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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DESIGN SPACE REDUCTION

  • Wzmocnienie przestrzennych dźwigarów kratowych z zastosowaniem dodatkowego podparcia i sprężenia


    - Rok 2017

    Podczas obowiązkowego przeglądu technicznego obiektu budowlanego stwierdzone zostały deformacje stalowych prętów wykratowania przestrzennych dźwigarów dachowych. Opinie techniczne dotyczące stanu technicznego potwierdziły wstępnie wykryte nieprawidłowości i nakazywały podjęcie kroków zaradczych w postaci opracowania koncepcji naprawy, a w jej ślad projektu budowlanego i wykonawczego. Do czasu naprawy obiekt został dopuszczony do...

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  • Wpływ widma promieniowania optycznego i położenia oprawy oświetleniowej wykorzystującej źródła elektroluminescencyjne na efektywność i minimalizację zużycia energii elektrycznej w farmie wertykalnej


    - Rok 2024

    Rozprawa poświęcona jest optymalizacji modułów oświetlenia upraw roślinnych. W rozprawie wzięto pod uwagę zarówno wpływ widma światła modułów oświetlenia na własności użytkowe roślin, jak również aspektów energetycznych (oszczędność energii elektrycznej) oraz ogólnej sprawności modułów oświetlenia. W rozprawie udowodniono, że zindywidualizowany dobór widma promieniowania optycznego oprawy oświetleniowej stosowanej do uprawy roślin...

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  • The experience of movement in orbital space architecture: A narrative of weightlessness


    Based upon a combination of architectural theories, the knowledge of space environment, and psychology of isolated and confined environments, this qualitative research aims to study orbital space settlement in a way to get the built space congenial to the human experience of movement. In this sense, sensors, self-propulsion or mechanical actuators, the inhabitant’s mental and visual capacity for movement, as well as the represented...

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  • The experience of movement in orbital space architecture: A narrative of weightlessness


    - Cogent Arts & Humanities - Rok 2020

    Based upon a combination of architectural theories, the knowledge of space environment, and psychology of isolated and confined environments, this qualitative research aims to study orbital space settlement in a way to get the built space congenial to the human experience of movement. In this sense, sensors, self-propulsion or mechanical actuators, the inhabitant’s mental and visual capacity for movement, as well as the represented...

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  • The significance of the underground experience: Selection of reference design cases from the underground public transport stations and interchanges of the European Union

    Abstract Background Recent research into the way public transport users appreciate stations and interchanges has highlighted several key aspects. Importantly, the optimization of these facilities should not simply aim to resolve dissatisfiers, but should also focus on addressing satisfiers, through the incorporation of factors such as comfort and experience. ‘Soft requirements,’ which have emerged in architecture and urban design,...

  • Reflective practice as a basis for building a sustainable public space: the case of Kartuzy


    Recent decades have been characterized by dynamic changes in the urban design process in post-transition countries such as Poland. Numerous activities have focused on upgrading the urban environment. The transformation that drives change also requires some new skills, which are described in the theory of reflective practice: observation, experience, and reflection. The goal of this paper is to build a descriptive scheme of the...

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    The buildings considered as raising the prestige and promoting cities are those related to culture. Their impact on urban life is undeniable, which is reflected in a continuous increase in the number of new museum buildings. Apart from places intrinsically linked with culture, which, as such, may be considered as standard - like museum, theatres or galleries - there also appear alternative places of development and promotion of...

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  • Management of energy renovation for traditional rural residential houses


    Renowacja energetyczna ma na celu zmniejszenie energii zużywanej przez budynek poprzez poprawę właściwości cieplnych przegród budowlanych oraz usprawnienie efektywności systemów instalacyjnych. Jest to istotny element w osiąganiu celów klimatycznych zdefiniowanych przez społeczność międzynarodową. Renowacja zabudowy o wartości kulturowej wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania cech architektonicz- nych, decydujących o jej rozpoznawalności,...

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  • Activating Public Space: How to Promote Physical Activity in Urban Environment

    Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. The quality and equipment of urban public space plays an important role in promoting physical activity among people (residents, tourists). In order for recreation and sports activities to be undertaken willingly, in a safe and comprehensive manner, certain spatial conditions and requirements must be met. The distinctive feature of contemporary large cities is the...

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    - Rok 2012

    Space has its measurable financial value. From the economic point of view place can be treated as a product that fights for appearing in tourists' and investors' consciousnesses. Space - treated as the object of demand and supply - becomes an element in a marketing game. To reach its maximal value the given space should be competitive to other spaces, from which it wants to stand out. However, in the field of architecture - and...

  • The essence of marine and coastal space – an interdisciplinary perspective


    - EUROPA XXI - Rok 2019

    Sea space has been undergoing a profound transformation. Although it retains its inspirational function in arts, literature and philosophy, it has been gaining new anthropogenic dimensions in eco-nomics and urban planning as a source of satisfying human needs i.e. the provision of harmony, beauty, off-shore energy, and biotech substances. Therefore, in this paper marine space is analyzed from a mul-tidimensional perspective of...

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  • Wyzwania współpracy z robotem jako członkiem zespołu

    – Cel: Ocena, jakie są przekonania dotyczące współpracy z robotami w zespole, jakie są obawy i oczekiwania związane z „zatrudnianiem” robotów. – Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowane z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety w grupie 593 specjalistów IT. – Wyniki badań: Roboty nadal traktowane są głównie jako narzędzia, nie jako podmioty uczestniczące w pracy zespołu. Przekonanie, że obecność robota w zespole nie wyeliminuje...

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  • Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course


    - Rok 2018

    In recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...

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  • Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities


    - Rok 2012

    Revitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...

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  • Architektura przyjazna seniorom w Polsce XXI wieku. Kształtowanie przestrzeni zamieszkania, pracy i rozrywki


    Polska, podobnie jak wiele innych krajów, zmaga się obecnie z procesem starzenia społeczeństwa, który w najbliższych latach będzie przybierał na sile. Dlatego bardzo istotne jest, aby już teraz rozpocząć proces przystosowywania miast do zmieniającej się struktury społecznej, tak aby w przyszłości mogły być one miejscem, w którym ludzie starsi będą mogli swobodnie i bezpiecznie mieszkać oraz funkcjonować. W realiach polskich można...

  • Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland


    - Urban Design International - Rok 2021

    In the first half of 2020, millions of people were subjected to drastic restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Austria, France and Poland have implemented a lockdown to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. This is an unprecedented situation in Europe: until now, even in times of war, curfew measures have never been applied 24 h a day. The research presented in this article was carried out...

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  • Creating Polish space language dictionary - lessons learned


    Polish space industry suffers from lack of space vocabulary. Since joining European Space Agency in 2012, the sector has expanded rapidly now employing over 1000 specialists focusing mainly on space sustainability, space debris detection and tracking, robotics and propulsion systems. The Polish Space Agency together with The Polish Committee for Standardization have committed to creating the first lexicon of space language, along...

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  • Engineering and Management of Space Systems - an International Joint Master's Double-Degree Programme


    - Rok 2024

    Dynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...

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  • Non-Visual Aspects of the Space Performing the Soundscape of the City


    The relationship between art and architecture remains a challenging issue today, first and foremost in the domain of architecture, and particularly in art and design schools. To address this issue, the Winter School International Research and Education (WIRE) programme was run in the Gazi University Department of Architecture between 2013 and 2014, with the main theme being “Art and Architecture”, and the sub-themes determined...

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  • Characterization of the Functionally Graded Shear Modulus of a Half-Space


    - Mathematics - Rok 2020

    In this article, a method is proposed for determining parameters of the exponentialy varying shear modulus of a functionally graded half-space. The method is based on the analytical solution of the problem of pure shear of an elastic functionally graded half-space by a strip punch. The half-space has the depth-wise exponential variation of its shear modulus, whose parameters are to be determined. The problem is reduced to an integral...

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  • A note on Banach space isomorphic to Hilbert space

    W pracy charakteryzuje się przestrzenie Hilberta w terminach istnienia pewnych funkcji gładkich.

  • In search of a common ground for the space sciences


    - Rok 2019

    The paper discusses the relations between various aspects of human activities performed in space, taking into consideration the past, present and future contexts. Interdisciplinarity and integrity of technological issues combined with legal and management issues were emphasized. Consequently, it was recognized that it is necessary to build a network of universities, research-and-development companies and engineering companies....

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  • Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review

    The phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity...

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  • Modelling of the Movement of Designed Vehicles on Parking Space for Designing Parking


    - Rok 2019

    Nowadays, in all cities there is an acute problem of lack of parking spaces. The vehicles are becoming more and more not only in megacities, but also in small cities of the country, and there are no more parking places - the pace of solving the problem is several times slower than the speed of transport growth among the citizens. The article is dedicated to determination of the optimum sizes parking place for designing vehicles...

  • Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method

    Dimensionally stable material design is an important issue for space structures such as space laser communication systems, telescopes, and satellites. Suitably designed composite materials for this purpose can meet the functional and structural requirements. In this paper, it is aimed to design the dimensionally stable laminated composites by using efficient global optimization method. For this purpose, the composite plate optimization...

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  • Deformation mitigation and twisting moment control in space frames


    - Structures - Rok 2024

    Over the last five decades, space frames have centered on the modernization of touristic zones in view of architectural attractions. Although attempts to control joint movement and minimize axial force and bending moment in such structures were made sufficiently, twisting moments in space frames have been underestimated so far. In space frames, external load or restoring the misshapen shape may cause twisting in members. We herein...

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  • Deflated Preconditioned Solvers for Parametrized Local Model Order Reduction


    - Rok 2020

    One of steps in the design of microwave filters is numerical tuning using full-wave simulators. Typically, it is a time-consuming process as it uses advanced computational methods, e.g. the finite-element method (FEM) and it usually requires multiple optimization steps before the specification goals are met. FEM involves solving a large sparse system of equations at many frequency points and therefore its computational cost is...

  • Redefiniowanie przestrzeni medycznej = Redefining healthcare space


    - Rok 2015

    Szpital jest obiektem publicznym, budynkiem-miastem, jego architektura nakierowana jest na realizację procesu leczenia i zdrowienia, a jednocześnie formuje przestrzenne ramy mikrokosmosu interakcji społecznych rozgrywających się pomiędzy pacjentami i personelem, gośćmi i „mieszkańcami”. Współcześnie w podejściu do rozumienia czym jest szpital - a zatem również do kształtowania architektury obiektów medycznych - można zauważyć dwa...

  • Reduction of steel chimney vibrations with a pendlum damper.


    Karman vortices observed around chimneys may induce dangerous structural vi-brations at certain wind velocities. The aim of this paper is to analyse theeffectiveness of pendulum damper in vibration reduction of a steel chimney. A two degree-of-freedom system is used to model the behaviour of the struc-ture equipped with a damper. The results of the study show that the use of pendulum with tuned frequency leads to significant...

  • Size Reduction of Microwave Couplers by EM-Driven Optimization


    - Rok 2015

    This work addresses simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers that explicitly aims at circuit footprint area reduction. The penalty function approach allows us to minimize the area of the circuit while ensuring a proper power division between the output ports and providing a sufficient bandwidth with respect to return loss and isolation around the operating frequency. Computational cost of the optimization...

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  • Identification of Shear Modulus Parameters of Half-space Inhomogeneous by Depth


    - AIP Conference Proceedings - Rok 2019

    The paper propose a method for determining of the parameters of the exponential shear modulus of a functionally graded half-space based on the solution of the problem of a pure shear of an elastic functionally graded half-space by a strip punch. The solution of the integral equation of the contact problem is constructed by asymptotic methods with respect to the dimensionless parameter. The dependence of contact stresses on the...

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  • Otopy Classification of Gradient Compact Perturbations of Identity in Hilbert Space


    - FILOMAT - Rok 2020

    We prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient local maps into the space of all local maps from Hilbert space to itself induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps, where by a local map we mean a compact perturbation of identity with a compact preimage of zero.

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  • Objective relaxation algorithm for reliable simulation-driven size reduction of antenna structure

    This letter investigates reliable size reduction of antennas through electromagnetic-driven optimization. It is demonstrated that conventional formulation of the design task by direct footprint miniaturization with imposing constraints on electrical performance parameters may not lead to optimum results. The reason is that—in a typical antenna structure—only a few geometry parameters explicitly determine the antenna footprint,...

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  • Distinctive facades of commercial buildings and the quality of public space,


    Mutual relations between the retail center and public spaces of the city are varied. They depend on the type and size of the commercial structure. Other ones are for multifunctional shopping centers and other for high streets. In megastores and shopping malls the essential for their functioning is their interior and entrance, which is sometimes the only place of interpenetration of the commercial structure with the surrounding...

  • Asymptotic properties of quadratic stochastic operators acting on the L1 space


    Quadratic stochastic operators can exhibit a wide variety of asymptotic behaviours and these have been introduced and studied recently in the ℓ1 space. It turns out that in principle most of the results can be carried over to the L1 space. However, due to topological properties of this space one has to restrict in some situations to kernel quadratic stochastic operators. In this article we study the uniform and strong asymptotic...

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  • Design of a microrobotic wrist for needle laparoscopic surgery


    The paper addresses the design of a micro wrist for needle laparoscopic surgery (needlescopy) using MEMS technology and an original 3 degree of freedom, 3D architecture. Advancement in needlescopy drives the development of multi-dof micro-tools 1-2mmin diameter with 3D mobility but standard available fabricationtechniques are for 2.5D structures. The paper discusses thedevelopment steps and design solutions for the realization...

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  • Application of Barycentric Coordinates in Space Vector PWM Computations


    This paper proposes the use of barycentric coordinates in the development and implementationof space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) methods, especially for inverters with deformed space-vector diagrams. The proposed approach is capable of explicit calculation of vector duty cycles, independentof whether they assume ideal positions or are displaced due to the DC-link voltage imbalance. The use ofbarycentric coordinates also...

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  • Move into the open space – what can we expect from moving artistic interventions to open urban spaces?


    - Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - Rok 2017

    The paper discuses the role of incorporating creative engagement into the processes of urban and social development using cultural means of action and expression and the potential of artistic interventions in public space. The block of initiatives within the People’s Smart Sculpture EU project, realized by Gdańsk City Gallery, has been named “Move Into The Open Space”. This paper will provide...

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  • First highly effective non-catalytic nitrobenzene reduction in UV/dithionite system with aniline production – Advanced reduction process (ARP) approach



    Advanced reduction processes (ARPs) are currently intensively investigated as an alternative to Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The study presents efficient reduction of nitrobenzene under non-catalytic conditions through reaction with free radicals having reductive potential. Effective conversion of nitrobenzene in a model wastewater solution, was obtained for sodium dithionite (SDT)/ dithionite (DTN). The developed process...

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  • Wodociągi Gdyni, (1911-1961)


    - Rok 2022

    Monografia zawiera informacje faktograficzne o procesie tworzenia i eksploatacji wodociągów w latach 1911 – 1961: wiejskiego (Oksywie), osiedlowego (Kamienna Góra), miejskiego (Śródmieście, Grabówek)) oraz grupowego na obszarze Wielkiej Gdyni. Dla każdego wodociągu udokumentowano przebieg prac organizacyjno-przygotowawczych, koncepcje projektowe i wykonane roboty budowlano-instalacyjne. Zagadnienia techniczne przedstawiono na tle...

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  • Synteza układu sterowania statkiem morskim dynamicznie pozycjonowanym w warunkach niepewności


    - Rok 2019

    Niniejsza monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z syntezą układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku w środowisku morskim z zastosowaniem wybranych nieliniowych metod sterowania. W ramach pracy autorka rozważała struktury sterowania z zastosowaniem wektorowej adaptacyjnej metody backstep oraz metod jej pokrewnych, takich jak regulatory MSS (ang. multiple surface sliding), DSC (ang. dynamic surface control), NB (ang. neural backstepping)....

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  • Modal Reduction and Analysis of Gyroscopic Systems


    The paper introduces the method of the modal reduction of systems that experience the Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect component. In such cases corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve the problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model...

  • Computational Approach towards Repetitive Design Tasks: The Case Study of Parking Lot Automated Design


    - Sustainability - Rok 2024

    The study aims to develop and assess an algorithm for efficiently generating parking spot layouts within predefined area outlines. The algorithm is an attempt to streamline the decisionmaking process by producing different design variants and optimizing the utilization of available space. The algorithm’s primary objective is to streamline decision-making by generating diverse design variants while optimizing the use of available...

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  • Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations


    - Rok 2007

    The contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...

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  • Unequally-Spaced Slot Strategy for Radiation Null Reduction in Single SIW-Embedded Antenna Element


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2024

    The incorporation of higher-order modes (HOMs) can substantially augment the antenna gain and bandwidth, but this improvement is typically accompanied by compromised radiation performance including radiation nulls and higher side lobe levels. In this study, an inventive strategy is introduced to reduce the radiation nulls and the side lobe levels of a single antenna element by positioning multiple slots of the radiating element...

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  • "Shaping space" programme as a tool for educating youth about architecture


    - Rok 2017

    The Polish Architectural Policy’s vision of a systematic promotion of spatial culture has made its way into the national curriculum for 2009 – 2016 designed for various stages of child and teenager education. The objective of this effort was to furnish a basis for a system of architectural education which allows teaching society to be more conscious in their decisions as to spatial order with the effect of improving the quality...

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  • Direct reduction of pellets through hydrogen: Experimental and model behaviour



    This paper presents the hydrogen reduction behaviour of industrial pellets designed for the efficient hydrogen based direct reduction. The pellets were provided with very low non ferrous oxides percentage (0.52 of basicity index) and with the absence on TiO2 oxides. The pellets measured diameters in the range 1.14–1.72 cm and were characterized in terms of porosity, pores size, tortuosity and compression strength. The pellets were...

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  • Optimization of Graphene Oxide Synthesis and Its Reduction


    In this article, we present the review of the chemical methods of synthesis of graphene oxide and its reduction in order to obtain the so-called reduced graphene oxide (rGO) whose properties are similar to those of pure graphene. We also present our experiments and the results in this field and the comparison of the efficiency of different methods of synthesis as well as the reduction of graphene oxide. To characterize the obtained...

  • Safety-based approach in multifunctional building design


    ABSTRACT: The modern trend in design of the public buildings is to create multifunctional environments in one building, hosting a variety of functions. Multifunctional buildings entertain large number of visitors. The complexity and vulnerability of this type of public space are the main reasons to use within their design process the performance based approach including the recognition of hazards. Safety and reliability approach...

  • Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures

    Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...

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