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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODELLING OF PROCESS OF PILING
Modelling of size effects in concrete using elasto-plascity with non-local softening
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia numeryczne symulacje MES efektów skali w materiałach kruchych takich jak beton , wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształceń. Materiał był modelowany w ramach sprężysto-plastyczności z izotropowym wzmocnieniem i osłabieniem. W obszarze ściskania przyjęto liniowe kryterium Druckera-Pragera z niestowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia a w obszarze rozciągania liniowe kryterium Rankina ze stowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia....
DEM modelling of concrete fracture based on its structure micro-CT images
PublikacjaW rozdziale książki zawarto numeryczne wyniki mezoskopowe dotyczące postępującego pękania betonu na poziomie kruszywa. Do badania procesu pękania belki betonowej z karbem w trzech (3D) i dwóch (2D) wymiarach zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Niejednorodność betonu uwzględniono stosując czterofazowy opis: kruszywo, zaprawa, makropustki i międzyfazowe strefy przejściowe. W obliczeniach DEM na podstawie zdjęć rentgenowskich...
PublikacjaThe issue of excessive wear of shaft journals co-working with a rubber bearing has been unexplained so far. Premature and sometimes very intensive wear of ship sliding bearings in water conditions is the reason for carry out very expensive and more frequent than expected repairs. The authors (E. Piątkowska, W. Litwin) made an attempt to find a case that influences the value of this wear described in the paper “Attempt at Evaluating...
Investigation into MPI All-Reduce Performance in a Distributed Cluster with Consideration of Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns
PublikacjaThe paper presents an evaluation of all-reduce collective MPI algorithms for an environment based on a geographically-distributed compute cluster. The testbed was split into two sites: CI TASK in Gdansk University of Technology and ICM in University of Warsaw, located about 300 km from each other, both connected by a fast optical fiber Ethernet-based 100 Gbps network (900 km part of the PIONIER backbone). Each site hosted a set...
Podeście do doskonalenia procesów w firmie informatycznej wspierane przez narzędzie Eclipse Process Framework Composer
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia podejście do doskonalenia procesów w mniejszych firmach informatycznych z wykorzystaniem narzędzia Eclipse Process Framework Composer. Podejście obejmuje modelowanie procesów wytwarzania oprogramowania w EPF Composer oraz wykorzystanie tych modeli do bieżącego zarządzania projektami w istniejących narzędziach wspomagających. Omówiono kroki wdrożenia rozwiązania, w tym sposób integracji modelu procesu z posiadanymi...
[Komentarz do artykułu] Yin, W.-Y., Wu, B., Miao, M., Doi, L.B., Li, L.-W., and Kooi, P.-S.: Experimental characterisation and modelling of on-chip capacitors and resistors on GaAs substrates.
PublikacjaDokonano krytycznej oceny wartości elementów schematu zastępczego rezystorów monolitycznych wykonanych na podłożu GaAs przedstawionych w pracy: Yin, W.-Y., Wu, B., Miao, M., Doi, L.B., Li, L.-W., and Kooi, P.-S.: Experimental characterisation and modelling of on-chip capacitors and resistors on GaAs substrates, IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas and Propag., 2002,149, (1), pp.50-52.
A pilot study to assess an in-process inspection method for small diameter holes produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering
PublikacjaPurpose The purpose of this research is to evaluate the geometric quality of small diameter holes in parts printed by DMLS technology. An in-process optical inspection method is proposed and assessed during a pilot study. The influence of the theoretical hole diameter assumed in a CAD system and the sample thickness (hole length) on the hole clearance was analysed. Design/methodology/approach The samples made of two different...
Effects of Micro-Arc Oxidation Process Parameters on Characteristics of Calcium-Phosphate Containing Oxide Layers on the Selective Laser Melted Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
PublikacjaTitania-based films on selective laser melted Ti13Zr13Nb have been formed by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) at different process parameters (voltage, current, processing time) in order to evaluate the impact of MAO process parameters in calcium and phosphate (Ca + P) containing electrolyte on surface characteristic, early-stage bioactivity, nanomechanical properties, and adhesion between the oxide coatings and substrate. The surface...
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Dynamic Data Integrity Monitoring and Trajectory Tracking Based on the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Process Model
PublikacjaTo enhance the safety of marine navigation, one needs to consider the involvement of the automatic identification system (AIS), an existing system designed for ship-to-ship and shipto- shore communication. Previous research on the quality of AIS parameters revealed problems that the system experiences with sensor data exchange. In coastal areas, littoral AIS does not meet the expectations of operational continuity and system availability,...
Use of Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm in the design process of integrated power systems for modern and energy self-sufficient farms
PublikacjaIn the face of increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations, designing an agricultural holding becomes a difficult challenge of connecting a large number of coefficients that describe an energy system of a farm in regard to its ecological and economic efficiency. One way to cope with this issue is to design an energy self-sufficient farm that integrates various technologies, including renewable energy. However, the selection...
PublikacjaThis paper reports on a study of the influence of solid particle contamination on the wear process in water-lubricated slide bearings (steel-acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) and steel- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)). To compare the wear of the shaft journal and bushes (NBR and PTFE) when lubricated with fresh water and contaminated water, an experiment was carried out to identify key factors that influence the state of wear...
The low temperature waste heat recovery in drying process of pine wood using micro-jet heat exchanger
PublikacjaThe article presents the influence of the drying medium temperature changes for the relative and absolute moisture content values during pine wood drying. The drying process was conducted at constant atmospheric pressure and with different drying medium (air) temperature levels, respectively: 40oC, 60oC, 80oC, 100oC, and 120oC. In order to develop a method that would enable low temperature drying of solid materials the experiments...
PublikacjaThis paper shortly presents the issue of utilization of ships after their withdrawal from service. Information on number of floating units liquidated in previous years was presented. Hazards to the environment , health and life of workers employed in the Far East ship scrapping yards operating on the beaches, were indicated. Then, the most important rules which have to make the ship recycling process safe were referred to. This...
Effect of Laminar Pulsatile Fluid Flow on Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solution by a Hollow Fiber Membrane-Based Process
PublikacjaIn this study, a laminar pulsatile fluid flow was used for the separation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers (BTEX) from aqueous solutions. Polyether sulfone hollow fiber membrane has been applied to this process. The effects of BTEX concentration, and feed and extraction flow rates were examined. It was found that the application of the pulsatile fluid flow with...
The influence of feed rate and shear forces on the devulcanization process of ground tire rubber (GTR) conducted in a co-rotating twin screw extruder
PublikacjaThe search for new ways to recycling of rubber waste has been the aim of many studies conducted by research centers and companiesworldwide. The results of our investigations on the process of continuous thermomechanical devulcanization of ground tire rubber using a twin screw extruder are presented.We used a co-rotating twin screw extruder with a special configuration of plasticizing unit, enabling generation of considerable shear...
Curve Curvature Analysis of a Grain Trajectories in Variable Honing of Cylindrical Holes of Thin Wall Cylinder Liners as a Honing Process Optimization Strategy
PublikacjaThe main problem of honing of thin wall cylinder liners is a thermal distortion of honed holes. The higher the value of the temperature of the honed workpiece, the greater its holes deformation. The paper presents a method of reducing the temperature occurring in the honing process as a result of the application of a variable honing kinematics conditions with particular emphasis on the analysis of the effect of the value of the...
Application of theory of semi-Markov processes to determining distribution of probabilistic process of marine accidents resulting from colission of ships
PublikacjaIn this paper is presented possible application of the theory of semi-Markov processes to elaborating an eight-state model of the process of occurrence of serviceability state and unserviceability states of sea-going ships making critical manoeuvres during their entering and leaving the ports. In the analysis it was taken into account that sea-going ships are in service for a very long time t (t → ∞). The model was elaborated to...
Effect of pulse laser treatment at different process variables on mechanical behavior of carbon nanotubes electrophoretically deposited on titanium alloy
PublikacjaPurpose: Titanium and its alloys are widely used as biomaterials for long-term implants, but they are usually surface-modified due to their weak bioactivity and wear resistance. Laser processing was used to modify the surface layer, and elemental carbon was a component of the deposited coatings. This research aims to use a combination of both methods based on preliminary electrophoretic deposition of multi-wall carbon nanotubes...
Adapting new tools of urban freight management based on Gdynia’s dedicated delivery bays example – an analysis of the process
PublikacjaThe article presents an analysis of a process which ultimately helped Gdynia to designate pilot delivery sites in its downtown area using international experience. A verification was conducted of policy transfer theory and its practical implementation based on an URBACT Freight Tails project. While the choice of the solution was based on critical analysis of existing practical examples, it needed to be adapted to the local conditions...
Incorporation of the complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) process for modeling nitrification in suspended growth wastewater treatment systems
PublikacjaThe newly discovered process complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) has changed the traditional under-standing of nitrification. In this study, three possible concepts of comammox were developed and incorporated as part of an extended two-step nitrification model. For model calibration and validation, two series of long-term biomass washout experiments were carried out at 12 ◦C and 20 ◦C in a laboratory sequencing batch reactor....
Process modeling inside cylinder in an internal combustion engine with heat regeneration
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Studies on removal of hydrophobic organics from contaminated soil by washing process
PublikacjaZbadano efektywność wymywania NAPL ze złoża piaskowego za pomocą roztworów dwóch niejonowych surfaktantów: polioksyetylenowanego alkoholu tłuszczowego (Rokanol NL6) oraz alkiloglukozydu (Triton BG10). Jako NAPL zastosowano dwa węglowodory - dodekan i heksadekan. Oba surfaktanty były relatywnie efektywne w usuwaniu dodekanu. Ze wzrostem stężenia surfaktantu obserwowano wzrost efektywności wymywania dodekanu, jednakże Rokanol NL6...
Simulation of damage process of containership's side structure due to collision with a rock
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki uproszczonego modelowania numerycznego procesu kolizji burty kontenerowca ze skałą. Analiza wyników modelowania pozwala wyciągnąć wnioski o charakterze zjawiska jak również określić obszar i głębokość uszkodzenia wywołanego przez penetrującą skałę w celu doboru wymiarów geometrii i wypełniacza dla drugiej bariery ochronnej.
Treatment of effluents from the regeneration of ion exchangers using the MD process
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Influence of polypropylene membrane surface porosity on the performance of membrane distillation process
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Evaluation of the Elastomeric Composite Self-repair Process for the Construction of Protective Gloves
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Modeling of Process of Maintenance of Transport Systems Telematics with Regard to Electromagnetic Interferences
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Neural Networks in the Diagnostics Process of Low-Power Solar Plant Devices
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Comparison of cadmium adsorption process on barley straw in batch and flow reactors
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Stimulation of Heavy Metal Adsorption Process by Using a Strong Magnetic Field
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Turning process monitoring of internal combustion engine piston’s cylindrical surface
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Divination from chips: monitoring of the sawing process with chip geometry analyzes
PublikacjaWióry (trociny) są niechcianym produktem towarzyszącym procesowi przecinania. Jednakże, niosą one w sobie wiele informacji świadczących o przebiegu procesu obróbki. Metoda oceny składu procentowego wiórów - ich frakcji - jest prosta lecz ma szereg ważnych ograniczeń. W pracy zaprezentowano nowy alternatywny sposób pomiaru geometrii wiórów. Przedstawiono wyniki dla skrawania drewna mrożonego i nie mrożonego. Wyniki uzyskane ta metodą...
Modeling of Heat Source Based on Parameters of Electron Beam Welding Process
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Numerical Simulation of Electron Beam Welding Process of Inconel 706 Sheets
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Selection of form factors of machine carrying systems in reliance on the process duty
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Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Internationalisation Process: The Theoretical Foundations of International Entrepreneurship
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Navigating digital transformation: perspectives on evaluating business process management maturity
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The Influence of Fibers from Domestic Laundry Wastewater on the Clogging Process of a Filter
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Application of RSM Method for Optimization of Geraniol Transformation Process in the Presence of Garnet
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IT support for optimisation of abrasive water cutting process using the TOPSIS method
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Ground anchors diagnostic process based on elastic wave propagation method
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on analysis of elastic wave propagation in the context of diagnostics of ground anchors. Numerical simulations were performed to assess the possibility of evaluation of the anchorage quality. It was assumed that the quality and the load capacity of the anchor system directly depend on the length, on which mortar and steel cooperate.
Applications of the artificial intelligence methods for modeling of the ACAlSi7Cu alloy crystallization process
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Seed-Roasting Process Affects Oxidative Stability of Cold-Pressed Oils
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Feature-based generation of machining process plans for optimised parts manufacture
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono aktualne zagadnienia związane z integracją systemów CAD/CAM/CAPP. Opracowano model informacyjny danych dla systemu CAPP w postaci zapisu macierzowego. Zawarto algorytm tworzenia rozwiązań wariantowych i wyboru optymalnego procesu technologicznego obróbki. Proponowany algorytm działania zweryfikowano na rzeczywistym przykładzie z praktyki przemysłu.
Stresses in the zone of process openings in the shell of a vertical cylindrical steel tank
PublikacjaW dolnej części płaszcza zbiornika walcowego na ciecze konieczne jest wykonanie różnego rodzaju otworów technologicznych. Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie stanu naprężeń w strefie wzmocnień wykonywanych w sąsiedztwie otworów na rurociągi oraz na włazy wyczystkowe w płaszczu zbiornika. Ponieważ charakter zmian naprężeń, a więc i wzmocnień w strefie obu rodzajów otworów jest różny dlatego artykuł podzielony jest na dwie części, z...
Influence of substituents in vinyl groups on reactivity of parylene during polymerization process
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki obliczeń kwantowych wielokonfiguracyjnych i DFT mechanizmów reakcji parylenu i cząsteczek z wiązaniami podwójnymi w fazie gazowej. Zbadany został i zanalizowany wpływ podstawników w strukturach alkenów na reaktywność parylenu i alkenów.
Application of ferric chloride for arsenic removal in the integrated process: coagulation/microfiltration
PublikacjaThe study presents results of using iron coagulation integrated with microfiltration to remove arsenic from water. Tested samples of natural groundwater contained approximately 32 μg/L of arsenic, 0.13 mg/L of iron and 0.085 mg/L of manganese. As a coagulant the aqueous solution of ferric chloride was dosed in portions from 1.0 to 10.5 mg/L. In the research microfiltration membranes with 400 kDa MWCO were used. Tests indicated...
Detection of corrosion process in marine environment by means of acoustic emission technique
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono możliwość detekcji procesu korozyjnego nieniszczącą metodą emisji akustycznej konstrukcji metalowych pracujących w środowisku wody morskiej. Pewną alternatywą wobec technik elektrochemicznych w monitorowaniu korozji zaproponowano nieniszczącą technikę emisji akustycznej. Emisja akustyczna znana jako zjawisko fizyczne i technika pomiarowa znalazły zastosowanie w detekcji korozji obiektów morskich. W związku...
Detection and localisation of corrosion process effect by means of acoustic emission technique
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania techniki emisji akustycznej do detekcji i lokalizacji skutków procesu korozyjnego - wycieku. Wyniki badań wykonanych w warunkach laboratoryjnych, zbliżonych do rzeczywistych, potwierdziły akustyczne wykrycie oraz ustalenie położenia wycieku. Położenie wycieku obliczono również na podstawie techniki interkorelacji i porównano z lokalizacją uzyskaną bezpośrednio z pomiarów akustycznych....