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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FAULT CURRENT DISTRIBUTION
Behavior of residual current devices at frequencies up to 50 kHz
PublikacjaThe use of residual current devices (RCDs) is obligatory in many types of low-voltage circuits. They are devices that ensure protection against electric shock in the case of indirect contact and may ensure additional protection in the case of direct contact. For the latter purpose of protection, only RCDs of a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA are suitable. Unfortunately, modem current-using equipment supplied...
Transient States during Short-circuit in a Line Powered by UPS and its Impact on Earth Fault Loop Impedance Measurement and Power Quality
PublikacjaThe short-circuit in a line powered by Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) during different UPS operation modes is presented in the article. The transient state condition related to the short-circuit in a line fed from double conversion On-line UPS is discussed in detail. The results of the measurements of earth fault loop impedance (FLI) in circuits powered by UPS with the instruments of various manufacturers are presented. The...
RCDs Tripping in the Range from DC to AC 50 kHz for Slowly Rising Residual Current
PublikacjaThe wide use of power electronic converters means that in many low-voltage systems earth fault currents containing components from DC to AC of various frequencies have to be taken into account. Due to the tendency to increase the modulation frequency in converters, components of higher frequencies may be in the order of several tens of kilohertz. Therefore, it is very important to verify the behavior of devices for protection against...
Speed Sensorless AC Drive with Inverter LC Filter and Fault Detection Using Load Torque Signal
PublikacjaThe industrial development in recent years has seen a major increase in the use of induction motors, whereby the cost has to be as low as possible and the lifetime as long as possible. To follow up this desire, investigations in this area have become very intense. For that reason, this paper presents a solution for driving an induction motor and simultaneous fault detection with no need for additional sensors. In order to achieve...
PCA based Fault Tolerant MPC
PublikacjaThis chapter presents a Fault Tolerant - Model Predictive Control (FT-MPC) schemes for sensor faults accommodation. A Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) Unit, which is an integral part of FT-MPC system, is based on the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. Introduced approach enables efficient bias and drift faults accommodation in single, as well as simultaneous faults case. Simple simulation exercise is presented.Rozdział...
Harmony Search for Self-configuration of Fault–Tolerant and Intelligent Grids
PublikacjaIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Self-configuration of computer grids lies in the fact that new computer nodes are automatically configured by software agents and then integrated into the grid. A base node works due to several configuration parameters that define some aspects of data communications and energy power consumption. We...
Dynamics of fault arc traveling along busbars in high voltage switchboards = Dynamika łuku zwarciowego przemieszczającego się wzdłuż szyn rozdziel-nic wysokiego napięcia
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of magnetic induction and electrodynamic force calculations acting on arc column during short-circuit in medium voltage air-insulated bus-bars. The gap between the bars was 120 mm and the prospective short-circuit currents ranged from 4 kA to 8 kA. The paper also shows the measurement results of average velocity fault arc depending on currents arc diameter and arc current was established and described....
Fault detection and diagnostics of complex dynamic systems using Gaussian Process Models - nuclear power plant case study
PublikacjaThe article examines the use of Gaussian Process Models to simulate the dynamic processes of a Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor for fault detection and diagnostics. The paper illustrates the potential of Gaussian Process Models as a tool for monitoring and predicting various fault conditions in Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor power plants, including reactor coolant flow and temperature variations, deviations from nominal working...
Sensorless field oriented control for five-phase induction motors with third harmonic injection and fault insensitive feature
PublikacjaThe paper presents a solution for sensorless field oriented control (FOC) system for five-phase induction motors with improved rotor flux pattern. In order to obtain the advantages of a third harmonic injection with a quasi-trapezoidal flux shape, two vector models, α1–β1 and α3–β3, were transformed into d1– q1, d3– q3 rotating frames, which correlate to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. A linearization approach of the...
Optimising approach to designing kernel PCA model for diagnosis purposes with and without a priori known data reflecting faulty states
PublikacjaFault detection plays an important role in advanced control of complex dynamic systems since precise information about system condition enables efficient control. Data driven methods of fault detection give the chance to monitor the plant state purely based on gathered measurements. However, they especially nonlinear, still suffer from a lack of efficient and effective learning methods. In this paper we propose the two stages learning...
The effectivness of fault detection in common rail injectors examination methods
PublikacjaThe article presents the effectiveness tests of fault detection in common rail injectors. 40 injectors with different wear levels were tested. Testing was made on two test benches of a completely different design. Research includes comparison of accuracy, reproducibility and testability to detect specific defects. A device was created for visualization of the fuel injector spraying steam.
Selected problems of earth fault loop impedance testing in circuits fed from UPS
PublikacjaIn the paper a principle of earth fault loop impedance testing in low voltage systems has been presented. Selected factors, influencing accuracy of the testing, are indicated. A structure of UPS of VFI-type and the problem of impedance testing in circuits with such type of UPS are discussed.
Risk Analysis by a Probabilistic Model of the Measurement Process
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is presentation of the testing methodology and results of examination the probabilistic model of the measurement process. The case study concerns the determination of the risk of an incorrect decision in the assessment of the compliance of products by measurement. Measurand is characterized by the generalized Rayleigh distribution. The model of the meas-urement process was tested in parallel mode by six risk...
LabVIEW-based intelligent system of protection against electric shock for photovoltaic installations
PublikacjaEvaluation of shock hazard in installations with photovoltaic sources of energy is more complicated than in a conventional low voltage system. In case of earth fault in photovoltaic generators, that are connected to the AC power public grid, a composite waveform of earth fault current in the installation may occur. For composite waveforms, the safety criteria should be modified. The paper considers the effect of the composite waveforms...
Possibility of Fault Detection in Sensorless Electric Drives
PublikacjaThe work presents a fault detection method for an induction motor drive system with inverter output filter. This approach make use of a load torque state observer, which complete structure is presented along with the used control structure. Moreover, the demonstrated drive system operates without rotor speed measurement in conjunction with the multiscalar control. The verification of the demonstrated idea was performed on an experimental...
Noninvasive method for rotor fault diagnosis in inverter fed induction motor drive
PublikacjaThis article presents a proposal, simulation and experimental results of a noninvasive rotor fault diagnosis method for the inverter fed induction motor drive. Comparing to reported methods the proposed one does not require any load, rotor brake, slip, mechanical or electrical system physical modification e.g. machine disassembly and can be applied regardless the rotor speed measurement or estimation method.
Effect of the let-through energy of overcurrent protective devices on the temperature of conductors during short-circuits
PublikacjaThe scope of the verification of low-voltage systems covers the earth fault loop impedance measurement. This measurement is usually performed with the use of low-value current meters, which force a current many times lower than the one occurring during a real short-circuit. Therefore, the international standard recommends consideration of the increase of resistance of conductors with the increase of temperature, which may occur...
Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data
PublikacjaIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublikacjaIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
Self-Testing of Analog Parts Terminated by ADCs Based on Multiple Sampling of Time Responses
PublikacjaA new approach for self-testing of analog parts terminated by analog-to-digital converters in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based upon a new fault diagnosis method using a transformation of the set of voltage samples of the time response of a tested analog part to a square impulse into localization curves placed in a multidimensional measurement space. The method can be used...
Practical issues for the implementation of survivability and recovery techniques in optical networks
PublikacjaFailures in optical networks are inevitable. They may occur during work being done for the maintenance of other infrastructures, or on a larger scale as the result of an attack or large-scale disaster. As a result, service availability, an important aspect of Quality of Service (QoS), is often degraded. Appropriate fault recovery techniques are thus crucial to meet the requirements set by the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between...
Analiza przepływu gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia podczas zwarć łukowych w rozdzielnicach SN
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania ciśnienia i temperatury gazów podczas zwarcia łukowego wewnątrz przedziału wyłącznika rozdzielnicy średniego napięcia z wykorzystaniem modelu termodynamicznego procesów towarzyszących zwarciom łukowym wewnątrz rozdzielnic z izolacją powietrzną. Następnie, w oparciu o mechanikę płynów lepkich, przedstawiono metodę obliczania rozkładu prędkości i ciśnienia gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia...
A method of self-testing of an analog circuit terminated by an ADC in electronic embedded systems controlled by microcontrollers
PublikacjaA new self-testing method of analog parts terminated by an ADC in electronic embedded systems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method based on on-line (i.e. during measurement), transformations of voltage samples of the time response of a tested part to a square pulse - onto localization curves placed in the measurement space. The method can be used for fault detection and single...
A method of self-testing of analog circuits based on fully differential op-amps with theTCBF classifier
PublikacjaA new approach of self-testing of analog circuits based on fully differential op-amps of mixed-signal systems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It consists of a measurement procedure and a fault diagnosis procedure. We measure voltage samples of a time response of a tested circuit on a stimulation of a unit step function given at the common-mode reference voltage input of the op-amp. The fault detection and fault localization...
Fault diagnosis of marine 4-stroke diesel engines using a one-vs-one extreme learning ensemble
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent fault diagnosis for stroke Diesel marine engines, which are commonly used in on-road and marine transportation. The safety and reliability of a ship's work rely strongly on the performance of such an engine; therefore, early detection of any type of failure that affects the engine is of crucial importance. Automatic diagnostic systems are of special importance because they can...
A testing method of analog parts of mixed-signal electronic systems equipped with the IEEE1149.1 test bus
PublikacjaA new solution of the JTAG BIST for testing analog circuits in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers and equipped with the IEEE1149.1 bus is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method in which an analog circuit is stimulated by a buffered signal from the TMS line, and the time response of the circuit to this signal is sampled by the ADC equipped with the JTAG. The method can be used for...
Impact of configuration of earth continuity conductor on induced sheath voltages in power cables
PublikacjaIn high voltage power cable systems a problem of induced sheath voltages exist. Due to these voltages electric shock and damage of non-metallic outer sheath of the cables may occur. Exposure to voltage of the outer sheath may be very high in case of earth fault with high value of earth current. In order to reduce induced sheath voltages an earth continuity conductor (conductors) along power cables is applied. Configuration of this...
СИСТЕМА КОНТРОЛЯ СОСТОЯНИЯ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПРИВОДОВ В СЕТЯХ С ГЛУХОЗАЗЕМЛЕННОЙ НЕЙТРАЛЬЮ (System of insulation status monitoring for electric drives in networks with a dead-earth neutral)
PublikacjaПредложен метод контроля изоляции частотно-регулируемых электроприводов в сетях с глухозаземленной нейтралью. Система контроля изоляции включается в момент остановки электропривода. Ключи инвертора коммутируются по специальному закону, и с помощью сигнала трансформатора тока, который изме- ряет ток во всех трех фазах привода одновременно, определяется ток утечки. Рассмотрена схема датчика тока утечки и приведены экспериментальные...
Broken Rotor Symptons in the Sensorless Control of Induction Machine
PublikacjaInverter fed sensorless controlled variable speed drives with induction machine are widely used in the industry applications, also in wind power generation and electric vehicles. On-line self diagnostic systems implementation is needed for early stage fault detection and avoiding a critical fault. Diagnostic algorithms in modern DSP-based controllers can operate simultaneously with control system functions. In the closed-loop controlled...
Stability Enhancement of Grid-Connected Wind Power Generation System Using PSS, SFCL and STATCOM
PublikacjaThe stability related issues may occur in a power system due to disturbances in generating or loading conditions, especially in the presence of distributed generation (DG) based on renewable energy resources (RERs). This paper proposes a novel strategy for the stability enhancement of a wind power generation system (WPGS) by using a combination of three devices, namely, a power system stabilizer (PSS), resistive superconductor...
A method supporting fault-tolerant optical text recognition from video sequences recorded with handheld cameras
PublikacjaIn the paper a method supporting the optical character recognition from video sequences recorded with cameras without good stabilization is proposed. Due to the presence of various distortions, such as motion blur, shadows, lossy compression artifacts, auto-focusing errors, etc., the quality of individual video frames, e.g., recorded by a smartphone camera, differs noticeably, influencing the results of text recognition, causing...
Analysis and Detection of Faults at Insulated Conductors of Overhead Medium Voltage Lines
PublikacjaThe paper dealt with the issue of breakdowns detection of isolated hanging wires on the medium-voltage transmission. The main aim of article is to describe the function of created breakdowns detector and evaluation its. The breakdowns detector is created based in indicators of faults such as touch between tree limbs and insulated wire, touch tree limbs with several phases or fall insulated wire on the ground. Breakdowns detector...
Two‐functional μBIST for Testing and Self‐Diagnosis of Analog Circuits in Electronic Embedded Systems
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the testing of analog circuits and blocks in mixed‐signal Electronic Embedded Systems (EESs), using the Built‐in Self‐Test (BIST) technique. An integrated, two‐functional, embedded microtester (μBIST) based on reuse of signal blocks already present in an EES, such as microprocessors, memories, ADCs, DACs, is presented. The novelty of the μBIST solution is its extended functionality. It can perform 2 testing functions:...
Sensorless Fault Detection of Induction Motor with Inverter Output Filter
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of monitoring and fault detection of a sensorless voltage inverter fed squirrel cage induction motor with LC filter. The detection is based on load torque estimation of the investigated torque transmission system. The load torque is calculated besides the computation of other variables that are mandatory for sensorless drive operation such as rotor flux and speed. The implemented LC filter smooths...
Detection of inter-turn faults in transformer winding using the capacitor discharge method
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of an analysis of inter-turn fault effects on the voltage and current waveforms of a capacitor discharge through transformer windings. The research was conducted in the frame of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research project which goal is to build a new international accelerator facility that utilizes superconducting magnets. For the sake of electrical quality assurance of the superconducting magnet...
Application of data driven methods in diagnostic of selected process faults of nuclear power plant steam turbine
PublikacjaArticle presents a comparison of process anomaly detection in nuclear power plant steam turbine using combination of data driven methods. Three types of faults are considered: water hammering, fouling and thermocouple fault. As a virtual plant a nonlinear, dynamic, mathe- matical steam turbine model is used. Two approaches for fault detection using one class and two class classiers are tested and compared.
Kernel PCA in Application to Leakage Detection in Drinking Water Distribution System
PublikacjaMonitoring plays an important role in advanced control of complex dynamic systems. Precise information about system's behaviour, including faults detection, enables efficient control. Proposed method- Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), a representative of machine learning, skilfully takes full advantage of the well known PCA method and extends its application to nonlinear case. The paper explains the general idea of KPCA...
Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses
PublikacjaA survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...
State and control system variables sensitivity to rotor asymmetry in the induction motor drive
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to undertake analysis and comparison of the closed-loop and sensorless control systems sensitivity to the broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. For the same vector control system induction motor drive analysis concerning operation with the asymmetric motor, broken rotor fault handling and operation were investigated. Reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods...
Fault detection in the marine engine using a support vector data description method
PublikacjaFast detection and correct diagnosis of any engine condition changes are essential elements of safety andenvironmental protection. Many diagnostic algorithms significantly improve the detection of malfunctions.Studies on diagnostic methods are rarely reported and even less implemented in the marine engine industry.To fill this gap, this paper presents the Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) method as applied to thefault detection...
Badanie wybranych właściwości wyłączników różnicowoprądowych typu F
PublikacjaW instalacjach elektrycznych niskiego napięcia instaluje się coraz więcej przekształtników energoelektronicznych (systemy fotowoltaiczne, instalacje ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych, układy napędowe o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej silnika), a mają one wpływ na dobór typu wyzwalania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych (AC, A, F lub B). W obwodach, w których pojawia się prąd różnicowy zawierający składowe o częstotliwości innej niż...
A solution of the integrated µBIST for functional and diagnostic testing in mixed-signal electronic embedded systems
PublikacjaMain problem of the paper is testing of analog circuits and blocks in mixed-signal electronic embedded systems (EESs), using the built-in self-test (BIST) technique. The integrated mBIST based on reusing signal blocks already present in an EES, such as processors, memories, ADCs, is presented. The novelty of the solution is the extended functionality of the mBIST. It can perform 2 testing functions: functional testing and fault...
Resonance problems in UHV transmission lines
PublikacjaThe paper presents resonance phenomena observed in 400 kV transmission lines in the Polish power system. Two events are analysed, when shunt reactors used for reactive power compensation, caused overvoltages and overcurrent protection tripping as a result of resonance. An oscillographic fault recordings from protection devices are compared to time domain simulation results. The obtained simulation results match fault recordings,...
Service-based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-critical Embedded Networks
PublikacjaMission-critical networks, which for example can be found in autonomous cars and avionics, are complex systems with a multitude of interconnected embedded nodes and various service demands. Their resilience against failures and attacks is a crucial property and has to be already considered in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for optimal joint service allocation and routing, leveraging virtualized...
Fault diagnosing system of wheeled tractors
PublikacjaA defect of complex wheeled tractor assembles most frequently negative influence on exploitation efficiency, safety and exhaust gases emission. Structure complexity of wheeled tractors requires more and more advanced diagnostic methods for identification of their serviceable possibilities as well in manufacturing step as in exploitation. In classical diagnosing methods of wheeled tractor defects states mapping by measured diagnostic...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki analizy rozkładu natężenia pola magnetycznego wewnątrz obiektu ferromagnetycznego. Obiekt ferromagnetyczny znajdujący się w zewnętrznym polu magnetycznym wywołuje jego zaburzenie, które może być podstawą do wykrycia tego obiektu. Pożądanym zatem jest, aby kompensować to zaburzenie przez zastosowanie cewek kompensujących umieszczonych wewnątrz obiektu. Analiza rozkładu natężenia pola magnetycznego...
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodykę i wyniki pomiarów stanów nieustalonych w zasilaczu bezprzerwowym (UPS) typu on - line. Do rejestracji zdarzeń po stronie zasilania i na wyjściu UPS wykorzystano dwa przyrządy do pomiaru jakości energii elektrycznej zsynchronizowane czasowo. Rejestratory kompresują uzyskane dane pomiarowe, co może wprowadzać dodatkowe błędy pomiaru wielkości mierzonych – napięć i prądów. Dodatkowe rejestracje oscyloskopem...
Failure probability of tall buildings with TMD in the presence of structural, seismic, and soil uncertainties
PublikacjaThe seismic performance of the tall building equipped with a tuned mass damper (TMD) considering soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects is well studied in the literature. However, these studies are performed on the nominal model of the seismic-excited structural system with SSI. Hence, the outcomes of the studies may not valid for the actual structural system. To address the study gap, the reliability theory as a useful and...
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublikacjaThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
Wybrane metody diagnostyki łożysk silników indukcyjnych oparte o pomiar prądu
PublikacjaW artykule zawarto przegląd wybranych metod diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego, bazujących na pomiarach prądu zasilającego. Jedno z nowych rozwiązań przetwarzania sygnałów zostało zaadaptowane przez autorów do stosowanego przez nich systemu diagnostycznego. Wyniki wstępnych badań symulacyjnych zweryfikowanych badaniami na rzeczywistym obiekcie wskazują, że rozwiązanie to ułatwia diagnozowanie. Autorzy zamierzają prowadzić...