wszystkich: 349
wybranych: 124
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MUSCLE
Deep Learning-based Recalibration of the CUETO and EORTC Prediction Tools for Recurrence and Progression of Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer
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Rapid method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in fish muscle samples by microwave-assisted extraction and analysis of extracts by GC-ECD
PublikacjaA procedure for the multiresidue determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish muscle samples has been developed. The method is based on the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of food samples from an acetonitrile-water (95 + 5, v/v) mixture followed by SPE cleanup of the extracts and analysis by GC with an electron capture detector. MAE operational parameters, such as the extraction solvent,...
Effect of exercise training on insulin sensitivity, mitochondria and computed tomography muscle attenuation in overweight women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome
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Muscle Cell Morphogenesis, Structure, Development and Differentiation Processes Are Significantly Regulated during Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells In Vitro Cultivation
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Influence of a Six-Week Swimming Training with Added Respiratory Dead Space on Respiratory Muscle Strength and Pulmonary Function in Recreational Swimmers
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Validation of Real-time PCR Reference Genes of Muscle Metabolism in Harvested Spiny-Cheek Crayfish (Faxonius limosus) Exposed to Seasonal Variation
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Funkcjonalne właściwości preparatu białek mięśniowych z kręgosłupów dorsza bałtyckiego = Functional properties of a muscle protein preparation from Baltic cod spine
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Evaluation of Lower Limb Muscle Electromyographic Activity during 400 m Indoor Sprinting among Elite Female Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study
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A comparison of muscle activity of the dominant and non-dominant side of the body during low versus high loaded bench press exercise performed to muscular failure
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First step towards understanding the specific identity of fish muscle parasites of the genus Sarcotaces (Copepoda: Philichthyidae)—New species and first molecular ID in the genus
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The role of visceral therapy, Kegel’s muscle, core stability and diet in pelvic support disorders and urinary incontinence — including sexological aspects and the role of physiotherapy and osteopathy
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MRI assessment of ectopic fat accumulation in pancreas, liver and skeletal muscle in patients with obesity, overweight and normal BMI in correlation with the presence of central obesity and metabolic syndrome
PublikacjaPurpose: Obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30 kg/m2, is a serious health problem, which can be called an epidemic on a global scale and is one of the most important causes of preventable death. The aim of this study was to assess ectopic fat accumulation in pancreas, liver and skeletal muscle in patients with obesity, overweight and normal BMI in correlation with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Patients and methods:...
Adenylate Kinase 4—A Key Regulator of Proliferation and Metabolic Shift in Human Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells via Akt and HIF-1α Signaling Pathways
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Validation of EORTC, CUETO, and EAU risk stratification in prediction of recurrence, progression, and death of patients with initially non–muscle‐invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): A cohort analysis
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Validation of EORTC, CUETO and EAU risk stratification in prediction of recurrence, progression and death of patients with initially non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): a cohort analysis with systematic review.
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Analysis of muscles behaviour. Part II. The computational model of muscles group acting on the elbow joint
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the computational model of muscles' group describing the movements of flexion/extension at the elbow joint in the sagittal plane of the body when the forearm is being kept in the fixed state of supination/pronation. The method ofevaluating the muscle forces is discussed in detail. This method is the basis for the quantitative and qualitative verification of the proposed computational model...
Approach for Determination of Functioning of Lower Limb Muscles
PublikacjaThe purpose of the study is elaboration of approach for determination of functioning of chosen muscles that are essential for gait performance (Tibialis Anterior, Rectus Femoris, Gastrocnemius Medialis, Biceps Femoris). The scope of the study involves the analysis of the symmetric planar motion performing in the sagittal plane of the body by applying planar multibody model and electromyography signals (EMG) registered over normal...
Influence of Additional Loads on Chosen Gait Parameters and Muscles Activity
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed...
Cooperation of mono- and bi-articular muscles: human lower limb
PublikacjaObjectives: The aim of this study was to create and analyze a Pareto-optimal problem that would describe cooperation between mono- and bi-articulate lower limb muscles in sagittal plane. Methods: Equations describing the problem were derived and analyzed, additional constrains were introduced and experimental verification based on gait video analysis was performed. Results: Uncertainty of Pareto-optimal solution is shown for the...
Could thermal imaging supplement surface electromyography measurements for skeletal muscles?
PublikacjaAbstract—(1) Background: The aim of this study is to present the results of experiments in which surface electromyography (sEMG) and thermal imaging were used to assess muscle activation during gait and to verify the hypothesis that there is a relationship in the case of low fatigue level between sEMG measured muscle activation, assessed in the frequency domain, and thermal factors calculated as minimum, maximum, kurtosis, mean,...
Influence of the femoral offset on the muscles passive resistance in total hip arthroplasty
PublikacjaBackground Soft tissue tension is treated as a crucial factor influencing the post-THA dislocation. The femoral offset is regarded as one of the major parameters responsible for the stabilization of the prosthesis. It is unclear which soft tissue is mostly affected by the offset changes. Methods A finite element model of the hip was created. The model comprised muscles, bones, a stem, the acetabular component and a liner. The muscles...
The Evaluation of Facial Muscles by Surface Electromyography in Very Preterm Infants
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Jaw biomechanics: Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to elaborate a method of estimation of activity of surface muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint of the healthy subjects by using a surface electromyography (EMG). The scope of this study involved testing chosen jaw motions (open, close, lateral deviation) and process of mastication occurring during eating food with different toughness (chewing gum, cereal and carrot) by using mixed sides, right...
Correlations between levels of dioxins and PCBs in environment samples and wild boar muscles
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Self-Organising map neural network in the analysis of electromyography data of muscles acting at temporomandibular joint.
PublikacjaThe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that via muscle action and jaw motion allows for necessary physiological performances such as mastication. Whereas mandible translates and rotates [1]. Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the TMJ provides a knowledge of activation pattern solely of a specific patient that an electromyography (EMG) examination was carried out [2]. In this work, a Self-Organising Maps (SOMs)...
Post mortem development of meat quality as related to changes in cytoskeletal proteins of chicken muscles
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Methylation of estrogen receptor 2 (ESR2) in deep paravertebral muscles and its association with idiopathic scoliosis
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The effect of deep pectoral myopathy on the properties of broiler chicken muscles characterised by selected instrumental techniques
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Acute Effects of Supra- and High-Loaded Front Squats on Mechanical Properties of Lower-Limb Muscles
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Effects Of Limb Girdle Disease On The Anatomical Functional Areas Of The Shoulder Girdle And Pelvic Girdle Muscles
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Towards classification of patients based on surface EMG data of temporomandibular joint muscles using self-organising maps
PublikacjaThe study considers the need for an effective method of classification of patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The self-organising map method (SOM) was applied to group patients and used together with the cross-correlation approach to interpret the processed (rectified and smoothed by using root mean square (RMS) algorithm) surface electromyography signal (sEMG) obtained from testing the muscles (two temporal...
Acute Effects of Isometric Conditioning Activity on the Viscoelastic Properties of Muscles and Sprint and Jumping Performance in Handball Players
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Methylation level of the regulatory regions of the estrogen receptor type 1 gene in paravertebral muscles of girls with idiopathic scoliosis
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Methylation of Estrogen Receptor 1 Gene in the Paraspinal Muscles of Girls with Idiopathic Scoliosis and Its Association with Disease Severity
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Association of LBX1 Gene Methylation Level with Disease Severity in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis: Study on Deep Paravertebral Muscles
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Towards classification of patients based on surface EMG data of temporomandibular joint muscles using self-organising maps
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Proline, glutamic acid, and leucine rich protein 1 (PELP1) expression in deep paravertebral muscles in idiopathic scoliosis girls
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The Effect of Diets Containing High-Moisture Corn or Triticale Grain on Animal Performance and the Fatty Acid Composition of Lamb Muscles
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Effects of Eccentric Speed during Front Squat Conditioning Activity on Post-activation Performance Enhancement of Hip and Thigh Muscles
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Effect of protein-xanthophylls (PX) concentrate of alfalfa supplementation on physico-chemical properties of turkey breast and thigh muscles during ageing
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Estrogen Receptor Type 1 and Type 2 Presence in Paravertebral Skeletal Muscles: Expression Level and Relation to Phenotype in Children with Idiopathic Scoliosis
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Expression of Estrogen Receptor Coactivator Proline-, Glutamic Acid- and Leucine-Rich Protein 1 within Paraspinal Muscles in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis
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The effect of corn or beet pulp silage supplemented diet on production parameters, oxidative stability of muscles and fatty acid composition of abdominal fat in geese
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Parasitic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) infecting muscles of a marine fish (Actinopterygii: Moridae)—A spectacular effect on a host fish and a case of seafood identity fraud
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Modelling of planar movement dynamics of upper limb
PublikacjaThe original model describing planar movement dynamics of upper limb is presented. The upper limb is modelled as two-joints system loaded by external forces and internal forces of striated skeletal muscles. A behaviour of each muscle is modelled as a system composed of serially linked rheologic fragments that have different mechanical properties. These muscle models allow us to simulate a behaviour of short fusiform muscle (3DOF...
ReFlexeNN - the Wearable EMG Interface with Neural Network Based Gesture Classification
PublikacjaThe electromyographic activity of muscles was measured using a wireless biofeedback device. The aim of the study was to examine the possibility of creating an automatic muscle tension classifier. Several measurement series were conducted and the participant performed simple physical exercises - forcing the muscle to increase its activity accordingly to the selected scale. A small wireless device was attached to the electrodes placed...
Arm EMG Wavelet-Based Denoising System
PublikacjaThese paper presents research results of muscle EMG signal denoising. In the same time two muscles were examined - an adductor muscle (biceps brachii) and an abductor muscle (tricpeps brachii). The EMG signal was filtered using the wavelet transform technique, having selected the crucial parameters as: wavelet basis function (Daubechies 4), 10 th decomposition level, threshold selection algorithm (Heurestic) and a sln rescaling...
Unsupervised Learning for Biomechanical Data Using Self-organising Maps, an Approach for Temporomandibular Joint Analysis
PublikacjaWe proposed to apply a specific machine learning technique called Self-Organising Maps (SOM) to identify similarities in the performance of muscles around human temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The performance was assessed by measuring muscle activation with the use of surface electromyography (sEMG). SOM algorithm used in the study was able to find clusters of data in sEMG test results. The SOM analysis was based on processed sEMG...
Database of speech and facial expressions recorded with optimized face motion capture settings
PublikacjaThe broad objective of the present research is the analysis of spoken English employing a multiplicity of modalities. An important stage of this process, discussed in the paper, is creating a database of speech accompanied with facial expressions. Recordings of speakers were made using an advanced system for capturing facial muscle motion. A brief historical outline, current applications, limitations and the ways of capturing face...
Extending touch-less interaction with smart glasses by implementing EMG module
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose to use temporal muscle contraction to perform certain actions. Method: The set of muscle contractions corresponding to one of three actions including “single-click”, “double-click” “click-n-hold” and “non-action” were recorded. After recording certain amount of signals, the set of five parameters was calculated. These parameters served as an input matrix for the neural network. Two-layer feedforward neural...