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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOUND DETECTION

  • Monitoring of single-side lap grinding with electroplated tools


    The results presented in the paper show that utilising microphones as audible sound sensors is a suitable approach for monitoring a single-side lap grinding process due to the low levels of noise generated by the drives of a machine tool. The results confirm that sound signal analysis is a feasible and relatively simple method to monitor a lap grinding process with the use of an audible sound sensor. Proposed method can be used...

  • Modeling and Designing Acoustical Conditions of the Interior – Case Study

    The primary aim of this research study was to model acoustic conditions of the Courtyard of the Gdańsk University of Technology Main Building, and then to design a sound reinforcement system for this interior. First, results of measurements of the parameters of the acoustic field are presented. Then, the comparison between measured and predicted values using the ODEON program is shown. Collected data indicate a long reverberation...

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  • Drum Replacement Using Wavelet Filtering Podmienianie próbek perkusyjnych przy zastosowaniu filtracji falkowej


    - Rok 2013

    The paper presents the solution that can be used to unify snare drum sound within a chosen fragment. The algorithm is based on the wavelet transformation and allows replacement of sub-bands of particular sounds, which are outside a certain range. Five experienced sound engineers put the algorithm under the test using

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  • Personal adaptive tuning of mobile computer audio

    An integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences....

  • Application of Fast Cameras to String Vibrations Recording

    A hardware and software solution for guitar string vibration measurement by fast cameras is described. Orthogonal setup for 3D image acquisition is proposed capable to capture several thousand image frames per second. Dedicated image processing algorithm was developed and described in the paper, aimed at tracking the movement of some selected points along the string. Fast and accurate tracking results provided a detailed information...

  • Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid


    The nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...

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  • Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid


    The nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...

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  • Investigation of Acoustic Properties of Poroelastic Asphalt Mixtures in Laboratory and Field Conditions


    - Materials - Rok 2021

    Measures for the improvement of acoustic conditions in the vicinity of roads include the construction of pavement structures with low-noise surfaces with optimal macrotexture and the highest possible sound absorption coefficient. Laboratory evaluation of acoustic properties of a designed asphalt mixture before its placement in the pavement is a good solution. Currently, the most popular method for the determination of the sound...

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  • Examining Acoustic Emission of Engineered Ultrasound Loudspeakers

    Measurement results of the sound emitted from an ultrasound custom-made system with high spatial directivity are presented. The proposed system is using modulated ultrasound waves which demodulate in nonlinear medium resulting in audible sound. The system is aimed at enhancing the users’ personal audio space, therefore the measurements are performed using the Head and Torso Simulator which provides the realistic reproduction of...

  • Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Vibrationally Relaxing Gases. Acoustic Cooling


    The dynamic equation which governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode in vibrationally relaxing gas is derived. The nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy to the energy of the thermal mode in a relaxing gas causes slow variation of temperature with time. The nal dynamic equation is instantaneous. All types of sound, including aperiodic, may be considered as an acoustic source of corresponding heating or cooling....

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  • Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Gas with Nonequilibrium Chemical Reactions: Possibilities of Acoustic Cooling

    Nonlinear generation of thermal mode during propagation of dominative sound in a chemically reacting gas is considered. The dynamic equation of excess temperature associated with the thermal mode is derived. It is instantaneous and includes quadratic nonlinear acoustic source reflecting the nonlinear character of interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic types of gas motion. Both periodic and aperiodic sound may be considered...

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  • Self-refraction of acoustic pulses with shock fronts in some nonequilibrium media


    The nonlinear self-refraction of acoustic pulsed beams, which include shock fronts, is studied. The medium of sound propagation is a gas where thermodynamically nonequilibrium processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. Comparative analysis of the features of sound propagation over gases where pure nonlinear attenuation of the shock wave occurs, and gases...

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  • Thermal self-action effects for acoustic beams containing fronts in a Maxwell relaxing fluid

    This paper examines the thermal self-action of acoustic beams in a Maxwell relaxing fluid. This type of thermal self-action differs from that in a Newtonian fluid and behaves differently depending on a ratio of sound period and time of thermodynamic relaxation. The self-action which relates to sound beams containing shock fronts is also discussed. In addition, stationary and non-stationary types of self-action are considered.

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  • Measurements and Simulations of Engineered Ultrasound Loudspeakers

    Simulation and measurement results of the sound emitted from an ultrasound custom-made system with high spatial directivity are presented. The proposed system is using modulated ultrasound waves which demodulate in nonlinear medium resulting in audible sound. The system is aimed at enhancing the users’ personal audio space, therefore the measurements are performed using the Head and Torso Simulator which provides realistic reproduction...

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    Non-stationary thermal self-action of a periodic or impulse acoustic beam containing shock fronts in a thermoconducting Newtonian fluid is studied. Self-focusing of a saw-tooth periodic and impulse sound is considered, as well as that of a solitary shock wave which propagates with the linear sound speed. The governing equations of the beam radius are derived. Numerical simulations reveal that the thermal conductivity weakens the...

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  • Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena

    Domain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...

  • Acoustic field and the entropy mode induced by it in a waveguide filled with some non-equilibrium gases

    The non-linear propagation of an acoustic beam in a rectangular waveguide is considered. The medium of sound propagation, is a gas where thermodynamically non-equilibrium processes take place: such as exothermic chemical reactions or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. The incident and reflected compounds of the acoustic field do not interact in the leading order in the case of periodic weakly nonlinear sound...

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  • Acoustic heating produced in the boundary layer

    : Instantaneous acoustic heating of a viscous fluid flow in a boundary layer is the subject of investigation. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of a special linear combination of conservation equations in the differential form, which reduces all acoustic terms in the linear part of the final equation but preserves terms belonging to the thermal mode. The procedure of decomposition is valid in a weakly...

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    The quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...

  • Impact of the glazed roof on acoustics of historic interiors


    - Rok 2018

    The paper discusses the adverse acoustic phenomena occurring in the semi-open interiors (courtyards, yards) covered with a glass roof. Particularly negative is the rever-beration noise, which leads to the degradation of the utility functions of the resulting spaces. It involves the drastically reducing the intelligibility of speech, loss of natural sounding of music, problems with the sound system, as well as disturbances in the...

  • Analysis of a caustic formed by a spherical reflector: Impact of a caustic on architectural acoustics


    Focusing sound in rooms intended for listening to music or speech is an acoustic defect. Design recommendations provide remedial steps to effectively prevent this. However, there is a category of objects of high historical or architectural value in which the sound focus correction is limited or even abandoned. This also applies to indoor or outdoor concert shells, installations for teaching and acoustic presentations, etc. The...

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  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Rok 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Efficiency of acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a fluid with relaxation

    Instantaneous acoustic heating of a fluid with thermodynamic relaxation is the subject of investigation. Among others, viscoelastic biological media described by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor, belong to this type of fluid. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in...

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  • Standing Waves in a Rectangular Resonator Containing Acoustically Active Gases


    The distribution of perturbations of pressure and velocity in a rectangular resonator is considered. A resonator contains a gas where thermodynamic processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. These processes make the gas acoustically active under some conditions. We conclude that the incident and reflected compounds of a sound beam do not interact in the...

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  • Postprodukcja nagrania wideo z dzwiekiem dookolnym


    One of the aims of this paper is to present issues related to audio-video correlation. This is presented on the basis of a short film realization employing surround microphone techniques. First, some related works in the domain of sound and vision correlation are presented. Then assumptions concerning scene creation related to both audio and video are shortly described. Another objective is to discuss results of subjective tests...

  • 3D Acoustic Field Intensity Probe Design and Measurements

    The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, some basic notions on acoustic field intensity and its measurement are shortly recalled. Then, the equipment and the measurement procedure used in the sound intensity in the performed research study are described. The second goal is to present details of the design of the engineered 3D intensity probe, as well as the algorithms developed and applied for that purpose. Results of the intensity...

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  • Selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children

    In this article the procedure of selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children is proposed. Authors designed and conducted an experiment in which a group of 30 health volunteers (16 females and 14 males) were examined. Under controlled conditions people were exposed to a stressful situation caused by the picture or sound (1kHz constant sound, which was gradually...

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  • Rough Set Based Modeling and Visualization of the Acoustic Field Around the Human Head


    The presented research aims at modeling acoustical wave propagation phenomena by applying rough set theory in a novel manner. In a typical listening environment sound intensity is determined by numerous factors: a distance from a sound source, signal levels and frequencies, obstacles’ locations and sizes. Contrarily, a free-field is characterized by direct, unimpeded propagation of the acoustical waves. The proposed approach is...

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  • Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface

    With a digital audio workstation, in contrast to the traditional mouse-keyboard computer interface, hand gestures can be used to mix audio with eyes closed. Mixing with a visual representation of audio parameters during experiments led to broadening the panorama and a more intensive use of shelving equalizers. Listening tests proved that the use of hand gestures produces mixes that are aesthetically as good as those obtained using...

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  • The study of acoustic climate of the Southern Baltic

    This paper presents the statistical characteristics of seawater properties, which are necessary for predicting the propagation of acoustic waves in selected areas of the Baltic Sea. The statistics were elaborated based on long-term measurements of vertical distributions of sound speed, temperature, and salinity, and the nonlinearity parameter B/A. Nonlinear properties of the environment are considered, in connection...

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  • Nonlinear Interaction of Modes in a Planar Flow of a Gas with Viscous and Thermal Attenuation


    The nonlinear interaction of wave and non-wave modes in a gas planar flow are considered. Attention is mainly paid to the case when one sound mode is dominant and excites the counter-propagating sound mode and the entropy mode. The modes are determined by links between perturbations of pressure, density, and fluid velocity. This definition follows from the linear conservation equations in the differential form and thermodynamic...

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  • Air journal bearing utilizing near-field acoustic levitation: stationary shaft case

    Results of a study to examine a unique idea of self-levitating journal bearing are presented in this paper. the idea represents a radical departure from the current bearing technology. it utilisesacoustic levitation, which relies on the sound energy radiated by an object supporting a load. acoustic levitation has been demonstrated to support loads of up to 10 kg. in order to support a load theacoustic wave emitted by the radiating...

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  • Temperature influence on tyre/road noise frequency spectra


    The correction for temperature effect on measured tyre/road noise is very important as it may be one of the main sources of errors in measurement results due to substantial influence of this parameter on obtained values. The latest version of the Technical Specification ISO/CD TS 13471-1 about Temperature Corrections contains a proposal of correction procedure for normalizing measured noise levels to a reference air temperature...

  • Nonlinear properties of the Gotland Deep – Baltic Sea

    The properties of the nonlinear phenomenon in water, including sea water, have been well known for many decades. The feature of the non homogeneous distribution of the speed of sound along the depth of the sea is very interesting from the physical and technical point of view. It is important especially in the observation of underwater area by means of acoustical method ( Grelowska et al ., 2013; 2014). The observation of the underwater...

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    - Rok 2013

    The paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...

  • Chladni and circular saw disc vibrations visualisation


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper are described some methods for saw disc vibration monitoring in march of time (chronology). Ernst Chaldni, the father of sound visualisation and his patternsis are mentioned. In the last partof article are introduced results received with authors measuring systems.

  • An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats

    • M. Jankowski
    • A. Polterovich
    • A. Kazakov
    • J. Niediek
    • I. Nelken

    - BMC BIOLOGY - Rok 2023

    Background Behavior consists of the interaction between an organism and its environment, and is controlled by the brain. Brain activity varies at sub-second time scales, but behavioral measures are usually coarse (often consisting of only binary trial outcomes). Results To overcome this mismatch, we developed the Rat Interactive Foraging Facility (RIFF): a programmable interactive arena for freely moving rats with multiple feeding...

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  • Retrospecting Polish Audio Engineering Society Membership on 20th Anniversary of the Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2011

    In this article some key events concerning founding Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society were presented. In addition, the history covering International Symposia on Sound Engineering and Mastering was outlined. Also, papers contained in this issue were shortly reviewed.

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  • Editor's note and 2018 reviewers

    Przedmiotem pracy jest odniesienie do prac opublikowanych w 2018 roku, jak również do serii artykułów w ramach specjalnego wydania: Special Issue on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Interaction Using Semantic Audio.

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  • A system for acoustic field measurement employing cartesian robot

    A system setup for measurements of acoustic field, together with the results of 3D visualisations of acoustic energy flow are presented in the paper. Spatial sampling of the field is performed by a Cartesian robot. Automatization of the measurement process is achieved with the use of a specialized control system. The method is based on measuring the sound pressure (scalar) and particle velocity (vector) quantities. The aim of the...

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  • Pursuing Listeners’ Perceptual Response in Audio-Visual Interactions - Headphones vs Loudspeakers: A Case Study


    This study investigates listeners’ perceptual responses in audio-visual interactions concerning binaural spatial audio. Audio stimuli are coupled with or without visual cues to the listeners. The subjective test participants are tasked to indicate the direction of the incoming sound while listening to the audio stimulus via loudspeakers or headphones with the head-related transfer function (HRTF) plugin. First, the methodology...

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  • Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region

    The article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...

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  • Study of preference for surround microphone techniques, used in the recording of choir and instrumental ensemble


    The aim of this paper is to describe the process of choosing the best surround microphone technique for recording of choir with an instrumental ensemble. First, examples of multichannel microphone techniques including those used in the recording are described. Then, the assumptions and details of music recording in Radio Gdansk Studio are provided as well as the process of mixing of the multichannel recording. The extensive subjective...

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  • Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region


    The article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deepbased on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in thescientific literature.The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea asBaltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial....

  • Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors

    A method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...

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  • Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system


    - Rok 2006

    Background The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...

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  • Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system


    Background The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...

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  • Interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic mode in bubbly liquid


    The nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is the subject of investigation. Thedynamic equation governing an excess density of the entropy mode is derived. Nonlinearity and dispersion are the reasons forexcitation of the entropy mode. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered.Some numerical examples of the modes interactions are made.

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  • Automatic Rhythm Retrieval from Musical Files


    - Rok 2008

    This paper presents a comparison of the effectiveness of two computational intelligence approaches applied to the task of retrieving rhythmic structure from musical files. The method proposed by the authors of this paper generates rhythmic levels first, and then uses these levels to compose rhythmic hypotheses. Three phases: creating periods, creating simplified hypotheses and creating full hypotheses are examined within this study....

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  • Application of non-classical operational calculus to indicate hazards in numerical solutions of engineering problems

    The article addresses the application of non- classical operational calculus to approximative solutions of engineering problems. The engineering-sound examples show that a continuous–discrete problem transformation from differential unequivocal problem to a differential wildcard problem, triggering a change in solution quality. A number of approximative methods are capable to alter both quantitative and qualitative...

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