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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: agent based computing

  • The Ellenbogen's "Matter as Software" Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: III. Selection of X@C60 Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Trapped Neutral Atom Quantum Computing Devices


    - Quantum Matter - Rok 2016

    The selection of guest atoms X of X@C60 MBBs for TBN of trapped neutral atom quantum computing devices is reported. Assuming the all-optical quantum computing as a final target stage, the two criteria are most important: the charge q accumulated on the C60 host must be as low as possible, and the atom X must have one or more available excited states within the band falling into the low energy window of neutral C60 molecule electronic...

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  • The Ellenbogen's "Matter as Software" Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: II Bonding Between the C60 and X@C60 Molecules as Available Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Quantum Computing Devices


    - Quantum Matter - Rok 2016

    The binding energy, BE of the X@C60-X@C60 homodimer and the X@C60-Y@C60 heterodimer resulting from the bond formation between the occupied X@C60 MBB and the C60 molecule was studied by means of semiempirical PM7 calculations, where X and Y denote atoms from H to Bi, excluding Tc and lanthanides. All possible combinations of N = 68 guest atoms were considered, which resulted in K = 2346 of different calculated dimers of (X@C60-Y@C60)...

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  • A multi-agent method for periodicity detection in distributed events


    - Rok 2015

    Multi-agent systems working in constantly changing environments may be challenged by instantaneous unavailability of their autonomous agents caused e.g. by limited computing resources. A new method of self-organization of distributed service components is proposed, suitable for multi-agent systems. This method relies on particular agents carrying out separate analyzes of their individual processing loads or other specific events....

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  • Machine Learning in Multi-Agent Systems using Associative Arrays



    In this paper, a new machine learning algorithm for multi-agent systems is introduced. The algorithm is based on associative arrays, thus it becomes less complex and more efficient substitute of artificial neural networks and Bayesian networks, which is confirmed by performance measurements. Implementation of machine learning algorithm in multi-agent system for aided design of selected control systems allowed to improve the performance...

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  • Distributed Evacuation in Graphs with Multiple Exits


    We consider the problem of efficient evacuation using multiple exits. We formulate this problem as a discrete problem on graphs where mobile agents located in distinct nodes of a given graph must quickly reach one of multiple possible exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks. Each node of the graph has the capacity of holding at most one agent at each time step. Thus, the agents must choose their movements strategy...

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  • Discrete evacuation in graphs with multiple exits



    In this paper, we consider the problem of efficient evacuation of mobile agents from distinct nodes in a graph to multiple exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks, and minimizing the total evacuation time. Each node in the graph can only hold one agent at a time, so the agents must choose their movements based on the locations of other agents to optimize the evacuation process. We consider two scenarios: the centralized...

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  • Optymalizacja strategii sieci inteligentnych agentów za pomocą programowania genetycznego w systemie rozproszonym realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing


    - Rok 2017

    Dynamicznie rosnąca złożoność i wymagania w odniesieniu do rozproszonych systemów informatycznych utrudnia zarządzanie dostępnymi zasobami sprzętowymi i programistycznymi. Z tego powodu celem rozprawy jest opracowanie wielokryterialnej metody programowania genetycznego, która pozwala na optymalizację strategii zespołu inteligentnych agentów programistycznych w zakresie zarządzania systemem realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing....

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  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Rok 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Protokół głosowania większościowego w narzędziu wsparcia decyzji handlowych


    - Rok 2016

    Istnieje szerokie spektrum narzędzi i metod wspierających decyzje handlowe, lecz brakuj jasnych reguł ich stosowania. Zaproponowano samoorganizujacy się system agentowy do wspierania decyzji handlowych. System bazując na glosowaniu z dynamicznymi wagami, wskazuje efektywne indykatory na podstawie ich poprzednich osiągnięć. Przedstawiono analizę formalną i wyniki weryfikacji, potwierdzającej cechy rozwiązania.

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  • СИЛОВОЙ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬ С АКТИВНЫМ ПОДАВЛЕНИЕМ ВЫСШИХ ГАРМОНИК ДЛЯ СИСТЕМ ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЯ ЛЕТАТЕЛЬНЫХ АППАРАТОВ (Power converter with active suppression of higher harmonics for aircraft power supply systems)


    - Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroenie - Rok 2020

    Представлены два алгоритма активной фильтрации для силового преобразователя с активным подавлением высших гармоник. Первый алгоритм основан на дискретном преобразовании Фурье: посредством синтезированной системы управления инвертированные измеренные высшие гармоники напряжения поступают на вход инвертора. Второй метод управления основан на алгоритме с использованием принципов самообучения, что значительно снижает потребность в...

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  • Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast


    - Rok 2024

    Przedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...

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  • Wykorzystanie klasyfikacji funkcjonalnej usług do efektywnego zarządzania zasobami chmurowymi


    - Rok 2023

    Wykazano jak istotnym problemem jest zarzadzanie chmurą obliczeniową, w tym alokacja zasobów do wykonania usług (workloadów) zgłoszonych przez użytkownika. Przeanalizowano problem podziału usług wdrażanych w środowiskach chmurowych na klasy określające ich funkcjonalność. Zaproponowano oryginalną metodę alokacji workloadów wykorzystującą wprowadzoną klasyfikację funkcjonalną oraz identyfikację tych klas na podstawie wielkości generowanego...

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  • Security and Anonymity in Agent Systems


    - Rok 2012

    Many agent systems have been developed and suggested for commercial application. However, in spite of the significant potential offered by the agent paradigm, the lack of such important properties as security, anonymity and untracebility especially in open dynamical environment, such as the Internet, has blocked the active implementation of agent technologies. Protecting agent systems poses a more demanding challenge comparing...

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  • Considerations of Computational Efficiency in Volunteer and Cluster Computing


    - Rok 2016

    In the paper we focus on analysis of performance and power consumption statistics for two modern environments used for computing – volunteer and cluster based systems. The former integrate computational power donated by volunteers from their own locations, often towards social oriented or targeted initiatives, be it of medical, mathematical or space nature. The latter is meant for high performance computing and is typically installed...

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  • Verification of agent system for it project management support


    This article is a continuation of article series telling about research about possibility of using agent system to information technology evaluation. Following article presents full conception of exploiting agent system and shows how it can support some managers works, especially in taking correct management method and information tool for project management. In this article the agent system that based on knowledge and can process...

  • Metaheuristic algorithms for optimization of resilient overlay computing systems

    • K. Walkowiak
    • W. Charewicz
    • M. Donajski
    • J. Rak

    - Logic journal of the IGPL - Rok 2014

    The idea of distributed computing systems has been gaining much interest in recent years owing to the growing amount of data to be processed for both industrial and academic purposes. However, similar to other systems, also distributed computing systems are vulnerable to failures. Due to strict QoS requirements, survivability guarantees are necessary for provisioning of uninterrupted service. In this article, we focus on reliability...

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  • APIS – Agent Platform for Integration of Services

    The paper presents an approach to creating the platform for development and evaluation of complex tasks execution algorithms. Proposed solution is based on an agent paradigm where independent peers can cooperate and negotiate in order to execute specified tasks which are defined only by the final output description. Tasks are realized by the means of services exposed by different peers. In case when there is no single service fulfilling...

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    Współczesna robotyka rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Coraz więcej osób prywatnych i inżynierów konstruuje różnego rodzaju pojazdy mobilne. Dlatego autorzy niniejszego referatu postawili sobie następującą tezę: możliwa jest budowa latającego robota mobilnego na bazie kontrolera o niskiej mocy obliczeniowej oraz prostego regulatora, i podjęli się jej udowodnienia.

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  • Optimization issues in distributed computing systems design


    - Rok 2014

    In recent years, we observe a growing interest focused on distributed computing systems. Both industry and academia require increasing computational power to process and analyze large amount of data, including significant areas like analysis of medical data, earthquake, or weather forecast. Since distributed computing systems – similar to computer networks – are vulnerable to failures, survivability mechanisms are indispensable...

  • Crowdsourcing and Volunteer Computing as Distributed Approach for Problem Solving


    In this paper, a combination between volunteer computing and crowdsourcing is presented. Two paradigms of the web computing are described, analyzed and compared in detail: grid computing and volunteer computing. Characteristics of BOINC and its contribution to global Internet processing are shown with the stress put onto applications the system can facilitate and problems it can solve. An alternative instance of a grid computing...

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  • Performance of Noise Map Service Working in Cloud Computing Environment

    In the paper a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise subject is presented. It is based on cloud computing. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in cloud computing environment. In the study issues related to noise modeling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a special focus on road noise. Examples of results obtained...

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  • Mobile Cloud computing architecture for massively parallelizablegeometric computation

    • V. Sánchez Ribes
    • H. Mora-Mora
    • A. Sobecki
    • F. José Mora Gimeno


    Cloud Computing is one of the most disruptive technologies of this century. This technology has been widely adopted in many areas of the society. In the field of manufacturing industry, it can be used to provide advantages in the execution of the complex geometric computation algorithms involved on CAD/CAM processes. The idea proposed in this research consists in outsourcing part of the load to be com- puted in the client machines...

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  • Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems


    - Rok 2013

    A model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...

  • Anonymity Architecture for Mobile Agent Systems


    - Rok 2007

    The paper presents a new security architecture for MAS, which supports anonymity of agent owners. The architecture is composed of two main elements: Module I: Untraceability Protocol Infrastructure and Module II: Additional Untraceability Support. Module I is based on the recently proposed untraceability protocol for MAS and it forms the core of the anonymity architecture, which can be supported by the ele- ments of the second...

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  • Multi agent grid systems


    - Rok 2012

    This chapter presents an idea of merging grid and volunteer systemswith multi agent systems. It gives some basics concerning multi agentsystem and the most followed standard. Some deliberations concerningsuch an existing systems were made in order to finally present possibilities of introducing agents into the Comcute system.

  • Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods


    This paper concerns the monitoring of educational processes with the use of new technologies for the recognition of human emotions. This paper summarizes results from three experiments, aimed at the validation of applying emotion recognition to e-learning. An analysis of the experiments’ executions provides an evaluation of the emotion elicitation methods used to monitor learners. The comparison of affect recognition algorithms...

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  • On Computing Curlicues Generated by Circle Homeomorphisms


    The dataset entitled Computing dynamical curlicues contains values of consecutive points on a curlicue generated, respectively, by rotation on the circle by different angles, the Arnold circle map (with various parameter values) and an exemplary sequence as well as corresponding diameters and Birkhoff averages of these curves. We additionally provide source codes of the Matlab programs which can be used to generate and plot the...

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  • Model otwartej architektury rozproszonych dokumentów elektronicznych wspierającej proces podejmowania decyzji w trybie obliczeń zespołowych


    - Rok 2013

    Model otwartej architektury mobilnych dokumentów interaktywnych MIND, został opracowany w celu efektywnego zarządzania informacją w procesach podejmowanych przez organizacje oparte na wiedzy. Architektura ta stanowi całościowy opis struktury i funkcjonalności dokumentu, zaprojektowanego w celu realizacji rozproszonego przetwarzania zespołowego i pracy grupowej. Umożliwia automatyczne przejście od statycznej postaci dokumentów...

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  • JamesBot - an intelligent agent playing StarCraft II


    The most popular method for optimizing a certain strategy based on a reward is Reinforcement Learning (RL). Lately, a big challenge for this technique are computer games such as StarCraft II which is a real-time strategy game, created by Blizzard. The main idea of this game is to fight between agents and control objects on the battlefield in order to defeat the enemy. This work concerns creating an autonomous bot using reinforced...

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  • Business processes implementation using agent systems


    - Rok 2012

    This paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...

  • Multi-agent systems registration and maintenance of address mapping without agent self-registation

    Monitoring of dynamic multi-agent systems, here agents are allowed to appear and disappear, and can migrate between network nodes is a complex tasks. Applying the traditional monitoring methods is not effective, as little can be assumed in advance about such environments. It is necessary to track changes in addressing and availability of agents to create and maintain mapping between agents and their network addresses. The...

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  • Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing


    - Rok 2012

    Zaprezentowano system BOINC (ang. Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) jako interesujące rozwiązanie integrujące rozproszone moce obliczeniowe osobistych komputerów typu PC w Internecie. Przedstawiono zasadę działania opisywanej platformy. W dalszej części zaprezentowano kilka wybranych projektów naukowych wykorzystujących BOINC, które są reprezentatywne w zakresie zastosowania systemu w ujęciu założonego paradygmatu...

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  • General Provisioning Strategy for Local Specialized Cloud Computing Environments


    The well-known management strategies in cloud computing based on SLA requirements are considered. A deterministic parallel provisioning algorithm has been prepared and used to show its behavior for three different requirements: load balancing, consolidation, and fault tolerance. The impact of these strategies on the total execution time of different sets of services is analyzed for randomly chosen sets of data. This makes it possible...

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  • Complementary oriented allocation algorithm for cloud computing


    Nowadays cloud computing is one of the most popular processing models. More and more different kinds of workloads have been migrated to clouds. This trend obliges the community to design algorithms which could optimize the usage of cloud resources and be more effiient and effective. The paper proposes a new model of workload allocation which bases on the complementarity relation and analyzes it. An example of a case of use is shown...

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  • Concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation


    In this paper the concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation has been presented. This article includes the concept description and shows abilities of using software tools which can be applicable to implementation and verification of proposed solution. The article is the part of common researches over creation solutions for information technology evaluation which range over using expert's evaluation and...

  • Affective computing and affective learning – methods, tools and prospects

    Every teacher knows that interest, active participation and motivation are important factors in the learning process. At the same time e-learning environments almost always address only the cognitive aspects of education. This paper provides a brief review of methods used for affect recognition, representation and processing as well as investigates how these methods may be used to address affective aspect of e-education. The paper...

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  • Parallel Programming for Modern High Performance Computing Systems


    - Rok 2018

    In view of the growing presence and popularity of multicore and manycore processors, accelerators, and coprocessors, as well as clusters using such computing devices, the development of efficient parallel applications has become a key challenge to be able to exploit the performance of such systems. This book covers the scope of parallel programming for modern high performance computing systems. It first discusses selected and...

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  • Big Data Processing by Volunteer Computing Supported by Intelligent Agents


    In this paper, volunteer computing systems have been proposed for big data processing. Moreover, intelligent agents have been developed to efficiency improvement of a grid middleware layer. In consequence, an intelligent volunteer grid has been equipped with agents that belong to five sets. The first one consists of some user tasks. Furthermore, two kinds of semi-intelligent tasks have been introduced to implement a middleware...

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  • A note on the affective computing systems and machines: a classification and appraisal


    Affective computing (AfC) is a continuously growing multidisciplinary field, spanning areas from artificial intelligence, throughout engineering, psychology, education, cognitive science, to sociology. Therefore, many studies have been devoted to the aim of addressing numerous issues, regarding different facets of AfC solutions. However, there is a lack of classification of the AfC systems. This study aims to fill this gap by reviewing...

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  • An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design


    - Rok 2016

    Design process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...

  • MAlSim - Mobile Agent Malware Simulator


    - Rok 2008

    One of the problems related to the simulation of attacks against critical infrastructures is the lack of adequate tools for the simulation of malicious software (malware). Malware attacks are the most frequent in the Internet and they pose a serious threat against critical networked infrastructures. To address this issue we developed Mobile Agent Malware Simulator (MAISim). The framework uses the technology of mobile agents and...

  • Agent System for Managing Distributed Mobile Interactive Documents

    The MIND architecture of distributed mobile interactive document is a new processing model defined for facilitate informed decision-making in non-algorithmic decision-making processes carried out by knowledge-based organizations. The aim of this architecture is to change the static document to mobile agents, which are designed to implement the structure of the organization through autonomous migration between knowledge workers...

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  • Application of Web-GIS and Cloud Computing to Automatic Satellite Image Correction


    - Rok 2016

    Radiometric calibration of satellite imagery requires coupling of atmospheric and topographic parameters, which constitutes serious computational problems in particular in complex geographical terrain. Successful application of topographic normalization algorithms for calibration purposes requires integration of several types of high-resolution geographic datasets and their processing in a common context. This paper presents the...

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  • CNN-CLFFA: Support Mobile Edge Computing in Transportation Cyber Physical System

    • A. Bhansali
    • R. Kumar Patra
    • P. Bidare Divakarachari
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • G. Shivakanth
    • S. N. Patil

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2024

    In the present scenario, the transportation Cyber Physical System (CPS) improves the reliability and efficiency of the transportation systems by enhancing the interactions between the physical and cyber systems. With the provision of better storage ability and enhanced computing, cloud computing extends transportation CPS in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). By inspecting the existing literatures, the cloud computing cannot fulfill...

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  • Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing for Biological Agent Detection and Identification

    • L. B. Kish
    • H. Chang
    • C. Kwan
    • J. Jensen
    • G. Schmera
    • J. Smulko
    • Z. Gingl
    • C. G. Granqvist


    Przedstawiono wcześniejsze wyniki badań dotyczące trzech różnych sposobów wykrywania obecności substancji biologicznych za pomocą zjawisk fluktuacyjnych: 1) wirusów wnikających do komórek, 2) zapachów emitowanych przez mikroby, 3) rozkładu widma i wartości chwilowych szumów podczas rozpraszania światła używanego do wykrywania zarodników na podstawie wyznaczenia współczynnika dyfuzji opisująceo ich ruch.We survey and show our earlier...

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  • Some Artificial Intelligence Driven Algorithms For Mobile Edge Computing in Smart City


    - Rok 2019

    Smart mobile devices can share computing workload with the computer cloud that is important when artificial intelligence tools support computer systems in a smart city. This concept brings computing on the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens and it can shorten latency. Edge computing removes a crucial drawback of the smart city computing because city services are usually far away from citizens, physically. Besides, we introduced...

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  • Big Data and the Internet of Things in Edge Computing for Smart City


    - Rok 2019

    Requests expressing collective human expectations and outcomes from city service tasks can be partially satisfied by processing Big Data provided to a city cloud via the Internet of Things. To improve the efficiency of the city clouds an edge computing has been introduced regarding Big Data mining. This intelligent and efficient distributed system can be developed for citizens that are supposed to be informed and educated by the...

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  • Detection of immunological agent by optical fiber sensor: preliminary study


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2017

    The objective of this study is the application of optical methods for detection of immunological agent concentration. As the agent we used the Cyclaid, produced by Apotex Inc. In this article we investigated different Cyclaid concentrations in water. We used a Fabry-Pérot interferometer working in a reflective mode, the measurements were performed with source with central wavelength λ = 1550 nm. The preliminary investigation have...

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  • Towards Healthcare Cloud Computing

    In this paper we present construction of a software platform for supporting medical research teams, in the area of impedance cardiography, called IPMed. Using the platform, research tasks will be performed by the teams through computer-supported cooperative work. The platform enables secure medical data storing, access to the data for research group members, cooperative analysis of medical data and provide analysis supporting tools...

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  • Mobile devices and computing cloud resources allocation for interactive applications

    Using mobile devices such as smartphones or iPads for various interactive applications is currently very common. In the case of complex applications, e.g. chess games, the capabilities of these devices are insufficient to run the application in real time. One of the solutions is to use cloud computing. However, there is an optimization problem of mobile device and cloud resources allocation. An iterative heuristic algorithm for...

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