wszystkich: 318
wybranych: 281
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BENDING ANALYSIS
FE analysis of a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in plain concrete beams with varying material properties.
PublikacjaThe numerical FE investigations of a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in unnotched concrete beams of similar geometry under quasi-static three point bending were performed within elasto-plasticity with non-local softening. The stochastic FE analyses were carried out with three different beam sizes. Deterministic calculations were performed with the uniform distribution of a uniaxial tensile strength. In statistical calculations...
Modeling of truss with cold-formed section and positive eccentricity in the node
PublikacjaThis work is dedicated to establishing the load carrying capacity of tensed and compressed truss’ nodes made of cold-formed open cross sections. The occurrence of bending in the truss’ nodes is the result of a specific production technology for system lattice girders assumed by the designer and the producer. The aim of this research is to present the methodology of conduct for creation of computational models that best depict the...
Modelowanie kratownicy z kształtowników giętych na zimno z mimośrodami dodatnimi w węźle = Modelling of truss with cold-formed section and positive eccentricyty in the node.
PublikacjaThe topic of this research is establishing load-carrying capacity of compressed and tensed chords of trusses made of cold-formed open cross-sections. Occurrence of bending in the truss’ chord is the result of specific production technology assumed by the designer and producer of lattice girder’s systems. The aim of this research is to present methodology of conduct while creating numerical models that best depict the behaviour...
Effect of non-zero mean stress bending-torsion fatigue on fracture surface parameters of 34CrNiMo6 steel notched bars
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A fractographic study exploring the fracture surface topography of S355J2 steel after pseudo-random bending-torsion fatigue tests
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Notched concrete beams under bending - calculations of size effects within stochastic elasto-plasticity with non-local softening
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy efektów skali (efektu deterministycznego i stochastycznego) w belkach betonowych nacięciem poddanych zginaniu z uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i sprężysto-plastycznego modelu z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Pokazano wpływ wielkości belek na nośność z uwzględnieniem stochastycznego rozkładu wytrzymałości na...
Mesoscopic simulations of a fracture process in reinforced concrete beam in bending using a 2D coupled DEM/micro-CT approach
PublikacjaW tej pracy zbadano numerycznie w warunkach 2D złożony proces pękania w krótkiej prostokątnej belce betonowej wzmocnionej jednym prętem podłużnym (bez zbrojenia pionowego) i poddanej quasi-statycznemu zginaniu w trzech punktach. Krytyczne pęknięcie poprzeczne w belce spowodowało jej uszkodzenie podczas doświadczenia. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono klasyczną metodą elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Przyjęto trójfazowy opis betonu:...
FE calculations of a deterministic and statistical size effect in concrete under bending within stochastic elasto-plasticity and non-local softening
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiony wyniki obliczeń MES deterministycznego i statystycznego efektu skali w belkach betonowych podczas zginania. Zastosowano model w ramach stochastycznej sprężysto-plastyczności i nielokalnego osłabienia. Belki były geometrycznie podobne. Wyniki porównano z modelem efektu skali Bazanta.
Influence of steel brackets supporting crane runway girders structure on the stress distribution in the brackets
PublikacjaThe paper presents a numerical analysis of steel brackets supporting a double-span crane runway girders. The purpose of the study was to assess the new structural solution based on the stress distribution in the brackets. In order to simplify the connection, the bottom flange of the crane runway girder is based directly on the upper flange of the bracket. As a result, the support reaction is no longer applied in the plane of the...
PublikacjaThe article discusses the problem of mathematical modelling of energy conversion processes in a rotating mechanical system for the purpose of identifying fatigue states of propulsion shafts in this system. A simplified physical model of the analysed system, constructed in an appropriate scale, has made the basis for the experimental research. The research programme took into consideration mechanical fatigue excitation of the model...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Numerical simulation of asphalt mixtures fracture using continuum models
PublikacjaThe paper considers numerical models of fracture processes of semi-circular asphalt mixture specimens subjected to three-point bending. Parameter calibration of the asphalt mixture constitutive models requires advanced, complex experimental test procedures. The highly non-homogeneous material is numerically modelled by a quasicontinuum model. The computational parameters are averaged data of the components, i.e. asphalt, aggregate...
Comparative study of numerical modelling and experimental investigation for vessel-docking operations
PublikacjaA comparative study between numerical modelling and experimental investigation is performed to validate the developed numerical method for simulating floating dock operations with a vessel on board. Both model-scale and full-scale experimental tests are performed on floating docks with a vessel on board, and the draughts using draught meters, floating positions and bending of the floating dock are measured. The present numerical...
Modes of Failure Analysis in Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Laser Scanning and Synchro-Photogrammetry - How to apply optical technologies in the diagnosis of reinforced concrete elements?
PublikacjaThe following paper reveal the limitations and possibilities of terrestrial laser scanning technology adaptation in diagnostics of reinforced concrete beams. In this paper, authors present potential spectrum of TLS use in modes of failure analysis of R-C beams and determines under which conditions the laser technologies might be applied. Research was carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Structural Engineering at Gdansk University...
Quantitative loss analysis of opaque perovskite solar cells using transient and steady-state characterization
PublikacjaPerovskite solar cells have emerged as a promising technology in the field of photovoltaics, owing to their notable advancements in power conversion efficiency. Recent investigations have revealed a crucial dependency of efficiency on the source of bromide within the perovskite absorption layer. To elucidate the underlying nature of traps within these solar cells, a comprehensive series of measurements was conducted under varying...
Flexural behavior of composite structural insulated panels with magnesium oxide board facings
PublikacjaThe current report is devoted to the flexural analysis of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings and expanded polystyrene (EPS) core, that was recently introduced to the building industry. An advanced nonlinear FE model was created in the ABAQUS environment, able to simulate the CSIP’s flexural behavior in great detail. An original custom code procedure was developed, which allowed to include...
The effect of multiaxial geocomposite reinforcement on fatigue performance and crack propagation delay in double-layered asphalt beams
PublikacjaThe presented study investigates the effect of a recently developed multiaxial geocomposite made of polypropylene geogrid and non-woven fabric on the delay of crack propagation, based on four-point bending tests of large asphalt concrete beams – both for reinforced and non-reinforced specimens. Several approaches are described in this study, including analysis of stiffness modulus decrease and analysis of crack propagation using...
Reducing the seismic failure potential of reinforced concrete frames
PublikacjaNowadays, there is an extreme need for buildings with seismic resistance capability in rural areas, in which, it is possible to increase the floor number of buildings. In this study, the effects of number of bays and story levels on the seismic performance level of Reinforced Concrete (RC) frames were investigated. The 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-story RC frames were modeled using ETABS software. In order to collapse state analysis, Incremental...
Local buckling of compressed flange of cold-formed channel members made of aluminum alloy
PublikacjaThe paper deals with local buckling of a compressed single flange of thin-walled channel cold- formed columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. Material is described by means of the Ramberg-Osgood constitutive equation. Axial compression of the columns and beams undergoing bending is taken into consid- eration. A simple model of the member flange in the form a long beam elastically connected to the web is used to find the critical...
PublikacjaIn the article structural issues that connected with the reinforced concrete supporting construction of the stadium roofing for EURO 2012 in Gdańsk were described. In the first part of the article the concept of stadium foundation were described. In the second the static - strength analysis for two variants fastening together individual foundation elements were made. The two assumed geometrically different concept of foundation...
Ocena pracy dźwigara zadaszenia Hali Blanika w Gdańsku
PublikacjaWartykule przedstawiono kompleksowe sprawdzenie nośności stalowej konstrukcji zadaszenia Hali Leszka Blanika w Gdańsku. Dokonano oceny wpływu otworów dużej średnicy w środnikach dźwigara na jego nośność. Oszacowano nośność nietypowego, zginanego styku doczołowego łączącego elementy dwuteowe klasy 4. Obliczenia wykonano na podstawie norm i analiz modeli MES.
Experimental investigation of joint with positive eccentricity in CFS truss
PublikacjaDue to technological restrictions, in the case of trusses made of CFS open cross-sections, positive eccentricities in the truss joints have become very frequent. Therefore studies concerning the load-bearing capacity of truss joints with positive eccentricity were undertaken. It was assumed that the resistance of cold-formed steel (CFS) open cross-section truss joints located on compression chords and with positive eccentricity...
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublikacjaThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Autogenous Fiber Laser Welding of 316L Austenitic and 2304 Lean Duplex Stainless Steels
PublikacjaThis study presents results of experimental tests on quality of dissimilar welded joints between 316L austenitic and 2304 lean duplex stainless steels, welded without ceramic backing. Fiber laser welded butt joints at a thickness of 8 mm were subjected to non‐destructive testing (visual and penetrant), destructive testing (static tensile test, bending test, and microhardness measurements) and structure observations (macro‐ and...
Experimental and numerical study on stability loss of innovative geometry steel girder
PublikacjaThis paper presents the experimental and numerical analysis of an innovative plate girder geometry with variable web thicknesses. An idea proposed in this research is to increase the stability of the girder web by increasing its thickness in the compressed zone. This solution can replace commonly used longitudinal stiffeners which are designed to prevent web local loss of stability. Moreover, such an innovative approach requires...
Structural Reliability Assessment Of Corroded Tanker Ship Based On Experimentally Estimated Ultimate Strength
PublikacjaThis work deals with the reliability assessment of a tanker ship hull structure subjected to a vertical bending moment and corrosion degradation. The progressive collapse and ultimate load carrying capacity are estimated based on experimentally tested scaled box-shaped-specimens. The translation of the strength estimate of the scaled specimen to the real tanker ship hull structure is performed based on the dimensional theory developing...
Sposoby przykładania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcję płytowo-słupową
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod zadawania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcje płytowo-słupową. Przeanalizowano pięć sposobów rozkładu obciążenia na płytę stropową. Wyniki momentów zginających i przemieszczeń w wybranych punktach dla analizowanych przypadków porównywano z wartościami ekstremalnymi obliczonymi na podstawie powierzchni wpływu (Wariant 1). Wykonane obliczenia pozwoliły na wskazanie zalecanej...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublikacjaThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
Prestressing of concrete using iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) short fibers: Experimental and numerical analysis
PublikacjaIron-based shape memory alloys (Fe-SMAs) exhibit unique shape recovery and memory effect behavior upon thermal activation, making them advantageous for structural applications such as prestressing. Introducing short Fe-SMA fibers into concrete structures allows for a uniform and localized distribution of prestressing forces within...
Mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites with submicron particles
PublikacjaIn this research the influence of submicron zinc oxide and silicon dioxide particles on mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres was investigated. Composites were fabricated using hand lay-up method. Materials contained 39-41 wt.% of glass fibres. The bending tests, dynamic mechanical analysis and tribological tests were performed on each group of composites and also for...
Simplified method of applying loads to flat slab floor structural model
PublikacjaThe article analyses the impact of the live load position on the surface of a reinforced concrete flat slab floor of 32.0 m × 28.8 m. Four variants of a live load position are investigated: located on the entire concrete slab, set in a chessboard pattern, applied by bands and imposed separately in each of the slab panels. Conclusions are drawn upon differences in bending moments, the time of calculation and the size of output files....
Comparison of strain results at a laser weld notch obtained by numerical calculations and experimental measurements
PublikacjaIn the development of ship structures applying new materials and it’s purposeful placement play an important role. During the last years, especially in a construction of ro-ro type vessels, the usage of novel sandwich structures in cargo decks is profitable. Steel sandwich panel is an innovative solution which at a todays state of development can be used for the construction of any members not taking part in a global bending of...
Investigation of Weigh-in-Motion Measurement Accuracy on the Basis of Steering Axle Load Spectra
PublikacjaWeigh-in-motion systems are installed in pavements or on bridges to identify and reduce the number of overloaded vehicles and minimise their adverse eect on road infrastructure. Moreover, the collected trac data are used to obtain axle load characteristics, which are very useful in road infrastructure design. Practical application of data from weigh-in-motion has become more common recently, which calls for adequate attention to...
Fracture susceptibility of high RAP content asphalt concrete in terms of aging
PublikacjaDue to the reduction of CO2 emissions during the production of asphalt mixtures and the decrease in the demand for mineral resources, the addition of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is becoming indispensable. The durability of asphalt pavements containing a high RAP content may be reduced due to a decrease in the cracking resistance of the material, especially under the influence of operational aging. The article presents the...
Exploring the interfacial effects at the ETL/perovskite boundary in the semitransparent perovskite solar cells
PublikacjaThe recent focus has been made on the perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with an inverted configuration, where substantial improvements have been already achieved. However, the p–i–n structure needs a buffer layer for most of the configurations to modify the work-function of a deposited electrode. Additionally and very importantly, such a layer can also serve as a protective film that improves a stability of solar cells. Here, we study...
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
Nonlinear material identification of heterogeneous isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shells
PublikacjaThis work presents a Finite Element Model Updating inverse methodology for reconstructing heterogeneous materialdistributions based on an efficient isogeometric shell formulation. It uses nonlinear hyperelastic material models suitable fordescribing incompressible material behavior as well as initially curved shells. The material distribution is discretized by bilinearelements such that the nodal values...
Mechanical behaviour of the implant used in human hernia repair under physiological loads
PublikacjaIn laparoscopic operations of abdominal hernias some recurrences still take place, even when applying a surgical mesh. This is usually caused by a failure of the connection between the tissue and the implant. The study deals with the influence of an implant’s orientation on forces in joints, which connect the mesh to human tissues. In the paper, the implant is modelled as a membrane structure within framework of the Finite Element...
Material Identification of the Human Abdominal Wall Based On the Isogeometric Shell Model
PublikacjaThe human abdominal wall is an object of interest to the research community in the context of ventral hernia repair. Computer models require a priori knowledge of constitutive parameters in order to establish its mechanical response. In this work, the Finite Element Model Updating (FEMU) method is used to identify an heterogeneous shear modulus distribution for a human abdominal wall model, which is based on nonlinear isogeometric...
On local buckling of cold-formed channel members
PublikacjaThe paper deals with local buckling of the compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel beams subjected to pure bending or axially compressed columns. Arbitrarily shaped flanges of open cross-sections and the web-flange interactions are taken into account. Buckling deformation of a beam flange is described by displacement related to torsion of the flange about the line of its connection with the web. Total potential energy...
Microcrack monitoring and fracture evolution of polyolefin and steel fibre concrete beams using integrated acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques
PublikacjaThe use of polymer and steel fibres in plain concrete appears to be an excellent solution for limiting crack propagation and improving the post-ductility performance of concrete structures. Based on this premise, this study investigated the fracture evolution of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC) and steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens through the integrated application of two diagnostic techniques, acoustic...
Badania eksperymentalne rezonansowego przetwornika piezoelektrycznego typu "unimorph"
PublikacjaW artykule opisano badania eksperymentalne piezoelektrycznego rezonansowego przetwornika zastosowanego do pomiaru właściwości mechanicznych tkanek miękkich. Po krótkim wstępie w kolejnych punktach przedstawiono opis stanowiska pomiarowego oraz metody pomiaru odkształceń prototypów, przesunięć częstotliwości rezonansowej, impedancji elektromechanicznej i parametrów schematów zastępczych. W dalszej...
Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures
PublikacjaRecently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...
Expedited Yield Optimization of Narrow- and Multi-Band Antennas Using Performance-Driven Surrogates
PublikacjaUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of antenna systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the antenna characteristics. In the case of narrow- or multi-band antennas, this usually leads to...
On a 3D material modelling of smart nanocomposite structures
PublikacjaSmart composites (SCs) are utilized in electro-mechanical systems such as actuators and energy harvesters. Typically, thin-walled components such as beams, plates, and shells are employed as structural elements to achieve the mechanical behavior desired in these composites. SCs exhibit various advanced properties, ranging from lower order phenomena like piezoelectricity and piezomagneticity, to higher order effects including flexoelectricity...
In vivo performance of intraperitoneal onlay mesh after ventral hernia repair
PublikacjaBackground: Ventral hernia repair needs to be improved since recurrence, postoperative pain and other complications are still reported in many patients. The behavior of implants in vivo is not sufficiently understood to design a surgical mesh mechanically compatible with the human abdominal wall. Methods: This analysis was based on radiological pictures of patients who underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. The pictures...
Laboratory fatigue assessment of large geocomposite-reinforced double-layered asphalt concrete beams
PublikacjaGeosynthetic reinforcement of asphalt layers has been used for several decades. Evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still ongoing, especially for new types of geocomposites. This paper presents the evaluation of fatigue performance of large asphalt concrete beams reinforced with a new type of composite in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions...