wszystkich: 131
wybranych: 112
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: QUALITY ASSURANCE
Model DEA do oceny efektywności funkcjonowania publicznych uniwersytetów w Polsce
PublikacjaPubliczne szkolnictwo wyższe w Polsce, wziąwszy pod uwagę zagrożenia wynikające z sytuacji demograficznej, wymaga analizowania efektywności jego funkcjonowania. W artykule przedstawiono model do pomiaru i oceny efektywności uniwersytetów, uwzględniając pięć podstawowych obszarów ich działalności: badań, rozwoju kadry, dydak-tyki, jakości i finansowania. Zastosowano metodę Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Wadą konwencjonalnych modeli...
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...
Updating Finite Element Model of a Wind Turbine Blade Section Using Experimental Modal Analysis Results
PublikacjaThis paper presents selected results and aspects of themultidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research oriented for the experimental and numerical study of the structural dynamics of a bend-twist coupled full scale section of awind turbine blade structure.Themain goal of the conducted research is to validate finite elementmodel of themodified wind turbine blade section mounted in the flexible support structure accordingly to the...
Wydatki na opiekę zdrowotną a efekty zdrowotne – analiza porównawcza krajów europejskich metodą DEA
PublikacjaEfektywnie działające systemy ochrony zdrowia mają istotne znaczenie dla zapewnienia społeczeństwu jakości życia na odpowiednim poziomie. Średnie wydatki dla krajów UE wynosiły w 2000 r. 1836 dol., a w 2012 r. osiągnęły poziom 3317 dol. na osobę z uwzględnieniem parytetu siły nabywczej (Purchasing Power Parity, PPP). W krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej nienależących do UE całkowite wydatki na zdrowie są znacznie niższe, a proporcja...
Review of Cybersecurity Assessment Methods: Applicability Perspective
PublikacjaCybersecurity assessments are crucial in building the assurance that vital cyberassets are effectively protected from threats. Multiple assessment methods have been proposed during the decades of the cybersecurity field. However, a systematic literature search described in this paper reveals that their reviews are practically missing. Thus, the primary objective of this research was to fulfil this gap by comprehensively identifying...
Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis and Management in Smart Manufacturing Systems
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses some of the issues of the integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management with regard to selected references and the functional safety standards: IEC 61508, IEC 61511, ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061, and a cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 that concerns the industrial automation and control systems. The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial systems that include the information...
Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects
PublikacjaThe article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...
Heat transfer intensification by enlarged surface roughness in the plate heat exchanger
PublikacjaIn the paper an experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification technique employed in the case of the plate heat exchanger is presented. The passive intensification was obtained by a modification of the heat transfer surface. The roughness of surface was increased by a use of glass micro-beads. Single-phase convective heat transfer in the water-water system was studied. The experiment was accomplished in two stages....
Effect of surface roughness on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of plate heat exchanger
PublikacjaIn the paper the experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of modeled plate heat exchanger is conducted. The plate heat exchanger is chosen for the analysis because this kind of heat exchangers could be prospectively applied in the ORC systems, however other areas or application are equally possible. The experimental setup was assembled at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk...
Dobre praktyki i narzędzia open source w zwinnym wytwarzaniu oprogramowania
PublikacjaZwinne wytwarzanie oprogramowania stało się bardzo popularne. Na podstawie projektu MOST Wiedzy przedstawiono procesy i narzędzia wspierające wytwarzanie oprogramowania na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Metodologia DDD (domain-driven design) wspierana przez repozytorium GIT oraz tzw. proces “cherry picking” powoduje, że proces wytwarzania oprogramowania jest elastyczny i efektywny. Dodatkowo wprowadzenie elementów CI (continuous integration),...
Exploration of optical fibres as a carrier for new benzene and toluene matrix-free reference materials
PublikacjaTo meet high expectations concerning precision and accuracy of reference materials, preparation of matrixfree reference materials using thermal decomposition-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) was proposed in this study. In the paper, the results obtained in preparation of the new reference materials for benzene and toluene are presented, based on the thermal decomposition technique of compounds chemically bound to...