second-order differential equations with deviating arguments and nonlocal boundary conditions. By the fixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson, we provide sufficient conditions under which such boundary value problems have at least three positive solutions. We discuss our problem both for delayed and advanced arguments α and also in the case when α(t)=t, t∈[0,1]....
The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems
PublikacjaThe paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a three-dimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit...
Video analytics-based algorithm for monitoring egress from buildings
PublikacjaA concept and a practical implementation of the algorithm for detecting of potentially dangerous situations related to crowding in passages is presented. An example of such a situation is a crush which may be caused by an obstructed pedestrian pathway. The surveillance video camera signal analysis performed in the online mode is employed in order to detect hold-ups near bottlenecks like doorways or staircases. The details of the...
An Approach to the Detection of Bank Robbery Acts Employing Thermal Image Analysis
PublikacjaA novel approach to the detection of selected security-related events in bank monitoring systems is presented. Thermal camera images are used for the detection of people in difficult lighting conditions. Next, the algorithm analyses movement of objects detected in thermal or standard monitoring cameras using a method evolved from the motion history images algorithm. At the same time, thermal images are analyzed in order to detect...