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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POWER QUALITY

  • Selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering

    The paper presents the selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering specially investment risk evaluation methods. The proposed model can be used in the range programming the development and investing process in power engineering. Decision making problems in power engineering and the evaluation of investment effectiveness in particular are closely related to modelling which relatively accurately reflects...

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  • Tuber Quality

    • B. Sawicka
    • D. Skiba
    • P. Pszczółkowski
    • B. Krochmal-Marczak

    - Rok 2022

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  • Attempt to a Video-Transmission Capability in MV Mine Cable Network Using BPL-PLC Technology

    • G. Debita
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • M. Habrych
    • B. Miedziński
    • G. Wiśniewski
    • P. Jedlikowski
    • B. Polnik

    - Rok 2020

    This article presents and discusses the attempt to transmit video content using the BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line - Power Line Communication) technology. It includes simulation results of a specially developed digital transmitter and receiver, dedicated to a given predefined 6 kV mining power cable. The effect of two different transmission modes (2-7 MHz and 3-7.5 MHz) and two types of coupling (capacitive-inductive and induction-inductive),...

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  • Impact of R/X ratio of distribution network on selection and control of energy storage units

    The interest in energy storage is still increasing. Energy storage units are installed in high voltage networks, medium voltage networks and low voltage distribution networks as well. These units are often used to improve power quality. One of the criteria for improving power quality is reducing voltage deviations. Depending on the type of network and specifying its R/X ratio, this criterion can be fulfilled by control of active...

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  • Operation of the 900 MW power plant with the ORC supplied from three heat sources


    - Rok 2014

    The chapter is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach to increase...

  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory: A Practical Approach.


    Nowe opracowanie książkowe z zakresu QA/QC to praktyczny podręcznik zarówno dla studentów jak i pracowników laboratoriów. Opisano systemu jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych i poszczególnych jego składników: spójności pomiarowej, niepewności pomiaru, walidacji procedury analitycznej, materiałów odniesienia i badań międzylaboratoryjnych. Opisano i przedstawiono narzędzia statystyczne służące do obliczania parametrów walidacyjnych,...

  • High-Power Jamming Attack Mitigation Techniques in Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Networks

    • G. Savva
    • K. Manousakis
    • J. Rak
    • I. Tomkos
    • G. Ellinas

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    This work presents efficient connection provisioning techniques mitigating high-power jamming attacks in spectrally-spatially flexible optical networks (SS-FONs) utilizing multicore fibers. High-power jamming attacks are modeled based on their impact on the lightpaths’ quality of transmission (QoT) through inter-core crosstalk. Based on a desired threshold on a lightpath’s QoT, the modulation format used, the length of the path,...

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  • Quality of bottled waters


    Bottled water is a product that is purchased by annually increasing numbers of people of all age groups. The quality control of mineral waters tends to concentrate on the determination of anion and cation levels, since it is these that govern the taste, smell and possible medicinal properties of the water. The constantly rising sales of mineral waters bring with them the ever increasing exploitation of their sources. The consequences...

  • Consumerism and the Quality of Life


    High level of consumption, driven by marketing activities, the pleasure and joy of possession and the accumulation of material goods are often associated with prosperity, sense of happiness and fulfilment in life. On a broader scale, economic indicators related to production and consumption are used to define the well-being and quality of life in societies. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of consumerism entails negative social and...

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  • Lipids and Food Quality


    - Rok 2023

    This chapter deals with lipids present in food as well as their chemical, biological, and functional properties. The chapter begins with a presentation of the main groups of lipids including their chemical structure and physical properties. The physical properties of lipids affecting food processing are covered. Then, the role of lipids in human nutrition is presented. This is followed by a description of the undesirable changes...

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  • Quality of analytical results



    W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące kontroli i zapewnienia jakości wyników analitycznych (QC/QA). W postaci odpowiednich schematów zaprezentowano: ideę spójności pomiarowej; zasady walidacji metodyk analitycznych; rolę materiałów odniesienia w procesie analitycznym.

  • Water and food quality


    - Rok 2002

    Rozdział zawiera opis podstawowych właściwości fizykochemicznych wody, rolęwody jako składnika żywności, wymagania odnośnie wody stosowanej w przemyśleżywnościowym, charakterystykę wody odpadowej, ścieków i ich neutralizację.

  • Lean Quality Management


    - Problemy Jakości - Rok 2003

    Postrzeganie przedsiębiorstwa przez pryzmat zachodzących w nim procesów powoduje powstanie dynamicznego obrazu zmian zachodzących w firmie. W wyniku takiego spojrzenia obserwator wykracza poza funkcjonalny układ struktur uzyskując możliwość pełniejszej weryfikacji skuteczności licznych, powiązanych ze sobą działań przedsiębiorstwa i podejmowania decyzji o ich doskonaleniu. Kierunki tego doskonalenia to takie budowanie sekwencji...

  • The QDMC Model Predictive Controller for the Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine Control

    There are typically two main control loops with PI con trollers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a model predictive controller QDMC for the steam turbine is proposed - instead of a typical PI controller. The QDMC controller utilize a step-response model for the controlled system. This model parameters are determined, based on the simplified and linear model of turbo-generator set, which parameters are identified...

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  • Numbers, Please: Power- and Voltage-Related Indices in Control of a Turbine-Generator Set


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    This paper discusses the proper selection and interpretation of aggregated control performance indices values mirroring the quality of electrical energy generation by a turbine-generator set cooperating with a power system. Typically, a set of basic/classical and individual indices is used in energy engineering to ensure the mirroring feature and is related to voltage, frequency and active or reactive power deviations from their...

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  • Quality 5.0: A Paradigm Shift Towards Proactive Quality Control in Industry 5.0

    Industry 5.0, the latest wave of industrial revolution, is redefining the traditional manufacturing and production landscapes by leveraging advanced technologies, promoting sustainability, and fostering a human-centric approach. An inevitable consequence of this progression is Quality 5.0, the next phase of quality control and assurance. Quality 5.0 aims to transcend the limitations of conventional quality control techniques, which...

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  • Certified Reference Material - as a necessary tool for the quality control and quality assurance of measurements

    Reference materials are necessary to control and ensure the quality of the measurements. The demand for analytical information on the composition of different material objects makes it necessary to produce an even wider range of materials.

  • Interconnection of the Customer-Side Resources Using Single Phase VAPF


    - Rok 2007

    The paper introduces method for utilization of the customer-side generated energy using single phase voltage active power filter. Structure and control method of the power electronics converter has been described and some simulation results are shown to prove usefulness of this arrangements. Proposed application realizes the following functions: power quality improvement, uninterruptible supplying and energy costs reduction.

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  • The distributed model predictive controller for the nuclear power plant turbo-generator set

    Typically there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a distributed model predictive controller DMPC, with local QDMC controllers for the turbine generator, is proposed instead of a typical PI controllers. The local QDMC controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. These models parameters are determined based on the proposed black-box...

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  • Predicting cutting power for band sawing process of pine and beech wood dried with the use of four different methods


    - BIORESOURCES - Rok 2020

    Wood drying is an important stage in the woodworking process. After drying, wood is subject to a re-sawing process, for which a high quality surface, low material loss, and high efficiency are often required. In this paper, forecasted values were presented of cutting power for the re-sawing process of pine and beech wood that were dried with four different methods. Forecasting of cutting power for an industrial band saw machine...

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  • SiC-Based Power Electronic Traction Transformer (PETT) for 3 kV DC Rail Traction


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2020

    The design of rolling stock plays a key role in the attractiveness of the rail transport. Train design must strictly meet the requirements of rail operators to ensure high quality and cost-eective services. Semiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) have reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in traction power converters. SiC transistors oering energy savings, quieter operation, improved reliability...

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  • Combined operation of 900MW power plant with the ORC through the bleed steam extraction point and CO2 recovery system


    - Rok 2014

    The work presented here is aimed at utylisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90 C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach...

  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory. A practical approach : Second edition


    The second edition defines the tools used in QA/QC, especially the application of statistical tools during analytical data treatment. Clearly written and logically organized, it takes a generic approach applicable to any field of analysis. The authors begin with the theory behind quality control systems, then detail validation parameter measurements, the use of statistical tests, counting the margin of error, uncertainty estimation,...

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  • The Role of and the Place of Method Validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System

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  • The role and the place of method validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System

    Oznaczanie analitów na coraz niższych poziomach stężeń w próbkach charakteryzujących się coraz bardziej złożonym składem matrycy to jeden z głównych kierunków rozwojowych analityki chemicznej. Jest to zadanie niezwykle trudne i skomplikowane, w związku z czym stanowi wielkie wyzwanie dla analityków i wymaga zwrócenia uwagi na problem kontroli i zapewnienia jakości uzyskiwanych wyników (ang. Quality Assurance/Quality Control - QA/QC).W...

  • Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology


    - Rok 2011

    W opracowaniu przedstawiono rozwojowy model systemu zarządzania jakością w dużej uczelni technicznej. Punktem wyjścia dla tego projektowania tego modelu jest wewnętrzny system zapewnienia jakości kształcenia oparty na wytycznych ENQA a kluczowym czynnikiem wspierającym systemowo prowadzone zarządzanie wiedzą oraz samoocena.

  • Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology


    - Rok 2011

    The paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...


    The article presents rules, requirements, and norms for quality management and health safety assurance systems among small and medium bakeries. This group of businesses does not have the obligation of implementing or certifying specific systems. They are, however, implemented in order to increase the quality of the bread or reach a better market position. Also, the results of a 2022 study of 53 bakeries’ implementation of individual...

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  • Fault detection in measuring systems of power plants


    This paper describes possibility of forming diagnostic relations based on application of the artifical neural networks (ANNs), intended for the identifying of degradation of measuring instruments used in developed power systems. As an example a steam turbine high-power plant was used. And, simulative calculations were applied to forming diagnostic neural relations. Both degradation of the measuring instruments and simultaneously...

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  • A Quality Model for UML tools


    - Rok 2008

    Jakość narzędzi UML wpływa na efektywność wykonywania zadań związanych z modelowaniem systemów w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania. Celem badań prezentowanych w tym referacie jest wyodrębnienie kryteriów jakości narzędzi UML. Omówiono rolę narzędzi UML w projekcie informatycznym, a następnie zaprezentowano szereg kryteriów jakości narzędzi UML wraz z aspektami oceny oraz opisem ankiety, która służy do oceny narzędzi względem...

  • Cross-cultural problem of quality


    - Rok 2009

    The paper, by presenting issues such as variability of reality, quality of life, quality and environmental management systems, emphasizes the opportunities of taking the socially important problem under control by utilization of efficient quality engineering analytical methods.

  • Quality assessment of experimental knowledge



    Przedstawiono model wieloagentowy oceny jakosci wiedzy zdobytej na podstawie doswiadczenia. Poddano analizie wyniki eksperymentow modelowych oraz sformulowano dalszy plan badan w tym zakresie.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers

    Mobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...

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  • Systematic Assessment of Product Quality

    The article describes an innovative metrizable idea for systemic assessments of product quality within the baking industry. Complex product quality analysis requires the employment of metrizability criteria for factors that impact the quality of the product, and these are called determinants. Therefore, such analysis is only possible with the use of systems engineering. A system represents the potential of a manufacturing process,...

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  • Feedback control of water quality

    • M. M. Polycarpou
    • J. G. Uber
    • Z. Wang
    • F. Shang
    • M. A. Brdyś


    Sformułowano problem sterowania jakością wody w sieciach wodociągowych i następnie zaproponowano podejście do projektowania sterowania stężeniem chloru w takich sieciach, bazujący na estymacji parametrów oraz sterowaniu adaptacyjnym. Podejście wykorzystuje założenie, że w sieci wodociągowej istnieją punkty wstrzykiwania chloru. Zależność typu wejście-wyjście pomiędzy stężeniem chloru w węźle dozowania i monitorowania jest modelowana...

  • The role of lipids in food quality


    - Rok 2002

    Zawartość lipidów zależy od gatunku i stanu dojrzałości surowców żywnościo-wych. Zależnie od zawartości i składu lipidy wpływają korzystnie na wartośćbiologiczną żywności lub wywierają efekt niepożądany. Lipidy i produkty ichprzemian oraz reakcji z innymi składnikami uczestniczą w tworzeniu barwy,tekstury, zapachu i smaku żywności.

  • СИЛОВОЙ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬ С АКТИВНЫМ ПОДАВЛЕНИЕМ ВЫСШИХ ГАРМОНИК ДЛЯ СИСТЕМ ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЯ ЛЕТАТЕЛЬНЫХ АППАРАТОВ (Power converter with active suppression of higher harmonics for aircraft power supply systems)


    - Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroenie - Rok 2020

    Представлены два алгоритма активной фильтрации для силового преобразователя с активным подавлением высших гармоник. Первый алгоритм основан на дискретном преобразовании Фурье: посредством синтезированной системы управления инвертированные измеренные высшие гармоники напряжения поступают на вход инвертора. Второй метод управления основан на алгоритме с использованием принципов самообучения, что значительно снижает потребность в...

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  • Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2


    - Materials - Rok 2021

    The process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....

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  • Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations


    - Rok 2007

    The contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...

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  • Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems


    A problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...

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  • Autoencoder application for anomaly detection in power consumption of lighting systems


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2023

    Detecting energy consumption anomalies is a popular topic of industrial research, but there is a noticeable lack of research reported in the literature on energy consumption anomalies for road lighting systems. However, there is a need for such research because the lighting system, a key element of the Smart City concept, creates new monitoring opportunities and challenges. This paper examines algorithms based on the deep learning...

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  • Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems


    - Rok 2012

    A problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...

  • Event-Triggered Communication in Cooperative, Adaptive Model Predictive Control of a Nuclear Power Plant’s Turbo–Generator Set


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    This paper discusses the issue of optimizing the communication between the components of a cooperating control system formed by a pair of MPC controllers of a nuclear power plant turbine set using online recursive least squares identification. It is proposed to use event-triggered communication, i.e., sending information only at selected time instants, as opposed to the standard approach where communication is triggered by time...

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  • Quality Parameters in IMS/NGN Networks


    - Rok 2019

    The Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, including elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) concept, is a proposition of a telecommunication network dedicated to the needs of current and future information society. The main goal of NGN is to provide Quality of Service (QoS), for which proper network design is necessary with respect to among others standardized call processing performance parameters, including expected...

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  • Indoor Air Quality: A Bibliometric Study


    - Sustainability - Rok 2018

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  • Influence of terpenes on indoor air quality


    The aim of this study was to investigate air quality in hairdresser salons, focusing on terpenes determination. Terpenes are known reactive volatile organic compounds that contribute to secondary organic aerosol formation. Those compounds are frequently found in cosmetic products as fragrance agents. Hairdresser salons are special kind of environment, where secondary organic aerosol concentration may be elevated. One hairdresser...

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  • Quality improvement in health care services


    - Rok 2009

    W niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano podstawowe formy doskonalenia jakości w usługach medycznych. Zaprezentowano kluczowe metody jakie mogą być stosowane przez zakłady opieki zdrowotnej, zarówno w tzw. "leczeniu zamkniętym" - szpitale, jak i "leczeniu otwartym" - przychodnie. Dokonano również analizy podejścia systemowego do doskonalenia jakości usług medycznych wiążącego się z reformami projakościowymi w ogólnonarodowych systemach...

  • Determinants of stress in the company perfecting quality


    - Management - Rok 2012

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  • Country selection strategies based on quality


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  • Determining Information Quality in ICT Systems

    • M. Stawowy
    • S. Duer
    • J. Paś
    • W. Wawrzyński

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

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