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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Chapter X - Diseases of the respiratory system
Numerical Model of the Aortic Valve Implanted Within Real Human Aorta
PublikacjaCardiovascular system diseases are the main cause of deaths in developed and developing countries. The main reasons are myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke and valvular diseases. These are caused mainly by arteriosclerosis. The valvular diseases involve a significant burden for the health care system and their frequency is rising with the patient age. This work describes the tools and numerical models appropriate for modeling...
Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross‑sectional study
PublikacjaBackground: Rare diseases are a new global health priority, requiring evidence-based estimates of the global prevalenceof diseases to inform public policymakers and provide a serious challenge to the healthcare system that must not be ignored. The purpose of this study is to investigate Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases.Results: A total of 6838 students responded...
Akcelerator transformacji DCT do kompresji obrazu w sensorach wizyjnych
PublikacjaW komunikacie przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator transformacji DCT przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator realizuje także odwrotnątransformacjęDCT oraz kwantyzacjęi dekwantyzację. Akcelerator początkowo zaimplementowano w układzie FPGA. Zostałon pomyślnie zweryfikowany, a następnie zaimplementowany w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Szczegółowe wyniki testów akceleratora ASIC zostały...
Akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej H.264 do kompresji obrazu w sensorach wizyjnych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator realizuje predykcję typu „intra” dla makrobloków luminancji o wymiarach 4x4 i 16x16. Akcelerator wstępnie zaimplementowano w układzie FPGA, gdzie został on pomyślnie zweryfikowany, a następnie zaimplementowano go w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Szczegółowe wyniki testów akceleratora...
Akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej H.264 do kompresji obrazu w sensorach wizyjnych
PublikacjaW komunikacie przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator realizuje predykcję typu „intra” dla makrobloków luminancji o wymiarach 4x4 i 16x16. Akcelerator wstępnie zaimplementowano w układzie FPGA, gdzie został on pomyślnie zweryfikowany, a następnie zaimplementowano go w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Szczegółowe wyniki testów...
Development of a tropical disease diagnosis system using artificial neural network and GIS
PublikacjaExpert systems for diagnosis of tropical diseases have been developed and implemented for over a decade with varying degrees of success. While the recent introduction of artificial neural networks has helped to improve the diagnosis accuracy of such systems, this aspect is still negatively affected by the number of supported diseases. A large number of supported diseases usually corresponds to a high number of overlapping symptoms,...
Coupling between Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Width Oscillations during Slow Breathing
PublikacjaThe precise mechanisms connecting the cardiovascular system and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are not well understood in detail. This paper investigates the couplings between the cardiac and respiratory components, as extracted from blood pressure (BP) signals and oscillations of the subarachnoid space width (SAS), collected during slow ventilation and ventilation against inspiration resistance. The experiment was performed on...
Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies regarding dependability and security of the ICT and ICS/SCADA system
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS) / supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced...
Technologie wytwarzania żywności funkcjonalnej i metodyki badania jej składu.- cz. II
PublikacjaObserwuje się rozwój technologii produkcji żywności w kierunku wzmocnienia funkcji jej składników. Na podstawie studium literaturowego stwierdzono, że nastąpił coraz bardziej zauważalny postęp w dziedzinie nanotechnologii, której metody są przydatne w procesach produkcji żywności bezpiecznej, o dłuższym terminie przydatności do spożycia, podwyższonych walorach sensorycznych oraz z dodatkiem związków biologicznie aktywnych. Żywność...
Impact of slow breathing on the blood pressure and subarachnoid space width oscillations in humans
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to assess cardiac and respiratory blood pressure (BP) and subarachnoid space (SAS) width oscillations during the resting state for slow and fast breathing and breathing against inspiratory resistance. Experiments were performed on a group of 20 healthy volunteers (8 males and 12 females; age 25.3 ± 7.9 years; BMI = 22.1 ± 3.2 kg/m2). BP and heart rate (HR) were measured using continuous finger-pulse photoplethysmography....
Evaluation of electrical parameters of traction supply system for complex railway traffic conditions, using simulation methods
PublikacjaDevelopment of electrified transport systems, railways modernization, expansion of urban transport networks, purchases of modern rolling stock causes that updating of electric traction supply system is necessary. This chapter presents an effective method for electrical parameters of traction supply system evaluation, using simulation methods.
Mersenne Number Finding and Collatz Hypothesis Verification in the Comcute Grid System
PublikacjaIn this chapter, some mathematic applications have been described to test scalability of the Comcute grid system. Especially, a verification of the Collatz hypothesis and finding Mersenne numbers were applied to prove the scalability and high performance of this grid system. Results were compared with outcomes obtained by the other grid systems.
Credit default swaps and banks
PublikacjaThis chapter aims to explore the evolving role of credit default swaps (CDS) in managing and transferring default risk from the perspective of banks from a holistic perspective. This chapter examines credit default swaps (CDSs) as derivative financial instruments that transfer credit risk on debt securities. While CDSs offer benefits such as risk management and risk trading, they also introduce potential systemic risks, as evidenced...
Software Agents for Computer Network Security
PublikacjaThe chapter presents applications of multi-agent technology for design and implementation of agent-based systems intended to cooperatively solve several critical tasks in the area of computer network security. These systems are Agent-based Generator of Computer Attacks (AGCA), Multi-agent Intrusion Detection and Protection System (MIDPS), Agent-based Environment for Simulation of DDoS Attacks and Defense (AESAD) and Mobile Agent...
A System for Heart Sounds Classification
PublikacjaThe future of quick and efficient disease diagnosis lays in the development of reliable non-invasive methods. As for the cardiac diseases – one of the major causes of death around the globe – a concept of an electronic stethoscope equipped with an automatic heart tone identification system appears to be the best solution. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the quality of phonocardiography signals is no longer an issue. However,...
On Configurability of Distributed Volunteer-Based Computing in the Comcute System
PublikacjaThe chapter proposes additional solutions that can be implemented within the Comcute system to increase its configurability. This refers to configuration of the reliability level in the W and S server layers, static or on-the-fly data partitioning and integration, configuration of the system for processing in the data streaming fashion, extending the system for selection of a project that the client wants to contribute to, ease...
Double Fed Induction Machine Drives
PublikacjaContents of the Chapter 22:Machine model.Properties of the DFM.Steady state machine operation.Control rules and decoupled control.Decoupling based on MM machine model.Decoupling based on vector model.Decoupling based on rotor current equation.Overall control system.Control system based on MM model.Control system based on vector model.Estimation of variables.Calculation of the angle between stator and rotor.Remarks about digital...
Reliability Modeling for SPMD and DAC Applications in MERPSYS
PublikacjaIn this chapter we shall see a method for modeling of reliability of application execution in the MERPSYS system, and the results of reliability simulation of the same SPMD and DAC application which we have previously presented in this book. Unlike energy usage modeling and modeling of execution efficiency we could not compare the reliability model and simulation results to real experiment just because the experiment would last too...
Novel analysis methods of dynamic properties for vehicle pantographs
PublikacjaTransmission of electrical energy from a catenary system to traction units must be safe and reliable especially for high speed trains. Modern pantographs have to meet these requirements. Pantographs are subjected to several forces acting on their structural elements. These forces come from pantograph drive, inertia forces, aerodynamic effects, vibration of traction units etc. Modern approach to static and dynamic analysis should...
PublikacjaThis article presents a brief description of a power system, the current national power system daily load, the use of wind power as a renewable energy source and its share in the national load. It also discusses the methods for storing energy, their characteristics and possible solutions. The power storage and generation solution proposed in the article is based on the collaboration between a gas turbine and an air storage system....
Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components
PublikacjaComputer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....
A Concept of Modeling and Optimization of Applications in Large Scale Systems
PublikacjaThe chapter presents the idea that includes modeling and subsequent optimization of application execution on large scale parallel and distributed systems. The model considers performance, reliability and power consumption. It should allow easy modeling of various classes of applications while reflecting key parameters of both the applications and two classes of target systems: clusters and volunteer based systems. The chapter presents...
Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework
PublikacjaThe chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the general structure of the proposed framework and a method of data exchange between system elements. Section 3 is describing the low-level analysis modules for detection and tracking of moving objects. In Section 4 we present the object classification module. Sections 5 and 6 describe specialized modules for detection and recognition of faces and license plates, respectively....
ICT and social development. Conceptual considerations.
PublikacjaThis chapter is intended to provide basic ideas and concepts related to technology, technological progress and society. It explains how and why technology and society are interrelated, forming a dynamic, complex and interdependent evolutionary system. It introduces the terms Digital (ICT) Revolution and information and communication technologies (ICTs), showing elementary features of new technologies. The chapter explains why ICTs...
Multi agent grid systems
PublikacjaThis chapter presents an idea of merging grid and volunteer systemswith multi agent systems. It gives some basics concerning multi agentsystem and the most followed standard. Some deliberations concerningsuch an existing systems were made in order to finally present possibilities of introducing agents into the Comcute system.
Technologie wytwarzania żywności funkcjonalnej. Metodyki badania jej składu. Kierunki rozwojowe- cz. I
PublikacjaObserwuje się rozwój technologii produkcji żywności w kierunku wzmocnienia funkcji jej składników, które wspomagają system odpornościowy, przyczyniają się do zapobiegania rozwoju chorób sercowo-naczyniowych czy dolegliwości żołądkowych. Można stwierdzić, że nastąpił coraz bardziej zauważalny postęp w dziedzinie nanotechnologii, której metody są przydatne w procesach produkcji żywności bezpiecznej, o dłuższym terminie przydatności...
Internet payment methods in Poland
PublikacjaIn this chapter authors intended to describe wide range of aspects of the Internet payment systems. At the beginning there is briefly shown their evolution and features required for the effective payment system. Data on the popularity of different payment systems in Internet transactions links this section with description of the current state of payment systems available in Poland.
Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development
PublikacjaIn this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...
Unconventional and user-friendly sampling techniques of semi-volatile organic compounds present in an indoor environment: An approach to human exposure assessment
PublikacjaThe commonly applied solutions used to assess the potential risk of human exposure to semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are based on the investigation of biological samples collected in an invasive or non-invasive manner. For SVOCs, which are typically introduced to humans through the respiratory system, dermal adsorption, or digestive system, sampling solutions generally used in the indoor environments are classified as...
Modeling of performance and safety of a multi-task unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle = Modelowanie ruchu i bezpieczeństwa wielozadaniowego bezzałogowego autonomicznego pojazdu wodnego
PublikacjaAt the beginning of the paper the aim of research is presented. Then the method is introduced. Next, the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The following chapter concerns a model of vehicle performance including the ballasting and motion. Some information on an integrated steering, positioning and stabilization system of the vehicle is briefly presented in the paper. Such the system enables to obtain a fully...
Pumping effect measured by PIV method in multi-layer spike electrode EHD device for air cleaning
PublikacjaDust particles can be harmful for human health when inhaled. Especially dangerous are submicron dust particles, which can contain traces of toxic elements and can easily penetrate into human respiratory system. Thus, new devices for air cleaning are needed. In this work the flow velocity field patterns measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method in an electrohydrodynamic (EHD) device for air cleaning are presented. The...
OECD Guidelines for Micro Statistics on Household Wealth
PublikacjaThis report reflects the contributions of members of the OECD Expert Group on Micro Statistics on Household Income, Consumption and Wealth. Members of the Expert Group included representatives from National Statistical Offices – Bob McColl (Chair, Australia); Alison Hale (Canada); Andre Bustamante and David Niculcar (Chile); Henrik Sejerbo Soerensen (Denmark); Yafit Alfandari (Israel); Shinji Yoshioka (Japan); Sinho Kim...
Fundamentals of Physics-Based Surrogate Modeling
PublikacjaChapter 1 was focused on data-driven (or approximation-based) modeling methods. The second major class of surrogates are physics-based models outlined in this chapter. Although they are not as popular, their importance is growing because of the challenges related to construction and handling of approximation surrogates for many real-world problems. The high cost of evaluating computational models, nonlinearity of system responses,...
Music Information Retrieval in Music Repositories
PublikacjaThis chapter reviews the key concepts associated with automated Music Information Retrieval (MIR). First, current research trends and system solutions in terms of music retrieval and music recommendation are discussed. Next, experiments performed on a constructed music database are presented. A proposal for music retrieval and annotation aided by gaze tracking is also discussed.
Applications of Tensor Analysis in Continuum Mechanics
PublikacjaA tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components...
Fibrillar aggregates in powdered milk
PublikacjaThis research paper addresses the hypothesis that powdered milk may contain amyloid fibrils. Amyloids are fibrillar aggregates of proteins. Up to this time, research on the presence of amyloids in food products are scarce. To check the hypothesis we performed thioflavin T fluorescence assay, X-ray powder diffraction, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy imaging. Our preliminary results show that commercially available...
Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations
PublikacjaThe contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...
Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems
PublikacjaIn this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...
Optimal ECG lead for deriving respiratory signal
PublikacjaEDR is an interesting measuring technique that allows an indirect assessment of respiratory activity. This is an alternative solution to direct methods that are based on the measurement of air flow, which require a specialized sensor or even a system. However, due to inter-personal anatomical differences, the optimal ECG lead (placement of the electrodes) ensuring the best EDR signal quality is not fixed. An influence of ECG lead...
PublikacjaNowadays there is quite huge need for more and more precise and effective fast diagnostics methods in hematology diseases. One of the most important blood components are erythrocytes – RBCs (Red Blood Cells). Due to their size they are easy to observe using microscopy. It is commonly known that the shape and lifetime of RBCs allows for early disease identification. Authors present special measurement system for RBCs fluctuations observation...
A Measurement System for Quasi-Spectral Determination of Absorption and Scattering Parameters of Veterinary Tissue Phantoms
PublikacjaThis paper describes the construction of a system for the quasi-spectral determination of absorption and scattering parameters of animal tissue phantoms. Several tissue phantoms, including one reference and two modified for examination, were prepared from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The phantoms were measured using a system based on an integrating sphere and the light sources of wavelengths commonly used for the treatment of various...
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of Polyurethane Nanocomposites
PublikacjaIn recent years, the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors of elastomeric nanocomposites have been examined, especially for a wide range of rubbery composite (including natural rubber) materials. This chapter describes the influence of fillers and nanofillers on the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of elastomeric polyurethane systems. These filled elastomers (similar to the classic natural rubber reinforced elastomers), also exhibit...
Virtual immersive environments
PublikacjaYet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...
The Role of an Integrated Transport System in the Comprehensive, Polycentric Development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaIn this paper the role of an integrated transport system and mobility in the development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area is discussed, with special emphasis on how it influences the development of comprehensive, polycentric urban structures. The paper consists of an analysis of how the changes, which occurred after the socio-economic transformation shaped the transport system, and as a consequence the spatial structure, of Gdańsk...
Pumping effect measured by PIV method in a multilayer spike electrode EHD device for air cleaning
PublikacjaDust particles can be harmful for human health when inhaled. Particularly dangerous are submicrometer dust particles, which can contain traces of toxic elements and can easily penetrate into the human respiratory system. Thus, efficient devices for the air cleaning from submicrometer dust particles are needed. Recently, Katatani and Mizuno have proposed an electrohydrody- namic (EHD) device for air cleaning for submicrometer particles....
Induction motor control application in high-speed train electric drive
PublikacjaThe chapter presents an application of induction motor mechanical speed and load torque observers in high-speed train drives. The observers are applied for a 1.2-MW electric drive with an induction motor. The goal of using such observers is to utilize computed variables for diagnostic purposes of speed sensors and torque transmission system. The concept of diagnostic system is presented in this paper, and proper criteria are proposed....
Book Chapter in the Prime Archives in Chemistry: 2nd Edition (dissemination of knowledge)
PublikacjaTo cite a chapter in a book include: Jaroslaw Spychala. The CON−H….+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway. In: VSR Rajasekhar Pullabhotla, editor. Prime Archives in Chemistry: 2nd Edition. Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf. 2022.
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD): Experience Based Product Development System for Industry 4.0
PublikacjaThis chapter presents the concept of smart virtual product development (SVPD) system capable of supporting industrial product development. It enhances the decision making process during various activities involved in product development i.e. product design, manufacturing, and inspection planning. This is achieved by using the explicit knowledge of past formal decision events, which are captured, stored, and recalled in the form...
Observation on red blood cells fluctuations by diffraction phase microscopy
PublikacjaNowadays there is quite huge need for more and more precise and effective fast diagnostics methods in hematology diseases. One of the most important blood components are erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs). Due to their size they are easy to observe using microscopy. It is commonly known that the shape and lifetime of RBCs allows for early disease identification. Authors present special measurement system for RBCs fluctuations...
Two families of infinitely many homoclinics for singular strong force Hamiltonian systems
PublikacjaWe are concerned with a planar autonomous Hamiltonian system with a potential possessing a single well of infinite depth at a point X and a unique strict global maximum 0 at a point A. Under a strong force condition around the singularity X, via minimization of an action integral and using a shadowing chain lemma together with simple geometrical arguments, we prove the existence of infinitely many geometrically distinct homoclinic...