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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: URBAN INITIATIVE LABORATORY

  • Assessment of technical condition and repair of steel structure elements on the example of fire damage in a warehouse building


    The paper analyses a case study on the structural assessment of warehouse building partially damaged by fire caused by external source (fire of lorries close to the building). The authors focus on the site investigations and laboratory test results prior to assessing actual condition of the structural elements. Both strengthening concept and repair procedure of a steel column are addressed here. A short literature survey in the...

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  • Diagnostics of zno varistors by means of nondestructive testing

    Standard industrial testing of high-voltage varistors for surge arresters demands application of high voltages and intensive currents. Nondestructive methods for varistor quality and endurance evaluation have been proposed and described. They rely on the application of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, electro-ultrasonic spectroscopy, noise measurement and nonlinearity testing at voltages lower than continuous operating range....

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  • Charakterystyka areodynamiczna membranowego przekrycia wiszącego.


    Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę aerodynamiczną membranowego przekrycia wiszącego. Prezentowane są dwie koncepcje przyjmowania wartości współczynnika aerodynamicznego. Pierwsza z koncepcji bazuje bezpośrednio na testach laboratoryjnych druga zaś wykorzystuje uproszczone podejście normowe.This paper presents the aerodynamic characteristics of membrane hanging roof. The two concepts of taking the value of the aerodynamic factor...

  • Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review

    The phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity...

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    - Przestrzeń Ekonomia Społeczeństwo - Rok 2023

    This work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy grid and are seen as both symbols...

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  • Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)

    • P. Banasik
    • S. Morawska
    • M. Porada - Rochoń
    • I. Rudawska
    • M. Godlewska
    • B. Kryk
    • D. Jaskuła
    • N. Skalska

    - Rok 2022

    Rising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...

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  • Looking for the Optimal Location of an Eco-District within a Metropolitan Area: The Case of Tricity Metropolitan Area


    Compact housing structures located in city centers are considered to be the most energy and environmentally eective, mainly due to the access to services, transport networks and municipal infrastructures. There is the question of why so many of the acknowledged ecological housing complexes are located on the outskirts of cities or suburbs. Numerous cities decide to introduce strategies either to densify city centers, hoping to...

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    Ever since we began illuminating the exterior of the slender skyscrapers built during the of 20s and 30s in XX century, urban lighting has been considered a way to beautify cities, and make them more visually prominent and safe. At that time, we knew so little about the impact of lighting on humans, flora and fauna, so it never occurred to lighting designers then, that their actions would have harmful consequences. In those days,...

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  • Licht, Luft, Sonne und Farbe. Ucząc się dziś od Gustava Oelsnera

    Artykuł przedstawia główne przesłanki podjęcia tematu całego tomu. Jest kluczem do powiązania wszystkich zamieszczonych w tomie prac, poruszających temat współczesnych interpretacji miasta, czerpiących z dorobku modernistycznych planistów i architektów - reformatorów miasta, oraz modernistycznej myśli architektonicznej i urbanistycznej. Główną postacią nie tylko tego artykułu, ale i całego tomu, jest Gustav Oelsner, architekt miejski...

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  • Vision-based motion analysis of kitesurfer


    - Vibroengineering Procedia - Rok 2015

    Kitesurfing is a relatively recent phenomenon with raising popularity worldwide – a recently developed extreme water sport considered a high-risk injury sport. It combines elements of several other sports, in particular sailing, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. The main purpose of authors’ research in the present paper is to use a vision system technique for measuring a kitesurfer’s body movements in order...

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  • The silver layers in fiber-optic sensors


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper a method of application of the silver layers on the surface of an optical fiber was proposed. The optical properties and surface quality of the silver layer was examined by optical microscopy. The reflection and transmission of the sample were investigated. To evaluate the silver mirror it was placed in a fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer and the quality of the spectra was analyzed. The commercial mirror was...

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  • Optical method for verification of homogeneity of phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance

    The primary purpose of this study was to develop a laboratory photonic set-up for characterisation of homogeneity of gel phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance. In this system, optical coherence tomography allows the detection of micro- and macroscopic heterogeneities of a structure. The set-up was used to perform measurements of agar and agar-carrageenan gels, which are the basis for more complex phantoms for magnetic...

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  • Some problems of slide bearing material fatigue evaluation.

    A slide bearing alloy resistance against fatigue failures have been investigated for three different lubricants, different heat loadings and different stress ratio κ values. The research methods and data handling procedures for determination of particular parameter effects on fatigue strength have been described and analysed for experiments that were set and performed in laboratory tester SKMR-2. Main and interaction effects of...

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  • Ella4Life virtual assistant - user centered design strategy - evaluation following labolatory tests


    - Rok 2020

    In the paper, we summarize the evaluation of Anne4Care system after laboratory tests. A group of end users, seniors over 55 years of age, rated a virtual assistant by completing a questionnaire. The objectives of the pilot evaluations are mainly to assess the feasibility, usability, acceptance and functionality of the system and the ability of the potential target user to use the system and receive valuable information from it...

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  • Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter

    In order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...

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  • Selected properties and parameters of radio channel impulse response estimation in ISM 2.4 GHz band


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2019

    The article presents experimental research indicating that the impulse response of the communication channel, determined in practice, are not of an universal character, but only represent its approximate value for the frequency on which this measurement was made. Phases for each of the replicas of the measurement signal were determined during the analysis of the received signals in the baseband. Phase changes of individual replicas...

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  • Abandoned heritage – the first European airports


    Due to the development of air transport and urban expansion, the locations of pre-war airports were often changed. The question of the fate of the abandoned airports and their entire infrastructure arose. This article looks at the issue of derelict, pre-war airfields. Examples of airports which were successfully adapted as well as the ones which were abandoned and closed yet but equally important in historical context are shown....

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  • Description of the Dataset Hanow – Praecepta de Arte Disputandi – Transcription and Photographs


    - Rok 2022

    This article briefly characterises the “Hanow – Praecepta de arte disputandi – transcription and photographs” research dataset. The dataset was created based on photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript of the Latin lectures on the rules of effective discussion (the title of the manuscript: Praecepta de arte disputandi) by Michael Chris-toph Hanow (1695–1773), professor of Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The original document...

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  • Przekształcenie portowej struktury miejskiej (Studium przypadku: Le Havre)


    Artykuł przedstawia całościowy program rewitalizacji dla dzielnicy na przykładzie miasta Le Havre, zawiera on analizę narzędzi odnowy przestrzeni miejskiej. Program inicjatyw lokalnych (Le Programme d'Initiative Communautaire URBAN) dla miasta Le Havre jest projektem ekonomiczno-społeczno-przestrzennym, grupującym całość zadań prowadzących do rewitalizacji dzielnicy portowej. Celem projektu jest stworzenie warunków wspierających...

  • Publicly available lecture webcasts - e-learning or promotion tool? case study


    - Rok 2011

    This paper aims to show how universities interact with Internet users by webcasting selected courses. Paper has exploratory case-study character, presenting example of Berkeley Webcast initiative of University of California, Berkeley, webcasting undergraduate courses and on-campus events. On the base of short introduction to webcasting usage as an e-learning and promotional tool, the analysis of 3 purposely chosen different courses...

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  • Non-Satellite Broadband Maritime Communications for e-Navigation Services

    The development of broadband network access technologies available to users on land has triggered a rapid expansion of a diverse range of services provided by terrestrial networks. However, due to limitations of digital communication technologies in the off-shore area, the maritime ICT systems evolution so far has not followed that trend. Despite the e-navigation initiative defining the set of Maritime Services, the progress in...

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  • Sea, River, Lake Ice Properties and Their Applications in Practices


    - Water - Rok 2023

    This Special Issue aims to highlight research articles focusing on the geographical scale of glacier and lake ice variations, as well as the engineering scale of ice properties and their practical applications via laboratory tests and numerical modeling. Additionally, it includes research on ecosystems under lake ice. The main goal is successfully achieved through the joint efforts of authors, anonymous reviewers, and editorial...

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  • Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych


    - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Rok 2014

    Przedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.

  • Eksperymentalna weryfikacja procedury szacowania wytrzymałości młodego betonu wg normy ASTM C1074


    W referacie przedstawiono metodę służącą oszacowaniu wytrzymałości betonu w trakcie procesu dojrzewania (ang. Maturity Method) bazującą na procedurze określonej zgodnie z amerykańską normą, która uwzględnia wpływ połączonych efektów temperatury i czasu na rozwój wytrzymałości betonu. Standardy ASTM C1074 zostały opracowane przez NBS (ang. National Bureau of Standards) z uwagi na powtarzające się wypadki na palcu budowy wynikające...

  • Mural - kiedy wandalizm staje się sztuką


    - Rok 2016

    Całość mojego referatu rozpoczęłam od przytoczenia opinii na temat tego czym tak naprawdę jest mural. Następnie skupiłam się na pochodzeniu współczesnego muralu. Odpowiedziałam na pytanie skąd, w jaki sposób i dlaczego pojawiły się rysunki ścienne. Przechodząc od malarstwa jaskiniowego sprzed 32 tysięcy lat, przez malarstwo starożytnego Egiptu, hasła wypisywane na murach starożytnego Rzymu, mural propagandowy Meksyku z lat 20....

  • The innovative experimental rig for wood steam drying at atmospheric pressure

    The high cost of fossil fuel and soaring consumer interest have encouraged people in the wood industry to look for faster and more energy-efficient methods to dry lumber. The air-steam mixture as medium of drying process was used in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Experimental rig is based on automatic control system. At the time of drying measurements of the internal temperature, wood temperature, moisture...

  • Thermal imaging in automatic rodent’s social behaviour analysis


    - Rok 2016

    Laboratory rodent social behaviour analysis is an extremely important task for biological, medical and pharmacological researches. In this work thermal images features that facilitate analysis are presented. Methods to distinguish objects on the basis of thermal distribution are tested. Actions of grooming or biting one rodent by another - important social behaviour incidents - are clearly visible...

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  • Virtual Sightseeing in Immersive 3D Visualization Lab

    The paper describes the modern Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL) established at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and its potential to prepare virtual tours and architectural visualizations on the example of the application allowing a virtual walk through the Coal Market in Gdańsk. The paper presents devices of this laboratory (CAVE, walk simulator etc.),...

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  • The muscovian letters of Francesco Locatelli (1735), or the illusory modernisation of Russia's legal and political system during the reign of Peter The Great and his successors



    In the 18 th century thinkers of the French Enlightenment discover Russia, whose institutional reforms replace their traditional utopian topies. The myths of Peter the Great and of Catherine II as Minerva of the North are created Russia also becomes a peculiar laboratory of Enlightenment incarnate. Francesco Locatelli, the author of the Muscovian Letters, who between 1733 and 1735 spend two years in Russian prisons, attempts...

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    The article presents series of considerations relating to experimental evaluation of the reliability of ship piping systems. The aim of this study is to attempt to answer the following questions: What should be the tested element? How to choose the diameter of the tested item? What should be the result of measurements and calculations? How to measure? How to choose the duration of the test? How to choose the sample size and elaborate...

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  • The use of GFRP tubes as load-bearing jackets in concrete-composite columns


    The paper presents the fields of applications of polymer composites in building structures. The use of composite glass fibre tubes is discussed in more detail. The laboratory methods used to test the mechanical properties of these pipes are presented. An original research program is presented, including six concrete-filled glass fibre tubes. The cylinders and columns made in this way were tested for their axial load capacity. Conclusions...

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  • Increasing the lifetime of engineering structures through the use of composite laggings


    The use of composite laggings prevents concrete (chemical and biological) corrosion. Columns coated with composite or reinforced composite are more resistant to negative environmental impact on concrete or steel. The mechanical properties of the reinforced casing also cause that these types of columns are more resistant to lateral forces. The applied casing limits carbonization of concrete and cyclical freezing and thawing with...

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  • Causes of damage and methods of repairing floor made on polystyrene concrete


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2019

    The paper describes damages, tests and repair of the floor made on existing ceiling and expanded polystyrene concrete underlay. The floor was built on a reinforced concrete ceiling with an area of about 1050 m2. Significant damage in the form of cracks, detachments and unevenness was found in the floor. In order to determine the causes of damage, in situ tests and laboratory tests were carried out. It was found that the damage...

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  • Mechanical properties for preliminary design of structures made from PVC coated fabric

    In this paper, laboratory tests necessary for the identification of non-linear elastic immediate properties of the PVC coated polyester fabric (like AF 9032) are described. The material parameters are specified on the basis of the uniaxial tensile tests in the warp and weft directions as well as on the base of the biaxial tensile tests. For the identification process techniques based on the least squares method are used. The authors...

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  • A predictive estimation based control strategy for a quasi-resonant dc-link inverter

    In this paper the predictive estimation based control strategy for a quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) is developed. Instead of direct measurement of dc link input inverter current – its estimation with one step prediction is applied. The PQRDCLI fed induction motor, controlled with a predictive current estimation stabilized inverter output voltage slopes independently of load. Moreover, reduction of overvoltage spikes...

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  • Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control


    - Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal - Rok 2020

    Предмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...

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  • A universal standard for health-promoting places. Example of assessment -on the basis of a case study of Rahway River Park


    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to development of approaches to the evaluation of the design of public open green spaces (POS). This paper presents a universal standard for the design of health-promoting urban places. The standard is a conceptual framework which was developed after visiting over one hundred public parks and therapeutic gardens in Europe and the United States. The universal standard is a simple and...

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  • Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem


    - Rok 2023

    Electric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...

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  • Analiza obudowy wykopu dla budynku z kondygnacją podziemną


    W pracy poruszono tematykę analizy obudowy wykopu dla budynku z jedną kondygnacją podziemną, zlokalizowanego w gęstej zabudowie śródmiejskiej. Obliczenia przeprowadzono za pomocą dwóch programów obliczeniowych: GEO5 (moduł: Ściana analiza) i Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional. Całość wyników podsumowano, a wnioski sformułowano w odniesieniu do obecnej sytuacji na rynku budowlanym, charakteryzującej się coraz to trudniejszymi...

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  • Ośrodki wzrostu na obszarach peryferyjnych regionów. W poszukiwaniu kapitału terytorialnego

    Przedmiotem badań były gminy miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie na obszarach peryferyjnych województw, czyli poza obszarami funkcjonalnymi miast wojewódzkich i aglomeracji śląskich. Cele badań było: (1) rozpoznanie najbardziej rozwiniętych gospodarczo gmin na badanym obszarze; (2) rozpoznanie, w jaki sposób czynniki rozwojowe i ich kombinacje, które mogą tworzyć kapitał terytorialny, są postrzegane i wykorzystywane w strategiach miejskich....

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  • Mechanical Behavior of Plastic Strips-Reinforced Expansive Soils Stabilized with Waste Marble Dust


    Expansive soil needs to undergo treatment to be used as safe foundation soil for roads and buildings. From environmental conservation and economical point of view, the usage of agricultural and industrial wastes is the best option. In this study, the effects of utilizing plastic waste and marble waste dust on the engineering properties of expansive soils were examined. Various laboratory tests were carried out on sampled expansive...

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  • Effect of wet Hydrogen Sulfide on Carbon Steels Degradation in Refinery Based on Case Study


    Material degradation caused by wet hydrogen sulfide (Wet H2S) is one of the major issues in refineries. Carbon steel is the main construction material used in refineries and is subjected not only to thickness loss but the hydrogen is the major concern. H2S leads to high atomic hydrogen penetration in steel which causes degradation in the form of blistering and/or cracking (HIC/SOHIC) and stress cracking in the area of welds and...

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  • Overcoming Phobias: Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy


    - Rok 2024

    The goal of the chapter was to review the different therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of various forms of phobias, with particular emphasis on virtual reality treatment. We define different types of phobias, including social ones. We also describe treatment techniques – adopted from behavioral therapy – which have been developed to aid the treatment of phobias. Particular emphasis has been placed on the flooding, implosive...

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  • Mechanical Behavior of Plastic Strips-Reinforced Expansive Soils Stabilized with Waste Marble Dust


    Expansive soil needs to undergo treatment to be used as safe foundation soil for roads and buildings. From an environmental conservation and economical point of view, the usage of agricultural and industrial wastes is the best option. In this study, the effects of utilizing plastic waste and marble waste dust on the engineering properties of expansive soils were examined. Various laboratory tests were carried out on sampled expansive...

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  • Tyre/road noise reduction by a poroelastic road surface


    Low noise road surfaces of existing types may in favourable cases and in new conditions provide up to 7 dB of noise reduction. For higher noise reductions, innovative solutions must be sought. Poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) may be such a solution, which currently is studied in the EU project PERSUADE. This paper presents results of trials with a PERS version prefabricated by one of the project partners. Tests were made in a laboratory...

  • Katedra Inżynierii Drogowej. Zakład Budowy Dróg.


    Department of Highway Engineering is divided into two divisions: Road Construction Division and Traffic Engineering Division. The head of Road Construction Division is Prof. J. Judycki. There are nine members of division: professor, three PhD, two MSc, two technicians and secretary. The main areas of research activities are: analysis of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavements, resistance of asphalt pavement to permanent deformation,...

  • Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements

    An innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....

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  • Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case


    The aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....

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  • How to teach architecture? – Remarks on the edge of Polish transformation processes after 1989

    The political changes in Poland after 1989 have resulted in a whole range of dynamic processes including the transformation of space. Until that time the established institutional framework for spatial, urban and architectural planning policy was based on uniform provisions of the so-called planned economy. The same applied to the training of architects, which was based on a unified profile of education provided at the state’s...

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    - Rok 2016

    Access to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...

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