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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Building Information Modelling


    Weather data is nowadays used in a variety of navigational and ocean engineering research problems: from the obvious ones like voyage planning and routing of sea-going vessels, through the analysis of stability-related phenomena, to detailed modelling of ships’ manoeuvrability for collision avoidance purposes. Apart from that, weather forecasts are essential for passenger cruises and fishing vessels that want to avoid the risk...

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  • Modeling of the internal combustion engine cooling system


    The article concerns computer modelling of processes in cooling systems of internal combustion engines. Modelling objectives and existing commercial programs are presented. It also describes Author’s own method of binding graphs used to describe phenomena in the cooling system of a spark ignition engine. The own model has been verified by tests on the engine dynamometer. An example of using a commercial program for experimental...

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  • Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    Assessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...

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  • Spectral Methods for Modelling of Wave Propagation in Structures in Terms of Damage Detection—A Review


    Modern methods of detection and identification of structural damage direct the activities of scientific groups towards the improvement of diagnostic methods using for example the phenomenon of mechanical wave propagation. Damage detection methods that use mechanical wave propagation in structural components are extremely effective. Many different numerical approaches are used to model this phenomenon, but, due to their universal...

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  • Mathematical Modelling of Drive System with an Elastic Coupling Based on Formal Analogy between the Transmission Shaft and the Electric Transmission Line


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2020

    In the paper, the kinematic structure of the transmission shaft between the driving motor and the working mechanism is studied. The analysis is based on electrical and mechanical similarities. The equivalent circuits, typical for electrical systems, are defined for the transmission shaft concerned. Modelling of the transmission shaft based on a formal analogy between the transmission shaft and the electric transmission line is...

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  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Project Performance. Does the Knowledge Workers' Personal Branding Matter?

    Tacit knowledge sharing is the real challenge for knowledge management today. Network economy has completely changed the role of knowledge workers who now become independent tacit knowledge producers. Bearing this fact in mind, the author studied how tacit knowledge sharing affects the process of building a personal brand and project performance. For this purpose, the authors conducted a study among Polish professionals with different...

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  • Methodology of the Morphometry Study on Baltic Herring


    - Rok 2022

    Acoustic techniques are used in the estimation of the abundance of Baltic herring. Investigations of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength TS and the total fish length L, significant in the acoustic assessment, demonstrated its de-pendence on the study area location. It motivated the detailed analysis of the relationship between herring from the southern Baltic ICES Subdivisions 24, 25, and 26,...

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  • Structural and Temporal Topic Models of Feedbacks on Service Quality – A Path to Theory Development?


    - Rok 2020

    There is growing interest in applying computational methods in analysing large amount of data without sacrificing rigour in Information Systems research. In this paper, we demonstrate how the use of structural and temporal topic modelling can be employed to produce insights of both theoretical and practical importance from the analysis of textual comments on the quality of services in hospitals. As a first step, we revealed the...

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  • Rating mathematical models for first-pass of tracer in pCT lung studies


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents a comparison of model based on the Gauss function and the most commonly used Gamma-variate model in perfusion computed tomography (pCT) lung studies. It also verifies whether used model affects value of blood volume parameter. Three mean concentration-time curves were created from actual pCT measurements: arterial input function, blood vessels in lungs and lung parenchyma. On the basis of these mean curves we...

  • Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils


    - Rok 2013

    The monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....

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  • Application of the distributed transfer function method and the rigid finite element method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems

    In the paper application of the Distributed Transfer Function Method and the Rigid Finite Element Method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems is presented. In this method an elastic body is divided into 1-D distributed parameter elements (strips or prisms). The whole body (divided into strips or prism) is described by a set of coupled partial differential equations. Solving this equations in the state space form it is possible...

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  • Adaptive estimation of the transformer stray capacitances for DC–DC converter modelling

    New low cost and accurate estimation method of transformer stray capacitances for wide band DC–DC converter modelling and design is proposed. The Wiener filter (WF) method is applied to estimate the transformer impedance – referred to the selected transformer winding configurations. Laboratory tests are used to adapt the filter, that is to find optimal impedance which minimises mean square error between measured, noise perturbed...

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  • Urban Freight Transport Demand Modelling and Data Availability Constraints


    - Rok 2018

    The paper provides a review of urban freight transport demand modelling approaches confronted with constrains regarding adequate data provision from a perspective of the local authorities. Demand estimation models has been selected as a reference because they are the most representative in terms of inclusion of urban freight indicators which can be transformed into a decision-support tool for evaluation of freight measures. The...

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  • Computational modelling of historic masonry railroad arch bridges

    The problems encountered during the analyzes of structural response of historic masonry railroad arch bridges are described in this paper. The attention is mainly focused on the stiffness of the masonry arches, their strengths and appropriate estimation of railroad load intensity. Issues related to computational modelling of two, existing, almost 130 years old masonry arch railroad bridges are presented in this context. The main...

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  • Modeling of Combined Phenomena Affecting an AUV Stealth Vehicle

    In the paper some results of research connected with modelling the basic stealth characteristics of an AUV vehicle are presented. First of all a general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. Then, the AUV stealth vehicle concept is briefly described. Next a method of modelling of the stealth characteristics is briefly described as well. As an example of the stealth...

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  • Application of spatial neural simulators of turbine blade rows to fluid flow diagnostics


    This chapter presents the results of neural modelling of fluid flow in steam turbine row. In modelling working conditions of the flow channel varied, thus the aim of the work was to reconstruct the reference state - distributions of velocity, pressure, and losses in flow channel - with high accuracy for fluid flow diagnostics.

  • Identification and non-integer order modelling of synchronous machines operating as generator


    This paper presents an original mathematical model of a synchronous generator using derivatives of fractional order. In contrast to classical models composed of a large number of R-L ladders, it comprises half-order impedances, which enable the accurate description of the electromagnetic induction phenomena in a wide frequency range, while minimizing the order and number of model parameters. The proposed model takes into account...

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  • The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels


    Like other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...

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  • Modelling of dark fermentation of glucose and sour cabbage


    In the article, modified Anaerobic Digestion Models 1 (ADM-1) was tested for modelling dark fermentation for hydrogen production. The model refitting was done with the Euler method. The new model was based on sets of differential equations. The model was checked for hydrogen production from sour cabbage in batch and semi-batch in 5 g VSS (volatile solid suspension)/L and at the semi-batch process from glucose at 5 and 10 g VSS/L....

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  • Teledetekcyjne badanie konstrukcyjnych elementów żelbetowych z użyciem naziemnego skaningu laserowego

    Współczesna technologia naziemnego skaningu laserowego (TLS) z użyciem skanerów geodezyjnych o zasięgu większym niż 50 metrów pozwala na pomiar geometrii elementów konstrukcyjnych z dokładnością bliską 1 mm. Autorzy, w oparciu o badania laboratoryjne i doświadczenia własne, prezentują rozwiązanie pozwalające na wstępną ocenę belek żelbetowych jako podstawowych elementów konstrukcyjnych budowli typu mosty, wiadukty, budynki wielkopowierzchniowe. Przedmiotem...

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  • Modelling of the Heat Flux Density Distribution for Laser Beam Welding

    Great interest of the laser beam welding in industry is a new theoretical task, making planning the welding procedure specification and the quality control of welded joints easier. Estimating and calculating the dimensions of a weld pool and temperature distribution near weld mainly concern heat source modelling. In the presented work calculations of welding pool shape and thermal field for cylindrical-powered-normally model of...

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  • Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways


    For each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...

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  • Combined Close Range Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Ship Hull Modelling


    The paper addresses the fields of combined close-range photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning in the light of ship modelling. The authors pointed out precision and measurement accuracy due to their possible complex application for ship hulls inventories. Due to prescribed vitality of every ship structure, it is crucial to prepare documentation to support the vessel processes. The presented methods are directed, combined...

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  • Thermal-FSI modeling of flow and heat transfer in a heat exchangerbased on minichanels


    - Journal of Power Technologies - Rok 2017

    In this paper selected numerical modelling problems for an advanced thermal-FSI ("Fluid Solid Interaction") mini-channel heat exchanger model are presented. Special attention is given to the heat transfer between the separated mediums for different mass flows. Similar modelling problems have also been discussed in the literature dedicated to numerical and theoretical modelling problems for typical heat exchangers [1, 2, 3]. Basic...

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  • Zarządzanie marką w dobie nadpodaży


    Artykuł poświęcony jest wskazaniu wyzwań stojących przed menedżerami marki wobec nadpodaży marek, produktów i informacji, będącymi pośrednią przyczyną marginalizacji marketingu jako funkcji wielu przedsiębiorstwach o organizacji „silosowej”, gdzie marketing często ograniczany jest do funkcji promocji. Wspomniane okoliczności, zdaniem autorki, mogą prowadzić zarówno do dalszej marginalizacji marketingu w wyniku spadku znaczenia...

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  • Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model


    Purpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...

  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Personal Branding. How to Derive Innovation From Project Teams?


    Innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge are key factors which determine a competitive advantage in the networked economy. A network serves as a contemporary form of market process coordination. Network economy, according to the idea of prosumerism, is founded on collaboration of individual creators based on a network of values instead of hierarchical dependencies. Another feature of a network is that it imposes symmetry...

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  • A modelling approach to the transport support for the harvesting and transportation complex under uncertain conditions


    - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - Rok 2020

    The article proposes a modelling approach based on structural and parametric identification of the transport support of the harvesting and transportation complex. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods of structural and parametric identification for the development of a system for harvesting and transportation complex operation has been proved. A mathematical model based on fuzzy logic has been developed. It reflects...

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  • Photogrammetry image-based approach for imperfect structure modelling and FE analysis


    This study aims to model and analyse imperfect tructures using real measurements, employing photogrammetry technique commonly used in the geodesy. The study highlights the capability of the photogrammetry in aiding the structural analysis of imperfect engineering objects. Firstly, the photogrammetry measurements of a stiffened plate are carried out using a specially designed for the purpose experimental stand. Then, the plate surface...

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  • Modelling and simulations in time-fractional electrodynamics based on control engineering methods


    - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation - Rok 2024

    In this paper, control engineering methods are presented with regard to modelling and simulations of signal propagation in time-fractional (TF) electrodynamics. That is, signal propagation is simulated in electromagnetic media described by Maxwell’s equations with fractional-order constitutive relations in the time domain. We demonstrate that such equations in TF electrodynamics can be considered as a continuous-time system of...

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  • The Dynamics of Trade Relations between Ukraine and Romania: Modelling and Forecasting


    - Virtual Economics - Rok 2022

    The article examines the monthly dynamics of exports, imports and balance of trade between Ukraine and Romania in the period from 2005 to 2021. Time series from 2015 to 2021 were used for modelling and forecasting (since the date the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement took effect). Adequate models of the dynamics series of the Box-Jenkins methodology were built: additive models with seasonal component ARIMA (Autoregressive...

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  • [Komentarz do artykułu] Yin, W.-Y., Wu, B., Miao, M., Doi, L.B., Li, L.-W., and Kooi, P.-S.: Experimental characterisation and modelling of on-chip capacitors and resistors on GaAs substrates.


    Dokonano krytycznej oceny wartości elementów schematu zastępczego rezystorów monolitycznych wykonanych na podłożu GaAs przedstawionych w pracy: Yin, W.-Y., Wu, B., Miao, M., Doi, L.B., Li, L.-W., and Kooi, P.-S.: Experimental characterisation and modelling of on-chip capacitors and resistors on GaAs substrates, IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas and Propag., 2002,149, (1), pp.50-52.

  • Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives

    • G. Kirim
    • K. Mccullough
    • T. Bressani-ribeiro
    • C. Domingo-félez
    • H. Duan
    • A. Al-omari
    • H. Clippeleir De
    • J. Jimenez
    • S. Klaus
    • M. Ladipo-obasa... i 5 innych


    This work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...

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  • FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels


    The development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...

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  • Neural modelling of dynamic systems with time delays based on an adjusted NEAT algorithm


    A problem related to the development of an algorithm designed to find an architecture of artificial neural network used for black-box modelling of dynamic systems with time delays has been addressed in this paper. The proposed algorithm is based on a well-known NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) algorithm. The NEAT algorithm has been adjusted by allowing additional connections within an artificial neural network and...

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  • Potential for ITS/ICT Solutions in Urban Freight Management

    The article presents a study on applying ITS solutions in planning and management of urban freight transport in Gdynia. The traffic management system Tristar which is under implementation and its related systems show a potential to assist in development of freight transport measures. Recommendations for urban freight policy development supplementing Gdynia's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were used as a basis for identification...

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  • A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    The continuous and intensive development of measurement technologies for reality modelling with appropriate data processing algorithms is currently being observed. The most popular methods include remote sensing techniques based on reflected-light digital cameras, and on active methods in which the device emits a beam. This research paper presents the process of data integration from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and image data...

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  • Large deformation modelling of CPT probing in soft soil—pore water pressure analysis


    This paper presents the results of finite element modelling with Updated Lagrangian formulation of the Cone Penetration Test in soft soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The numerical calculations are carried out for homogenous, normally consolidated, organic soil layer. The Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for soft soil and Coulomb model for interface are used. The study compares the registered pore water pressure distributions...

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  • Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete


    This paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...

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  • A Review of Hyperelastic Constitutive Models for Dielectric Elastomers


    - Rok 2023

    Dielectric elastomers are smart materials that are essential components in soft systems and structures. The core element of a dielectric elastomer is soft matter, which is mainly rubber-like and elastomeric. These soft materials show a nonlinear behaviour and have a nonlinear strain-stress curve. The best candidates for modelling the nonlinear behaviour of such materials are hyperelastic strain energy functions. Hyperelastic functions...

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  • Modelling and analysis of medium frequency transformers for power converters


    - Rok 2020

    The evolutions in power systems and electric vehicles, related to the economic opportunities and the environmental issues, bring the need of high power galvanically isolated DC-DC converter. The medium frequency transformer (MFT) is one of its key components, enabled by the increasing switching frequency of modern power semiconductors like silicon carbide transistors or diodes. The increased operating frequency offers small...

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  • GIS three-dimensional Modelling with geo-informatics techniques

    The integration issue of virtual models and geo-referenced database have a very broad spectrum of potential applications. Before the integration issue was on the cusp, it was quite problematic to combine three-dimensional models with the geo-referenced database. An integrated database contains a variety of data including such as object orientated data model and raster data. Within this paper, authors present an integration process...

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  • Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Manufacturing Industries: an Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    For the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, has been a hot topic among academics. Industry 4.0 literature involves researches presenting studies related to its different aspects including challenges, opportunities, implementation and adoption. However, a detailed study of challenges and barriers towards the Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing industries is missing. Hence, this paper...

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  • Smart experience engineering to support collaborative design problems based on constraints modelling


    Engineering design is a knowledge intensive process. Experts' experiences from different product life-cycle stages play a key role in problem solving during design decision making by linking up knowledge to find better solutions for a specific design problem. Different approaches have been used to support Collaborative and Concurrent Product Design, such as Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) modelling. Additionally, due to the...

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  • Problems with modelling the strength properties of sailing vessels rigging ropes

    This article presents the basic parameters of soft ropes: natural fibre ropes, soft wire ropes and synthetic fibre ropes used for running rigging. There are only several materials still used for the production of natural fibre ropes, including cotton, jute, hemp, sisal and manila hemp. The most commonly used soft wire ropes are twisted pair ropes; for smaller diameters there is a 6x19M - FC rope and for larger diameters – 6x37M...

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  • Reduced order model of 2d system


    - Rok 2010

    A new method of modelling is developed for static and dynamic analysis of two-dimensional elastic bodies. In the analysis, an elastic body is divided into strips. For each one-dimensional strip the reduced modal model is build up. The modal model contains appropriate number of inputs and outputs to connect lumped interaction that occur between strips. Proposed method of modelling enables to obtain more accurate and more simple...

  • The impact of the shape of deep drilled well screen openings on the filtration process in full saturation conditions


    - Czasopismo Techniczne - Rok 2018

    The authors propose a supplementary method of modelling seepage flow around the deep drilled well screen. The study applies 3D numerical modelling (FEM) in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the seepage process. The analysis of filtration parameters (flow distribution q(x,t) and pressure distribution p) was conducted using the ZSoil.PC software system. The analysis indicates that the shape of perforation is of secondary importance...

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  • Three dimensional simulations of FRC beams and panels with explicit definition of fibres-concrete interaction



    High performance concrete (HPC) is a quite novel material which has been rapidly developed in the last few decades. It exhibits superior mechanical properties and durability comparing to normal concrete. HPC can achieve also superior tensile performance if strong fibres (steel or carbon) are implemented in the matrix. Thus, there exist the unabated interest in studying how the addition of different types of fibres modifies the...

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  • Estimating the Average Speed of Public Transport Vehicles Based on Traffic Control System Data

    Intelligent Transport Systems are a valuable source of traffic information, covering both private and public vehicles. The main problem, however, is that very few studies are conducted to determine the speed of buses, trams and trolleys in urban networks in relation to traffic conditions. The paper investigates how ITS systems data could be used to model the speed of Public Transport vehicles. This is now possible thanks to the...

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  • Simulation of the switched reluctance drive system


    - Rok 2005

    Switched reluctance motors (SRM), unlike other types of motors, for their application require a control system and the supply from a power electronic converter. A method of modelling and mathematical model of an SRM in a switched reluctance drive (SRD) system is presented in the paper. Modelling is based on Lagrange's energy method. Coefficients of the Lagrange's equation have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM)....