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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ALLOY
Electrochemical impedance studies of AB5 -type hydrogen storage alloy
PublikacjaDo wyznaczenia własności stopu AB5 wykorzystano elektrochemiczną spektroskopie impedancyjną. Badania impedancyjne wykonano podczas chronowoltamperometri cyklicznej oraz cykli ładowania i rozładowania elektrody. Interpretacja uzyskanych w trybie potencjostatycznym wyników pozwoliła na dalszą interpretacje wyników uzyskanych w trybie galwanostatycznym. Proponowana metodologia umożliwia śledzić parametry elektryczne badanego układu...
Laser surface treatment of aluminium-silicon alloy at cryogenic conditions
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wpływ laserowego, powierzchniowego przetapiania w warunkach kriogenicznych na mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość, zużycie na skutek tarcia oraz korozję stopu aluminium AlSi13Mg1CuNi. Stwierdzono zwiększenie mikrotwardości, odporności na ścieranie i korozję odlewniczego stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi stosowanego w produkcji tłoków silników spalinowych.
Internal friction in pure Co and CoPt alloy during ordering
PublikacjaZbadano tarcie wewnętrzne, wskaźnik modułu sprężystości postaciowej i podatność magnetyczną stopu CoPt (50% at. Pt) w stanie nieuporządkowanym, uzyskanym w wyniku oziębienia, podczas wyżarzania do 850 K przy wzrostach temperatury 6K/min. i 2K/min., stosując odwróconą skręcarkę wahadłową. Zaobserwowano maksimum tarcia wewnętrznego w CoPt przy 700 K oraz w monokrysztale kobaltu w 720 K w pobliżu martenzytycznej przemiany fazowej,...
Hydrogen degradation of the 26H2MF alloy steel in H2SO4 and hydrocarbon environments.
Cavitation wearing of the SUPERSTON alloy after laser treatment at cryogenic conditions
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the method of laser remelting at cryogenic conditions of the SUPERSTON alloy and its influence on microstructure and cavitation wearing. The cavitation test was performed using the rotating disc facility in IPM PAN Gdansk. During the cavitation test, the mass loss of the material with different parameters of laser remelting was determined. Surface and cross-section microstructure of the...
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublikacjaIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to show results of laser treatment at cryogenic conditions of the Ti6Al4V alloy used for orthopedic applications. That modification process ought to bring beneficial changes of microstructure and residual stresses in the surface layer. The paper presents the abrasive wear of the base and laser remelted material in association with ceramics Al2O3. Despite the surface cracking after laser treatment the...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on ‘Ti–13Zr–13Nb’ alloy
PublikacjaThe presented research was aimed to determine the mechanical properties of the nanotubular oxide layer covered with hydroxyapatite coating. The Ti–13Zr–13Nb alloy was oxidised in 1M phosphoric acid with an addition of 0?5% HF for HF solution at 20 V voltage. The electrochemically assisted deposition of hydroxyapatite was performed at cyclic polarisation in NH4H2PO4 and CaCl2 solution at 80uC. The mechanical properties were determined...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThe surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...
Impact of plastic deformation on magnetoacoustic properties of Fe-2%Si alloy
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki komplementarnych badań własności magnetycznych stopu Fe-2%Si po deformacji plastycznej. Badania obejmowały pomiary pętli histerezy magnetycznej B(H), magnetycznego efektu Barkhausena oraz emisjii magnetoakustycznej. Badane próbki poddane były deformacji plastycznej do poziomu sięgajćego 8%. Właściwości pętli histerezy zostały skwantyfikowane z wykorzystaniem pola koercji oraz maksymalnej magnetycznej...
The Influence of ZnO Oxide Layer on the Physicochemical Behavior of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy
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Applications of the artificial intelligence methods for modeling of the ACAlSi7Cu alloy crystallization process
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Composite and Surface Functionalization of Ultrafine-Grained Ti23Zr25Nb Alloy for Medical Applications
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Creation and characteristics of the (Mn-N-O) surface layers on aluminium alloy
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję tworzenia warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i tlen. Warstwy wykazują twardość powierzchniową 358 HV0,01, zwiększoną odporność na korozję w kwasie siarkowym oraz odporność na zużycie ścierne w skojarzeniu z żeliwem szarym.
Tribological and corrosion testing of surface engineered surgical grade CoCrMo alloy
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Determination of grain shape of laser-irradiated FePdCu thin alloy films
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Cryogenic Treatment Effect on Cyclic Behavior of Ni54Ti46 Shape Memory Alloy
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Application of multisine nanoscale impedance microscopy to heterogeneous alloy surface investigations
PublikacjaIn the recent years atomic force microscopy is recognized as valuable tool for investigation of surficial features of construction materials. It concerns, among other things, studies of changes caused by such phenomena as galvanic corrosion, passivation associated with the growth of oxide layers, or sensitization of austenitic steels with the formation of carbide phases. In addition, atomic forcemicroscopy allows easy coupling...
Weldability of S460ML High Strength Low Alloy Steel in Underwater Conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental evaluation of susceptibility of the high strength S460ML steel to cold cracking in the conditions of wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. From the results of Tekken tests it was found out that the investigated steel was characterised, in the conditions of the carried out experiments (underwater wet welding and air welding with rutile electrodes), of high susceptibility to cold cracking....
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Biological Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublikacjaAn increasing interest in the fabrication of implants made of titanium and its alloys results from their capacity to be integrated into the bone system. This integration is facilitated by different modifications of the implant surface. Here, we assessed the bioactivity of amorphous titania nanoporous and nanotubular coatings (TNTs), produced by electrochemical oxidation of Ti6Al4V orthopedic implants’ surface. The chemical composition...
Comparison of Properties of the Hybrid and Bilayer MWCNTs—Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti Alloy
PublikacjaCarbon nanotubes are proposed for reinforcement of the hydroxyapatite coatings to improve their adhesion, resistance to mechanical loads, biocompatibility, bioactivity, corrosion resistance, and antibacterial protection. So far, research has shown that all these properties are highly susceptible to the composition and microstructure of coatings. The present research is aimed at studies of multi-wall carbon nanotubes in three different...
Hydrogen-enhanced stress corrosion cracking in low alloy steels in seawater
PublikacjaBadano podatność stali niskostopowych w wodzie morskiej w warunkach polaryzacji katodowej. Stwierdzono spadek czasu do zniszczenia, energii zniszczenia i przewężenia ze wzrostem potencjału katodowego. Wykazano znaczącą korelację między stopniem degradacji wodorowej a stężeniem wodoru dyfuzyjnego.
Imaging of grains and internal stresses in GO Fe-Si alloy with Barkhauseneffects
PublikacjaBadano próbki stali transformatorowej Fe-Si ze strukturą zorientowaną (GO). Polowy efekt Barkhausena wykorzystano do zobrazowania ziaren pod warstwą ochronną a poziom naprężeń wewnętrznych wyznaczono wykorzystując mechaniczny efekt Barkhausena.
Microstructural aspects of hydrogen degradation of the 26H2MF and 34HNM constructional alloy steels
PublikacjaPodatność na degradację wywołaną przez wodór, dwóch gatunków polskich stali konstrukcyjnych stopowych: 26H2MF i 34HNM, określano przy pomocy próby powolnego rozciągania. Mierzono następujące parametry: energię pękania, wydłużenie, wytrzymałość na rozciąganie i przewężenie. Degradację stali obserwowano w 0,01M kwasie siarkowym przy gęstości prądu 20 mA/cm2 wraz z rodzajem przełomów. Poziom degradacji był zgodny z ilością wodoru...
Microstructure and wear of cast aluminium alloy with laser modified surface layer
Publikacjaprzedstawiono wyniki badań zużycia przez tarcie przetopionego laserowo stopuAlSi13MgCuNi w warunkach tribologicznych. Wykazano, iż zużycie i współczyn-nik tarcia są zależne od parametrów obróbki laserowej w warunkach kriogeni-cznych.
The design of the prosthetic index finger actuated by shape memory alloy wires
PublikacjaZaprezentowano projekt palca wskazującego protezy ręki, w którym poszczególne człony napędzane są za pomocą niekonwencjonalnych efektorów - stopów metali z pamięcią kształtu (SMA - NiTi).
Near Boundary Acoustic Streaming in Ni-Fe alloy electrodeposition control
PublikacjaSilny wpływ na osadzanie elektrochemiczne stopów metali mają zjawiska występujące w warstwie dyfuzyjnej, modyfikujące rozkład koncentracji jonów w odmienny sposób dla każdego ze składników. Artykuł przedstawia metodę pobudzania akustycznego prowadzącą do kontrolowanego, jednorodnego osadzania stopów. Metoda ta polega na generowaniu prze-pływu akustycznego prostopadle do powierzchni osadzania, w polu stojącej fali akustycznej równoległej...
Surface structure and propoerties of Ti6Al4V alloy laser melted at cryogenic conditions
PublikacjaPrzedstwiono wyniki badań mikroskopowych i mikrotwardości warstwy wierzchniej poddanej przetapianiu laserem w ciekłym aocie przy mocy laserz 3000-6000 W. Stwierdzono wzrost twardości i utworzenie zróżnicowanej warstwy wierzchniej.
Catalytic impact of alloyed Al on the corrosion behavior of Co50Ni23Ga26Al1.0 magnetic shape memory alloy and catalysis applications for efficient electrochemical H2 generation
PublikacjaThe electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of Co50Ni23Ga27-xAlx (x = 0 and 1.0 wt%) magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) was studied in 0.5 M NaCl solutions using various electrochemical techniques. Results showed remarkable activation of the tested MSMA toward pitting corrosion upon alloying it with Al. XPS examination confirmed the activation influence of alloyed Al. It proved that the presence of Al in the alloy's matrix weakens...
Properties of surface layers of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V after laser melting processes
PublikacjaThe article presents the investigation results of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V surface layer after laser melting process. The process of laser melting was performed using Nd-YAG laser. The evaluation of structure of the alloy as well as hardness and chemical composition was performed. It was shown that laser melting changes the structure and properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and process parameters as scanning speed affects the thickness...
Inhibitive effect of sodium molybdate on corrosion of AZ31 magnesium alloy in chloride solutions
PublikacjaIn this work, corrosion inhibition of the AZ31 magnesium alloy was investigated in NaCl solutions containing different amounts of sodium molybdate inhibitor. Electrochemical, hydrogen evolution, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. The results showed that Na2MoO4 inhibitor provides reliable inhibition at high concentrations (150 mM). Surface examination...
Oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 alloy at 673 K determined by GDOES technique
PublikacjaOxidation of zirconium alloys is a process that takes place during the operation of nuclear reactors and is essential for assessing the durability of fuel claddings. The present study was aimed to determine the oxidation kinetics of the Zircaloy-4 alloy using GDOES (glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy) at temperature 673 K corresponding to the conditions of use of fuel pellets. The tests were performed on non-oxidized...
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Laser Surface-Treated Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy with MWCNTs Coatings
Publikacja: Titanium and its alloys is the main group of materials used in prosthetics and implantology. Despite their popularity and many advantages associated with their biocompatibility, these materials have a few significant disadvantages. These include low biologic activity—which reduces the growth of fibrous tissue and allows loosening of the prosthesis—the possibility of metallosis and related inflammation or other allergic reactions,...
Prosthetic Elements Made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb Alloy by Selective Laser Melting
PublikacjaThe fabrication of the prosthetic foundations and bridges from the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy is described. The process was started from CAD/CAM design of 3D models of the foundations based on scanning of patient`s mouth. Next, 3D models were transformed into *.stl files for the manufacturing stage and then the manufacturing process by means of the selective laser melting with the SLM Realizer 100 equipment was made. The intrinsic structure...
Local buckling of thin-walled channel member flange made of aluminum alloy
PublikacjaThe paper deals with local stability of the thin-walled compressed flange of channel columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. The aim of paper is to find critical stress of local buckling of the flange member taking into account the web-flange interaction in linear and nonlinear elastic range of the member material. The governing differential equation of the problem is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential...
Corrosion and Cavitation Resistances of Low Alloy Steel After Frictional-Mechanical Treatment
PublikacjaPaper presents the results of the studies of wear, corrosion and cavitation resistances of the S355J2 low alloy medium carbon steel subjected to surface modification by friction-mechanical treatment, as tested in sea water simulated solution. To evaluate the effect of the surface treatment, the comparative studies of the corrosive properties of the steel before and after treatment have been considered. The treatment due to a severe...
Properties of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Doped with Nanocopper, Obtained by Electrophoretic Deposition on Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
PublikacjaNowadays, hydroxyapatite coatings are the most common surface modification of long-term implants. These coatings are characterized by high thickness and poor adhesion to the metallic substrate. The present research is aimed at characterizing the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) with the addition of copper nanoparticle (nanoCu) coatings deposited on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy by an electrophoresis process. The deposition of...
Shape Memory Alloy-Based Fluidically Reconfigurable Metasurfaced Beam Steering Antenna
PublikacjaA low-cost actuator-based fluidically programmable metasurface (FPMS) antenna is proposed to solve the slow tuning speed problem of the manually fluidic based reconfigurable antennas. The FPMS-based antenna is probe-fed and comprises a 4 × 4 square ring metasurface as a superstrate. Moreover, two shape memory alloy (SMA)-based electrically-controlled actuators are employed in the design for controlling the position of the 3D-printed...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser surface-treated Ti13nb13zr alloy with MWCNTs coatings
PublikacjaLaser surface modification of titanium alloys is one of the main methods of improving the properties of titanium alloys used in implantology. This study investigates the microstructural morphology of a laser-modified surface layer on a Ti13Nb13Zr alloy with and without a carbon nanotube coating deposited by electrophoretic deposition. Laser modification was performed for samples with and without carbon nanotube coating for two...
Modelling of the Flow in the Process of Washing Out Automotive Catalyst Carriers with the PbLi Alloy
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The possibility of an use of laser treatment to improve the behaviour of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
PublikacjaPrezentowana praca miała na celu stworzenie warunków ultraszybkiego chłodzenia przetopionej warstwy w obecności azotu tak, aby otrzymać twardą i gruba warstwę wierzchnią na stopie Ti-6Al-4V , najczęściej używanm stopie Ti, zawierającą struktury martenzytu i azotku tytanu.
Ultrafine grained Mg-1Zn-1Mn-0.3Zr alloy and its corrosion behaviour
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Surface Characteristics of Plasma Treated and Titanium Nitride (TiN) Deposited Aluminum Alloy
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The Biocompatibility and Self-Healing Effect of a Biopolymer’s Coating on Zn Alloy for Biomedical Applications
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Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublikacjaProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
Influence of Laser Treatment on Microstructure of Surface Layer of the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono mikrostrukturę powierzchni, przekroju i przełomu warstwy wierzchniej stopu Ti-6Al-4V uzyskanej po nadtapianiu laserem w różnym środowisku. Stwierdzono wzrost mikrotwardości stopu w warstwie nadtopionej, rozdrobnienie ziarna, a także tworzenie azotków tytanu i mikropęknięć skutkiem obecności znacznych naprężeń własnych. Grubość wytworzonych warstw osiągała wartość 1,5 mm.
PublikacjaPorous structures made of metal or biopolymers with a structure similar in shape and mechanical properties to human bone can easily be produced by stereolithographic techniques, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM). Numerical methods, like Finite Element Method (FEM) have great potential in testing new scaffold designs, according to their mechanical properties before manufacturing, i.e. strength or stiffness. An example of such designs...
The determinants of morphology and properties of the nanohydroxyapatite coating deposited on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy by electrophoretic techniqe
PublikacjaThe titanium and its alloys belong at present to the most preferred and commonly applied biomaterials for load- bearing implants. The surfaces of biomaterials are subjected to modification, including the hydroxyapatite coatings deposited in order to ensure corrosion resistance and better joining between an implant and a bone through the possibility of ingrowth bone into the coating. In this paper, the morphology and properties...
Effect of Arc Strikes on High Strength Low Alloy Steels Welded by SMAW
PublikacjaWet welding with covered electrodes (Shielded Metal Arc Welding – SMAW) is the most commonly used method of carrying out welding repair works in a water environment. Limited visibility and the inability to move freely under water result in an increased risk of formation of welding imperfections such as lack of fusion, lack of penetration and arc strikes. The work focused on changes in the properties and structure of steel subjected...
Corrosion characteristics of the AL-Si alloy after laser treatment at cryogenic conditions
PublikacjaOmówiono wpływ laserowego powierzchniowego przetapiania stopu Al-Si w warunkach kriogenicznych na jego mikrostrukturę i właściwości użytkowe. W wyniku badań korozyjnych stwierdzono zwiększenie odporności na korozję stopu Al-Siw 0,01 M roztworze H2SO4.