wszystkich: 761
wybranych: 668
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: equivariant gradient maps
Expedited Optimization of Passive Microwave Devices Using Gradient Search and Principal Directions
PublikacjaOver the recent years, utilization of numerical optimization techniques has become ubiquitous in the design of high-frequency systems, including microwave passive components. The primary reason is that the circuits become increasingly complex to meet ever growing performance demands concerning their electrical performance, additional functionalities, as well as miniaturization. Nonetheless, as reliable evaluation of microwave device...
Spatio-Temporal Validation of GNSS-Derived Global Ionosphere Maps Using 16 Years of Jason Satellites Observations
PublikacjaExisting ionospheric models perform very well in mapping the calm state of the ionosphere. However, the problem is accurately determining the total electron content (TEC) for disturbed days. Knowledge of the exact electron density is essential for single−frequency receivers, which cannot eliminate the ionospheric delay. This study aims to investigate temporal and spatial variability in the distribution of TEC based on differences...
Novel approach to ecotoxicological risk assessment of sediments cores around the shipwreck by the use of self-organizing maps
PublikacjaMarine and coastal pollution plays an increasingly important role due to recent severe accidents which drew attention to the consequences of oil spills causing widespread devastation of marine ecosystems. All these problems cannot be solved without conducting environmental studies in the area of possible oil spill and performing chemometric evaluation of the data obtained looking for similar patterns among pollutants and optimize...
Block Conjugate Gradient Method with Multilevel Preconditioning and GPU Acceleration for FEM Problems in Electromagnetics
PublikacjaIn this paper a GPU-accelerated block conjugate gradient solver with multilevel preconditioning is presented for solving large system of sparse equations with multiple right hand-sides (RHSs) which arise in the finite-element analysis of electromagnetic problems. We demonstrate that blocking reduces the time to solution significantly and allows for better utilization of the computing power of GPUs, especially when the system matrix...
Local fixed point indices of iterations of planar maps
PublikacjaW artykule podana zostaje postać indeksów iteracji dla pewnej klasy odwzorowań planarnych. Podstawowymi narzędziami stosowanym w pracy są liczba Nielsena i indeks Conleya.
Periodic points of latitudinal maps of the $m$-dimensional sphere
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of the m-dimensional sphere Sm. Under the assumption that f preserves latitudinal foliations with the fibres S1, we estimate from below the number of fixed points of the iterates of f. The paper generalizes the results obtained by Pugh and Shub and by Misiurewicz.
Comparative Study of Self-Organizing Maps vs. Subjective Evaluation of Quality of Allophone Pronunciation for Nonnative English Speakers
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to apply Self-Organizing Maps to differentiate between the correct and the incorrect allophone pronunciations and to compare the results with subjective evaluation. Recordings of a list of target words, containing selected allophones of English plosive consonants, the velar nasal and the lateral consonant, were made twice. First, the target words were read from the list by 9 non-native speakers and...
Predicting Ice Phenomena in a River Using the Artificial Neural Network and Extreme Gradient Boosting
PublikacjaForecasting ice phenomena in river systems is of great importance because these phenomena are a fundamental part of the hydrological regime. Due to the stochasticity of ice phenomena, their prediction is a difficult process, especially when data sets are sparse or incomplete. In this study, two machine learning models—Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)—were developed to predict...
Jacobi and gauss-seidel preconditioned complex conjugate gradient method with GPU acceleration for finite element method
PublikacjaIn this paper two implementations of iterative solvers for solving complex symmetric and sparse systems resulting from finite element method applied to wave equation are discussed. The problem under investigation is a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) discretized by FEM with vector elements of the second order (LT/QN). The solvers use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) method implemented on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)...
Developing assumptions for the tram noise attenuation passive system using the noise maps analysis method
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental research carried out to determine the possible actions to reduce thenoise generated by trams in a highly urbanised area. A few design strategies affecting tram ride qualityhave been presented – especially in the aspect of the acoustic phenomena. Main sources of the noisein trams were characterised. The paper includes selected results of comprehensive...
A Data Driven Model for Predicting RNA-Protein Interactions based on Gradient Boosting Machine
PublikacjaRNA protein interactions (RPI) play a pivotal role in the regulation of various biological processes. Experimental validation of RPI has been time-consuming, paving the way for computational prediction methods. The major limiting factor of these methods has been the accuracy and confidence of the predictions, and our in-house experiments show that they fail to accurately predict RPI involving short RNA sequences such as TERRA RNA....
Implementation of Haar wavelet, higher order Haar wavelet, and differential quadrature methods on buckling response of strain gradient nonlocal beam embedded in an elastic medium
PublikacjaThe present investigation is focused on the buckling behavior of strain gradient nonlocal beam embedded in Winkler elastic foundation. The first-order strain gradient model has been combined with the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory to formulate the proposed model using Hamilton’s principle. Three numerically efficient methods, namely Haar wavelet method (HWM), higher order Haar wavelet method (HOHWM), and differential quadrature method...
Petrographic, mineralogical, and climatic analyses, and risk maps for conservation strategies
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Dynamics of Systems with a Discontinuous Hysteresis Operator and Interval Translation Maps
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Indices of interations and periodic points of simplical maps of smooth type
PublikacjaW pracy dowodzi się symplicjalnego odpowiednika twierdzenia Chowa, Mallet-Paret i Yorke´a. Otrzymany wynik służy do badania punktów periodycznych odwzorowań symplicjalnych gładkiego typu.
Fixed point indices of iterated smooth maps in arbitrary dimension
PublikacjaWe give a complete description of possible sequences ofindices of iterations of f at an isolated fixed point, answering inaffirmative the Chow, Mallet-Paret and Yorke conjecture posed in[S.N. Chow, J. Mallet-Parret, J.A. Yorke, A periodic point index whichis a bifurcation invariant, in: Geometric Dynamics, Rio de Janeiro,1981, in: Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1007, Springer, Berlin, 1983,pp. 109-131].
Wild bees along an urban gradient: winners and losers
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Theoretical opportunities and actual limitations of pH gradient HPLC
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Determination of pKa by pH Gradient Reversed-Phase HPLC
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Simultaneous Determination of pKa and Lipophilicity by Gradient RP HPLC
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Gradient adaptive lattice filter in FPGAS-implementation issues
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Saint-Venant torsion based on strain gradient theory
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Stability analysis of nanobeams in hygrothermal environment based on a nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model under nonlinear thermal field
PublikacjaThis article is dedicated to analyzing the buckling behavior of nanobeam subjected to hygrothermal environments based on the principle of the Timoshenko beam theory. The hygroscopic environment has been considered as a linear stress field model, while the thermal environment is assumed to be a nonlinear stress field based on the Murnaghan model. The size-dependent effect of the nanobeam is captured by the nonlocal strain gradient...
PublikacjaIn this study, vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been carried out by using a refined beam theory, namely one variable shear deformation beam theory. This approach has one variable lesser than a contractual shear deformation theory such as first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and acts like classical beam approach but with considering shear deformations. The SWCNT has been placed in an axial or...
Cost-Efficient Bi-Layer Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics Using Gradient Kriging Surrogates
PublikacjaOver the recent years, surrogate modeling has been playing an increasing role in the design of antenna structures. The main incentive is to mitigate the issues related to high cost of electromagnetic (EM)-based procedures. Among the various techniques, approximation surrogates are the most popular ones due to their flexibility and easy access. Notwithstanding, data-driven modeling of antenna characteristics is associated with serious...
Reduced-cost constrained miniaturization of wideband antennas using improved trust-region gradient search with repair step
PublikacjaIn the letter, an improved algorithm for electromagnetic (EM)-driven size reduction of wideband antennas is proposed. Our methodology utilizes variable-fidelity EM simulation models, auxiliary polynomial regression surrogates, as well as multi-point response correction. The constraint handling is implicit, using penalty functions. The core optimization algorithm is a trust-region gradient search with a repair step added in order...
Towards classification of patients based on surface EMG data of temporomandibular joint muscles using self-organising maps
PublikacjaThe study considers the need for an effective method of classification of patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The self-organising map method (SOM) was applied to group patients and used together with the cross-correlation approach to interpret the processed (rectified and smoothed by using root mean square (RMS) algorithm) surface electromyography signal (sEMG) obtained from testing the muscles (two temporal...
Expedited Gradient-Based Design Closure of Antennas Using Variable-Resolution Simulations and Sparse Sensitivity Updates
PublikacjaNumerical optimization has been playing an increasingly important role in the design of contemporary antenna systems. Due to the shortage of design-ready theoretical models, optimization is mainly based on electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which tends to be costly. Numerous techniques have evolved to abate this cost, including surrogate-assisted frameworks for global optimization, or sparse sensitivity updates for speeding up local...
Expedited Re-Design of Multi-Band Passive Microwave Circuits Using Orthogonal Scaling Directions and Gradient-Based Tuning
PublikacjaGeometry scaling of microwave circuits is an essential but challenging task. In particular, the employment of a given passive structure in a different application area often requires re-adjustment of the operating frequencies/bands while maintaining top performance. Achieving this necessitates utilization of numerical optimization methods. Nonetheless, if the intended frequencies are distant from the ones at the starting point,...
Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of S^3
PublikacjaW pracy wyznaczona została najmniejsza liczba punktów periodycznych w gładkiej klasie homotopii odwzorowania sfery trójwymiarowej w siebie.
Ecotoxicity and chemical sediment data classification by the useof self-organising maps
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy przedstawiania nowej interpretacji szacowania jakości osadów. To oryginalne podejście bada powiązania między parametrami ekotoksyczności (ostrej i chronicznej) i składnikami chemicznymi (zanieczyszczenia takie jak polichlorowane bifenyle, pestycydy, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, metale ciężkie) próbek osadów Jeziora Turawskiego (Polska) poprzez zastosowanie samoorganizujących się map (SOM) wobec badanego...
Algebraic periods of self-maps of a rational exterior space of rank 2
PublikacjaArtykuł stanowi kompletny opis okresów algebraicznych dla odwzorowań wymiernej przestrzeni zewnętrznej rangi 2 w siebie.
General scheme for construction of scalar separability criteria from positive maps
PublikacjaStandardowe nierówności entropijne są znanym narzędziem do detekcji splątania dwupodukładowych stanów kwantowych. W pracy podano metodę wyprowadzania nierówności przypominających standardowe nierówności entropijne z dowolnych odwzorowań dodatnich. Ponadto, przebadano nierówności w przypadku kilku znanych z literatury odwzorowań dodatnich.
General construction of noiseless networks detecting entanglement with the help of linear maps
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano ogólny schemat konstrukcji bezszumowych sieci pozwalających wykrywać splątanie przy pomocy odwzorowań liniowych. Pokazano jak zastosować metodę do detekcji splątania nieznanego stanu bez jego wcześniejszej rekonstrukcji. W szczególności pokazano, że zawsze istnieje bezszumowa sieć pozwalająca wykrywać splątanie przy użyciu dodatnich, ale nie kompletnie dodatnich odwzorowań. Zaprezentowano także uogólnienie...
Fixed point indices of iterations of C^1 maps in R^3
PublikacjaW przypadku gładkiego odwzorowania w R^3 dowiedziona została hipoteza Chowa, Malleta-Pareta i Yorka dotycząca postaci ciągów indeksow iteracji oraz podano kompletny opis możliwych ciągów indeksow.
On the growth of the number of periodic points for smooth self maps of a compact manifold
PublikacjaDla ciągłego przekształcenia jednospójnej rozmaitości wymiaru co najmniej 3 w siebie, wykazujemy, że wzrost liczby punktów r-periodycznych w klasie homotopii może być nie szybszy niż liniowy, dla dowolnego, ustalonego r.
Invariant measures for interval translations and some other piecewise continuous maps
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Image registration of BANG® gel dose maps for quantitative dosimetry verification
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Maps with bounded sequence of indices of interations and finitaly many periodic points
PublikacjaW pracy badane są związki pomiędzy globalną topologiczną strukturą przestrzeni wyrażoną w terminach charakterystyki Eulera-Poincar odwzorowań na niej określonych, a spełniających założenia z tytułu, a lokalnymi własnościami przestrzeni zdeterminowanymi przez zachowanie się tych odwzorowań w punkatach periodycznych.
Analysis of dynamics of a map-based neuron model via Lorenz maps
PublikacjaModeling nerve cells can facilitate formulating hypotheses about their real behavior and improve understanding of their functioning. In this paper, we study a discrete neuron model introduced by Courbage et al. [Chaos 17, 043109 (2007)], where the originally piecewise linear function defining voltage dynamics is replaced by a cubic polynomial, with an additional parameter responsible for varying the slope. Showing that on a large...
Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of RP^3
PublikacjaNiech f będzie gładkim odwzorowaniem 3-wymiarowej rzeczywistej przestrzeni rzutowej w siebie, r będzie ustaloną liczbą naturalną. W artykule wyznaczona została minimalna liczba punktów r-periodycznych w gładkiej klasie homotopii odwzorowania f.
Damped forced vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes resting on viscoelastic foundation in thermal environment using nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublikacjaIn this paper, the damped forced vibration of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is analyzed using a new shear deformation beam theory. The SWCNTs are modeled as a flexible beam on the viscoelastic foundation embedded in the thermal environment and subjected to a transverse dynamic load. The equilibrium equations are formulated by the new shear deformation beam theory which is accompanied with higher-order nonlocal strain...
Body size and wing asymmetry in bees along an urbanization gradient
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Gradient reversed-phase high-performance chromatography of ionogenic analytes
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pH gradient high-performance liquid chromatography: theory and applications
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pH/Organic Solvent Double-Gradient Reversed-Phase HPLC
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Gradient-based optimization of filters using FD-TD software
PublikacjaW artykule opisane jest nowe podejście do zagadnienia optymalizacji filtrów mikrofalowych pasmowo-przepustowych. Optymalizacja prowadzona jest z wykorzystaniem metody gradientowej poszukiwania minimum wartości funkcji celu oraz przy założeniu pełnofalowej symulacji obwodów metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu. W artykule pokazane jest, że stosując zaawansowane techniki cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów możliwa jest optymalizacja...
On well-posedness of the first boundary-value problem within linear isotropic Toupin–Mindlin strain gradient elasticity and constraints for elastic moduli
PublikacjaWithin the linear Toupin–Mindlin strain gradient elasticity we discuss the well-posedness of the first boundary-value problem, that is, a boundary-value problem with Dirichlet-type boundary conditions on the whole boundary. For an isotropic material we formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions which guarantee existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. These conditions include strong ellipticity written in terms of higher-order...
Low-Cost and Precise Automated Re-Design of Antenna Structures Using Interleaved Geometry Scaling and Gradient-Based Optimization
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antennas is an intricate endeavor involving multiple stages, among others, tuning of geometry parameters. In particular, re-designing antennas to different operating frequencies, makes parametric optimization imperative to ensure the best achievable system performance. If the center frequency at the current design is distant from the target one, local tuning methods generally fail, whereas global algorithms...
Dynamic modeling of non-cylindrical curved viscoelastic single-walled carbon nanotubes based on the second gradient theory
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the theoretical study of the dynamic response of non-cylindrical curved viscoelastic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The curved nanotubes are largely used in many engineering applications, but it is challenging in understanding mechanically the dynamic response of these curved SWCNTs when considering the influences of the material viscosity. The viscoelastic damping effect on the dynamic response...