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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EVALUATION MODEL

  • Testing of low temperature behaviour of asphalt mixtures in bending creep test


    The paper presents a method of bending beam test and its importance for evaluation of asphalt mixtures behaviour at low temperatures. Two types of asphalt mixtures: asphalt concrete AC with normal paving grade bitumen and stone mastic asphalt SMA with SBS-modified bitumen were tested. Long-term oven ageing (LTOA) test was also used in the laboratory according to SHRP procedure. The Burgers model was applied and rheological parameters...

  • Simulation Studies of Control Systems for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Supplied by the Current Source Converter


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The control system for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) supplied by a grid-connected Current Source Converter (CSC) is presented in this paper. Nonlinear transformation of DFIG model to the multi-scalar form is proposed. The nonlinear control strategy of active and reactive power of DFIG is realized by feedback linearization. In the proposed control scheme, the DFIG model and CSI parameters are included. Two Proportional-Integral...

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  • Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers


    - Internal Security - Rok 2013

    The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...

  • Cybersecurity Assessment Methods—Why Aren’t They Used?


    A recent survey of cybersecurity assessment methods proposed in academic and research environments revealed that their adoption in operational settings was extremely scarce. At the same time, the frameworks developed by industrial communities have been met with broad reception. The question arises of what contributed to the success of the methods. To answer it, three-part research that employed evaluation criteria, qualitative...

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  • Neural Network Subgraphs Correlation with Trained Model Accuracy


    - Rok 2020

    Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a computationally demanding process of finding optimal neural network architecture for a given task. Conceptually, NAS comprises applying a search strategy on a predefined search space accompanied by a performance evaluation method. The design of search space alone is expected to substantially impact NAS efficiency. We consider neural networks as graphs and find a correlation between the presence...

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  • Built-in Test Scheme for detection, classification and evaluation of nonlinearities

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję testera wbudowanego (BIST) przeznaczonego do detekcji nieliniowości, klasyfikacji rodzaju nieliniowości i oceny zniekształceń nieliniowych sygnału testowanego, bez użycia drogiego systemu automatycznego testowania. Tester bazuje na modulatorze sigma-delta umieszczonym na pakiecie testowanym i sztucznej sieci neuronowej zaimplementowanej w komputerze osobistym. Koncepcję testera zweryfikowano poprzerz...

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  • Toward Robust Pedestrian Detection With Data Augmentation


    In this article, the problem of creating a safe pedestrian detection model that can operate in the real world is tackled. While recent advances have led to significantly improved detection accuracy on various benchmarks, existing deep learning models are vulnerable to invisible to the human eye changes in the input image which raises concerns about its safety. A popular and simple technique for improving robustness is using data...

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  • Experimental and numerical investigations for GPR evaluation of reinforced concrete footbridge


    - Rok 2016

    The GPR method has increasingly found application in non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures. This paper presents the new approach of modelling of the electromagnetic wave propagation for reinforced concrete structures with a complex system of the reinforcement. Simulations of the GPR field were performed on a three-dimensional model of a footbridge using the FDTD method. Numerical maps were compared with results...

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  • Analysis of IMS/NGN call processing performance using phase-type distributions


    - Rok 2013

    This work is a continuation of our research on the traffic model dedicated for design and analysis of the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for distribution of current and future multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Our analytical and simulation models allow evaluation of mean Call Set-up Delay E(CSD) as well as mean Call Disengagement Delay E(CDD) in a single domain of IMS/NGN. Ensuring...

  • Scoreboard Architectural Pattern and Integration of Emotion Recognition Results


    This paper proposes a new design pattern, named Scoreboard , dedicated for applications solving complex, multi-stage, non-deterministic problems. The pattern provides a computational framework for the design and implementation of systems that integrate a large number of diverse specialized modules that may vary in accuracy, solution level, and modality. The Scoreboard is an extension of Blackboard design pattern and comes under...

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  • Efficiency of the Use of LTE System Radio Resources in Highway Transport Enironment

    The paper describes the problem of analysis of throughput-coverage characteristics of the LTE system. Simulation results of the efficiency of the use of LTE radio resources are presented. Simulation studies on the basis of original model of the LTE network simulator were carried out. In addition, the evaluation of throughput for a single connection, and available capacity were evaluated in the context of the use of the same...

  • Numerical tests of time-stepping schemes in the context of FEM for 6-field shell dynamics


    The paper deals with integration of dynamic equations of irregular shells performed with relatively long time steps. Numerical instability appearing often in this kind of analysis motivated the authors to present some studies based on numerical tests referring to convergence problems of finite element analysis as well the applied stability conditions. The analysis is carried out on simulations of shell dynamics with the where the...

  • Threat intelligence platform for the energy sector

    In recent years, critical infrastructures and power systems in particular have been subjected to sophisticated cyberthreats, including targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats. A promising response to this challenging situation is building up enhanced threat intelligence that interlinks information sharing and fine-grained situation awareness. In this paper a framework which integrates all levels of threat intelligence...

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  • Balancing energy processes in turbine engines

    • W. Balicki
    • P. Głowacki
    • S. Szczeciński
    • Z. Korczewski
    • A. Kozakiewicz
    • J. Szczeciński

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2014

    The article discusses the issue of balancing energy processes in turbine engines in operation in aeronautic and PDULQHSURSXOVLRQV\VWHPVZLWKWKHDLPWRDQDO\VHDQGHYDOXDWH EDVLFRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUV7KH¿UVWSDUWSUHVHQWV the problem of enormous amounts of energy needed for driving fans and compressors of the largest contemporary turbofan engines commonly used in long-distance aviation. The amounts of the transmitted power and the effect RIÀRZSDUDPHWHUVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHHQJLQHV RQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHDOHI¿FLHQF\DUH evaluated....

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  • A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Overtime Allocation in Software Development Projects


    Overtime planning in software projects has traditionally been approached with search-based multi-objective optimization algorithms. However, the explicit solutions produced by these algorithms often lack applicability and acceptance in the software industry due to their disregard for project managers' intuitive knowledge. This study presents a machine learning model that learns the preferred overtime allocation patterns from solutions...

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  • Evaluation of ChatGPT Applicability to Learning Quantum Physics


    - Rok 2023

    ChatGPT is an application that uses a large language model. Its purpose is to generate answers to various questions as well as provide information, help solve problems and participate in conversations on a wide range of topics. This application is also widely used by students for the purposes of learning or cheating (e.g., writing essays or programming codes). Therefore, in this contribution, we evaluate the ability of ChatGPT...

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  • Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements

    An innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....

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  • Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures


    - Rok 2016

    Miniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...

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  • An advanced tool integrating failure and sensitivity analysis into novel modeling of the stormwater flood volume



    An innovative tool for modeling the specific flood volume was presented that can be applied to assess the need for stormwater network modernization as well as for advanced flood risk assessment. Field measurements for a catchment area in Kielce, Poland, were used to apply the model and demonstrate its usefulness. This model extends the capability of recently developed statistical and machine learning hydrodynamic models developed...

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  • Kriging-assisted hybrid reliability design and optimization of offshore wind turbine support structure based on a portfolio allocation strategy

    • D. Meng
    • H. Yang
    • S. Yang
    • Y. Zhang
    • A. M. D. Jesus
    • J. A. Correia
    • T. Fazeres-Ferradosa
    • W. Macek
    • R. Branco
    • S. Zhu

    - OCEAN ENGINEERING - Rok 2024

    In recent years, offshore wind power generation technology has developed rapidly around the world, making important contributions to the further development of renewable energy. When designing an Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) system, the uncertainties in parameters and different types of constraints need to be considered to find the optimal design of these systems. Therefore, the Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) method...

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  • Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Applied to Music Mood Recognition


    The paper presents two experiments aimed at categorizing mood associated with music. Two parts of a listening test were designed and carried out with a group of students, most of whom where users of online social music services. The initial experiment was designed to evaluate the extent to which a given label describes the mood of the particular music excerpt. The second subjective test was conducted to collect the similarity data...

  • Evaluating the Cost of Personnel Activities in Cybersecurity Management: A Case Study


    - Rok 2020

    The methods of cybersecurity costs' evaluation are inclined towards the cost of incidents or technological acquirements. At the same time, there are other, less visible costs related to cybersecurity that require proper recognition. These costs are associated with the actions and the time spent by employees on activities connected to cybersecurity management. The costs form a considerable component of cybersecurity expenditures,...

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  • Local Nusselt number evaluation in the case of jet impingement

    • T. Kura
    • E. Fornalik-Wajs
    • J. Wajs
    • S. Kenjeres

    - Rok 2018

    Jet impingement still is one of demanding cases regarding computational fluid dynamics, due to its highly turbulent behaviour, with occurrence of turbulent-laminar transition. Even recently developed methods exhibit some drawbacks – RANS based simulations lack accuracy, LES and DNS based ones require too much computational time. Hybrid methods also exist, but their development and validation is in progress. Nevertheless, CFD application...

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  • Evaluation of Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation Based on Case-Based Reasoning


    - Rok 2017

    Nowadays many of IT organization decides to change the way of delivering from classic, waterfall approach to agile. This transition is called “agile transformation” (AT). The problem of this process is that part of companies started AT without any analysis. This causes that many of transitions fails and organizations must return to old methods of delivering. Cost of return is significant and number of projects with violated project...

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  • Modeling and Evaluation of Electric Treeing Phenomena in Polymeric Cable Insulation

    • Q. Khan
    • S. S. Refaat
    • H. Abu-Rub
    • H. Toliyat
    • M. Olesz

    - Rok 2021

    This paper investigates the treeing phenomenon in polymeric materials such as crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) that is widely used in medium and high voltage power cables as primary insulation. The modeling of electrical tree growth in the insulation from its initiation to breakdown is significant research work that illustrates the discharge dynamics and its impact on aging process in polymeric insulation. This study utilizes pulse...

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  • Quality Parameters in IMS/NGN Networks


    - Rok 2019

    The Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, including elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) concept, is a proposition of a telecommunication network dedicated to the needs of current and future information society. The main goal of NGN is to provide Quality of Service (QoS), for which proper network design is necessary with respect to among others standardized call processing performance parameters, including expected...

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  • An intelligent cellular automaton scheme for modelling forest fires


    - Ecological Informatics - Rok 2024

    Forest fires have devastating consequences for the environment, the economy and human lives. Understanding their dynamics is therefore crucial for planning the resources allocated to combat them effectively. In a world where the incidence of such phenomena is increasing every year, the demand for efficient and accurate computational models is becoming increasingly necessary. In this study, we perform a revision of an initial proposal...

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  • Diagnosing marine turbine engines through energy characteristics of their flow section


    The aim of the performed research was to develop of diagnostic method of the flow section of a marine turbine combustion engine based on the level of delamination of its energy characteristics. The here adopted diagnostic model provides for a formulation of the evaluation of the technical conditions based on the measurements of the parameters of the thermodynamic medium in the characteristic control cross-sections of the engine...

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  • Secondary arc modelling for single pole reclosing analyses

    The paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage calculation results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc model implementation is presented. The paper presents the study results for the three types of EHV transmission...

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  • Simulation of Signal Propagation Along Fractional-Order Transmission Lines


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, the simulation method of signal propagation along fractional-order (FO) transmission lines is presented. Initially, fractional calculus and the model of FO transmission line are introduced. Then, the algorithm allowing for simulation of the nonmonochromatic wave propagation along FO transmission lines is presented. It employs computations in the frequency domain, i.e., an analytical excitation is transformed to the...

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  • Flexomagneticity in Functionally Graded Nanostructures


    Functionally graded structures have shown the perspective of materials in a higher efficient and consistent manner. This study reports a short investigation by concentrating on the flexomagnetic response of a functionally graded piezomagnetic nano-actuator, keeping in mind that the converse magnetic effect is only taken into evaluation. The rule of mixture assuming exponential composition of properties along with the thickness...

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  • Tworzenie modelu pojęciowego dla zarządzania ryzykiem na przykładzie procesu laminowania w stoczni jachtowej

    Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie modelu pojęciowego normalizującego kryteria oceny ryzyka w systemie zarządzania jakością w stoczni jachtowej. Zamiarem jest przeprowadzenie analizy danych, pozwalającej wytyczyć zbiory o wysokim, średnim i niskim poziomie istotności dla wszystkich błędów powstających w procesie laminowania. W artykule skoncentrowano się na najważniejszych pojęciach związanych z ryzykiem i kryteriami jego oceny....

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  • Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects

    The article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...

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  • Electromagnetic interference frequencies prediction model of flyback converter for snubber design

    Snubber design for flyback converters usually requires experimental prototype measurements or simulation based on accurate and complex models. In this study simplified circuit modelling of a flyback converter has been described to dimension snubbers in early stage of design process. Simulation based prediction of the transistor and diode ringing frequencies has been validated by measurements in a prototype setup. In that way obtained...

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  • The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions


    - Rok 2015

    Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are mainly characterized by sequential process phases of fill, react, settle, decant and idle periods that allow considerable flexibility in the design and operation in different conditions. This flexibility and the unique features of SBRs used to wastewater treatment by activated sludge systems operated in laboratory scale, allow not only conducting experiments for the standard conditions but also...

  • Application of semi-Markov processes for evaluation of diesel engines reliability with regards to diagnostics


    The paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determination of their reliability, as a result of the conducted statistical empirical studies. Interpretation of technical states provided for this sort of engines refers to ship main engines, i.e. engines employed in propulsion systems of sea-going ships. The considerations recognize diesel engine as a diagnosed system (SDN), of...

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  • Modelling and simulation of GPU processing in the MERPSYS environment

    In this work, we evaluate an analytical GPU performance model based on Little's law, that expresses the kernel execution time in terms of latency bound, throughput bound, and achieved occupancy. We then combine it with the results of several research papers, introduce equations for data transfer time estimation, and finally incorporate it into the MERPSYS framework, which is a general-purpose simulator for parallel and distributed...

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  • Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method



    Purpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...

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  • New Method of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with an Amplitude-Modulated Perturbation Signal

    The paper presents a new method of non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS), which allows fast and nondestructive evaluation of the corrosion rate and determination of the Tafel coefficients values for a corrosion system under investigation. This method employs amplitude modulation of the ac perturbation signal. The study demonstrated that it was possible to obtain impedance characteristic as a function of the...

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    The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions. The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation...

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  • Effect of Sinusoidal Corrugated Geometries on the Vibrational Response of Viscoelastic Nanoplates


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2018

    The vibrational behavior of viscoelastic nanoplates with a corrugated geometry is a key topic of practical interest. This problem is addressed here for wrinkled nanoplates with small corrugations related to incorrect manufacturing. To this end, a new One-Variable First-order Shear Deformation plate Theory (OVFSDT) is proposed in a combined form with a non-local strain gradient theory. The Kelvin–Voigt model is employed to describe...

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  • Granulometric analysis to etimate influence of anionic surfactrant on activated sludge structure

    The work concerns the evaluation of the possibility of using laser diffraction analyzer to determine changes in the distribution of sludge floc size in the presence of anionic surfactant. As a model of surfactant linear alkylbenzyne sulphonate (LAS) was used. The granulometric analysis showed that the pure activated sludge was composed of particles with a size of 0,001 to 2 mm. The largest and fastest changes in the distribution...

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  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Carboxylic Acids as Corrosion Inhibitors of Aluminium Alloys


    - Rok 2022

    The datasets, titled X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of citric acid adsorption on aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of various carboxylic acids adsorption on aluminium alloys in alkaline media, contain XPS studies of the corrosion inhibitory action of selected dicarboxylic acids towards commercially available aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media at pH=11. These datasets...

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  • Modelowanie dynamiki odbieraka prądu pojazdu kolejowego do celów diagnostycznych


    Niewłaściwa współpraca odbieraka prądu i sieci trakcyjnej, w trudnych warunkach lokalnych, może prowadzić do uszkodzenia sieci trakcyjnej i pantografu. W ramach rozwoju metod monitoringu i diagnostyki dla tych podsystemów, tworzone są nowe i dokładniejsze narzędzia symulacyjne, których zakres obejmuje modelowanie zarówno napowietrznej sieci trakcyjnej i pantografu, a także ich dynamicznego oddziaływania. Głównym celem jest dokładniejsza...

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  • Neural Network-Based Sequential Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm


    - Rok 2022

    Performing global sensitivity analysis (GSA) can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost, but it is also essential for engineering decision making. To reduce this cost, surrogate modeling such as neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive simulation model in the GSA process, which introduces the additional challenge of finding the minimum number of training data samples required to...

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  • Towards New Mappings between Emotion Representation Models


    There are several models for representing emotions in affect-aware applications, and available emotion recognition solutions provide results using diverse emotion models. As multimodal fusion is beneficial in terms of both accuracy and reliability of emotion recognition, one of the challenges is mapping between the models of affect representation. This paper addresses this issue by: proposing a procedure to elaborate new mappings,...

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  • Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models



    The aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...

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  • Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models



    The aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...

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  • Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2019

    Deterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...

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  • The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion


    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2018

    Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then...

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