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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TIME- FREQUENCY ANALYSIS
Analysis and Optimization of Noise in Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono ogólną procedurę analizy szumów w filtrach klasy OTA-C czasu ciągłego. Procedura umożliwia analizę filtrów o dowolnej topologii i dowolnego rzędu w ramach rozważanej klasy. W oparciu o opis macierzowy ogólnej struktury filtru OTA-C wyprowadzono ogólne formuły pozwalające na wyznaczanie i optymalizację szumów dowolnego filtru OTA-C. Przedstawione wyniki są użyteczne nie tylko dla klasycznych (dyskretnych lub...
Efficient tolerance analysis of continuous-time Gm-C filters
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono efektywną metodą analizy tolerancji dowolnych filtrów Gm-C. Przedstawiono ogólny model filtrów Gm-C oraz jego opis algebraiczny. Używając tego podejścia, wyprowadzono formuły pozwalające na wyznaczenie odchyłek funkcji przenoszenia filtru spowodowanych odchyłkami wartości elementów filtru od wartości nominalnych. Proponowana metoda charakteryzuje się niewielką złożonością obliczeniową, co pozwala na jej wykorzystanie...
Experimental investigations of interturn faults in transformer winding using frequency response analysis
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych specjalnego Transformatora Trakcyjnego o Zredukowanej Skali (TTZS) z wykorzystaniem metody analizy odpowiedzi w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Pokazano wybrane wyniki analiza FRA nieuszkodzonych symetrycznych uzwojeń strony wtórnej. Zmierzono widmo amplitudowe w przypadku zwarć zwojowych pojedynczych zwojów niektórych cewek. Wykazano, że miejsce wystąpienia zwarcia zwojowego...
<title>Spectrum analysis of measuring signals in sensor circuits with frequency outputs</title>
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Dynamic Analysis of an Enhanced Multi-Frequency Inertial Exciter for Industrial Vibrating Machines
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Conditions for measurement, analog-to-digital conversion and frequency analysis of irregularities of profile surface
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania pomiaru, przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego i analizy częstotliwościowej nierówności powierzchni toczonych dla celów rozpoznawania ich głównych składowych. Przedstawiono ograniczenia w pomiarze igłą, która odwzorowuje nierówności poprzeczne. Podano zależności parametrów pomiaru cyfrowego nierówności warunkujące zakresy ich rozpatrywania. Dla wartości przedziału próbkowania, dla którego nie jest spełnione...
A new class of eigenfunction expansion methods for fast frequency-domain analysis of waveguides
PublikacjaZaprezentowano nową technikę szybkiego obliczania charakterystyk dyspersyjnych falowodów z niejednorodnym wypełnieniem. Metoda ta oblicza przybliżone wartości stałej propagacji dla wymaganej częstotliwości, bazując na bardziej dokładnych wyliczeniach rozkładu pola i stałej propagacji dla kilku wybranych punktów częstotliwości.
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublikacjaThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
On the Handling of Outliers in the GNSS Time Series by Means of the Noise and Probability Analysis
PublikacjaThe data pre-analysis plays a significant role in the noise determination. The most important issue is to find an optimum criterion for outliers removal, since their existence can affect any further analysis. The noises in the GNSS time series are characterized by spectral index and amplitudes that can be determined with a few different methods. In this research, the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was used. The noise amplitudes...
A Meta-Analysis of Pulse Arrival Time Based Blood Pressure Estimation
PublikacjaThe paper presents a preliminary meta-analysis of the sample correlation between pulse arrival time (PAT) and blood pressure (BP). The aim of the study was to verify sample correlation coefficient between PAT and BP using an affine model BP = a · P AT + b for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The databases included in the search were the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Springer Link and Google Scholar. Only papers from 2005 to...
Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics
PublikacjaMusical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...
Spectral analysis of nonstationary low-frequency magnetic-field emissions from ship's power
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Road safety analysis in Poland using time-series modelling techniques
PublikacjaA number of international studies argue that there is a correlation between the number of traffic fatalities and the degree of public activity. The studies use the unemployment rate to support that argument. As unemployment grows miles travelled fall, a factor known to affect road safety. This relationship seems to be true for Poland, as well. The model presented in the paper is intended to prove it. It is a structural time-series local...
Application of PCA and time series analysis in studies of precipitation in Tricity (Poland).
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki monitoringu zanieczyszczenia atmosfery Trójmiasta. Próbki wody opadowej pobierano w cyklach miesięcznych przez 4 lata (1998-2001)w 10 punktach. Wyniki poddano statystycznej i chemometrycznej analizie (szeregi czasowe, analiza wariancji, analiza głównych składowych). Wykazano wpływ lokalizacji punktów monitoringowych i bliskości Morza Bałtyckiego na zawartość jonów nieorganicznych w analizowanych próbkach.
Analysis of inductive power transfer systems for variable air gap and voltage supply frequency
PublikacjaThe paper describes an IPT system, by which electrical energy may be transmitted through a large air gap between coils without electrical connection. It presents theoretical and simulation analysis of IPT, which allows for supplying a receiver in the conditions of slow, in relation to the dynamics of power supply, changes in dimension of the air gap. The influence of frequency characteristics of the system on the possible selection...
Analysis of positioning error and its impact on high frequency properties of differential signal coupler
PublikacjaThis paper presents the analysis of the effect of differential signal coupler positioning accuracy on its high frequency performance parameters for contact-less high speed chip-to-chip data transmission on PCB application. Our considerations are continuation of the previous works on differential signal coupler concept, design methodology and analysis for high speed data transmission monitoring. The theoretical analysis of possible...
Wavelet transform analysis to assess oscillations in pial artery pulsation at the human cardiac frequency
PublikacjaPial artery adjustments to changes in blood pressure (BP)may last only seconds in humans. Using a novelmethod called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) in humans, we aimed to assess the relationship between spontaneous oscillations in BP and cc-TQ at frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 5 Hz. We hypothesized that analysis of...
Frequency and phase analysis of daily reprocessed solutions from selected EPN stations relating to geological phenomena,
PublikacjaThe main assumption of this research was to check and verify the behaviour of a few EPN (European Permanent Network) stations on both sides of the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone (T-T zone), which is located on Polish territory and crosses Poland almost in half. The selected EPN stations’ time series were a subject of frequency and phase analysis. The main purpose of the research was to verify if there is any correspondence between stations...
On the Structure of Time in Computational Semantics of a Variable-Step Solver for Hybrid Behavior Analysis
PublikacjaHybrid dynamic systems combine continuous and discrete behavior. Often, computational approaches are employed to derive behaviors that approximate the analytic solution. An important part of this is the approximation of differential equation behavior by numerical integration. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the integration usually depend on the complexity of the method and its implicated approximation errors, especially...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublikacjaThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
High resolution liquid chromatography and time of flight mass spectrometry in perfume analysis
PublikacjaPerfumes consist of a wide range of natural and synthetic compounds that belongs to different chemical classes. Most of these compounds are generally determined by GC. However, in this study RP-HPLC-Q-TOF-MS and HILIC-Q-TOF-MS technique was applied for the determination of ingredients of original perfumes and their imitations. Antioxidants and compounds specific to fragrances of animal \origin were found in original...
Ontological Model for Contextual Data Defining Time Series for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublikacjaOne of the major challenges facing the field of Affective Computing is the reusability of datasets. Existing affective-related datasets are not consistent with each other, they store a variety of information in different forms, different formats, and the terms used to describe them are not unified. This paper proposes a new ontology, ROAD, as a solution to this problem, by formally describing the datasets and unifying the terms...
Face Profile View Retrieval Using Time of Flight Camera Image Analysis
PublikacjaMethod for profile view retrieving of the human face is presented. The depth data from the 3D camera is taken as an input. The preprocessing is, besides of standard filtration, extended by the process of filling of the holes which are present in depth data. The keypoints, defined as the nose tip and the chin are detected in user’s face and tracked. The Kalman filtering is applied to smooth the coordinates of those points which...
Price bubbles in commodity market – A single time series and panel data analysis
PublikacjaThis paper examines thirty-five commodities, grouped into three market sectors (energy, metals, agriculture & livestock) in terms of the occurrence of price bubbles. The study was based on monthly data for each commodity separately and, in a panel approach, for selected sectors and for all commodities combined. The GSADF test and its version for panel data – panel GSADF – were used to identify bubbles. The beginning and end of...
Age, frequency of volunteering, and Present-Hedonistic time perspective predict donating items to people in need, but not money to combat COVID-19 during lock-down
PublikacjaRestrictions due to COVID-19 necessitated staying at home, but in some cases, encouraged charitable behavior, e.g., donating items to people in need (e.g., clothes, food), or money to support combatting COVID-19. Drawing on the previous findings regarding helping during disastrous situations and roles of time perspective in helping behaviors, the study tested the predictive value of age, gender, previous volunteering, altruistic...
An Analysis of Low Frequency Discharge in a CH3SiCl3-Ar-H2 Mixture by Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Actinometry
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Efficient Multiscale Finite Difference Frequency Domain Analysis Using Multiple Macromodels with Compressed Boundaries
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule zaprezentowany został nowatorski pomysł na zmniejszenie numerycznej złożoności metody różnic skończonych przy użyciu wielu makromodeli. Skuteczność techniki macromodelingu zależy od liczby portów modelu. Aby zwiększyć efektywność algorytmu, próbki pola na granicy makromodeli są zastępowane przez amplitudy wielomianów Legendre'a. Przedefiniowanie problemu w taki sposób powoduje znaczną redukcję czasu analizy....
Comparative Analysis of Developed Rainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency Curves for Erbil with Other Iraqi Urban Areas
PublikacjaRainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) relationships are widely used in water infrastructure design and construction. IDF curves represent the relationship between rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency, and are obtained by analyzing observed data. These relationships are critical for the safe design of flood protection structures, storm sewers, culverts, bridges, etc. In this study, the IDF curves and empirical IDF formulas...
Coupling of Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Oscillations at Cardiac Frequency Evoked by Handgrip and Cold Tests: A Bispectral Analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to assess blood pressure–subarachnoid space (BP–SAS) width coupling properties using time–frequency bispectral analysis based on wavelet transforms during handgrip and cold tests. The experiments were performed on a group of 16 healthy subjects (F/M; 7/9) of the mean age 27.2 ± 6.8 years and body mass index of 23.8 ± 4.1 kg/m². The sequence of challenges was first handgrip and then cold test. The handgrip...
Stability analysis of interconnected discrete-time fractional-order LTI state-space systems
PublikacjaIn this paper, a stability analysis of interconnected discrete-time fractional-order (FO) linear time-invariant (LTI) state-space systems is presented. A new system is formed by interconnecting given FO systems using cascade, feedback, parallel interconnections. The stability requirement for such a system is that all zeros of a non-polynomial characteristic equation must be within the unit circle on the complex z-plane. The obtained...
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Heart Rate to Assess Recovery Time for Long Distance Runners
PublikacjaThe diagnostics of the condition of athletes has become a field of special scientific interest and activity. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of a long (100 km) run on a group of runners, as well as to assess the recovery time that is required for them to return to the pre-run state. The heart rate (HR) data presented were collected the day before the extreme physical effort, on the same day as, but after, the physical...
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublikacjaWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
Robustness analysis of watermarking-based dtd algorithm under time-variable echo conditions
PublikacjaA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
Real-time web-based gis for analysis, visualization, and integration of marine environment data
PublikacjaWizaulizacja i integracja przestrzennych danych morskich zbieranych przez różnego rodzaju sensory i pochodzących z różnych źródeł stanowi istotny aspekt monitorowania środowiska morskiego. Ta praca przedstawia system GIS powstały na Katedrze Systemów Geoinformatycznych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. System umożliwia integrecję i wizualizację różnego rodzaju danych morskich, w szczególności pochodzących z sensorów akustycznych takich,...
Portable measurement system for breath analysis by real-time fluctuation enhanced sensing method
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Time fractional analysis of Casson fluid with application of novel hybrid fractional derivative operator
PublikacjaA new approach is used to investigate the analytical solutions of the mathematical fractional Casson fluid model that is described by the Constant Proportional Caputo fractional operator having non-local and singular kernel near an infinitely vertical plate. The phenomenon has been expressed in terms of partial differential equations, and the governing equations were then transformed in non-dimensional form. For the sake of generalized...
Selection of Methods of Surface Texture Characterisation for Reduction of the Frequency-Based Errors in the Measurement and Data Analysis Processes
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A Mesh Deformation Technique Based on Solid Mechanics for Parametric Analysis of High-Frequency Devices With 3-D FEM
PublikacjaIn this paper, a versatile technique for mesh defor- mation is discussed, targeted at the electromagnetic (EM) field simulation of high-frequency devices using the 3-D finite element method (FEM). The approach proposed applies a linear elasticity model to compute the displacements of the internal mesh nodes in 3-D when the structure geometry is changed. The technique is compared with an alternative approach...
Time-series analysis of road safety trends aggregated at national level in Europe for 2000-2010
PublikacjaThe reader will find in this study road safety modelling theory and time-series analysis techniques, applications to long period data of injury accidents and casualities, aggregared at national level
PublikacjaThe purpose of this work is to study the memory effect analysis of Caputo–Fabrizio time fractional diffusion equation by means of cubic B-spline functions. The Caputo–Fabrizio interpretation of fractional derivative involves a non-singular kernel that permits to describe some class of material heterogeneities and the effect of memory more effectively. The proposed numerical technique relies on finite difference approach and cubic...
Video Semantic Analysis Framework based on Run-time Production Rules - Towards Cognitive Vision
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for video analysis which separates object detection from event recognition. Our aim is to introduce new tools to be considered in the pathway towards Cognitive Vision as a support for classical Computer Vision techniques that have been broadly used by the scientific community. In the article, we particularly focus in solving some of the reported scalability issues found in current...
Measurements and calculation of self inductance of testing coils used in physical transformer model construction and its frequency analysis
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Analysis of Positioning Error and Its Impact on High Frequency Performance Parameters of Differential Signal Coupler of Differential Signal Coupler
PublikacjaThis paper presents the analysis of the effect of differential signal coupler positioning accuracy on its high frequency performance parameters for contact-less high speed chip-to-chip data transmission on PCB application. Our considerations are continuation of the previous works on differential signal coupler concept, design methodology and analysis for high speed data transmission monitoring presented in [1, 2]. The theoretical...
Comparative analysis of zinc status, food products' frequency intake and food habits of 11-year-old healthy children
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Soft Real-Time Communication with WebSocket and WebRTC Protocols Performance Analysis for Web-based Control Loops
PublikacjaThe web browser has become an access window for content and services. The browser is available on almost any device connected to the network, regardless of its intended use: desktop, mobile device, computing server, e-book reader etc. Browsers are used by people to read news, contact the world, to check a bank account, register a visit at the doctor, watching video content, electronic purchases, using web versions of the office...
Explicit difference schemes for nonlinear differential functional parabolic equations with time dependent coefficients - convergence analysis
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano zbieżność metody różnicowej dla zagadnienia początkowego dla równania parabolicznego bez pochodnych mieszanych, ze współczynnikami zależnymi od czasu, z nieliniową i nielokalną prawą stroną równania.
Operation of the Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery System on the Electricity Market—Simulation, Real-Time Tests and Cost Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents research on a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system, declaring its hourly production levels as a member of a balancing group submitting common scheduling unit to the day-ahead market. It also discusses the variability of photovoltaic system generation and energy storage response. The major research questions were whether the operation of a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system is viable...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublikacjaThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Improved Procedures for Feature-Based Suppression of Surface Texture High-Frequency Measurement Errors in the Wear Analysis of Cylinder Liner Topographies
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Determination of time dependence of coated metal electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure using principal component analysis
PublikacjaThe use of the principal component analysis (PCA) permits the complex and quantitative analysis of the time dependence of electrical and electrochemical parameters of coated metal obtained by fitting impedance data. So far, changes in electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure were analyzed independently. In this way, some of the information contained in the relationship between changes in parameters over time are...