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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HUME%20DAVID

  • Dziwaczne i osobliwe. Zjawiska wokół książki Marka Fishera

    In my review, I discuss the Polish translation of Mark Fisher’s The weird and the eerie, published by Słowo/obraz terytoria. Originally released in December 2016, Fisher’s collection of thirteen essays explores cul-tural texts by figures like Howard P. Lovecraft, David Lynch and Joy Division. Fisher employs a theoretical framework heavily influenced by post-Lacanian, post-Derridean and Deleuzean concepts. The translation, of...

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  • Contemporary architecture within the context of architectural education

    Analysed in this article are the diploma projects of students of architecture in European countries. The aim was to examine how students approach an important issue related to sustainable development, i.e. the integration of newly designed architecture into the existing historical, cultural and natural context. The rational use and protection of the environment requires the skilful shaping of urbanised space. Many changes in the...

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  • Measuring Pulse Rate with a Webcam

    In this paper a simple method of measuring the pulse rate is presented. Elaborated algorithm allows for efficient pulse rate registration directly from face images captured from a webcam. The desired signal is obtained by proper channel selection and principal component analysis. To determine the accuracy of the method an ECG signal is collected together with a video recordings. The effectiveness of the algorithm is considered...

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  • Intelligent Autonomous Robot Supporting Small Pets in Domestic Environment

    In this contribution, we present preliminary results of the student project aimed at the development of an intelligent autonomous robot supporting small pets in a domestic environment. The main task of this robot is to protect a freely moving small pets against accidental stepping on them by home residents. For this purpose, we have developed the mobile robot which follows a pet and makes an alarm signal when a human is approaching....

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  • Twitter jako narzędzie wspierające działania promocyjne szkół wyższych. Przykład Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej


    - Rok 2019

    Serwis społecznościowy Twitter wydaje się być skutecznym narzędziem wspierającym nie tylko promowanie dorobku poszczególnych pracowników naukowych uczelni. Może być on także wykorzystywany do prowadzenia działań upowszechniających, promujących i popularyzujących wyniki działalności badawczo-rozwojowej, innowacyjnej i wynalazczej szkół wyższych w skali krajowej oraz międzynarodowej. Biblioteka akademicka może stanowić ważne wsparcie...

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  • Microwave treatment in waste rubber recycling – recent advances and limitations


    Environmentally-friendly microwave heating is increasingly used in polymer chemistry and technology. The selectivity and highly efficiency in the heat transfer present a huge advantage in systems based on recycling, improving their productivity and economic competitiveness. In case of the industrial recycling of waste rubbers, especially end-of-life tires, microwave-induced devulcanization and pyrolysis are nowadays considered...

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  • Comparative Study of Iranian Nomadic Housing


    The purpose of this paper is to present the typical domestic space and to describe and analyze a particular temporary architecture (nomadic house) in order to perceive the exceptional nomadic culture and the architecture associated with it. The research investigates some of the nomadic tribes of Iran and their living space: including the nomadic home (Black Tent) and, uses those findings to analyze their unique culture. The research...

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  • A survey of neural networks usage for intrusion detection systems

    In recent years, advancements in the field of the artificial intelligence (AI) gained a huge momentum due to the worldwide appliance of this technology by the industry. One of the crucial areas of AI are neural networks (NN), which enable commer‐ cial utilization of functionalities previously not accessible by usage of computers. Intrusion detection system (IDS) presents one of the domains in which neural networks are widely tested...

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  • Identyfikacja prędkości fali elektromagnetycznej w przegrodach budowlanych diagnozowanych metodą georadarową


    Praca jest poświęcona metodzie identyfikacji prędkości fali elek-tromagnetycznej na podstawie analiz dyfrakcji spowodowanych obecnością inkluzji w przegrodach budowlanych żelbetowych, ceglanych oraz zespolonych żelbetowo-ceglanych. Wyprowadzono trzy modele matematyczne opisujące dyfrakcje charakterystyczne dla inkluzji kołowej, pionowej inkluzji przy powierzchni skanowa-nia oraz granicy między dwoma ośrodkami, w którym jednym z...

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  • The Impact of Building Performance Analysis on intuition Development and Decision Making Rationality


    Contemporary architectural workshop is characterized by the ability to efficiently collect and process huge amounts of geometric and non-geometric information. Virtual substitutes for buildings and structures allow to analyze various aspects of real life activity at various stages of the design process. The possibility of increased prognostic quantitative data acquisition, such as cost of energy consumption, shifts architectural...

  • E-learning in tourism and hospitality: A map


    The impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on tourism and hospitality industries has been widely recognized and investigated as a one of the major changes within the domains in the last decade: new ways of communicating with prospective tourists and new ways of purchasing products arisen are now part of the industries’ everyday life. Poor attention has been paid so far to the role played by new media in education...

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  • What defines excellent lighting design for humans and animals?

    • K. M. Zielińska

    - Rok 2009

    What defines excellent lighting design for humans and animals? The answer to the above question is more than com­plex. It is not enough nowadays to design a project to make it aesthetically pleasing. Nor is it sufficient to create nicely lit environments, or simply to achieve the light levels required by the lighting norms or stan­dards. With the new scientific research of the last few de­cades that relates directly or indirectly...

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  • Analysis of the objects images on the sea using Dempster-Shafer Theory


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents the concept of using aerial and satellite imagery or images coming from the marine radar to identify and track vessels at sea. The acquired data were subjected to a highly advanced image analysis. The development of remote sensing techniques allows to gain a huge amount of data. These data are useful information source however usually we have to use different data mining methods to gain interested information....

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  • Modern technologies in energy demand reducing of public transport — Practical applications


    - Rok 2017

    City of Gdynia (Poland) exploits one of the most modern trolleybus network in Europe, which has been involved in many projects related to the reduction of energy consumption. Some of them are connected with the improving of energy breaking recovery usage. An experimental stationary storage system at Północna substation, which was tested in 2012-2014, is a bright example of a system which is connected with the improving of the...

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    Crowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...

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  • The gaseous messenger carbon monoxide is released from the eye into the ophthalmic venous blood depending on the intensity of sunlight

    • M. Koziorowski
    • S. Stefańczyk-Krzymowska
    • A. Tabęcka-Łonczyńska
    • P. Gilun
    • M. A. Kamiński


    Circadian and seasonal rhythms in daylight affect many physiological processes. In the eye, energy of intense visible light not only initiates a well-studied neural reaction in the retina that modulates the secretory function of the hypothalamus and pineal gland, but also activates the heme oxygenase (HO) to produce carbon monoxide (CO). This study was designed to determine whether the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in the...

  • Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)


    - Rok 2024

    This paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...

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  • El empleo en el marco de la transformación digital: Gig Economy vs Open Collaboration ¿dos caras de una misma moneda?


    - Rok 2021

    Tal y como plantea Pérez [43, 44], estamos viviendo los efectos de una revolución tecnológica ligada al desarrollo de las TICs. Los procesos de innovación, describe, se retroalimentan colectivamente, involucrando diferentes actores (productores, proveedores, distribuidores y consumidores) entrelazados en clústeres o redes dinámicas y complejas. Estos procesos colectivos ayudan a desarrollar e implementar tecnologías y magnifican...

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  • A theoretical framework for understanding trust and distrust in internet voting


    - Rok 2022

    Each and every case of success and failure in the implementation of internet voting is permeated by a common element: the concept of trust. Several researchers highlighted the relevance of creating trust for the successful implementation of technology [15] and, in particular, of internet voting [13]. But the concept itself is complex and challenging to define, for one fundamental reason: it is a concept of everyday social use...

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  • De la façon dont les réseaux sociaux se croisent dans la vie des migrants


    - Rok 2022

    Éste es un texto muy complicado de titular. A pesar de lo sugerente de la idea de escribir acerca de dos conceptos intensamente relacionados, como son el de migración y el de redes. Esta misma intensidad en su interrelación implica una multiplicidad de sentidos que complican el trabajo explicativo del científico social, por su cuantioso número de opciones, y el trabajo comprensivo del lector, por la posible confusión que esta situación...

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  • Current air quality analytics and monitoring: A review


    This review summarizes the different tools and concepts that are commonly applied in air quality monitoring. The monitoring of atmosphere is extremely important as the air quality is an important problem for large communities. Main requirements for analytical devices used for monitoring include a long period of autonomic operation and portability. These instruments, however, are often characterized by poor analytical performance....

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  • Principles of smoking


    Treatment of a large variety of foods with wood smoke has been practiced for centuries—predominantlymeats, poultry, and fish, but also scallops, cheeses, prunes, paprika, and themalt used to produce whiskey and some sorts of beer.The process usually includes salting and partial drying; it may also be coupled with heating. The aim is to increase the shelf life of the products, prevent food poisoning, and add a desirable smoky flavor....

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  • Stirling engines powered by renewable energy sources


    - Rok 2015

    Stirling engine is a device that produces mechanical energy using heat from any source of energy, without the need of combustion of any fuel inside the device. Renewable energy sources, which are mostly low-temperature energy sources, can be used to produce mechanical and electrical energy in Stirling engines. The paper presents an overview of the existing prototype Stirling engines designed for using of low-temperature energy...

  • Factors disturbing Internet usage in opinion of elderly users


    Internet became truly widespread in modern societies. This created its huge economic potential, which is widely used, especially in traditionally communication-oriented societies like USA and Scandinavian countries. This trend enables to create economic growth even despite of worldwide economic slowdown.Together with demographic changes this raise the necessity of research on how older users perceive modern, Internet-based tools...

  • LSA Is not Dead: Improving Results of Domain-Specific Information Retrieval System Using Stack Overflow Questions Tags


    - Rok 2024

    The paper presents the approach to using tags from Stack Overflow questions as a data source in the process of building domain-specific unsupervised term embeddings. Using a huge dataset of Stack Overflow posts, our solution employs the LSA algorithm to learn latent representations of information technology terms. The paper also presents the Teamy.ai system, currently developed by Scalac company, which serves as a platform that...

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  • A Study on Audio Signal Processed by "Instant Mastering"


    - Rok 2018

    An increasing amount of music produced in home- and project-studios results in development and growth of "automatic mastering services". The presented investigation explores changes introduced to audio signal by various online mastering platforms. A music set consisting of 10 songs produced in small facilities was processed by eight on-line automatic mastering services. Additionally, some laboratory-constructed signals were tested....

  • How Much Does an e-Vote Cost? Cost Comparison per Vote in Multichannel Elections in Estonia


    - Rok 2018

    We are presenting the results of the CoDE project in this paper, where we investigate the costs per vote of different voting channels in Estonian Local Elections (2017). The elections analyzed involve different processes for casting a vote: Early Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at Ordinary Voting District Committees, Electronic Voting, Election Day Voting, and Home Voting. Our analysis...

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  • The study of Arduino Uno feasibility for DAQ purposes


    - Diagnostyka - Rok 2019

    Using microcontroller systems becomes a routine in various measurement and control tasks. Their wide availability together with a huge potential of extending their functionality by additional modules allows developing advanced measuring and monitoring systems by non-specialists. However, using popular example codes often leads the user to pass over or not to be aware of the limitations of the system and drawing too far-reaching...

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  • Occurrence and Levels of Biogenic Amines in Beers Produced by Different Methods

    The concentration of biogenic amines (BAs) in beer depends, among other factors, on the activity of microorganisms, in particular lactic acid bacteria. In this work an analytical method based on derivatization with tosyl chloride and high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was used to determine 17 BAs in samples of commercially available beers, and to monitor the changes in concentration of...

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  • Budowanie zespołu wirtualnego - zasady i wyzwania

    Artykuł dotyczy tworzenia i współpracy w zespole wirtualnym, który jest zaangażowany w realizację konkretnego celu, najczęściej projektu, wymagającego współdziałania osób rozproszonych geograficznie i / lub organizacyjnie, komunikujących się głównie za pomocą technologii IT. Zaprezentowano charakterystykę wirtualnej współpracy z uwzględnieniem zalet i zagrożeń wynikających z ograniczenia komunikacji bezpośredniej. Na podstawie...

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  • Gold nanoparticles for cancer radiotherapy: a review

    • K. Haume
    • S. Rosa
    • S. Grellet
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega
    • K. Butterworth
    • A. V. Solov’yov
    • K. Prise
    • J. Golding
    • N. J. Mason

    - Cancer Nanotechnology - Rok 2016

    Radiotherapy is currently used in around 50% of cancer treatments and relies on the deposition of energy directly into tumour tissue. Although it is generally effective, some of the deposited energy can adversely affect healthy tissue outside the tumour volume, especially in the case of photon radiation (gamma and X-rays). Improved radiotherapy outcomes can be achieved by employing ion beams due to the characteristic energy deposition...

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  • Sektorowe zróżnicowanie płynności finansowej przed-siębiorstw


    Płynność finansowa warunkuje prawidłowość funkcjonowania całej firmy. Uzależniona jest od niej możliwość przetrwania przedsiębiorstwa na rynku oraz perspektywa jego rozwoju. Artykuł podejmuje tematykę zróżnicowania płynności finansowej przedsiębiorstw w zależności od ich przynależności sek-torowej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wartość wskaźników z obsza-ru płynności finansowej jest silnie zróżnicowana w przekroju sektorowym....

  • Phage therapy as a novel strategy in the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are regarded as one of the most common bacterial infections affecting millions of people, in all age groups, annually in the world. The major causative agent of complicated and uncomplicated UTIs are uropathogenic E. coli strains (UPECs). Huge problems with infections of this type are their chronicity and periodic recurrences. Other disadvantages that are associated with UTIs are accompanying complications...

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  • Does offshoring affect industry employment? Evidence from a wide European panel countries

    is paper contributes to the literature on the possible impact of international outsourcing on domestic labour markets. We focus on off shoring-employment relationship. Th e analysis is performed for a wide European panel, composed of 27 EU countries and 13 manufacturing sectors, observed in the period 1995-2009. Th anks to the use of input-output tables from the WIOD project, we measure the intensity of off shoring in the sectors,...

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  • A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing


    One of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    This paper reflects on the history of decorative luminaire design. The development of the new sources of light within residential environment has been changing the luminaire design. Residential dwellings have been lit by a lot of light sources through the centuries form a point lamps like candle or incandescent lamps to linear florescent lamps and LED strips. A development of SSL technology introduced an idea of lit surfaces. Energy...

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  • Modern remote sensing and the challenges facing education systems in terms of its teaching


    - Rok 2015

    Currently the fastest growing area of geodesy is undoubtedly remote sensing. The importance that it has recently conducted on the effectiveness of worldwide research determines its huge success. Examination of the specific characteristics of objects without direct contact with them is a key feature has opened the way to the new very interesting areas of contemporary research. In this light, it seems reasonable to say that there...

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  • Modern Material Solutions Applied in Pediatric Facilities

    New tendencies in forming of the health services functional buildings’ systems shaped along with the emergence of caring for patient’s mental condition in medical sciences. The interior design harmonized with the medical function became an incredibly important feature. This opened up new opportunities for the architecture of health care facilities. A positive architecture’s impact on the user’s well-being is remarkably important...

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    Do nielegalnego obrotu co roku trafiają nowe związki o działaniu psychoaktywnym. Dostęp do takich substancji nie jest trudny, gdyż są one łatwo dostępne w wielu krajach, głównie w sklepach internetowych. Ponadto, organy ścigania i wymiar sprawiedliwości nie nadążają z wprowadzaniem tych substancji na listy substancji zakazanych przez co ich kontrola jest bardzo utrudniona. Syntetyczne kannabinoidy to grupa związków chemicznych,...

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    Qatar: A country which had to be associated with neighboring countries like UAE or Saudi Arabia for people to know about it, stands proud today due to the ample production and exporting of Black Gold. A country with almost no vegetation or suitable weather to harvest crops, turned from being heavily dependent on trading Pearls to exporting natural oil and gas to all over the globe. The paper outlines in details the history of the...

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  • Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to bow slamming load


    Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to the bow slamming load, resulting in a transient vibratory response, typically called a 'whip-ping', is presented. The accurate numerical modelling is very complex and involves cou-pling of the hydrodynamic and structural solution at every time step, leading to huge com-putational and workload cost. Thus, the one-way coupling methodology is adopted,...

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  • Current divider-based nanosecond high current pulse measuring systems


    This paper presents the analysis of the new approach to the measurement methodology of significant values (in order of hundreds of kA) and huge steepness (in order of MA/μs) current pulses based on current dividers along with a comparison of the various types transducers suitability in measuring systems with such extreme parameters. Such dividers are used to extend the measurement ranges of current transducers with limited current...

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  • Geographic information system for remote integration of diverse under-water acoustic sensor data

    Maritime and port areas throughout the world are exposed to many different hazards, like pollution, terrorism and natural disasters. Early detection, identification and preparation of appropriateesponse strategies is especially important in the case of semi-enclosed basins like the Baltic Sea, mainly due to the marine ecosystems' continuous absorption of pollutants including oil, heavy metals and chemicals. Many of those agents...

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    • J. Badur
    • P. Ziółkowski

    - Rok 2013

    It is well-known that, nano-mechanics should take into account not only physical phenomena occuring within the bulk but, first of all, the physical phenomena appropriate for a surface of two materials contact. The huge volume density of internal surfaces as well countours lines located within the nanomaterial results in our interest in, apart from classical form of mass, momentum and entropy transport, those modes of transportation...

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  • Detection of Denatonium Benzoate (Bitrex) Remnants in Noncommercial Alcoholic Beverages by Raman Spectroscopy



    Illegal alcoholic beverages are often introduced into market using cheap technical alcohol, which is contaminated by denatonium benzoate (Bitrex) of very small concentration. Bitrex is the most bitter chemical compound and has to be removed before alcohol consumption. The home-made methods utilize sodium hypochlorite to disintegrate particles of denatonium benzoate in alcohol and to remove bitter taste before trading. In this experimental...

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  • Highly stable organic–inorganic junction composed of hydrogenated titania nanotubes infiltrated by a conducting polymer


    A poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) conducting polymer doped with poly(2-styrene sulfonate) (pEDOT:PSS) was efficiently electrodeposited on a layer composed of ordered titania nanotubes. TiO2 nanotubes were formed during an anodization process and, after calcinations, a layer was subjected to hydrogen plasma. Hydrogenation leads to Ti(III) formation, a decrease in resistance, and a huge increase of donor density when compared with...

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  • The motion influence on respiration rate estimation from low-resolution thermal sequences during attention focusing tasks


    Global aging has led to a growing expectancy for creating home-based platforms for indoor monitoring of elderly people. A motivation is to provide a non-intrusive technique, which does not require special activities of a patient but allows for remote monitoring of elderly people while assisting them with their daily activities. The goal of our study was to evaluate motion performed by a person focused on a specific task and check...

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  • Modeling of Electrodynamic Phenomena in an Ultra-Rapid Inductive–Dynamic Actuator as Applied to Hybrid Short-Circuit Breakers - A Review Study


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    This article is a study of the research development of electrodynamic phenomena occurring in ultra-fast electrodynamic drives. These types of linear drives are among the fastest, not only because of the huge accelerations achieved, but, above all, because of the extremely short reaction time. For this reason, electrodynamic drives are used in hybrid short-circuit breakers. The phenomena occurring in this type of drive are actually...

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  • Biomedical engineering of polysaccharide-based tissue adhesives: Recent advances and future direction



    Tissue adhesives have been widely used for preventing wound leaks, sever bleeding, as well as for enhancing drug delivery and biosensing. However, only a few among suggested platforms cover the circumstances required for high-adhesion strength and biocompatibility, without toxicity. Antibacterial properties, controllable degradation, encapsulation capacity, detectability by image-guided procedures and affordable price are also...

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  • Fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate) synthesis and investigation of thermal degradation kinetics with released gases analysis

    One of the most important information about polyesters is their thermal stability and phase transition tem- peratures. These characteristics give information about the promising behavior of the polyester during proces- sing. In this work, linear bio-based polyester polyols were prepared with the use of succinic acid and 1.3- propanediol (both with natural origin). As a polycondensation catalyst was used tetraisopropyl orthotitanate...

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