Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEORIA GRAFÓW - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEORIA GRAFÓW


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEORIA GRAFÓW

  • Leader election for anonymous asynchronous agents in arbitrary networks



    We consider the problem of leader election among mobile agents operating in an arbitrary network modeled as an undirected graph. Nodes of the network are unlabeled and all agents are identical. Hence the only way to elect a leader among agents is by exploiting asymmetries in their initial positions in the graph. Agents do not know the graph or their positions in it, hence they must gain this knowledge by navigating in the graph...

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  • On minimum cost edge searching


    We consider the problem of finding edge search strategies of minimum cost. The cost of a search strategy is the sum of searchers used in the clearing steps of the search. One of the natural questions is whether it is possible to find a search strategy that minimizes both the cost and the number of searchers used to clear a given graph G. We call such a strategy ideal. We prove, by an example, that ideal search strategies do not...

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  • Three-fast-searchable graphs



    In the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates...

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  • On-line ranking of split graphs

    A vertex ranking of a graph G is an assignment of positive integers (colors) to the vertices of G such that each path connecting two vertices of the same color contains a vertex of a higher color. Our main goal is to find a vertex ranking using as few colors as possible. Considering on-line algorithms for vertex ranking of split graphs, we prove that the worst case ratio of the number of colors used by any on-line ranking algorithm...

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  • Total outer-connected domination in trees

    W pracy przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania totalnego zewnętrznie spójnego w grafach oraz scharakteryzowano wszystkie drzewa osiągające to ograniczenie.

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  • Maximum vertex occupation time and inert fugitive: recontamination does help [online]

    Rozważamy problem przeszukania danego grafu prostego G w celu przechwycenia niewidocznego i leniwego uciekiniera. Parametrem optymalizacyjnym, który minimalizujemy jest maksymalny czas (liczba tur strategii przeszukiwania), podczas których wierzchołek może być strzeżony (okupowany przez strażnika). Strategia monotoniczna to taka, która nie dopuszcza sytuacji, w której uciekinier dociera do wierzchołka, który wcześniej został oczyszczony....

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  • Mixed graph edge coloring



    W pracy rozważany jest problem kolorowania krawędzi grafu mieszanego, tj. grafu zawierającego zawiero skierowane, jak i nieskierowane krawędzie. Motywację do badań stanowią zagadnienia komunikacyjne z zakresu szeregowania zadań.

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  • A note on the strength and minimum color sum of bipartite graphs


    Siłą grafu G nazywamy najmniejszą liczbę całkowitą s, taką że istniej pokolorowanie grafu G, o minimalnej sumie przy użyciu kolorów {1,...,s}. W pracy pokazano, że w grafach dwudzielnych stopnia D zachodzi oszacowanie s <= ceil(D/2) + 1. Z obserwacji tej wynika algorytm wielomianowy do obliczania siły i sumy chromatycznej w grafach dwudzielnych stopnia co najwyżej 4.

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  • Approximating the maximum 2- and 3-edge-colorable subgraph problems


    Dla ustalonej wartości parametru k>=2, problem maksymalnego podgrafu krawędziowo k-kolorowalnego polega na wskazaniu k rozłącznych skojarzeń w grafie prostym, a kryterium optymalizacji jest maksymalizacja całkowitej liczby użytych krawędzi. W pracy podano algorytmy 5/6- i 4/5-przybliżone odpowiednio dla przypadków k=2 i k=3, poprawiając wyniki znane z literatury.

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  • Minimalizacja szerokości pasma w sieciach radiowych metodami szkieletowego kolorowania grafów


    Artykuł poświęcony jest szkieletowemu kolorowaniu grafów, które jest matematycznym modelem dla problemu minimalizacji szerokości pasma w sieciach radiowych. Badamy w nim zależność szkieletowej liczby chromatycznej od parametrów zagadnienia. Dowodzimy, że dla dużych wartości parametrów ta zależność jest liniowa.

  • The limit case of a domination property



    Praca dotyczy dolnego ograniczenia liczby dominowania w grafach, ze względu na ilość wierzchołków oraz największą liczbę liści w drzewie spinającym.

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  • Convex universal fixers


    Praca dotyczy dominowania wypukłego w grafach pryzmowych.

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  • Gossiping by energy-constrained mobile agents in tree networks



    Every node of an edge-weighted tree network contains a data packet. At some nodes are placed mobile agents, each one possessing an amount of energy (not necessarily the same for all agents). While walking along the network, the agents spend the energy proportionally to the distance traveled and collect copies of the data packets present at the visited network nodes. An agent visiting a node deposits there copies of all currently...

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  • On the Characteristic Graph of a Discrete Symmetric Channel

    We present some characterizations of characteristic graphs of row and/or column symmetric channels. We also give a polynomial-time algorithm that decides whether there exists a discrete symmetric channel whose characteristic graph is equal to a given input graph. In addition, we show several applications of our results.

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  • A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors


    - Rok 2019

    We consider a problem of searching for an unknown target vertex t in a (possibly edge-weighted) graph. Each vertex-query points to a vertex v and the response either admits that v is the target or provides any neighbor s of v that lies on a shortest path from v to t. This model has been introduced for trees by Onak and Parys [FOCS 2006] and for general graphs by Emamjomeh-Zadeh et al. [STOC 2016]. In the latter, the authors provide...

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  • On Tradeoffs Between Width- and Fill-like Graph Parameters

    In this work we consider two two-criteria optimization problems: given an input graph, the goal is to find its interval (or chordal) supergraph that minimizes the number of edges and its clique number simultaneously. For the interval supergraph, the problem can be restated as simultaneous minimization of the path width pw(G) and the profile p(G) of the input graph G. We prove that for an arbitrary graph G and an integer t ∈ {1,...

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  • Clearing directed subgraphs by mobile agents



    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset S of vertices of a digraph D and a positive integer k, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph H=(V,A) of D such that (a) S is a subset of V, (b) H is the union of k directed...

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  • Building a Nest by an Automaton


    - Rok 2019

    A robot modeled as a deterministic finite automaton has to build a structure from material available to it. The robot navigates in the infinite oriented grid $Z x Z$. Some cells of the grid are full (contain a brick) and others are empty. The subgraph of the grid induced by full cells, called the {\em field}, is initially connected. The (Manhattan) distance between the farthest cells of the field is called its {\em span}. The robot...

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  • On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment

    We consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...

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  • Finding small-width connected path decompositions in polynomial time


    A connected path decomposition of a simple graph $G$ is a path decomposition $(X_1,\ldots,X_l)$ such that the subgraph of $G$ induced by $X_1\cup\cdots\cup X_i$ is connected for each $i\in\{1,\ldots,l\}$. The connected pathwidth of $G$ is then the minimum width over all connected path decompositions of $G$. We prove that for each fixed $k$, the connected pathwidth of any input graph can be computed in polynomial-time. This answers...

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  • Cops, a fast robber and defensive domination on interval graphs



    The game of Cops and ∞-fast Robber is played by two players, one controlling c cops, the other one robber. The players alternate in turns: all the cops move at once to distance at most one each, the robber moves along any cop-free path. Cops win by sharing a vertex with the robber, the robber by avoiding capture indefinitely. The game was proposed with bounded robber speed by Fomin et al. in “Pursuing a fast robber on a graph”,...

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  • Zero-visibility cops and robber and the pathwidth of a graph



    We examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops and robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We show that the zero-visibility copnumber of a graph is bounded above by its pathwidth and cannot be bounded below by any nontrivial function of the pathwidth. As well, we define a monotonic version of this game and show that the...

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  • The Complexity of Zero-Visibility Cops and Robber


    - Rok 2014

    In this work we deal with the computational complexity aspects of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We provide an algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete even for the class of starlike graphs.

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