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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TWO-COMPONENT SYSTEM

  • Asynchronous Wide Area Multilateration System

    A new method for a location service in the wide area multilateration (WAM) system is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous WAM (AWAM), enables calculation of the geographical position of an aircraft without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring ground stations (sensors). The AWAM method is based on the measurement of round trip times (RTTs) between the aircraft and the serving ground station,...

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  • Microgrid Energy Management System


    In the era of rapid development of "green energy” and storage devices, microgrids implemented in line with the concept of distributed generation can be an effective form of power management. There is a need for an efficient, optimal and reliable control of the combined infrastructure. The article presents a flexible, configurable microgrid's resources control system, which executes the task of meeting the electricity demand of...

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  • Asynchronous Networked Estimation System for Continuous Time Stochastic Processes


    In this paper we examine an asynchronous networked estimation system for state estimation of continuous time stochastic processes. Such a system is comprised of several estimation nodes connected using a possibly incomplete communication graph. Each of the nodes uses a Kalman filter algorithm and data from a local sensor to compute local state estimates of the process under observation. It also performs data fusion of local estimates...

  • Voice Multilateration System

    This paper presents an innovative method of locating airplanes, which uses only voice communication between an air traffic controller and the pilot of an aircraft. The proposed method is described in detail along with its practical implementation in the form of a technology demonstrator (proof of concept), included in the voice communication system (VCS). A complete analysis of the performance of the developed method is presented,...

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  • Modelling of Geared Multi-Rotor System


    In the paper the method of modelling a speed-varying geared rotor system is presented. The proposed approach enables us to obtain an accurate low-order lumped parameter representation of the investigated system. The final model consists of reduced modal models of an undamped beam/torsional shaft system as well as a spatially lumped model of other linear and nonlinear phenomena including gear mesh interaction.

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  • Dlaczego system zarządzania przestrzenią?


    - Rok 2002

    Artykuł zawiera rozważania dotyczące konieczności i możliwości integracji wielu instrumentów gospodarowania przestrzenią w jeden system, budowany dla potrzeby zarządzania zrównoważonym rozwojem miasta.

  • System bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP.


    - Rok 2009

    System bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP1. struktura systemu2.strategia bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP3. zarządzanie kryzysowe- podstawa prawna działania- struktura organizacyjna i kompetencje- realizowana strategia działania4. podsumowanie

  • Modeling of the Two-Dimensional Flow Caused by Sea Conditions and Wind Stresses on the Example of Dead Vistula


    The article presents the results of two-dimensional modeling of flows caused by the sea conditions and wind stresses on the example of Dead Vistula. Based on the available bathymetric data, a numerical model of the river section was created, which was supplemented with data on the position of the water table depending on hydrometeorological conditions. To describe the flow field in steady conditions, a simplified model of two-dimensional...

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  • Emotion monitoring system for drivers

    This article describes a new approach to the issue of building a driver monitoring system. Actual systems focus, for example, on tracking eyelid and eyebrow movements that result from fatigue. We propose a different approach based on monitoring the state of emotions. Such a system assumes that by using the emotion model based on our own concept, referred to as the reverse Plutchik’s paraboloid of emotions, the recognition of emotions...

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  • Possible uses of crisis situation aiding system in virtual world simulation

    Many of the real world crisis situations like spreading fire, hostile units attack, flood, and etc. are commonly used in computer games where a simulation of extensive virtual world is crucial. This paper presents some ideas for possible uses of existing crisis situation aiding system in such environments. Moreover, it shows how this kind of system can be taught during subsequent games with a large number of players. As an example...

  • Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - promising technique for analysis of complex food matrices


    - Rok 2011

    The present paper is focused on brief description of operational principle of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) technique, instrumentation and data processing. Furthermore, the examples of application in the field of food analysis, performed also in the author's laboratory, are given. The detailed discussion of GC×GC characterization and comparison of the volatile composition of berries of different blue...

  • A Hyperdense Semantic Domain for Discontinuous Behavior in Physical System Models


    - Rok 2013

    Multiple time models have been proposed for the formalization of hybrid dynamic system behavior. The superdense notion of time is a well-known time model for describing event-based systems where several events can occur simultaneously. Hyperreals provide a domain for defining the semantics of hybrid models that is elegantly aligned with first principles in physics. This paper discusses the value of both time models and shows how...

  • The Impact of Wind Generation on the Transmission System


    - Rok 2009

    This article has been published to investigate the im-pact of the wind power on the power system- this is a system dependent issue that requires to perform sys-tem specific impact study. This paper discusses the impact of power flow, short circuit current, power quali-ty, voltage stability and the power system during the connection of a wind farm into transmission system. W referacie omówiono wpływ farm wiatrowych na pracę systemu...

  • Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system

    The main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means,...

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  • Naval mine detection system based of FPGA circuit

    Electrochemical processes take place in a metal object immersed into sea water even if an anticorrosive coating is applied [1]. As a result, flowing field appears around the object. There are naval mines between many other objects situated in the sea. Naval mines can be put in the seabed in order to be more difficult to detect by sonars. Such a mine is located on the line demarking two environments of different electrical conductivity....

  • Monitoring system of the road embankment

    The paper presents the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform (LTP) with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex inter-action between the columns, the LTP layer, and steel reinforcement via full-scale in situ measurements during erection of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel reinforcement and the behaviour...

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  • Wireless paging system

    Assistance to patients at hospitals and nursing homesoften encounters problems related to obtaining information onthe current needs of the patient. Traditionally, patient informshospital stuff by wire and wireless paging systems. WirelessPaging Systems allow one to overcome the limitations of theirwire counterparts, which include high installation costs (cabling)and lack of patient mobility. The main difference betweenpresented...

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  • Comparison of noise reduction methods in radiometric correlation measurements of two-phase liquid-gas flows


    - MEASUREMENT - Rok 2018

    Two-phase liquid-gas flows occur frequently in the mining, energy, chemical, and petrochemical industries. One of non-contact methods used to analyse these flows is the gamma ray absorption method. However, the signals received from radiation detectors contain a significant stochastic noise, which makes them difficult to analyse. The article describes four methods of noise reduction in cross-correlation measurements of water-air...

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  • System synchronizacji nagrań wielokanałowych

    Niniejsza praca zawiera opis komputerowego systemu synchronizacji wielu dźwięków pochodzących z nagrania jednej wypowiedzi przy wykorzystaniu kilku mikrofonów i różnych niezsynchronizowanych urządzeń rejestrujących. System wykorzystuje korelację skrośną.

  • System synchronizacji nagrań wielokanałowych

    Niniejsza praca zawiera opis komputerowego systemu synchronizacji wielu dźwięków pochodzących z nagrania jednej wypowiedzi przy wykorzystaniu kilku mikrofonów i różnych niezsynchronizowanych urządzeń rejestrujących. System wykorzystuje korelację skrośną.

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    The paper presents the analysis of the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex interaction among the columns, the load transfer platform layer, and steel grid via in situ measurements during erection and live loading of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel...

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  • System zarządzania naprawami


    - Rok 2009

    W artykule tym opisano dwa istotne współcześnie problemy, związane z wykorzystywaniem w przemyśle systemów IT: problem ich monitorowania oraz problem ich naprawy. Przedstawiono w nim skrótowo wytworzone rozwiązanie, służące automatyzacji procesu przeprowadzania napraw oraz integrujące się z istniejącymi systemami monitorującymi. Rozwiązanie to, zwane Systemem Zarządzania Naprawami, jest częścią większej metody, zwanej Metodą Zarządzania...

  • Two-step synthesis of niobium doped Na–Ca–(Mg)–P–Si–O glasses


    Niobium doped biosolubility glasses in the Na–Ca–(Mg)–P–Si–O system were prepared by using an untypical two-step synthesis route. The parent glass was melted in air atmosphere at 1350 °C followed by re-melting the glass in Nb crucible with the addition of metallic Mg/Ca powder in the nitrogen atmosphere. The second melting step was carried out at 1450–1650 °C, using an induction furnace. The topography and structure of the obtained...

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  • System of innovation: a sectoral approach


    - Rok 2009

    the article presents a systems approach to innovation as an alternative method of assessing the sector innovativeness. in the article the building blocks of each sectoral system of innovations (ssi) such as a knowledge base, institutions and actors are discussed. moreover, the five models of ssi are presented.

  • Two Time-Scale Hierarchical Control of Integrated Quantity and Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems


    - Rok 2013

    The paper considers a feedback optimising control of drinking water distribution systems (DWDS). Although the optimised pump and valves scheduling and disinfectant injection control attracted considerable attention over last two decades most of the contributions were limited to an open-loop optimisation repetitively performed during the DWDS operation. Also, while a strong interaction between the water quantity and quality exists...

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  • Analiza porównawcza procesów tłumienia i wygładzania fali ciśnienia w trakcie nieustalonego przepływu w rurociągach wykonanych z różnych materiałów.

    Uderzenie hydrauliczne jest uważane za jeden z najważniejszych problemów nieustalonego przepływu w przewodach, dlatego nadal stanowi obiekt badań wielu naukowców. To zagadnienie może być badane na dwóch poziomach: praktycznym i teoretycznym. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań doświadczalnych przeprowadzonych na stanowisku pomiarowym nieustalonego przepływu, funkcjonującym w Laboratorium Hydraulicznym Wydziału Inżynierii...

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  • Two- and three-dimensional elastic networks with rigid junctions: modeling within the theory of micropolar shells and solids


    - ACTA MECHANICA - Rok 2019

    For two- and three-dimensional elastic structures made of families of flexible elastic fibers undergoing finite deformations, we propose homogenized models within the micropolar elasticity. Here we restrict ourselves to networks with rigid connections between fibers. In other words, we assume that the fibers keep their orthogonality during deformation. Starting from a fiber as the basic structured element modeled by the Cosserat...

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  • Multimedialny system monitorowania hałasu

    Celem projektu Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu zrealizowanego w Politechnice Gdańskiej było opracowanie teleinformatycznego systemu monitorowania klimatu akustycznego, uwzględniając w szczególnym stopniu obrazowanie wpływu zagrożeń hałasowych na słuch. Rozwiązania wcześniej dostępne na rynku cechują wysokie koszty oraz ograniczone możliwości rozbudowy o nowe funkcje analizy sygnału akustycznego, ograniczenia technologiczne...

  • Study of the Performance of DSSS UAC System Depending on the System Bandwidth and the Spreading Sequence

    A signal transmitted in an Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) system operating in a shallow-water channel suffers from strong time dispersion due to multipath propagation. This causes the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) observed in the received signal, which significantly limits the communication system’s reliability and transmission rate. In such propagation conditions, the Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) method is...

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  • Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach

    The purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric frontier techniques. Our analysis is based on a sample of 259 public HEIs from 7 European countries across the time period of 2001-2005. We conduct a two-stage DEA analysis (Simar and Wilson in J Economet 136:31-64, 2007), first evaluating DEA scores...

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  • Electrostatic interface recombination in the system of disordered materials characterized by different permittivities


    We report on the analysis of an electrostatic interface recombination in a system consisting of disordered organic materials. This process is a consequence of the polarization effect which takes place at the interface of two phases characterized by different permittivities. In this paper, the impact of tail and deep localized states on the recombination order is demonstrated. We also discuss the influence of temperature on this...

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  • A system for singing training


    - Rok 2007

    The system proposed is aimed at the vocal students and persons who want to improve emission of their voices. The goal is not to substituite a singing teacher but to provide a tool for automatic teaching of voice emission basics. In this way singers can develop their vocal skills and improve them. By a visual feedback a student can control and modify vocal tract maximas (resonances) of a chosen vowel to match the resonances of the...

  • Hydro Power Plant in the Process of Voltage Control in the Electric Power System and the System Restoration


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2019

    The article covers selected issues related to the share of hydroelectric power in the process of rebuilding the power system after black-out and voltage control during that process. Selected results of measurements made during the creation of the transmission chain for the need to start a block of a thermal power plant from a hydroelectric power plant were presented.

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  • Virtual inertia in Electric Power System

    The article presents the idea of introducing virtual inertia system to the electric power systems. The virtual inertia aim is to reduce or eliminate the effect of reducing the inertia of the power system as a result of replacing classic electricity generating units with renewable renergy sources (RES). The considerations are ilustrated by a computational example.

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  • Foundations of Grid Processing Architecture for the Comcute System


    - Rok 2012

    Fundamental system algorithms and structures implemented in the Comcute system are described and analysed in detail. Layered architecture of the system model is highlighted. System tasks of the layers are elaborated, presented and described. Operational details of communication interfaces among layers are worked out and examined. The focus is put onto implemented system components with regard to their operability and efficiency....

  • An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems



    In the paper a multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system designed to modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators is presented. The purpose of this paper is to report the system solution expressed in the form of a block diagram. Technical parameters of demonstrator components such as: silicon photovoltaic modules, fuel cells, thermoelectric...

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  • Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed...

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    As the devices designed to transport materials, the overhead cranes should meet certain geometric requirements for their operation to be safe. The presently available geodetic equipment, in particular total stations, provides opportunities for precise 3D measurements of coordinates of the controlled points. These coordinates make a basis for correcting the height of crane runway axes. The paper presents a method to calculate position...

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  • WSN for intelligent street lighting system

    In this article authors propose to apply WSN to intelligent street lighting system. As a result of such a combination one obtains a system designed to increase functionality of light installations for a wide range of applications and introduce a platform for new additional services, which meets current and future user needs. The system is composed of WSN nodes integrated with light sources based on high power LED diodes, which...

  • Impact response of two-layered grouted aggregate fibrous concretecomposite under falling mass impact

    • M. K. Haridharan
    • S. Matheswarana
    • G. Murali
    • S. R. Abid
    • R. Fediuk
    • Y. Mugahed Amran
    • H. Abdelgader


    Two-layered Grouted Aggregates Fibrous Concrete Composite (TGAFCC) is a new category concrete which became popular recently and attracted the attention of researchers globally. Recent studies indicated that TGAFCC has notable improvement in mechanical properties, which has been sufficiently documented. However, the impact behaviour of TGAFCC when combined with Glass Fibre Mesh (GFM) and Textile Fibre Mesh (TFM) is still unexplored....

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  • Phase-difference positioning in asynchronous system


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents concept and implementation of digital positioning system based on phase difference measurements, designed as a navigational aid for marine applications. Main feature of proposed system is the ability to work in both synchronous mode, with one master station and set of slave stations synchronized with master, and in asynchronous mode with independent clocking of all stations.

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  • Subjective Quality Evaluation of Underground BPL-PLC Voice Communication System


    - Rok 2020

    Designing a reliable voice transmission system is not a trivial task. Wired media, thanks to their resistance to mechanical damage, seem an ideal solution. The BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line – Power Line Communication) cable is resilient to electricity stoppage and partial damage of phase conductors. It maintains continuity of transmission in case of an emergency situation, including paramedic rescue operations. These features...

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  • Expedited two-objective dimension scaling of compact microwave passives using surrogate models


    - Rok 2016

    Geometry scaling of compact microwave structures is a challenging problem because of complex relationships between the physical dimensions and electrical characteristics, mostly caused by considerable cross-couplings in densely arranged layouts. Here, a procedure for expedited dimension scaling of compact microwave couplers with respect to two independent criteria has been presented. Our approach involves inverse surrogate models...

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  • Signal Processing in the Investigation of Two-phase Liquid-gas Flow by Gamma-ray Absorption


    - Rok 2019

    n this paper, the use of the gamma-absorption method applied in the investigation of the two-phase liquid-gas flow in the pipeline is described. An example of its application to the air transported by water in a horizontal pipeline is evaluated. In the measurements, Am-241 radioactive sources and probes with Nal (Tl) scintillation crystals have been used. The signals from the radiometric set were used to determine the velocity...

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  • TDOA versus ATDOA for wide area multilateration system

    This paper outlines a new method of a location service (LCS) in the asynchronous wireless networks (AWNs) where the nodes (base stations) operate asynchronously in relation to one another. This method, called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables the calculation of the position of the mobile object (MO) through the measurements taken by a set of non-synchronized fixed nodes and is based on the measurement of...

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  • An interactive system for mobile robot navigation


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy przedstawiono interaktywny system do zdalnego sterowania robotem mobilnym zbudowany przy użyciu języka VRML. System jest wspomagany przez algorytm wyznaczania optymalnej trajektorii ruchu robota mobilnego poruszającego się w obecności przeszkód statycznych. Otoczenie reprezentowane jest przez graf nieskierowany. W metodzie wykorzystano algorytm Dijkstry.

  • DEM investigations of two-dimensional granular vortex- and anti-vortex- structures during plane strain compression.


    DEM investigations of two-dimensional granular vortex- and anti-vortex- structures during plane strain compression.

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  • Smart heating system for home extending utilization of renewable energy sources

    In the paper a modern approach to smart home heating is presented. Proposed solution utilizes at least two low-polluting energy source technologies. The main idea is to connect well known ecological energy sources in a way that they can support each other and minimize risks of failure when using single system or even both of them but managed in separate way. Considered energy technologies, used separatelly, have disadvan-tages,...

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  • On power stream in motor or drive system


    In a motor or in a drive system the quantity of power increases in the direction opposite to the direction of power flow. Energy losses and energy efficiency of a motor or a drive system must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses. Such quantities are speed and load. But the picture of power stream in a motor or in a drive system is presented in the literature in the form of traditional Sankey...

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  • Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system


    - Rok 2006

    Background The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...

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