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Filtry wybranego katalogu
Comprehensive evaluation of the carbon footprint components of wastewater treatment plants located in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaFinland and Poland share similar environmental interests with regard to their wastewater effluents eventually being discharged to the Baltic Sea. However, differences in the influent wastewater characteristics, treatment processes, operational conditions, and carbon intensities of energy mixes in both countries make these two countries interesting for carbon footprint (CF) comparison. This study aimed at proposing a functional...
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of analysis of the industrial sewage discharge impact from the ‘North’ Power Plant on the Vistula water quality around 45+330 of the river kilometer. For the analysis, the two-dimensional models of flow, impurities and temperature transport were used. Hydrological conditions of the analyzed section of the river, characteristic flows and bathymetry of the riverbed in the first instance were defined....
Sea-dumped ammunition as a possible source of mercury to the Baltic Sea sediments
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Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea
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Deep sea habitats in the chemical warfare dumping areas of the Baltic Sea
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Seagrass vegetation and meiofauna enhance the bacterial abundance in the Baltic Sea sediments (Puck Bay)
PublikacjaThis study presents the first report on bacterial communities in the sediments of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the shallow southern Baltic Sea (Puck Bay). Total bacterial cell numbers (TBNs) and bacteria biomass (BBM) assessed with the use of epifluorescence microscope and Norland’s formula were compared between bare and vegetated sediments at two localities and in two sampling summer months. Significantly higher TBNs and...
Mercury concentration in the sediments as a function of changing climate in coastal zone of Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results
PublikacjaMercury, despite of its many uses in industry, is also highly toxic. It is highly neurotoxic, and because of the ability of mercury to penetrate placental barrier, in some countries ban on predatory fish consumption (the main route of mercury into human organism) by pregnant women was introduced. There are very little publications describing the consequences of weather anomalies on contaminants cycles. No research was published...
Analysis of the impact of socio-economic development on road safety based on the example of Baltic Sea Region countries
PublikacjaBaltic Sea Region (BSR) is a specific region of Europe, bringing together countries with different levels of socio-economic development. The main common point is territorial access to the Baltic Sea and the importance of maritime transport in the transportation of goods. The region consists of 9 countries, including Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia (more specifically, Kaliningrad...
Comparison of satellite chlorophyll a algorithms for the Baltic Sea
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Upwelling characteristics in the Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea)
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Extreme waves and wave events in the Baltic Sea
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów szeregów czasowych falowania uzyskanych z boi pomiarowych, umieszczonych w kilku miejscach linii brzegowej Morza Bałtyckiego. Rozważano wpływ czasu trwania sztormu i kierunku wiatru na powstawanie pojedynczych oraz grup fal ekstremalnych. Przeprowadzono statystyczną analizę takich fal, zwracając szczególną uwagę na rozkłady ich wysokości. Dla wybranych realizacji przeprowadzono analizę spektralną...
Nutrient loss from three small-size watersheds in the southern Baltic Sea in relation to agricultural practices and policy
PublikacjaAgriculture is the major contributor of waterborne nutrient fluxes into the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s most eutrophication-sensitive areas. Poland, as a large, densely populated state ohf the Baltic Region, with dominating agricultural land use, largely contributes to riverborne loads of N and P. The aim of our study was to examine the input of nutrients from three small first-order agricultural watersheds (Bladzikowski Stream,...
Studies on intercorrelation between selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and ions in sea water from the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, Gdańsk Bay Region
PublikacjaMorze Bałtyckie jest zbiornikiem słonej wody a szacunkowy czas wymiany z innymi akwenami wynosi 25 lat. Woda morska jest zanieczyszczona wieloma nieorganicznymi oraz organicznymi substancjami. Opracowanie przedstawia wyniki badań monitoringowych oraz ocenę stanu zanieczyszczenia środowiska morskiego w południowej części Morza Bałtyckiego, w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej. W próbkach wody morskiej oznaczano: wielopierścieniowe węglowodory...
Distribution and extent of benthic habitats in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaThe majority of the southern Baltic Sea seabed encompasses homogenous soft-bottom sediments of limited productivity and low biological diversity, but shallow productive areas in the coastal zone such as wetlands, vegetated lagoons and sheltered bays show a high variety of benthic habitat types offering favourable biotopic conditions for benthic fauna. Within Polish marine areas, semi-enclosed Puck Bay (the western part of the...
Habitat-related patterns of soft-bottom macrofaunal assemblages in a brackish, low-diversity system (southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaCoastal areas provide a high variety of sedimentary habitats that influence the structure of resident fauna even on small geographical scales. Therefore, examinations of spatial variations in benthic assemblages require background knowledge of the environmental and biotic heterogeneity of habitats in order to understand ecological processes in such areas. The effect of habitat-related abiotic and biological variables on macrofaunal...
Deep submarine groundwater discharge indicated by pore water chloride anomalies in the Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea
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Phosphate exchange across the sediment-water interface under oxic and hypoxic/anoxic conditions in the southern Baltic Sea
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Pore water alkalinity below the permanent halocline in the Gdańsk Deep (Baltic Sea) - Concentration variability and benthic fluxes
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Morphology and internal structure of small-scale washovers formed in the coastal zone of the semi-enclosed tideless basin, Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea
PublikacjaThis study explores the morphological features and internal structure of small-scale washovers along the southeastern Baltic Sea coast, providing insights into these most widespread yet often neglected deposits in the recent research of geomorphological and sedimentary record of storm surges. A 15-year-long record of morphological changes of the coast was acquired from regional orthophotos to analyse their geometry and spatial...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Spatial and interannual variations of seasonal sea surface temperature patterns in the Baltic Sea
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Microstructure–Property Relationship of Polyurethane Foams Modified with Baltic Sea Biomass: Microcomputed Tomography vs. Scanning Electron Microscopy
PublikacjaIn this paper, novel rigid polyurethane foams modified with Baltic Sea biomass were compared with traditional petro-based polyurethane foam as reference sample. A special attention was focused on complex studies of microstructure, which was visualized and measured in 3D with high-resolution microcomputed tomography (microCT) and, as commonly applied for this purpose, scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The impact of pore volume,...
Degradation of polyurethanes in sea water
PublikacjaOceniono degradowalność różnych poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej Bałtyku. Porównano te dane z wynikami stopnia degradacji poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej z dodatkiem azydku sosowego. Ocenę stopnia degradacji przeprowadzano na podstawie pomiarów zmian masy, właściwości mechanicznych i morfologii przed i po procesie degradacji. Wykazano, że różna podatność na degradację poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej związana jest z ich odmiennym stopniem...
Prediction of near-bottom water salinity in the Baltic Sea using Ordinary Least Squares and Geographically Weighted Regression models
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First record of the deep-water shark Etmopterus spinax (Chondrichthyes: Etmopteridae) from the southern Baltic Sea (Pomeranian Bay)
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Air–sea exchange of mercury vapour over the Gulf of Gdańsk and southern Baltic Sea
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Sea surface temperature retrieval from MSG/SEVIRI data in the Baltic Sea area
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Mobility and bioavailability of mercury in sediments of the southern Baltic sea in relation to the chemical fractions of iron: Spatial and temporal patterns
PublikacjaMarine sediments play a significant role as reservoirs for mercury (Hg), a bioaccumulative toxic pollutant that poses risks to human and ecosystem health. Iron (Fe) has been recognized as an influential factor in the complexation and bioavailability of Hg in sediments. However, limited studies have investigated the interactions between the chemical fractions of these elements in natural settings. This study aims to examine the...
The potential causes of cyanobacterial blooms in Baltic Sea estuaries
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Automatic Detection of Cloud Cover over the Baltic Sea
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Anisakids of seals found on the southern coast of Baltic Sea
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Photovoltaic solar energy development in the Baltic Sea Region
PublikacjaInformacje zawarte w tym artykule odzwierciedlają różnorodność rozwoju technologii fotowoltaicznych i różnorodność etapów realizacji PV przez kraje regionu Morza Bałtyckiego (Dania, Finlandia, Niemcy, Łotwa, Litwa, Szwecja, Polska, Estonia).
Seasonal changes of the concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in watercourses in the agricultural catchment area (Bay of Puck, Baltic Sea, Poland)
PublikacjaThe Baltic Region countries are obliged to meet the stringent limits of N and P discharge set by HELCOM for 2021. Area sources of pollution, including agriculture, are considered the main contributors of biogenic compounds. The Bay of Puck as an inner part of the Baltic Sea is particularly sensitive to eutrophication caused by nutrient in flow from agricultural lands. Rivers and streams inflowing to the Bay of Puck transport nitrogen...
Hydrogen assisted cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel in synthetic sea water
PublikacjaThe cracking behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steels (DSSs) in synthetic sea water under cathodic polarization condition was investigated. (SSRT) method was employed in aim to evaluate the susceptibility to hydrogen assisted cracking. The results showed that the reduction in the uniform elongation (UEL) and the reduction of area (RA) varied with the applied cathodic current density. Significant reductions in ductility were found,...
Characterizing surface and air temperature in the Baltic Sea coastal area using remote sensing techniques and GIS
PublikacjaEstimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics...
Pore water phosphate and ammonia below the permanent halocline in the south-eastern Baltic Sea and their benthic fluxes under anoxic conditions
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Landsat 8 Data as a Source of High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Maps in the Baltic Sea
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Methylmercury and total mercury content in soft tissues of two bird species wintering in the Baltic Sea near Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaOf the various forms of Hg occurring in nature, (mono) methylmercury (MeHg) is an especially toxic form and practically all forms of Hg can be converted into MeHg as a result of natural processes. Total mercury (THg) and MeHg were determined in tissues of two piscivorous birds: razorbill Alca torda and black-throated loon Gavia arctica to provide baseline data on current mercury concentrations for liver, kidneys and pectoral muscle...
Chemical and Genetic Diversity of Nodularia spumigena from the Baltic Sea
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Total, methyl and organic mercury in sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea
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Factors influencing variability of mercury input to the southern Baltic Sea
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Mercury in Precipitation at an Urbanized Coastal Zone of the Baltic Sea (Poland)
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Adenosine triphosphate in the marine boundary layer in the southern Baltic Sea
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Probabilistic prognosis of cliffslide along Baltic Sea coast in Poland.
PublikacjaAnaliza stateczności wybrzeży klifowych metodą probabilistyczną. Określnie stref zagrożonych utratą stateczności.
A geophysical, geochemical and microbiological study of a newly discovered pockmark with active gas seepage and submarine groundwater discharge (MET1-BH, central Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaHigh-resolution bathymetric data were collected with a multi-beam echosounder in the southern part of the Baltic Sea (region MET1, Gulf of Gdańsk) revealing the presence of a 10 m deep and 50 m in diameter pockmark (MET1-BH) on the sea bottom (78.7 m). To date, no such structures have been observed to reach this size in the Baltic Sea. The salinity of the near-bottom water in the pockmark was about 2 PSU (about 31.22 mmol/l...
Recent trends in prevalence of neoplasia in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea).
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Biodegradability of polyethylene starch blends in sea water
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań podatności na biodegradację w wodzie morskiej były próbki polietylenu i polietylenu modyfikowanego skrobią. Próbki te badano także w wodzie morskiej z azydkiem sodu, aby ocenić ich odporność na hydrolizę. Testy przeprowadzano w okresie 20 miesięcy. Oceniano zmiany ubytku wagi, właściwości wytrzymałościowych i morfologii przed i po procesie degradacji.
Observations of presumable groundwater seepage occurrence in Puck Bay (the Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaWe report the results of recent field measurements of seawater thermohaline structure and transparency carried out in early summer 2014 in Puck Bay. Near-bottom, less saline waters occurred almost in the entire study area. Their occurrence in the shallow part of Puck Bay was accompanied by an increase in the seawater transparency. The most likely explanation of these observations is a submarine fresh groundwater discharge.