wszystkich: 216
wybranych: 214
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The triple-sorbents solid-phase extraction for pharmaceuticals and estrogens determination in wastewater samples
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Porous Polymer Sorbents in Micro Solid Phase Extraction: Applications, Advantages, and Challenges
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Development of a vortex-assisted switchable-hydrophilicity solvent-based liquid phase microextraction for fast and reliable extraction of Zn (II), Fe (II), Pb (II), and Cd (II) from various baby food products
PublikacjaThis manuscript describes the development of a novel liquid phase microextraction (LPME) method for the extraction and determination of Zn (II), Fe (II), Pb (II), and Cd (II) in various infant/baby food and supplements products. The method is based on vortex-assisted extraction combined with a switchable-hydrophilicity solvent (SHS) sample preparation. The SHS, which undergoes reversible phase changes triggered by pH change, enables...
The possibility to use multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a sorbent for dispersive solid phase extraction of selected pharmaceuticals and their metabolites: Effect of extraction condition
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A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublikacjaGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...
A hierarchical porous composite magnetic sorbent of reduced graphene oxide embedded in polyvinyl alcohol cryogel for solvent‐assisted‐solid phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PublikacjaA hierarchical porouscomposite magnetic sorbent was fabricated and applied tothe dispersive solvent-assisted solid-phase extraction of five polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons. A sorbent was first prepared by incorporating graphene oxide,calcium carbonate, and magnetite nanoparticles into a polyvinyl alcohol cryo-gel. The graphene oxide was converted to reduced graphene oxide using ascorbicacid and a hierarchical porous structure was...
Development and validation of urinary nucleosides and creatinine assay by capillary electrophoresis with solid phase extraction
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Applications of metal organic framework adsorbents for pipette-tip micro solid-phase extraction
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Synthesis and structural properties of carbon/alumina composites: Practical application in solid phase extraction of explosives
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Determination of pesticides in water using new solid phase extraction technique - speedisk and speedisk column.
PublikacjaW publikacji opisano zastosowanie nowych narzędzi do ekstrakcji do fazy stałej: szybkie dyski i szybkie kolumienki (speedisk i speedisk column). Zaprezentowano ich zastosowanie do ekstrakcji pestycydów z próbek wody, przy zastosowaniu różnych rozpuszczalników.
Understainding solid-phase microextraction: key factors influencing the extraction process and trends in improving the technique
PublikacjaAnalytical chemists are faced with the daunting challenges of accurately monitoring the state of the environment and the processes taking place in it and of determining an enormous range of analytes often present in trace and ultratrace amounts in sample matrixes with complex or variable compositions. Further challenges are presented by the need to introduce new methodologies into current analytical practice and equipment to comply...
Alginate-based sorbents in miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques - Step towards greenness sample preparation
PublikacjaIn response to growing concerns about environmental degradation, one of the main areas of research activity in recent years has been to make sample preparation methods more sustainable and eco-friendly. The increasing greenness of this step can be achieved by minimizing the usage of reagents, automating individual stages, saving energy and time, and using non-toxic, biodegradable substances. Therefore, the use of natural materials...
Enhanced extraction of proteins using cholinium-based ionic liquids as phase-forming components of aqueous biphasic systems
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Solid phase extraction clean up of soil and sediment extracts for the determination of various types of pollutants in a single run.
PublikacjaOpisano nową procedurę oczyszczania ekstraktów rozpuszczalnikowych (uzyskanych w trakcie obróbki próbek gleby i osadów dennych) z wykorzystaniem techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej. Oryginalność podejścia polega na znalezieniu takiej kombinacji sorbentów, że uzyskuje się ekstrakt przygotowany do analizy chromatograficznej na zawartość różnych typów zanieczyszczeń (polichlorowane bifenyle, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne,...
Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids
PublikacjaShort-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...
Development of a solventless stir bar sorptive extraction/thermal desorption large volume injection capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for ultra-trace determination of pyrethroids pesticides in river and tap water samples
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New approach based on solid-phase extraction for the assessment of organic compound pollutions in so-called pharmaceutically pure water
PublikacjaOpisano mozliwość zastosowania nowej procedury analitycznej opartej na wykorzystaniu techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów) do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych w wodzie specjalnej czystości używanej do celów farmaceutycznych.Próbka badanej wody jest przepuszczana przez złoże sorbenta, które jest osuszane za pomocą strumienia oczyszczonego powietrza, przed etapem termicznej...
Estimation of platinum in environmental water samples with solid phase extraction technique using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
PublikacjaZoptymalizowano metodykę oznaczania śladowych poziomów stężeń platyny (IV) w oparciu o technikę ekstrakcji do fazy stałej w połączeniu ze spektrometrią mas z plazmą wzbudzoną indukcyjnie. Na etapie wzbogacania platyny wykorzystano żel krzemionkowy modyfikowany grupami aminopropylowymi. Ilościowy odzysk platyny uzyskano poprzez wykorzystanie 1.0 mol L-1 roztworu tiomocznika jako eluenta. Odchylenie standardowe wyników (RSD) było...
New Green Determination of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in Beetroot Juices along with Their Chemical Fractionation by Solid-Phase Extraction
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The quantification of bisphenols and their analogues in wastewaters and surface water by an improved solid-phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method
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A simple graphene-based pipette tip solid-phase extraction of malondialdehyde from human plasma and its determination by spectrofluorometry
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Miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques for different kind of pollutants analysis: State of the art and future perspectives – PART 2
PublikacjaDetermination of pollutants present in environmental samples at a low concentration level very often requires the analytical protocol that includes analytes isolation and/or enrichment prior to the final quantification. Miniaturized SPE offers an interesting alternative to LLE. Nowadays, many types of sorbents are available and can be used as selective materials for extraction of varied analytes in different kinds of samples. The...
Evaluation of solid phase extraction for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broth
PublikacjaGlycerol is mainly a by-product of fat splitting and biodiesel production. This study examined the use of chemically modified silica gels for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broths obtained through the glycerol fermentation process. The developed method was found to be simple and efficient for the isolation and purification of butan-1-ol from the other components in the fermentation mixture....
Effective phospholipid removal from plasma samples by solid phase extraction with the use of copper (II) modified silica gel cartridges
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Solid phase extraction and sequential elution for pre-concentration of traces of Mn and Zn in analysis of honey by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
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Application of a novel deep eutectic solvent modified carbon nanotube for pipette-tip micro solid phase extraction of 6-mercaptopurine
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Solid phase extraction with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of traces of Ca, K, Mg and Na in quality control of white sugar
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Determination of nicotine in saliva, urine and wastewater samples using tantalum metal organic framework pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction
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Application of polyethylene glycol-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic solid phase extraction of copper from seawater samples and its determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using response surface methodology for optimization of extraction
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Solid Phase Micro-Extraction, a Versatile and Handy Tool in Environmental Trace Organic Analysis, Gets a New Class of Coatings, Polymeric Ionic Liquids
PublikacjaSolid phase microextraction (SPME) fundamentals, characteristics and application are described. The special stress is put on characteristics of sorbents used as SPME fiber coatings. Description of commercially available fibers and the present-day trends in development of new sorbents for SPME are given. Discussion is focused on possibility of application of ionic liquids (IL) and polymeric ionic liquids (PIL) as SPME fiber coatings....
Spectrofluorometrical Determination of Vitamin B 1 in Different Matrices Using Box‐Behnken Designed Pipette Tip Solid Phase Extraction by a Carbon Nanotube Sorbent
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Application of molecularly imprinted polymer pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction of nalidixic acid and acetaminophen from pills and seawater samples and their determination by spectrophotometry
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Fast determination of bisphenol A in spiked juice and drinking water samples by pipette tip solid phase extraction using cobalt metal organic framework as sorbent
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Application of response surface methodology to optimize pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction of dyes from seawater by molecularly imprinted polymer and their determination by HPLC
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Fabrication of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Adsorbent for Pipette Tip Micro Solid-phase Extraction of Levofloxacin from Aqueous Samples Prior to its Spectrophotometric Determination
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Determination of profenofos in seawater and foodstuff samples after its molecularly imprinted polymer pipette-tip micro solid phase extraction optimized by response surface methodology
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Application of response surface methodology for optimization of metal–organic framework based pipette-tip solid phase extraction of organic dyes from seawater and their determination with HPLC
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Dispersive solid-phase extraction using multi-walled carbon nanotubes combined with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of β-blockers: Experimental and theoretical studies
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Solid-phase extraction using octadecyl-bonded silica modified with photosynthetic pigments from Spinacia oleracea L. for the preconcentration of lead(II) ions from aqueous samples
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Interference-Free Determination of Trace Copper in Freshly Ripened Honeys by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Following a Preconcentration by Solid-Phase Extraction and a Two-Step Elution Process
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Correction to: Chromium‑based metal organic framework for pipette tip micro‑solid phase extraction: an effective approach for determination of methyl and propyl parabens in wastewater and shampoo samples
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Application of gas flow headspace liquid phase micro extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of 4-methylimidazole in food samples employing experimental design optimization
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The Mesoporous Porphyrinic Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework for Pipette-Tip Solid-Phase Extraction of Mercury from Fish Samples Followed by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination
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Application of Box-Behnken design in response surface methodology for the molecularly imprinted polymer pipette-tip solid phase extraction of methyl red from seawater samples and its determination by spectrophotometery
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Synthesis, characterization and application of a zirconium-based MOF-808 functionalized with isonicotinic acid for fast and efficient solid phase extraction of uranium(VI) from wastewater prior to its spectrophotometric determination
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Separation and determination of ciprofloxacin in seawater, human blood plasma and tablet samples using molecularly imprinted polymer pipette‐tip solid phase extraction and its optimization by response surface methodology
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Box-Behnken design optimization of pipette tip solid phase extraction for methyl orange and acid red determination by spectrophotometry in seawater samples using graphite based magnetic NiFe2O4 decorated exfoliated as sorbent
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Application of Box–Behnken design in the optimization of a simple graphene oxide/zinc oxide nanocomposite-based pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction for the determination of Rhodamine B and Malachite green in seawater samples by spectrophotometry
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Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Mixtures: Sustainable Solvents for Extraction Processes
PublikacjaIn recent years, ionic liquids and deep eutectic mixtures have demonstrated great potential in extraction processes relevant to several scientific and technological activities. This review focuses on the applicability of these sustainable solvents in a variety of extraction techniques, including but not limited to liquid- and solid-phase (micro) extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction and pressurized...