wszystkich: 223
wybranych: 209
Novel structure and design of enhanced-bandwidth hybrid quadrature patch coupler
PublikacjaA novel structure and design optimization procedure of an enhanced-bandwidth hybrid quadrature patch coupler is proposed. Improved performance of the circuit has been obtained by parameterizing the coupler sections using splines, which introduces additional degrees of freedom. Due to computational complexity of the parameter adjustment problem, a sequential design procedure is applied. In each iteration, a selected number of spline...
Novel doubly perforated broadband microstrip branch-line couplers
PublikacjaTwo broadband compact doubly perforated hybrid couplers have been designed, manufactured, and measured. To improve frequency characteristics and to reduce circuit dimensions, two kinds of perforations have been introduced: the defected ground structures in the ground plane metallization and photonic bandgap cells in the strip metallization. Measurement results show essential miniaturization (~39% and ~36%) and enhancement of the...
Novel microstrip low-pass filters with fractal defected ground structures
PublikacjaIn this study, three microstrip low-pass filters (LPFs) containing fractal-shaped defected ground structures have been designed and manufactured. To improve the performance of microstrip LPF, cascades of inductively coupled fractal resonators have been applied. Simultaneously, to achieve relatively constant microstrip impedance resulting in essentially low reflection losses, a modification of the strip geometry has been introduced....
Improved selectivity compact band-stop filter with gosper fractal-shaped defected ground structures
PublikacjaA novel band-stop filter using Gosper fractal-shaped defected ground structures has been designed and manufactured. The improvement in the filter selectivity has been achieved by introducing a multiresonance fractal-shaped defect leading to a higher filter order, simultaneously maintaining its compact size. The experimental results prove the validity of proposed solution and its utility in novel miniaturized and severe requirement...
A compact seven-section rat-race hybrid coupler incorporating pbg cells
PublikacjaA conventional rat-race coupler has been doubly miniaturized: (i) characteristic impedances and electrical lengths of microstrip sections have been adequately modified as the first step of size reduction and (ii) T-shaped PBG cells have been implemented to diminish strip section length as the second step of circuit rat-race couplerminiaturization. The experimental results show good agreement with theoretical characteristics. Furthermore,...
Investigations of the circulation effects in the structure using ferrite coupled slot-line section
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono badania cyrkulatora zrealizowanego w oparciu o magnesowaną wzdłużnie sekcję ferrytowych szczelinowych linii sprzężonych. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala na minimalizację rozmiarów układu cyrkulatora oraz na uzyskanie parametrów porównywalnych z dotychczas publikowanymi. W treści artykułu opisano kolejne etapy projektu. Wyniki numeryczne zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie. Pomierzony układ charakteryzował...
A novel compact broadband 5-35GHz
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zasadę pracy oraz procedurę projektowania zintegrowanego planarnego baluna (symetryzatora). Układ zaprojektowano wykorzystując połączenie linii paskowych i szczelinowych oraz struktury rezonatorów w formie wielogałęziowych sęków szczelinowych. Wykonany wielowarstwowy symetryzator pracuje poprawnie w zakresie 5-35GHz.
Compact-planar monopole loop antennas for 802.11b/g WLAN systems
PublikacjaZaproponowano planarne anteny monopolowe dla systemów komunikacji bezprzewodowej WLAN pracujących w pasmach 2.45GHz i 5.25GHz. W strukturze radiatorów zasilanych poprzez linię mikropaskową wykorzystano krzywe fraktalne: pętlę Kocha oraz pętlę Minkowskiego. W obu przypadkach uzyskano dwuzakresową pracę anten dzięki wprowadzeniu nowej konfiguracji zminiaturyzowanych transformatorów impedancji w układzie zasilania.
Microstrip line with short-circuited edge as a high-pass filter operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono prosty planarny filtr górnoprzepustowy wykorzystujący linię mikropaskową ze zwartym brzegiem. Układy zaprojektowano w taki sposób, aby pasmo przepustowe rozpoczynało się w zakresie K lub Ka. Wykonano dwa prototypy: na podłożu w postaci warstwy dielektrycznej wykonanej z ceramiki alundowej oraz na podłożu organicznym o niskiej przenikalności elektrycznej. Wykazano dużą zgodność teoretycznych i pomierzonych charakterystyk...
Electromagnetic wave scattering by a set of axially symmetric omega-medium cylinder
PublikacjaZaprezentowano analizę rozproszenia fali elektromagnetycznej od układu obiektów cylindrycznych zbudowanych z materiałów pseudochiralnych, umieszczonych w złączach falowodowych lub wolnej przestrzeni. Analiza bazuje na iteracyjnej procedurze rozproszenia i metodzie dopasowania rodzajów.
Radiation phenomena from pseudochiral cylinders at plane wave incidence
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wpływ materiałów pseudochiralnych na charakterystyki rozproszenia fali elektromagnetycznej od obiektów cylindrycznych. W celu zbadania zjawisk rozproszenia zastosowano kombinacje iteracyjnej procedury rozproszenia i metodę dopasowania rodzajów. Wpływ zastosowania materiałów pseudochiralych w konfiguracjach obiektów cylindrycznych zaprezentowano na charakterystykach pola rozproszonego w strefie dalekiej oraz na charakterystykach...
A compact microstrip rat-race coupler constituted by nonuniform transmission lines
PublikacjaIn this work, a step-by-step development of a compact microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) has been presented and discussed. A high degree of miniaturization has been obtained by substituting six quarter-wavelength uniform atomic building blocks of a RRC by their nonuniform counterparts. The miniaturization procedure has been realized in three progressive steps: (i) the first layout solution of a miniaturized RRC has been acquired...
A robust design of a numerically demanding compact rat-race coupler
PublikacjaA fast and accurate design procedure of a computationally expensive microwave circuit has been presented step-by-step and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) comprising slow-wave resonant structures (SWRSs). The final compact RRC solution has been obtained by means of a sequential optimization scheme exploiting the implicit space mapping (ISM) algorithm. A well-suited surrogate optimization...
Slow-wave fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell
PublikacjaA novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC) featuring a strong slow-wave effect has been presented. Its vital usefulness in the process of microstrip line miniaturisation has been proved and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact 3-dB branch-line coupler illustrating the possibilities of the approach. A prototype example structure has been designed to mirror the characteristics of a conventional device,...
Design of a broadband microstrip crossover for ultra-wideband applications
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania skrzyżowań linii mikropaskowych do zastosowań w systemach UWB. W procedurze projektowej wykorzystany został model zastępczy skrzyżowania. W celu poprawy parametrów skrzyżowań zaprojektowano dwie konfiguracje obwodów kompensujących. Wyniki numeryczne zweryfikowane zostały eksperymentalnie. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność pomiędzy rezultatami symulacji oraz pomiarów.
Effect of ground plane size on radiation pattern in IFF/SSR microstrip antenna on thick substrate fed by H type slot
PublikacjaW pracy pokazano numeryczne i eksperymentalne wyniki badania wpływu rozmiarówmasy na charakterystyki promieniowania anteny dla zastosowań IFF/SSR, zrealizowanej na grubym podłożu i zasilanej przez szczelinę typu H. Pokazane wyniki dla anteny oryginalnej porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi po zmniejszeniu wymiarów masy (w każdym z kierunków). Pokazano jak dalece można zminimalizować wymiary anteny, przy założonym poziomie listków bocznych.
Application of hybrid finite-difference mode-matching method to analysis of structures loaded with axially-symmetrical posts
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę hybrydową do analizy układów falowodowych zawierających dowolne konfiguracje obiektów osiowo-symetrycznych. Metoda oparta jest na połączeniu metody różnic skończonych, metody dopasowania rodzajów oraz iteracyjnej procedury rozpraszania. W pracy przedstawiono badania zbieżności metody. Uzyskane wyniki numeryczne porównano z wynikami odniesienia. Duża zgodność wyników potwierdziła poprawność opracowanego...
IFF/SSR rectangular patch antenna with reduced transversal size
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono antenę mikropaskową dla systemów IFF/SSR, zasilaną poprzez szczelinę typu H. Zastosowanie tego typu szczeliny pozwoliło na 36-procentową redukcję wymiaru poprzcznego anteny,co jest szczególnie istotne ze względu na potencjalne zastosowanie anteny w szykach.Pomierzone parametry eektryczne anteny to: VSWR < 1.5; stosunek polaryzacji ortogonalnej do właściwej < 30 dB w obu płaszczyznach;zysk > 7 dBi.
Application of the discrete Green's function-based antenna simulations for excitation of the total-field/scattered-field interface in the FDTD method
PublikacjaIn this article, the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method is proposed for simulation of wire antennas irradiating inhomogeneous dielectric scatterers. Surface equivalence theorem in the discrete domain is used to separate the problem into an inhomogeneous domain and a wire antenna that are simulated with the use of FDTD and DGF-FDTD, respectively. Then, the excitation of the...
Doubly miniaturized rat-race hybrid coupler
PublikacjaTwo complementary miniaturization techniques have beenapplied to reduce the size of a rat-race hybrid coupler: (i) conventional microstrip sections have been replaced with their diminished lowimpedance counterparts as the first step of size reduction and (ii) novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficiently shorten low-impedance transmission line segments have been implemented as the second step of...
A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublikacjaIn the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...
Miniaturized bandpass substrate integrated waveguide filter with frequency-dependent coupling realized using asymmetric GCPW discontinuity
PublikacjaAn asymmetric GCPW discontinuity is proposed to provide frequency-dependent coupling in microwave bandpass filters. Wider and narrow sections introduce, respectively, the capacitive and inductive component to the equivalent circuit representing coupling. By selecting the dimensions of the discontinuity and width of the inductive window in substrate integrated waveguide, an additional transmission zero can be introduced at prescribed...
On the low-cost design of abbreviated multisection planar matching transformer
PublikacjaA numerically demanding wideband matching transformer composed of three nonuniform transmission lines (NUTLs) has been designed and optimized at a low computational cost. The computational feasibility of the design has been acquired through the exploitation of low-fidelity NUTL models in most steps of the design procedure and an implicit space mapping optimization engine, providing high accuracy results with only a handful of EM...
Simulation and experiment of radiating slot in a ground-plane of microstrip junction
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania numeryczne oraz eksperymentalne szczeliny promieniującej umieszczonej w płaszczyźnie masy złącza mikropaskowego. Złącze mikropaskowe składa się z linii mikropaskowej oraz rozwartego na końcu sęka. Szczelina umieszczona jest równolegle do linii mikropaskowej.
Design considerations for compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficient branch-line miniaturization
PublikacjaA conventional compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC)has been thoroughly investigated to enhance its slow-wave properties and subsequently ensure an efficient miniaturization of a microstrip circuit. The geometry of a classic CMRC has been improved in terms of slowwave effect in two progressive steps: (i) a single-element topology has been replaced with a double-element one and (ii) a high-impedance section has been refined by...
Novel topology of compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell low-pass filter
PublikacjaIn this study, a novel pseudoelliptic function low-pass filter (LPF) constituted by a compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell has been designed and manufactured. The lumped-element seven-pole prototype has been adequately realized by using complementary perturbations located both in signal line and ground plane metallization. The fabricated uniplanar LPF offers a compact size of 5.6 x 9.8 mm2, return loss better than 26 dB over...
Miniaturized uniplanar triple-band slot dipole antenna with folded radiator
PublikacjaA miniaturized uniplanar slot dipole for triple-frequency operation is presented. The antenna consists of a folded slot radiator with an increased number of degrees of freedom that allow for efficient size reduction. Rigorous electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization is applied in order to achieve the smallest possible size while maintaining acceptable levels of antenna reflection at the required operating frequencies. The...
Tailoring properties of indium tin oxide thin films for their work in both electrochemical and optical label-free sensing systems
PublikacjaThis work is devoted to the identification properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films responsible for their possible application in combined optical and electrochemical label-free sensing systems offering enhanced functionalities. Since any post-processing would make it difficult to identify direct relation between deposition parameters and properties of the ITO films, especially when deposition on temperature-sensitive substrates...
Determination of Metals Content in Wine Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
PublikacjaKnowledge about the metal content of wine is very important, for many reasons. Depending on the element, its quantity varies in wine from ng/L to mg/L. Despite the fact that metals are not directly connected to the taste and aroma of the wine, their content should be determined and controlled, because excess is undesirable, and in some cases prohibited, due to potential toxicity. Several analytical procedures for metal determination...
Magnetically sensitive fiber probe with nitrogen-vacancy center nanodiamonds integrated in a suspended core
PublikacjaEfficient collection of photoluminescence arising from spin dynamics of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond is important for practical applications involving precise magnetic field or temperature mapping. These goals may be realized by the integration of nanodiamond particles with optical fibers and volumetric doping of the particles alongside the fiber core. That approach combines the advantages of robust axial fixation of...
Accumulation of radioisotopes and heavy metals in selected species of mushrooms
PublikacjaSeven species of forest mushrooms from different regions of Poland (edible: Imleria badia, Cantharellus cibarius, Xerocomus subtomentosus, Suillus luteus and inedible by humans but being food for animals: Paxillus involutus, Tylopilus felleus and Russula emetica) were analyzed for radioisotope activity (Cs-137, K-40, Bi-214 and Pb-210) as well as concentrations of heavy metals (aluminum, chromium, cadmium, manganese, iron, lead,...
Physical properties of homogeneous TiO2 films prepared by high power impulse magnetron sputtering as a function of crystallographic phase and nanostructure
PublikacjaOptical, photo-electrochemical, crystallographic and morphological properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by high power impulse magnetron sputtering at low substrate temperatures (<65 ◦C) without post-deposition thermal annealing are studied. The film composition-anatase, rutile or amorphous TiO2-is adjusted by the pressure (p ∼ 0.75-15 Pa) in the deposition chamber. The different crystallographic phases were determined with grazing...
A Multi Rig Screening Test for Thin Ceramic Coatings in Bio - Tribological Applications
PublikacjaA method is presented for the comparative testing of wear resistance of ceramic coatings made from materials potentially feasible in tribo - medical applications, mainly orthopaedic implants made from ceramics coated metals for low cost, long life and low wear particle emission into the body. The method was devised as the main tool for use in research and is comprised of flat on flat and ball on flat surface (sliding) tests. Seven...
Structure and magnetic properties of BeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-TeO2 glass-ceramic composites
PublikacjaIn this work, glass-ceramics in the xBeO–20Fe2O3–(80-x)TeO2 system with x = 0–25 mol% were synthesized by the traditional melt quenching route and studied by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, confocal microscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. BeO addition was found to support the crystallization process of Fe2O3 during melting, and an increased BeO content was associated with an increased...
Potential of novel atomic emission techniques as a tool for investigation of the possibilities of using industrial waste as additives in construction materials
PublikacjaNowadays, due to the global ecological crisis and ways to prevent a climate disaster, more and more attention is paid to green techno-logies and green Chemistry, which are part of the so-called “The Green Deal.” The main assumption is the optimization of the processes of producing necessary goods and the implementation of methods of managing postproduction waste in the least environmentally harmful manner. In the presented research,...
The effect of nitrogen on the structure and thermal properties of beryllium-containing Na-(Li)-Si-O-N glasses
PublikacjaTwo oxynitride glass series with the composition of 35Na2O-5BeO-(60-x)SiO2-xSi3N4 and 9Li2O- 27Na2O-5BeO-(59-x)SiO2-xSi3N4, were prepared. The glasses' topography and structure were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The composition was analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, SEM-EDS and nitrogen and oxygen elemental analyzer. Na-(Li)-Be-silicate glasses were found to contain...
The influence of Be addition on the structure and thermal properties of alkali-silicate glasses
PublikacjaBe-Na-(Li)-Si oxide glasses containing up to 15 mol% of BeO were prepared. Their structure was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and Raman as well as infrared spectroscopic techniques, while their chemical compositions were examined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry. All materials were found to be amorphous and contain Al contaminations from minor dissolution of the alumina crucibles. The results...
Effect of pH on optical sensing with poly-L-lysine-modified nanodiamonds
PublikacjaNitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are crystallographic defects which provide diamonds with unique physical properties. The centers are known for their intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli. Nanodiamonds containing the NV centers are promising tools in biolabeling, biosensing, and drug delivery due to the aforementioned properties of...
High-Temperature Oxidation of Heavy Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes: Microstructural and Electrochemical Performance Modification
PublikacjaIn this work, we reveal in detail the effects of high-temperature treatment in air at 600 °C on the microstructure as well as the physico-chemical and electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The thermal treatment of freshly grown BDD electrodes was applied, resulting in permanent structural modifications of surface depending on the exposure time. High temperature affects material corrosion, inducing...
Enhancing colloidal stability of nanodiamond via surface modification with dendritic molecules for optical sensing in physiological environments
PublikacjaPre-treatment of diamond surface in low-temperature plasma for oxygenation and in acids for carboxylation was hypothesized to promote the branching density of the hyperbranched glycidol polymer. This was expected to increase the homogeneity of the branching level and suppress interactions with proteins. As a result, composite nanodiamonds with reduced hydrodynamic diameters that are maintained in physiological environments were...
Impact of spraying commercial Bentonite Nanoclay on fortification of the mortar as Nano Sprying Technique (NST) in heritages and historical buildings
PublikacjaSpraying Bentonite NanoClay as an innovative idea satisfied an urgent need for conservation of historical brick constructions. This research explores the application of Nanotechnology as a Nano-Geotechnics (NaG) and Nano Ground Improvement (NGI) techniques for fortifying the mortar between bricks in historical buildings against some environmental erosive factors. Bentonite Nanoparticles were selected because of their compatibility...
Boron-Enhanced Growth of Micron-Scale Carbon-Based Nanowalls: A Route toward High Rates of Electrochemical Biosensing
PublikacjaIn this study, we have demonstrated the fabrication of novel materials called boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNWs), which are characterized by remarkable electrochemical properties such as high standard rate constant (k°), low peak-to-peak separation value (ΔE) for the oxidation and reduction processes of the [Fe(CN)6]3–/4– redox system, and low surface resistivity. The B:CNW samples were deposited by the microwave plasma-assisted...
Wytwarzanie i charakterystyka cienkich warstw diamentowych na podłożach ze szkła kwarcowego, w szczególności na światłowodach włóknistych, dla zastosowań w sensorach optoelektronicznych
PublikacjaGłównym celem naukowym prac badawczych przeprowadzonych w rozprawie było wytwarzanie i modyfikacja funkcjonalności cienkich, przewodzących warstw diamentowych syntezowanych na podłożach optycznych. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań wytworzono szereg warstw diamentowych o specyficznych właściwościach optycznych i elektrycznych, mających na celu wykazanie możliwości wykorzystania takich struktur dla celów sensorycznych. Do poprawy...
Review of Recent Advancement on Nature/Bio-inspired Antenna Designs
PublikacjaThis article presents an extensive examination of antennas rooted in nature and biology, showcasing their remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of frequencies—from microwave to terahertz. The limitations of traditional antenna design have become increasingly evident in the face of burgeoning demands for novel communication technologies. Conventional analytical-equation-based approaches struggle to deliver the combined performance...
Ionogel fibres of bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion-based ionic liquids for the headspace solid-phase microextraction of chlorinated organic pollutants
PublikacjaIonogels, a family of hybrid materials in which ionic liquids (ILs) are confined in a sol–gel network, are receiving much attention in a variety of scientific and technological fields. In this work, ionogels derived from three different ILs based on the anion bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI), namely 1-butyl- 3-methylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([C4C1Py][TFSI]), 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide...
Tuning of eg electron occupancy of MnCo2O4 spinel for oxygen evolution reaction by partial substitution of Co by Fe at octahedral sites
PublikacjaTo study the effect of partial Co substitution by Fe in the B site of MnCo2O4 spinel on its physicochemical and electrochemical properties, a series of MnCo2-xFexO4 powders (x=0.125; 0.250; 0.500; 0.750; 1.000) were synthesized by means of the sol-gel method. The produced powders were characterized by powder X ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM & TEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy...
Structural, optical and electrochemical performance of black phosphorus and black arsenic-phosphorus nanostructures
PublikacjaBlack phosphorus (BP)-based nanostructures have drawn a lot of attention due to their tunable bandgap and extraordinary properties such as: high surface-to-volume ratio, large number of active sites, and prominent edges. However, low dimensional structures of black phosphorus oxidize easily, which hamper their application on a broader scale. One way to overcome these difficulties is to modify the black phosphorus structure by substituting...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublikacjaIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublikacjaThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Elastic scattering of electrons from chloroform
PublikacjaWe present experimental and theoretical cross sections for elastic electron scattering from CHCl3. This is an important target because of its relevance to environmental chemistry and the plasma etching industry as a source of chlorine radicals. The experimental results were obtained at incident electron energies ranging from 0.5 to 800 eV in the 10deg-130deg scattering angle range. Theoretically, the scattering cross sections in...